Published in Cavan, county Cavan
September 1,
On the 28th August, by special license, in the middle chapel (Cootehill), by the Rev. Terence Brady, C.C., of Drumgoon, Cecilia M'Nally, third daughter of Mr. John M'Nally, grocer and baker, Cootehill, to Mr. Peter Keirnan, Merchant, Clones.DIED.
On Monday, the 30th ult, at the residence of Miss Jane Burrowes, Farnham-street, in this town, Miss Thompson, deeply regretted.
September 8, 1853
SATURDAY, AUGUST 27,Before John VEEVERS, Esq., R.M., Bailieborough, in the first instance, solus, but he was subsequently joined by Eyre COOTE, Esq.
James TRAYNOR v. John M'GLADE, Shoemaker, Andrew CLARKE, labourer, Susan FLOODY, and Richard John MAGEE.
They were arraigned, for having on the night of Friday, 5th August, (the three latter having been in custody ever since, in consequence of Surgeon James SHARP, the medical attendant of the district, having certified that the complainant's life was in imminent danger) assaulted him, complainant, by striking him a violent blow with a stone on the forehead, which caused a concussion of the brain. The complainant stated on being sworn, that he did charge the defendant, MAGEE, with having struck him with a stone, which caused his so serious illness, but he found that he was quite mistaken, and that he had no recollection or knew no more of the matter, therefore MAGEE after a serious caution from the intelligent magistrate (Mr. VEEVERS), was discharged ; and Andrew CLARKE, and John M'GLADE were upon the evidence of said Susan FLOODY, (who, under a wrong impression of the case, was admitted as an approver), Edward GREENAN, and George SHEILS, convicted and sentenced to pay a fine of £4 and costs, or be imprisoned for two months each at hard labour, his worship (Mr. VEEVERS) stating at same time that he regretted much that the legislature did not empower him as a magistrate, to inflict a longer time of imprisonment, as the offence was of a very serious nature -- the Italian spirrhi mode of assassinating, or attempting to assasinate(sic), innocent and inoffensive parties on the public streets without cause or motive for so doing ; and that such a system should be put down with the strong arm of the law, and that the punishment to be inflicted upon the parties convicted was not done, so much to punish them as to deter other persons from the perpetration of similar offences ; and, he hoped for the credit of the constabulary force in this country that they would make or at least endeavour to make the parties convicted of this heinous offence amenable to the law, as the warrant for their apprehension should remain in force until rescinded by a court of competent jurisdiction.
Our Reporter informs us that the real facts of the case are as follows, although they were not proved in evidence before the court : -- The complainant, who, it was evident, had made up his mind to prosecute, and if the matter depended upon him there would have been no conviction, had a cart and horse (he being a carrier), laden with butter, and about to proceed with same to Dundalk at about a 1/4 past 10 o'clock on the night in question, it being the market night of Cootehill, and whilst so engaged, Susan Floody accosted him, and he not acceding(sic) to her terms, an altercation ensued, when, in self-protection, he threatened to use a whip with which he was armed, whereupon she ran up the street, and procured the persons convicted, and others not amenable, to commit the deadly assault upon the complainant, and against whom she, to protect and save herself, because what is termed a stag or approver ; it is, therefore, to be hoped, that this fact will have a salutary effect upon others, not to be influenced by such wretches in the commission of offences of a similar nature in future.
James M;CAULEY, a blind Irish Harper, v. Michael KEONE
The defendant, a blacksmith, was convicted and sentenced to six weeks' imprisonment at hard labour, for having, on the 24th August, assaulted complainant, and broken his harp, in Cootehill. It appeared in evidence that the defendant was drunk, and requested the complainant to play some favourite tune of his, which he declined to do, whereupon he assaulted him and broke his harp, which he received from the Belfast Irish Harp Institution, in which he was taught as dark or blind pupil. The defendant was fined one pound for the assault and one pound for the injury done to the harp, with costs.
September 15, 1853
WESTERN RAILWAY.On Tuesday last, being the day appointed for turning the first end of the line of railway, which is to connect us with Dublin and the West, once could not go this side or that through the town of Cavan, that he had not the questions, "Are you going?" -- "How are you going?" -- "When will you be going?" -- put to him, and repeated again and again. The day being market-day, was rather inconveniently chosen, if it was wished that there should be a large concourse at the scene, but still every road and path leading to it was thronged with footmen and equestrians, and the more public ones were from noonday alive with the busy music of jaunting-cars, gigs, dog-carts, carriages, and other turns-out, all -- though differing widely from each other in the style of their construction and the station of those, whose conveyances they were -- now tending to the same immediate term -- the hill of Drumlaney. The hill in question is portion of a long low ridge hanging over the road which leads from Drumheel to Kilmore, and having for its valley an extensive low ground, part of which was in our young days a sweet lake, that gave variety to the landscape and many a trout and perch to the anglers, but is now a very forest of reeds, sedges, and bullrushes -- the poor fish having been in the economy of the day exterminated to make place, not for sheep-walks, but duck-covers. There too stands the brave old castle of Tunneymore, sullen and frowning, and deserted, as if a tale of love had never been told in it, nor sound of revelry, nor summons to war been heard within its walls. A German would say that the genius of the place was indignant(sic) ; and perhaps the reason that he feels so is, because we are slow to get published the history of the county in which the place over which he presides plays so distinguished a part. The country all around is beautifully diversified, and the hill itself wanted nothing of that greenness for which our country is everywhere so remarkable.
