Published in Cavan, county Cavan
July 3, 1851
FATAL ACCIDENT--On Wednesday se'nnight, Mr. James O'REILLY, a most respectable farmer, residing at Campstown, aged over 79 years, met with an accident which proved fatal. His servant boy delayed arriving in time with a load of turf, and having met him in the avenue leading to his residence he laid hold of the reins of the horse when the britchen having broken the cart was propelled by the declivity to roll over him, which injured him so much, that notwithstanding the medical attendance of Dr. Thos. HORAN, which was promptlyobtained he died at 11 o'clock Sunday morning last.
On Tuesday night last as Mr. George GRAHAM, of Virginia, was retiring to bed, he discovered a fire in one of his out-offices. On arriving at the spot he found that the lightning which at the time was most frightful, had ignited some straw insid by means of the electric fluid coming in contact with some iron that was convenient. Mr. GRAHAM succeeded in getting the fire quenched before much harm was done.
CORONER'S INQUEST--On Saturday last John M'FADDEN, Esq., M.D., held an inquest at Drumbr(?) on the body of a boy named BUCKLEY. Some of the witnesses examined stated that the boy was seen bathing in the lake on the day before. Dr. ATKIN, of Ballyhaise, having examined the body, stated that the boy was suffocated in the water and that some time previous he was put under his care at the Ballyhaise dispensary, being subject to apoplexy. Verdict--Death by drowning.
June 30, in this town, at her residence, Market square, Catherine, the beloved wife of William HAGUE, Esq., jun. Architect, after giving birth to a son. Mrs. Hague is deeply and deservedly regretted by a large circle of friends.
June 25th, aged 21 years, Sara Matilda, the eldest and beloved daughter of Mr. Charles A. KELLY, of St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin. Beloved and respected by all who knew her she calmly fell asleep relying on the finished atonement of her Saviour and her God.
On Tuesday Mrs. DUNDAS, wife to Captain Dundas, agent to Lord Castlemaine, was burned to death in her dressing room, at her residence near Athlone. The unfortunate lady had by some accident, fallen into the fire, and her head was almost consumed before any of the family had become aware of the catastrophe.
July 10, 1851
July 6, at Drumheel, the lady of Wm. SMITH, Esq., J.P., of 1 son.
June 30, at Killinkere, Ballieboro, the lady of the Rev. Edward MOORE, of a son, still-born.
June 2, at Halifax, Nova Scotia, the lady of Lieutenant-Colonel Sir John CAMPBELL, Bart., 38th Regt. Of Foot, of a daughter.
July, 2, in London, Lady NAAS, of a son and heir. At Corineen, county Cavan, a few days since, Mrs. Patrick SMITH of a son.
June 25, in Dunleek Church, by the father of the bride, Nicholas, third son of Nicholas EVANS, Esq., of Lough Park, county of Westmeath, to Louisa HOLDEN, eldest daughter of the Rev. Edward BATY, of Dunleek House, county of Meath.
At Newark, John son of Edward Gilling HALLEWELL, Esq., M.P., of the Royal Crescent, Cheltenham, to Eliza Catherine, daughter of W. BRODHURST, of the Friary, Newark.
On Sunday, the 6th inst., at Emyville, Newry, after a protracted illness Isabella Barclay, wife of George HENDERSON, Esq., Editor of The Newry Telegraph, and daughter of the late Alexander WILLIAMSON, Esq., Lambeg. Her remains were intered at the family burying-ground, Lamberg.
June 24, at Birkenhead, Cheshire, Elizabeth, eldest surviving daughter, of the late Thomas HANDCOCK, M.D., of Lisburn, county Antrim.
June 26, at Rockby Lodge, Thomas HAMILTON, Esq., R.M.., Inspecting Commander of the Coast Guard at Sligo.
