The Portadown Weekly News
and County Armagh Advertiser.

June 4, 1859
Portadown, county Armagh

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   CAUTION TO THOSE WHO KEEP LUCIFER MATCHES.--A fire, which might have been attended with serious consequences if it had not been early observed, occurred on Wednesday night, at the house of Mr. M'Connell, grocer, Markethill, in the County Armagh. It would appear to have originated in a quantity of lucifer matches which he kept for sale, and had been lying in the window the day previous, exposed to the heat of the sun. Whether by spontaneous ignition, or having been pressed by a cat or a dog in the shop, it is difficult to say ; but they took fire about eleven o'clock at night, and had burned some papers and other trifling matters, when Mr. M'Connell was attracted to the shop by the sulphurous smell, and fortunately in time to prevent any serious damage.


   ST. MARK'S CHURCH.--APPOINTMENT.--The Rev. Mr. Fitzgerald, curate of Moneymore has been appointed to the above church, vacant by Mr. Crawfords' [sic] removal, which we noticed a few weeks ago.


   PUBLIC READING--DICKENS' CHRISTMAS CAROL.--At the request of the Committee of Banbridge Library and Literary Society, D. Leonard, Esq., Solicitor, delivered a public reading of Dickens' celebrated story of a "Christmas Carol," in the Town Hall, Banbridge, on Wednesday evening last. J. H. Loftie, Esq., J.P., occupied the chair. The attendance was large and highly respectable, and during the reading of the story testified their approbation of the abilities of the learned gentleman by frequent bursts of applause. The character of "Scruge" was admirably rendered, and the Christmas dinner at "Crachet's" was all but a reality. At the conclusion of the reading a vote of thanks to Mr. Leonard was proposed by S. Hill, Esq., and seconded by P. M'Intosh, Esq. Mr. Loftie was then moved from the chair, and J. Johnston, Esq., having been called thereto, the thanks of the meeting were tendered to Mr. Loftie, after which the meeting separated.  


   Yesterday, a public meeting of the landed proprietors in the Counties of Armagh, Antrim, Derry, Tyrone, and Down, affected by the drainage works, was held in the Grand Jury room of the County Courthouse, pursuant to a notice issued by the Board of Works, for the purpose of appointing trustees to maintain the works erected by the Commissioners. The attendance was very large. Amongst those present were--Lord Lurgan, Lord Massereene, Rev. A. H. Pakenham, J.P. ; Peter Quinn, M.P. ; John Cromie, D.L. ; Colonel Close, D.L. ; Major Scott, D.L. ; Major Greer, D.L. ; James Harden, D.L. ; J. R. Miller, J.P. ; John Hancock, J.P.; William Wann, J.P.; Wm. Verner, J.P., Churchill ; George Ensor, J.P. ; James Gunning, J.P.; William Olpherts, J.P.; Wm. Langtry, J.P.; ----- Boyle, J.P.; Thomas A. Shillington, J.P.; Joseph Atkinson, J.P.; Charles Magee, J.P.; J. G. Winder, J.P. ; Major Waring, J.P. ; the Very Rev. Dean Stannus, Walter, T. Stannus, J.P.; Venerable Arch- deacon Saurin, Henry Anderson, J.P.; Major H. S. M'Clintock, J.P.; Francis Fforde, J. T. Noble, Wm. Hardy, J. O. Woodhouse, J.P. ; R. H. Dolling, J.P.; David R. Goodlatte, Edward Atkinson, John Richardson, James D. Richardson, Ralph Obre, Samuel Knox, W. J. Clarke, R. Lloyd, John Birney, Robert Moore, R. Fforde, B. T. Baltour, C. Gaussen, John J. Marley, John Watson, David W. Irwin, Robert Atkinson, John Joyce, John O'Neill, &c.
    On the motion of the Very Rev. Dean Stannus, the Right Hon. Lord Lurgan was called to the chair.
   The following were then nominated as trustees-- For the County Antrim--Rev. A. H. Pakenham, John Cromie, Esq., Major H. S. M'Clintock, Walter T. Stannus, and Lord Massereene. For County Armagh --Lord Lurgan, Wm. Verner, Esq., F. Fforde, Esq., J. T. Noble, Esq., Woolsey Atkinson, Esq., William Hardy, Esq., D. R. Goodlatte, Esq., J. O. Woodhouse, Esq. For County Derry--Captain Dawson, M.P., Henry Anderson, Esq., Andrew Spottswood, Esq., R. H. Dolling, Esq., Sir H. Bruce, and John O'Neill, Esq. For County Tyrone--James Gunning, Esq., and James Greer Nicholson.
    It was agreed that the noblemen and gentlemen representing the several counties should retire separately to recommend from amongst the nominated the gentlemen to be elected, with the understanding that this recommendation should be confirmed by the general meeting, and this having been done, the following were recommended and accordingly declared elected :--County Antrim--John Cromie, Esq., W. T. Stannus, Esq., Major M'Clintock, and Rev. A. H. Pakenham. County Tyrone--James Gunning, Esq., and J. G. Richardson, Esq. County Derry--Captain Dawson, M.P., Henry Anderson, Esq., and A. Spottswood, Esq. County Armagh--Lord Lurgan, William Verner, Esq., Wm. Hardy, Esq., J. T. Noble, Esq., Francis Fforde, Esq., and R. D. Goodlatte, Esq.
    A vote of thanks to the Chairman terminated the proceedings. The trustees subsequently held their first meeting in the Grand Jury room.--Belfast News Letter.