About two o'clock, Lord Farnham came upon the ground, and, as he passed along the road leading to it, his appearance was hailed with loud cheers by the lines of men who were ranged along it, all anxious to catch a glimpse of Mr. DARGAN. Now and again it was proclaimed "he is coming," and then, such excitement, such rushing, ending in such disappointment. Shortly after three o'clock, he was upon the hill, and how he got there is a mystery ; not a cheer was heard, not a rush was made, but the business of the day was about to be proceeded with - man thought without him - all ran to the scene of action, and there was he -
"Whose hand holds no sordid gripe of his gold,
Who for good of mankind did unlock it ;
Who for science and art thousands freely has told -
The man with the hand in his pocket !"
Lord Farnham first dug a small sod of earth, and, throwing it into a barrow that stood by him he wheeled it for half-a-dozen turns along a plank, and then flung it on the ground amid the most vociferous cheers. When one or two others had gone through the same form, Mr. ENNIS, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Midland Great Western Railway, seized the spade and went through his part like a man, and then came the cry from every side - Dargan - let us see Dargan. And they did see him ; and as he seized his spade, and dug his sod, and handled his barrow, he was cheered most lustily by the man, while ladies clapped their hands and waved their handkerchiefs.
This done, Lord Farnham addressed the multitude in a brief but really eloquent speech, which throughout was heartily applauded. His lordship congratulated the people upon the work which they had that day so happily inaugurated, for, he assured them, it was the precursor of brighter hopes and higher destinies to this county of Cavan. Happily, too, it was a work in which all could and would unite, pulling together in a strong and steady endeavour to ameliorate the condition of the poor, and to form in the more wealthy habits of energy and activity, and enterprise. He congratulated them on the appearance amongst them that day of a board of directors, whom he could not but look upon as harbingers of good tidings to the people of Cavan, and whose well known character for active, untiring energy, gave ample indication that the present work would be rapid in its progress and most successful in its issue. His lordship could not but congratulate the people of the county upon the dawning of a new era for Cavan ; nor could he fail to appreciate the honour which was conferred upon himself when he was chosen to commence the new work of peace and progress. Doubtless there were many present much worthier of the honour, and much more qualified to acknowledge it, but he would yield to no man in the strength and ardour of his desires for the prosperity of this county. Again he begged to return his warmest thanks for the honour that was done him, in being elected to fill the proud position which he then occupied, and to congratulate the country upon the work now commenced - a work great in itself, but vastly greater in its consequences to our commerce and agricultural wealth. His lordship retiring here was greeted with loud and long continued cheering.
The Rev. Francis SAUNDERSON next stood forward and said - that as his family had always worked and fought in the same cause with the MAXWELLS, he could not suffer the present occasion to pass without joining Lord Farnham in the congratulations which he had offered on the commencement of a great and glorious and providential work. Yes, a providential work, for all present were agreed that a superintending care was manifested in all the relations of this sub-lunary world, and who could doubt that there was a special manifestation in the present case, where there was question of hungry mouths to be fed, and naked backs to be clothed: There had been long struggling to bring about the event which the people had this day assembled to celebrate. He had sat many a day on Committee in London along with the distinguished chairman of the Midland Great Western Board of Directors (pointing to Mr. Ennis), when there appeared little hope that their efforts to obtain a railway for Cavan would be soon crowned with success. But the Lord lent his aid and we are here to-day in the beginning of a work which will give constant employment and high wages to the labouring classes in Cavan. Yes, continued the rev. gentleman, as I know there are many here to-day who will note what I say, and carry it home with them and circulate it among their friends. I repeat that you will have all plenty of work to do, and be thus prevented from going about from place to place, hatching mischief and treason. (Here there were some expressions of dis-approbation.) When I speak thus, I mean not to make any special charge, I but repeat what all the world has admitted, that idleness is the mother of mischief. Now, you will be busy all day, and when night comes, you will retire to your beds, that you may sleep off your fatigues and be ready to commence your work with renovated energy next morning. If Irishmen begin to work all will be well with them, for idleness ever was their bane. They alledged(sic) that they had not capital ; but this was an error, for they had plenty of capital. What is capital? Capital is not money ; here is my capital (pointing to his arm) ; here is my capital (pointing to his head) ; and who is not blessed with the capital of limbs or brain? The Farnham family and mine have been always banded together, and they have sometimes fought together - aye, and had triumphs together, but the evil was that there was some one defeated. Now, who is our enemy: This hill is our enemy - tie is our enemy - space is our enemy, and our contest is to be with this hill, time, and space, and over them will our triumph be. I must congratulate my Lord Farnham upon the honour - which I am confident he fully appreciates - that has been conferred upon him in his being called onto take the leading part in this most interesting and important movement ; and I do this, not because he is a nobleman - not because he is possessed of wealth and commanding influence in this county, but because he has merits as a man that entitle him to so proud a distinction. For who has done so much for mind as Lord Farnham has in Cavan? Witness that schoolhouse (pointing one out) and the innumerable others which you will find scattered everywhere through the country. The Farnham family have been always the approved friends of the people of this country, and they upon their parts have never failed to acknowledge this, and I trust these feelings will never change. I have not done yet, for there is another (pointing out and beckoning forward Mr. Dargan) there is another that you are all glad to see in Cavan. I do not know what to call him ; he is a most wonderful man ; he does work cheaply, and yet his labourers are always satisfied ; but I need not trouble myself to say much about him, for what Irishman knows not, and is not proud of the name of Dargan? There he is for you ; and his presence is surely quite enough to inspire you with confidence that the work, which he has the direction of, will be effectually and expeditiously accomplished. Let us all second, so far as we can, his efforts ; let us, with a hearty good will, join in this work, which may the Lord bless and prosper and bring to a happy issue. The Rev. gentleman was much cheered throughout his speech, and retired amid considerable acclamation.