LUNACY IN IRELAND. - It appears by the fifth general report on the district criminal and private lunatic asylums in Ireland, just presented to parliament, that there are in that country, 15,000 persons affected, to a greater or less degree, with lunacy. They are distributed in the following manner: - In public and local asylums, 2,913; in gaols, committed as dangerous, 280; in central asylums, 91; in poorhouses 2,398; in private asylums, 436; abroad, unprovided for in public institutions, but some supported by their friends, 8,935. The total cost of maintenance to the country of the destitute insane has progressively declined for the last four years. In 1847, it amounted to £46,736, 16s. 11d.; in 1848, £42,491, 12s. 8d.; in 1849, £40,956, 17s.; and in 1850, £37,252.11s. The average number of out-patients being the same, 2,730. - Atlas.
REGIMENTS FOR FOREIGN SERVICE. - The following regiments of infantry, stationed in Ireland, are first on the roster for foreign service, viz.: - 40th (second battalion); 1st (the Royals), 43d Light Infantry, 57th, 31st, 71st Highland Light Infantry (first battalion); 89th, 39th, 14th, 9th, 62d, 17th, 52d, Light Infantry; 63d, 81st, 35th, 27th, and 90th Light Infantry.
NEW POTATOES. - Mr. James M'GAURAN, o the Globe Hotel, Cavan, sold this day a cart load of Cork reds, at 1s. per stone. We never saw larger or better looking potatoes at this season of the year.
July 17, 1851
CAVAN ASSIZES - Wednesday, July 16, 1851.
At ten o'clock this morning (Wednesday, the following gentlemen were sworn on the Grand Jury by the Clerk of the Crown, Samuel SWANZY, Esq., before the High Sheriff, W. BEVAN, Slator, Esq.:-
- Sir John YOUNG, Bart, M.P., Baillieborough Castle, Foreman
- Hon. R. S. MAXWELL, D.L., Ardley Cottage
- W. HUMPHRYS, Esq., J.P., D.L. Baillyhaise Castle
- T. L. CLEMENTS, Esq., J.P., Rathkenny, Cootehill
- James HAMILTON, Esq., J.P., Castle Hamilton
- Richard FOX, Esq., Aubawn
- George Henry L'ETRANGE, Esq., Liisnamandra
- John E. VERNON, Esq., .J. P., Castle Causby
- Abraham BRUSH, Esq., J.P., Drumbar Lodge
- Joseph DICKSON, Esq., Baillieborough
- Henry SARGENT, Esq., J.P., Eighter, Virginia
- Wm. A. MOORE, Esq., J.P. Arnmore Lodge
- James FAY, Esq., Cavan
- M. PHILLIPS, Esq., J.P., Glenview, Belturbet
- John LITTON, Esq., Lanesborough Lodge
- Robert John CUMMING, Esq., Crover
- William TATLOW, Esq., Lismore Castle
- R. Smith DICKSON, Esq., Bailieborough
- John GUMLEY, Esq., Belturbet
- E. MacINTOSH, Esq., Cootehill
The High Sheriff expressed his regret that a larger attendance of grand jurors could not be had out of such a large county as Cavan. It was a matter frequently commented on by the going judges of the assize, particularly by the judges who are to preside in this court - viz., Justices TORRENS and CRAMPTON, who are continually urging on the High Sheriff in office the necessity of procuring a full attendance. For the present Commission nearly 100 summonses were issued, and he (the High Sheriff) thought it too bad that out of that number only twenty gentlemen would be had to attend. If the High Sheriff would strike a fine of £20 on each juror not in attendance, and the judge to enforce it, he (the Sheriff) felt satisfied that the grand jury attendance now would be something like what it was twenty years ago, when forty jurors could be counted round the table and not twenty as the case is to-day.
The grand jury after having been sworn proceeded to consider the presentments.
Mr. MASTERSON read a petition praying the Grand Jury to make a reduction in the county cess, as it was on the increase compared with other years. The petition also prayed for a reduction to be made in the expense of maintaining prisoners. It was stated in the petition that paupers in the workhouse could be maintained cheaper than the prisoners in gaol.
Sir John Young, in answer said that that was the case all over the united kingdom. It was ascertained on good authority that prisoners confined in gaols throughout the kingdom could not be maintained as cheap as in workhouses.
The Grand Jury were occupied the remainder of the day with presentments for the different baronies, officers' salaries, jails, bridewells, roads, bridges, rent for court houses, &c. , which were of little public interest. Very little opposition was offered to the passing of the presentments.