   June 1, at St. Peter's Church, Dublin, by the Rev. H. R. Halahan, A.M., assisted by the Rev. Eugene O'Meara, A.M., John Brett Johnston, Esq., youngest son of the late John Brett Johnston, Esq., of Ballykilbeg House, County Down, to Elizabeth Jane, eldest daughter of the late Wm. Paine, Esq., M.D., of Rathvilly, County Carlow.


   May 28, at Belfast, of typhus fever, John, eldest son of Mr. William Hunter, Mullabrack, Gilford, aged 28 years.
   May 29, at Ballymena, Mark Wesley, only son of the Rev. Francis Morrow, Wesleyan Minister, aged 5-1/2 years.
   May 28, at Newry, John Levingston Flanigan, eldest son of Mr. Joseph Gordon, aged two years.
   May 20, Samuel Corrigan, Esq., of Derryscollop, aged 72 years; and, on the day following, John Corrigan, Esq., of Dobbin-street, Armagh, his only brother, aged 67 years.


    We regret to state that another instance of the above has occurred on his Grace's estate. The house lately occupied by Edward Lavery, in Killvergan (about whose case so much has been said), was burned to the ground on Thursday morning last.
    We have heard that a man named John Williamson had taken Lavery's farms, and was to have got possession next week.
    Where will such things end? Surely something ought to be done.


   A gentleman (!) calling himself "James Crothers"  writes us an extensive epistle, covering three  pages, to state that "no such a case" (what elegant diction !) was tried at the last Petty Sessions, as a man for selling spirits without license. Now while we are very thankful for  any suggestions or corrections given in a  friendly spirit, we will not submit to such a lot of balderdash and bad grammar, as contained  in "James Crothers'" letter. Before he writes  of "being slanderously and publicly exhibited,"  he should first learn to keep himself quiet, and  not annoy us to with his letters or visits, as we  will not submit to any impertinence, and keep  a "rod in a pickle" for all who may require it,  and for whom a hint is not enough.
   "R."--No, we do not believe it. William Matchett is one that does his duty faithfully and fearlessly, and he ought to be supported.


   Mr. Thomas Shillington, of the firm Messrs. T. A. Shillington and Son, has been appointed a Master Extraordinary in the Irish Court of Chancery, for taking affidavits in this town and neighbourhood.


   On Friday evening, 27th May, the Moy and Charlemont Band of Hope Total Abstinence Society held its third public meeting. E. D. Atkinson, Esq., of Tandragee, delivered a most interesting address on the evils of intemperance, of which his experience as coroner for the southern division of County Armagh furnishes him with numerous and melancholy examples. Several names were received at the close ; the number of members at present amounting to upwards of 100.--Communicated.


   AMATEUR BAND.--The Portadown Amateur Band played on the river last evening several excellent airs and displayed considerable taste and execution. We wish every success to this band and hope that the members will persevere in such a pleasing and delightful amusement.


   MR. WHAITE'S PHOTOGRAPHIC ROOMS.-- We regret to hear that those rooms are about to be closed, the proprietor not finding it sufficiently remunerative to remain longer than a few days.-- The specimens of Mr. Whaite's skill are really excellent, and the very moderate prices he charges ought to command for him an extensive patronage. We hope those of our friends who have not yet visited Mr. W. will do so, resting assured they will be perfectly satisfied with his taste and proficiency. (See Advertisement.)


Submitted by ajk.

Bibliographical Reference:  The Portadown Weekly News, and County Armagh Advertiser, printed and published 4 June 1859 by John H. Farrell, at his office, 44, High-street, Portadown. Transcribed by Alison Kilpatrick, and posted to the IrelandOldNews web site, by permission of the British Library.

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