John ENNIS, Esq., Chairman of the Directors of the Midland Great Western Railway, next came forward and said - My Lord, Ladies and Gentlemen, on the part of the Directors of the Midland Great Western Railway I bid God speed the good work, which we have commenced to-day, and you may believe now that I speak with the utmost veracity when I tell you that neither they nor I have eve been engaged in a work which excited in us such an interest as this present one. I say so for myself, and I say so for the other directors, whose chairman - though unquestionably there are many amongst them much more competent to the office - I have the honour to be. The work that has been so happily commenced, is a great work, having for its object the giving you a conveyance that will leave you sitting in Dublin after a journey of about four hours (cheers.) Is not this an improvement upon the old system ? I must tell you, too, that as long as I have been engaged in railway affairs I never met nobleman or gentleman to manifest so great an interest in any line as I have seen exhibited in the case of the present by my Lord Farnham - (cheers) - and the fact of the lord of the soil interesting himself so much in the matter gives sure hope of beneficial tendency, and of the advantages which it will bring to this country. He has commenced the work well, and its being in the hands of Mr. Dargan, will be to you the strongest assurance that it shall be prosecuted with energy and completed with dispatch(sic). Again I must tell you that, though I stand for the first time in my life on one of the green hills of Cavan, I feel an interest in the present line that I do not remember to have experienced in any other of the many cases with which I had to do similarly. Mr. Ennis was heartily cheered as he concluded ; and then arose loud and long the cry for "Dargan - let us hear Dargan."
When he came forward he was received with a brave round of three cheers and one cheer more. He said - I am not going to make a speech for you, as you all know that I am a man of work, not of talk (laughter.) I cannot, however, abstain from thanking you for the kind manner in which you received me on my first appearance amongst you ; indeed so kind, so flattering has been your reception that it must prove a strong inducement to me again to come amongst you. Mr. Dargan then retired amid loud cheers, and the assemblage was broken up and its members separated at once, each for his own home. Though there were from 8,000 to 10,000 of all ages and sexes present, every one anxious to see what was going on, yet not an accident occurred, not even the smallest disorder might be seen. The body of police that attended had for that day at least a very sinecure of it, and they seemed to make the most of it, not by affecting to be of importance, but by taking their stand amongst the people, and watching the proceedings and keeping a look-out for every movement of Mr. Dargan, who was the observed of all observers.
Amongst those whom we recognised in the vicinity of Lord Farnham, or scattered over the hill, we may mention John Ennis, Esq., Chairman of the Directors of the Midland Great Western Railway, and of the directors, Joseph Watson, Esq., James Perry, Esq., Sir Percy Nugent, Bart., J. E. Butler, Esq., the Company's Engineer, William Dargan, Esq., Robert Burrowes, Esq., J.P., D.L., Joseph Storey, Esq., Abraham Brush, Esq., J.P., Captain Phillips, Belturbet, George L'Estrange, Esq., Chamberlain to the Lord Lieutenant, and his son George Henry L'Estrange, Esq., Rev. Francis Saunderson, the Ven. Thomas Brady, Archdeacon of this diocese, George Ro(...?), Esq., ___________ Napier, Esq.., Sub Inspector of Constabulary, Rev. John O'Reilly, Principal of the Kilmore Academy, Rev. Henry Cottingham, Dr. Coyne, Dr. O'Reilly, Ballinagh, Samuel Swanzy, Esq., Solicitor, Rev. Thomas Mulvany, Mathew Tully, Esq., William Anderson, Esq., Edward Kennedy, Esq., Rev. Nicholas Conaty, Rev. Patrick Gilroy, Rev. F?(P?) M'Cabe, Rev. John O'Reilly, Killeshandra, Rev. Thomas O'Reilly, Crosserlough, James Armstrong, Solicitor, Dr. Babington, William M'Faddin, Esq., (.?.) Kelly, William Johnston, Esq., Samuel Moore, (.?.) Noble Paget, Esq., __________ Banister, Esq., George G(..)logly, Esq., James Burrowes, Esq., Captain Erskine, William Hague, Esq., __________ Birmingham, Esq., Inspector of National Schools, Lieutenant Warren of the 27th Regiment, Captain Patton, The Messrs. K.. Martin Farrell, Esq., C.E., James O'Brien, Esq., Charles B. Hancock, Esq., P. M. Barron, Esq., J(?) Gumley, Esq., J.P., _________ Burnet, Esq., Captain G..., John Rogers, Esq., John Reilly, Esq., Butlersbridge, Frederic and William Brice, Esqrs., Patrick Re.., Esq., Ballynagh, Bernard Brady, Esq., Ballyna..., James Reilly, Esq., Lacken.