Several contractors, finding themselves unable to perform their contracts for the sum they proposed for at the road sessions, sequested to have their contract broke and discontinued. The Grand Jury refused to comply with their request.
Grand Jury. - The Hon. H. King HARMAN, foreman; John SHULDHAM, George Lefroy Willoughby BOND, Thomas N. EDGEWORTH, Henry MUSTRS, William Shirley BALL, Edward LEDWITH, Thomas HUSSEY, John L. O'FARRELL, John THOMPSON, George FEARON, Eusabius KIRWAN, Arthur J. KINGSTON, William LEWIS, Ambrose BOLE, Richad W. BOND, Ralph A. DOPPING, Philip O'REILLY, William WEBB, John CRAWFORD, George Evers, and James ROCK, Esqrs.
LOUTH ASSIZES. Grand Jury. - Thomas FORTESCUE, Esq., foreman; Sir John Stephen ROBINSON, Bart.; Elward TIPPING, Chichester FORTES, m.p., William FILGATE, Thomas Lee NORMAN, Richard MACAN, Wm. RUXTON, John M'CLINTOCK, jun. Francis DONAGH, Myles William O'REILLY, John MURPHY, John WOOLSEY, Sir John MACNEILL, Knt., Thomas William FILGATE, Michael CARAHER, Alexander LEE, John James BIGGER, John TOWNLY, Alexander HENRY, and George HARPUR, Esqrs.
MEATH ASSIZES. Trim, Tuesday. - The Right Hon. the Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas opened the commission this day at eleven o'clock, attended by the High Sherriff (sic), Hans H. Woods, Esq. The following gentlemen were sworn on the Grand Jury - Michael THUNDER, Esq., foreman; Sir Arthur DILLON, William B. WADE, James Noble WALLER, Robert FOWLER, Richard ROTHWELL, Samuel WINTER, Henry B. CODRINGTON, Edward ROTHERHAM, William M. BLACKBURNE, Gustaus LAMBART, Samuel GARNETT, Richard CHALLONER, Alexander MONTGOMERY, George ROMFORD, Robert F. RYND, and Patrick H. Cruise, Esqrs.
Crown Court. - There are twenty-three prisoners for trial; amongst them are two very serious cases, one a Roman Catholic priest stands charged with having used threatning (sic) language to a witness for the purpose of deterring him from giving evidence in a murder case; in the other, the prisoner stands charged with having murdered a young lad under circumstances of great atrocity. It is expected that the entire business both civil, and criminal, will not have terminated before a late hour to-morrow.
The Post-office authorities are going a-head backwards in Tipperary. A letter from Clonmel to Mullinahone, a distance of twelve miles takes two days to reach its destination! How the d___l do they mange to delay it?
During the intense heat one day recently, a puncheon of whiskey exploded at a door in Enniscorthy. A child was burned to death by it, and the town was near being blown up.
July 10, at the Royal School, Cavan, the lady of the Rev. Wm. Prior MOORE, of a daughter!
In Farnham-street, Cavan, on the 16th instant, the lady of Wm. M. BLACK, Esq., of a son.
On the 10th inst., at Ruskey, county Monaghan, of brain fever, the Rev. James NEVEL, Minister of the Presbyterian Church, Scottsown, in the twenty-sixth year of his life.
On the 6th instant, to the inexpressible grief of his family, at Teplitz, in Bohemia, whither he had gone for the recovery of his health, William TEEVAN, Esq., of Bryanston-square, London, in the forty ninth year of his age.
On Tuesday, the 15th inst., in this town, Mr. Hugh FINNEGAN.
July 24, 1851
CROWN COURT - Saturday, July 19.
Judge Crampton sat this morning at 10 o'clock to dispose of a few apapeals.
William M'DONALD, plaintiff; Dr. DUNN, defendant.
This was an appeal from a decree granted in the court below, for the sum of £10, being the amount of one half year's rent due by defendant to the plaintiff for use and occupation of a house in Cootehill.
Mr. James ARMTRONG, solicitor, appeared for the plaintiff; Mr. MAJOR, Q.C., with Mr. Benjamin ARMSTRONG, solicitor, for the defendant.
Mr. Armstrong stated that Dr. Dunn held a house in Cootehill from the plaintiff for the past 13 or 14 years at a yearly rent of £20 10s., which he (the defendant) paid without interruption till the month of October when he first refused to pay the amount alleging that he was entitled to a back house which he claimed as part of his tenements and agreement. Mr. Armstrong produced several witnesses who swore that the defendant (Dr. Dunn) never claimed it till Mr. M'Donald, to oblige the defendant when his own cow-house was delapidated (sic), lent the defendant the house in question for a few weeks. Up to the year 1849 the house now in dispate was in the possession of Mr. JEBB and Mrs. CURRY, and during that time the defendant never set up a claim. Jane M'DONALD ____ (?) that there was a written agreement in the possession of the defendant which was not produced in court, and in that agreement there was no mention of the house now claimed.
Mr. Major, Q.C., stated in defence that the house was part of the tenement let to the defendant, and produced a few witnesses to prove that M'Donald made several acknowledgments to that effect, &c.;
His lordship said thathe was satisfied that the house in question was only lent to accommodate the defendant; that a written agreement was stated to be in the possession of the defendant which was not produced, that would place the question beyond dispute, he (his lordship) should therefore affirm the decree.
The court adjourned at 1 o'clock. His lordship remained in town till Monday, when he proceeded to Enniskillen.
Grand Jury. - William D'ARCY, foreman: George F. BROOKE, John GREY, Vesey PORTER, John BRYAN, Henry Mervyn RICHARDSON, John MADDEN, John RICHARDSON, Ffolliot (?) Warren BARTON, John C. BLOOMFIELD, John Gerard IRVINE, Nicholas Montgomery ARCHDALL, Anthony DENNY, Simon ARMSTRONG, Francis John GRAHAM, Alexander NIXON, Robert ARCHDALL, Henry Grey ARCHDALL, James CLARKE, John CROZIER, John Pierce HAMILTON, Henry ECHLIN, and George Paul WILLIS, Esqs.
PUBLIC MEETING IN THE ROYAL EXCHANGE. - Pursuant to a resolution adopted by the National Board for the Promotion of Irish Manufacture, a meeting of citizens was held in the Royal Exchange yesterday, "to consider plans for the encouragement of home industry, and to take steps to cooperate with those who are endeavouring to cause the establishment of an Irish transatlantic packet station." The meeting was most numerously and influentially attended, and the deepest interest was evinced in the import subjects for consideration. The Right. Hon., the Lord Mayor was called to the chair, and several practical speeches having been delivered, a series of resolutions was adopted, which shall appear in court next. - Evening Mail of last night.
We understand that Mr. James MORAN of Navan, the enterprising coach proprietor has become purchaser of the day Coaches running between Cavan, Killeshandra, and Mullingar. We wish Mr. Moran every success in his undertaking.
The marriage of Miss TALBOT, whose confinement in the convent at Taunton was so long a subject of public discussion, and Lord Edward HOWARD, the son of the Duke of Norfolk, was solemnized on Tuesday morning at the Roman Catholic Chapel in Warwick-street, Regent-street, before a large assemblage of members of the aristocracy and nobility.
On Monday, the 21st inst., of hemorrhage, in the 26th year of his age, Mr. Thomas CLIFFORD, Master of the Baillieborough Union Workhouse, deeply and deservedly regretted by a numerous circle of acquaintances and by the Board of Guardians under whom he filled the situation with zeal and efficiency.
At Bailleborough on Monday, the 21st inst., in the 26th year of her age, Anne, the beloved wife of Mr. Herbert SMYTH, of Bailieborough, respected and beloved by all who knew her.
July 22, in the Ulster Bank, Cavan, at the residence of his brother, Arthur Richard THOMPSON, Esq., aged 21 years.
July 31, 1851
(From a Correspondent)July 23rd, 1851
A case of considerable interest came on for hearing this day before the presiding magistrate Mr. NIXON.