The beauty of the day caused a large and fashionable attendance of ladies. There were present - M... Farnham, Miss Stapleton, Mrs. and the Misses Sanderson, Mrs. Storey, Mrs. Burrowes, Mrs. Armitage Moore, the Misses Leslie, Mrs. and the Misses Baron, Mrs. Farrell, Mrs. Hill, Mrs. and Miss P.., the Misses Tully, Mrs. and the Misses Swanzy, M.. Bell Booth, Miss Hague, &c.;
About half-past four o'clock, Mr. Ennis and other directors, with J. E. Butler, Esq., and Mr. Dargan, started in a bus for Cavan, after a thorough Irish cheer had been given for the "man with his hand in his pocket." From Cavan they started ag(ain?) an hour after they arrived there, being engaged to partake the hospitalities of Farnham House.
September 22. 1853
MELANCHOLY DEATH BY HYDROPHOBIA - The late Christopher Commons, a comfortable farmer (sixty-five years of age), living near Ardbraccan, Navan, was bitten by his own terrier dog about the 12th of July last. The dog was found to have gone made immediately after. Commons remained rather heedless about the small wound inflicted on his face and arm ; but after a week he applied to a quack in the county Cavan for his ordinary cure. Trusting in this "nostrum," he went to the salt water for some weeks, and remained pretty confident that he was in no danger until last Thursday, when he became very nervous, and found an abhorrence of water when offered him to drink. Sensible of his danger, he obtained spiritual attendance for his coming death, which he strongly apprehended. But still hoping for a cure for a quack near the borders of Leitrim, he set out there on Saturday last. The quack on seeing him pronounced him beyond cure ; and, although he administered some of his "specific," Commons died in his house in five hours after in spasmodic fits. The body was removed home, and interred at Ardbraccan on Wednesday. Deceased was not married. His property falls to his brother. - Correspondent.
[We know not if by the "Quack residing on the borders of Leitrim" is meant Mr. M'Gauran, of Glan, in this county. If the allusion is to him, we must say that there is an exceeding great mistake in the matter, Mr. M'Gauran is a most respectable and independent farmer, that undertakes to cure no disease but hydrophobia, which he does most effectively my a medicine of his own compounding, the secret of which, kept in his family for long ages, is now in his hands, and from him will be transmitted to his immediate successor. We could not omit speaking in justification of Mr. M'Gauran ; indeed he stands acquitted even on the face of the preceding paragraph, for a quack would not predict a death in four hours, but apply his nostrums and promise a cure. - Ed. A.C.]
Cause Petition under the Court of Chancery (Ireland) Regulation Act, 1850.The Rev. Robert WINNING, Petitioner.
Mary ENGLISH, Widow and Administratrix of Thomas ENGLISH, deceased, and William ENGLISH, heir at law of said Thomas ENGLISH, Respondents.Pursuant to the order made in this matter, bearing date the 8th day of July, 1853, I hereby require all persons claiming to be creditors of Thomas ENGLISH, late of Taghart, in the County of Cavan, Farmer, deceased, on or before the 9th day of October next, to furnish in writing to the respondent, Mary ENGLISH, or to Samuel SWANZY of No. 49, Bolton-street, in the City of Dublin, her solicitor, the amount and particulars of their several demands, accompanied in case of simple Contract Debts by a statement of the consideration of such debt, in order that the Petitioner may, without any expense to them, prove in this matter such or so much of their demands as he shall think just of the allowance or disallowance of which or any part of same, said Creditors shall receive due notice, and all such Creditors whose demands shall be disallowed wither wholly or in part, shall at the peril of costs be at liberty to file charges in my office, in respect of the claims or amounts so disallowed within one fortnight after they have received notice of such disallowance.
I also require all persons having charges or Encumbrances affecting the lands of Taghart or Skeglea, in the
and of Tullycrum in the Parish of Aughnamullen, and County of Monaghan, the real and freehold Estates of the Said Thomas ENGLISH, to come in before me at my Chambers, Inns' Quay, in the City of Dublin, on or before the 10th day of October next, and proceed to prove same.Dated this 11th day of August, 1856(sic)
For Master Brooke,
Wellington Shegog, Solicitor for the Petitioner, 15, Lower Ormond-quay, Dublin
CURIOUS LAW. - There was kept in former times, in our city of Marseilles, a poison prepared from hemlock, at the public charge, for those who had a mind to hasten their end, they having first, before the Senate, given an account of the reason and motives of their design. It was not otherwise lawful for the citizens to do violence to themselves. - Montaigne.
NEW TAX ON DOGS. - Under the Assessed Taxes Act, just printed, a new tax is to be levied on all dogs. From the 5th of April next, for every dog, of whatever description or denomination the same be, the annual duty is to be 12s. The duty is to be paid by the party keeping a dog or having the same in his custody or possession, whether the same be his property or not ; such persons not discovering the owner thereof, who shall have been duly assesed(sic) for the same. No person is to be chargeable with duty to any greater amount than 39£. 12s. for any number of hounds, or 9£. for any number of greyhounds kept by him in any one year. The only exceptions to the tax are, a dog belonging to Her Majesty or any of the Royal family, or a whelp at the time of returning the lists of dogs that shall not be of the age of six calendar months, or any dog bona fide and wholly kept and used in the care of sheep and cattle, or removing the same ; provided no such dog shall be a greyhound, hound, pointer, setting dog, spaniel, lurcher(sic), or terrier.
September 29, 1853
CORONER'S INQUEST - DEATH FROM INCAUTIOUS USE OF FIRE-ARMS. -Doctor M'Fadden, sen., held an inquest on Sunday last at Clementstown, on the body of Wm. DOGHERTY, aged 15 years, who was accidentally shot that morning. It appears that deceased and a younger brother went out to shoot, and the gun having been discharged, deceased proceeded to reload it, first putting a cap upon the nipple. When ramming, the rod stuck in the barrel, and deceased then put the stock in his brother's hands to pull it, while he himself tugged at the other end. In the exertions made to extricate the rod, the cap cracked, and the powder exploded, sending a portion of the ramrod right through the heart of the deceased, who immediately dropped dead. A verdict was returned accordingly.
CAVAN FAIR. - The September fair of this town was held on Monday last, and was well attended both by buyers and sellers of all descriptions of cattle, sheep and pigs. Every article commanded a high price, which, however, had a downward tendency in regard of almost every species of stock - and particularly of horned and black cattle. The reason of this slight depression, in circumstances, where one would think that things should rather look upwards, is in the fact that, hay being enormously dear, the people are afraid to have much stock on hands during winter, and they, therefore, brought them out largely upon this occasion. There were not many horses in the fair, that might be called right good ones ; such as were there easily passed off, and at a high figure.
The usual weekly meeting of the Board of guardians was held on Saturday last ; John RADCLIFFE, Esq., in the chair.
State of the House. - Remaining last week 537 ; admitted since, 19 ; (566) ; discharged, 15 ; died, 1 ; (16) ; remaining 540.
Doctor's Report. - In infirmary, 104 ; in fever hospital, 66 ; total, 170.
Paupers from Castletowndelvin union in Kells Workhouse, 55.
Cost of provisions and necessaries consumed during the week, 43£, 10s. 1 ½ d.; average cost of a pauper for the week, 1s.. 3d. ' do in infirmary, 1s. 9d.
Treasurer's Account - Received during the week, 88£. 11s. 4d. ; paid during the week 91£. 4s. 2d. ; balance in favour of the union, 818£. 4s. 0d.
A Miss CUNNYNGHAM, of Thornton, near Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland, has been arrested and imprisoned in the penitentiary at Lucca, for disseminating tracks and books to the detriment of the Catholic religion, contrary to a known article of the civil code in Tuscany. The grand Duke was appealed to in the lady's behalf, but he answered that justice must have its course, the Duchess was also appealed to, but with equal unsuccess. Miss Cunningham(sic) must stand her trial, and take her change of being imprisoned for a term not less than five - nor longer than ten years. The lady it is said, has seen well nigh forty summers, so, says the Spectator, if she was indiscreet, this was not the effect of her youth.
FATAL ACCIDENT. - An accident of a most melancholy character occurred yesterday morning in Capel-street. - Some houses, extending from the corner of Little Mary street to 32 in Capel-street, had, in consequence of their being in a dangerous state of dilapidation, been taken down and the materials removed. The house 32 remained standing, but was untenanted, and at the end adjoining the open space where the other buildings had stood, presented a totterning(sic) appearance. The party wall here was propped by a massive beam of timber, reaching as high as the third story, and, abutting on the street, a palling of timber also was erected along the footway. Shortly after nine o'clock yesterday morning an immense mass of brickwork, at the end of the building described, fell out and forced the prop and palling in upon the flagway. Unfortunately, at the moment, a female named Anne GALLAGHER, the wife of an industrious man, following the business of a newavender(sic), beneath, and was crushed by the ponderous mass of the falling material. The ill-fated sufferer was extricated as soon as possible and conveyed to Jervis-street Hospital, but life was totally extinct. An inquest will be held upon the body this day. - Freeman's Journal of Saturday.