The charge, which was one of obtaining money under false pretences, was brought by David PETRIE, sewing agent of the firm of Wallace and Co., of Glasgow, against Samuel BYERS, a late agent of the same firm. The facts of the case as deposed to by the witnesses, are these:--James WILSON, an agent of the Messrs. Wallace, residing in Ballyduff, received orders from his employers to send his collections of finished work to BYERS to Virginia, that they might be forwarded thence to Glasgow. His last remittance was a bag (produced) containing about one hundred pieces, on each of which were imprinted two marks, the first an indelible one, affixed originally in Glasgow before the goods were forwarded to Ireland, and the second in plain ink, denoting the price paid by WILSON to the country girls for the execution of the needle-work. During the time that this bag was in Byers's possession he had been very unexpectedly replaced by Petrie, an agent sent over from Glasgow, and commissioned to take up such work belonging to the firm as Byers had given out and paid for. This he accordingly proceeded to do, and received from Byers a considerable number of pieces amongst which he alleged were those in question. It appears also that the prices affixed to the pieces by Wilson in each case had been erased, and a higher amount substituted, which amount Petrie swore Byers received from him.
The Plaintiff, Petrie, who was not represented by attorney, rested his case on the identity which he and the witness Wilson fully established between the pieces received by Byers and those paid for by himself.
The defence set up by Mr. HARMAN was, that the delivery of the parcel to Byers had not been proved, and that the evidence adduced did not sustain the charge of false pretences.
The magistrate, however, very properly overlooked the legal informalities of the case and bound over Wilson and Petrie in sums of £20 each to prosecute at the next quarter sessions.
[We may here take the opportunity of remarking that the sprigging system, when carried on by young men exhibits in almost every direction many deplorable results. This journal has already recorded instances of a gross abuse of the discretionary power which the agents possess with regard to the remuneration of the poor working females. In Virginia, however, the most respectable can testify to the growth of a more lamentable evil--the frequent corruption of these poor creatures in whose breasts stern want has left but a feeble flickering of virtue. That town has latterly been blessed by a set of heartless "roués" of this class whose cruel extortations were made to furnish the means of extravagance and licentiousness. Their leader, a fellow of the name of _______ eloped lately with a short career of the most audacious vice, deeply involved with his employers and owing considerable sums to all on whom he succeeded in imposing. Such instances may, however, have the good effect of teaching Messrs. Robinson and Wallace the propriety of appointing females, or at least married men as their agents.]
MELANCHOLY AND FATAL ACCIDENT--At about 7 o'clock on last Tuesday evening a fine young man, between nineteen and twenty years of age, of the name of Michael M'CABE--the mainstay and support of a widowed mother--met with his death in a sandpit in the townland of Killykelty within 15 perches of the old "Stand-house" of the Race-cource of Cootehill, so celebrated in the racing calendar, and village minstreisy; in the following manner:--Mary M'CABE, the mother of the deceased, holds a small farm at the place mentioned under R. Coote, Esq., upon which there is a sand-bank that has been worked for some years past with considerable profit, but very dangerous, as it has been excavated underneath, leaving a shelving bank forowning in a very threatening manner overhead; notwithstanding which, and that his younger brother had been seriously injured by the falling of a portion of it some 10 or 12 months ago--which will occasion lameness during life--this young man, with the reckless temerity which is one of the characteristics of youth, continued to excavate further under this bank, and whilst so employed raising sand thereat, at the time before stated--another portion of the overhanging bank gave way, or slipped, in consequence of the recent rain, falling on and burying him to a considerable depth underneath, and when dug out, life was extinct! An inquest will be held on the body this day. It is a remarkable coincidence that some five or ten minutes before the accident occurred, deceased was requested by a neighbour to leave that dangerous place--an indented whole in which he was delving--and stop work as it was then time to do so, to which he made the following prophetic reply.--"This is the last load I'll ever fill in it," verifying the old proverb that "In life we are in death." This ill-starred young man's passage to America was paid for by an uncle of his who is located in the state of Illinois, and was to have proceed hence on Friday last; but was prevented from going by his now disconsolate parent, who entreated him to remain with her for another fortnight.