MAYNOOTH INQUIRY. - On Thursday last, the Commissioners had an interview in the College with the local Superiors. The investigation is to be held in the Castle of Dublin. The Commission was issued on the 19th September, from St. James's appointing the Commissioners, and Secretaries, and empowering them to order personal attendance, and the production of such books and documents as they would require, in the place of holding the investigation. Any three, or more of the Commissioners, to proceed from time to time, with the inquiry. The report to be issued under hand, and seal within twelve months.
A bath for the resuscitation of persons recovered from drowning, has been erected in Glasgow by the Clyde Trustees. The novelty of its construction consists in the application of ordinary gas at the heating agent ; and at the first trial the water was raised to 100 degrees Fahrenheit within ten minutes. The expense of the bath, complete, is trifling, and the value of the gas consumed each time about two pence.
Notice is hereby Given, that the Assistant Barrister for the County of Cavan will hold a Court for the Discharge of Insolvent Debtors at Cavan, On MONDAY, the 17th of OCTOBER, at TEN o'clock in the Forenoon of said day.
Dated this 24th day of August, 1853.
The public meeting of the Queen's University in Ireland will take place in St. Patrick's Hall, on the 10th of October, when degrees, honours, and diplomas will be distributed to the candidates who shall have passed for them at the present examination.
DEATH BY DROWNING. - On Sunday last, a melancholy accident occurred at Eniscrone. On that day a young man, named Patrick CAWLEY, in the employment of Messrs. ROBERTSON and DUNLOP of this town, went out to bathe in company with one or two other friends. He swam some little distance from his companions, and the tide being coming in at the time he was overpowered by a wave, and rendered completely powerless. His situation being observed, one of the young men hastened to his assistance, and succeeded in bringing him on shore, but apparently inanimate. Doctors WHITTAKER and LEECH who were at Ensiscrone(sic) on the occasion were promptly in attendance but all their efforts to restore animation proved ineffectual. The vital spark had fled. Being a young man of irreproachable character and remarkable for his inoffensive and obliging disposition, his melancholy death is deeply regretted not only by Mr. DUNLOP, but by every one who had the pleasure of his acquaintance.
The first annual meeting of the society of this union was held in the court-house yard, Cavan, on Wednesday, the 21st instant, and, if we may judge from the cattle and other agricultural produce submitted for competition on the occasion, and from the numbers of all ranks, and parties, and denominations that were in attendance during the day, it is sure not to be the last meeting of the kind which the locality will see. When one considers the system of small farms which is prevalent throughout this county, and the consequently small facilities that exist for the raising of anything beyond what the merest necessity would demand, he cannot but be surprised and delighted at the spectacle which was exhibited to him on the day when the Cavan and Belturbet Cattle and Agricultural Show was held. Of course, in the higher classes of the entries, success lay with wealth and extensive holdings (how, indeed, could this be otherwise?), but in the lower grades she smiled upon the representatives of the ordinary classes of our farmers most benignantly(sic), and had even to single out of a very host who addressed her. Nor must we omit to mention that exceeding good and discriminating judges -- such as we easily avow ourselves not to be -- declared to us that, in these same lower grades, there were cattle and other things exhibited that might well have stood and competed in the higher classes, and this not in a solitary instance or two, but very frequently. But, taking a survey of all the classes together -- and first the horned cattle, which, of course, hold a principal place in the catalogue of every such exhibition -- nothing, we think, could surpass them, and we heard knowing ones say that they were not unworthy a place in any meeting of the Dublin Society they ever attended. Amongst them Dr. HIND's bull -- the well known "Tenant Right" -- and Mr. HUMPHRYS' bull, and the Lord Bishop's, attracted universal attention and admiration. The sheep, too, were of a very superior description, and every one appeared quite taken with the extraordinary proportions of a year old ram, the property of Joseph LYNCH, Esq., of Roebuck. But, if we were inclined to give praise wherever praise was due, we should go through the entire stock and produce that were exhibited, for all were most excellent, each in its own way, and fully justified the hope that Cavan would yet, and that at a not very long interval, hold a proud position amongst the cattle-feeding and agricultural counties of Ireland. During the day there was, in the yard, a very throng attendance of the landed proprietors, and gentlemen, and gentlemen farmers, and others of the respectable classes of this county. As some were there at one time, at some another, we could not undertake to return the names of all, and, therefore, to prevent any one from saying that his name was omitted designedly, we will content ourselves, and, it is to be hoped, satisfy our readers, with stating that there was hardly one absent from the scenes whose position in the county would seem to require his presence, or whose attendance would have influence in adding respectability to the existing meeting, or in effecting that future ones should be on a more enlarged and improved scale. When we say this we will, of course, be understood to speak of those who were in the county at the time of the meeting, and who were not prevented by other obvious engagements from attending. Many such there were -- as the Earl of Lanesborough, for instance -- and they were present in spirit, even by their representatives in many cases. The judges of cattle were Thomas BATTERSBY, Esq., Newcastle, and William HARMAN, Esq. The third judge being unable to attend a request was made in the yard to the Rev. Charles FOX that he would assist, a request to which the rev. gentleman at once gave a most kind assent. And here we cannot omit mentioning that every one appeared satisfied that the judges made their decisions with the utmost good taste and discrimination. Indeed we cannot call to mind any occasion on which the common opinion tallied so universally with the award of the authorities in the case, and it would be idle in us to say that this is the very best proof that the award had good foundation to truth and justice. About twelve o'clock the Judges began inspecting stock, and they had not finished until four. During the entire time they were sedulously accompanied by Captain PHILLIPS, J.P., the high-minded and active Secretary of the society, to whose exertions it was mainly owing that such a meeting was held in Cavan that day. Surely, surely, the county owes a deep debt of gratitude to that gentleman. About 4 o'clock the prizes were awarded as they appear in the following list: --
Best Bull, under five years old, thorough-bred -- Dr. Hinds, 1st prize ; Wm. Humphreys, Esq., 2nd prize.
Best Bull, calved since 1st January, 1852, thorough-bred -- The Bishop of Kilmore, 1st prize ; Dr. Hinds, 2nd prize.
Best Cow in calf, &c. -- The Bishop of Kilmore, 1st prize ; Wm. Humphreys, Esq., 2nd prize.
Heifer not exceeding 3 years -- Doctor Hinds, 1st prize ; Wm. Humphreys, Esq., 2nd prize.
Yearling Heifer -- Lord Farnham, 1st prize ; Wm. Humphreys, Esq., 2nd prize.
Three Weaning Calves -- Wm. Humphrys, Esq., 1st prize ; the Bishop of Kilmore, 2nd prize.
Thorough bred Ram -- Joseph Lynch, Esq., 1st prize ; Wm. Humphrys, Esq., 2nd prize.
Both disqualified, not being three months in possession.
Five breeding Ewes -- Wm. Humphreys, Esq., 1st prize ; Joseph Lynch, Esq., 2nd prize.
Thorough bred Boar, under 24 months old -- The Bishop of Kilmore, 1st prize. No competitor.
Best Sow and Litter of Six Pigs -- Wm. Humphreys, Esq., 1st prize ; Joseph Lynch, Esq., 2nd prize.
Agricultural Stallion -- None worthy of merit.
Best Draft Mare -- Wm. Humphrys, Esq., 1st prize ; Wm. Humphrys, Esq., 2nd prize.
Cultivated Root Crop, not less than 10 Statute Acres -- Wm. Humphrys, Esq., 1st prize ; J.C. Jones, Esq., 2nd prize.
Thorough drainage, not less than 10 Statute Acres, &c., Wm. Humphrys, Esq.., 1st prize. No other competitor.
Flax -- Thomas F. Knipe, Esq., 1st prize ; J. Rogers, Esq., 2nd prize.
Cultivated Tillage farm, over 100 Acres -- Wm. Humphrys, Esq., 1st prize ; J.C. Jones, Esq., 2nd prize.
Turnips - Rev. Am. M'Creight,, 1st prize ; William Humphreys, Esq., 2nd prize.
Mangle -- William Humphreys, Esq., 1st prize ; J. C. Jones, 2nd prize.
Carrots -- The Bishop of Kilmore, 1st prize ; Joseph Storey, Esq., 2nd prize.
Twelve Turnips - Joseph Storey, Esq. ;
Twelve Carrots -- Joseph Storey, Esq.
Twelve Mangles -- Wm. Humphreys, Esq.
Twelve Mangles -- Wm. Humphreys, Esq.
Gander and Goose -- Lord Farnham.
Drake and Two Ducks - Rev. A. Knox.
Cock and Two Hens -- Lord Farnham (Spanish and Dorking) ; Wm. A. Moore, Esq., (Cochin China.) Butter -- Lord Fitzgerald and Vesci (best firkin.)SECOND CLASS -- FROM FIFTY STATUTE ACRES AND UPWARDS.
Best Bull (thorough-bred), under 5 years old -- James Browne, 1st prize ; no other competitor.
Best Bull, Calved since 1st January, 18552 -- John Brady, 1st prize ; James Browne, 2nd prize.
Best Cow in Calf, or giving milk -- James Browne, 1st prize ; James Browne, 2nd prize.
Best Heifer in Calf, or giving milk, not exceeding 3 years -- Doctor Halpin, 1st prize ; John Moore, Lisdarran, 2nd prize.
Best Yearling Heifer -- William Johnston, 1st prize ; James Browne, 2nd prize.
Best Pair of Weanling Calves -- James Browne, 1st prize ; John Moore, 2nd prize.
Best Thorough-bred Ram -- James Reilly, 1st prize ; William Moore, 2nd prize.
Best 5 Breeding Ewes -- James Reilly, 1st prize ; Martin Beattie, 2nd prize.
Best Boar, under 24 Months (thorough-bred) -- John Rea, 1st prize ; no other competitor.