Judge BALL took his seat on the Bench in the Record Court at half-past ten o'clock on Saturday last when the following appeal was tried:--
This was an action of trespass, arising out of the forcible entry, by the defendants in to the Market-House of Clones, on the 1st of April and 6th of June in the present year. The Market-house, or a portion hereof, according to the declaration filted(sic), was then in possession of the plaintiff. A special jury had been struck to try this case; some of the gentlemen who had been summoned were engaged upon the business of the Grand Jury when the case was called, the attorney for the plaintiff (Mr. William MOORE) was necessitated to pray a "tules". Finally, the following gentlemen were sworn in, two of whom having answered their names, in the calling over of the common panel:--J. H. BOYLE, Edward GOLDING, Henry M'MATH, John GOWDY, Henry MITCHELL, Henry ROGERS, J. C. M'ADAM, Thomas STOPFORD, Jason CRAWFORD, John FAWCETT, James M'CULLAGH, and Edward FIDDES, Esqrs.
Mr. John PERRIN opened the pleadings. It was an action for trespass taken at the suit of Mr. John M'MAHON; and the declaration set forth that the defendants had broken in upon a certain close, demised to the plaintiff, and removed, taken away, and applied to their own use, certain articles of furniture, the property of the plaintiff in the town of Clones, on the morning of the 6th of June last. The pleadings were voluminous setting forth in technical terms, the offence complained of. The replies were also special (as well as one of the several issues), and the replication very full. Damages were laid at £1,000.
Mr. WHITESIDE, Q.C., stated the case for the plaintiff in an eloquent speech, after which several witnesses were examined, and the plaintiff's case closed.
Mr. NAPIER, Q.C., addressed the court and jury at considerable length for the defendants. Three witnesses were produced and examined, after which
Mr. O'HAGAN spoke to evidence on the part of the plaintiff, and his lordship proceeded to sum up the evidence; he went over the whole of it with great care, dwelling, particularly upon such portions of it as were perfectly relevant to the issue; the latter were two: first, whether or not Sir Thomas LEONARD was on the 6th of June last in actual occupation of the premises set forth in the declaration; and secondly supposing him to have been in legal possession, whether the defendants had acted under his authority. If they found for the plaintiff on these issues, the only other consideration they would have to engage them, would be the amount of damages. In actions of this kind generally, where it was sought to try a right, it was usually deemed sufficient to find nominal damages, but the jury would bear in mind the circumstances under which the trespass was committed, the time and the amount of violence used.
The jury then retired; some notes of objections were handed in by the counsel on both sides, and the court rose. In about an hour, the jury returned into court with a verdict for the plaintiff. Damages £25, and sixpence costs.
Counsel for Plaintiff--Messrs. WHITESIDE, Q.C., O'HAGAN, Q.C., and PERIN.
Agent.--Mr. Wm. MOORE, Clones.
Counsel for Defendants--Messrs. NAPIER, Q.C., JOY, Q.C., VANCE, Ross MOORE, and ELLIS.
Agent--Mr. Nicholas ELLIS.
On the 23rd inst., at Exeter, the lady of Edward MAITLAND, Esq., of Montreal, Canada, of a daughter.
MARRIED.--July 24, in Ballyjamesduff, by the Rev. John GAFFNEY, Mr. Bernard GAFFNEY, P.L.G., of Crumlie, to Bridget, daughter of the late Michael MURRAY, Esq.
ENCUMBERED ESTATES COURT--LOCAL SALES.--On Thursday last Mr. John HOLMES sold in Clones the estate of Mary Elizabeth MOOREHEAD and Margaret DROPE, in the townlands of Sandhills and Drumhillagh, situated in county Monaghan, Errigle, situated near Cootehill, county Cavan; on the latter there a handsome residence;...The biddings were opened by Mr. Thomas FAY, of Cootehill, and were carried on with great spirit, between Messrs. John BOYLE, Cabra, S. MOOREHEAD, Clones, Joseph GRIFFITH, Cootehill, and W. CHEATER, Dublin. Mr. MO
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