Best Cultivated Root Crop, not less than 5 Statute Acres -- James Browne, of Latt, 1st prize ; no other competitor.
Best Cultivated tillage Farm -- James Browne, of Latt, 1st prize ; Thomas Topham, 2nd prize.
Greatest Thorough Draining, not less than 6 Statute Acres -- James Browne, disqualified for want of quantity, &c., &c.;
Best Crop of Flax, 2 Statute Acres -- Thomas Rea, Killduff, 1st prize ; William Foster, 2nd prize.
Best Mangold, 1 Irish Acre -- James Browne, 1st prize ; no other competitor.
Best 12 Roots, Turnips -- James Browne, 1st prize.
Do. 12 do. Mangold -- James Browne.
Do. 12 do. Carrots -- James Browne.
Agricultural Stallion -- No merit.
Best Brood Mare -- Patt Brady, 1st prize, but not yet decided ; Ambrose Thickpenny, 2nd prize.
Gander and Goose -- James Browne.
Cock and Hen -- James Browne.
Best Bull -- Samuel Sharp, 1st prize ; J. MacLeod, 2nd prize.
Best Cow in Calf or giving milk -- Thomas Wilson, 1st prize ; Edward M'Cabe, 2d prize.
Heifer in Calf or giving milk -- John Brady, 1st prize ; Margaret Maxwell, 2nd prize.
Yearling Heifer -- Ralph Clemenger, 1st prize ; Ralph Clemenger, 2nd prize.
Yearling Calf -- Thomas Wilson, 1st prize ; Edward M'Cabe, 2nd prize.
3 Breeding Ewes -- Patt Brady, 1st prize ; Robert Reid, 2nd prize.
Best Cultivated Tillage-farm -- John Ebbit, 1st prize ; Richard Brady, 2nd prize.
Cultivated Root Crops -- Donald Bell, 1st prize ; Robert Reid, 2nd prize.
Crop of Flax -- John M'Gaghran, 1st prize ; Elias Jones, 2nd prize.
House and Farm Yard -- Robert Reid, 1st prize ; Thomas Neil, 2nd prize.
Turnips -- Richard Brady, 1st prize ; Daniel Bell, 2nd prize.
Mangold -- Daniel Bell, 1st prize ; Robert Reid, 2nd prize.
Carrots -- Daniel Bell, 1st prize ; but disqualified.
12 Turnips - Daniel Bell.
12 Mangold -- Robert Reid.
12 Carrots -- Robert Reid.
Brood Mare -- Thomas Neill, 1st prize ; no other competitor.
Drake and 2 Ducks -- Daniel Bell.
Best Cow and Calf, &c. -- Miss Trevor, 1st prize ; Wm. Saunderson, 2nd prize.
Heifer under 3 years old -- Miss Trevor, 1st prize ; Wm. Bell, 2nd prize, but disqualified.
Yearling Heifer -- Wm. Bell, 1st prize ; no other competitor.
Weaning Calf -- Wm. Bell, 1st prize ; no other competitor.
Best Cultivated Tillage-farm -- Matthew M'Enerney, 1st prize ; John Phair, 2nd prize.
Root Crops -- John Morrisson, 1st prize ; William Bell, 2nd prize.
Flax -- Robert Mee, 1st prize ; William Bell, 2nd prize.
House and Farm Yard -- John Morrison, 1st prize ; William Bell, 2nd prize, but disqualified.
Butter -- No merit.
Turnips -- John Morrison, 1st prize ; William Bell, 2nd prize.
Mangold -- John Morrison, 1st and 2nd prize ; no merit.
Carrots - Robert Mee, 1st and 2nd prize, no merit.
12 Turnips -- William Bell.
12 Carrots -- Robert Mee.
12 Mangolds -- Robert Mee.
Duck and Drake -- Master Henry Phillips.
Cock and Hen -- Master Henry Phillips.Owing to the lateness of the hour when the prizes had been distributed, the auction of cattle, &c., came not off as it was intended. At five o'clock one hundred and upwards of the most respectable gentlemen resident in the county, or connected with it, sat down to an admirable dinner, provided by Mr. Jas. Reilly of the Farnham Arms Hotel, to which ample justice was done, if the skeletons of legs of mutton, ribs of beef, hams, fowl, &c., &c., might be taken in evidence. A few sat at one end of a table, discussing less substantial fare, for they were Roman Catholics, and it was a fast day in the Church's calendar, but their mortification of the outward man affected not their tempers, as we doubt much if amongst them the joke was not more frequent, and the laugh merrier and more pregnant than in any other part of the assembly.
When the cloth had been removed,
Robert Burrowes, Esq., the Chairman, having first proposed in most appropriate terms,, the usual loyal toasts, which were received enthusiastically, said -- The next toast on my list is "Prosperity to the Cavan and Belturbet Agricultural Society." While Belturbet was for many years active, Cavan was asleep. Now we are well awake, and ready to advance. I have to blame myself that hitherto I was not active in the matter ; but I was under a mistake, in common with many others, that the class of small farmers, whom the Society was especially designed to benefit, would derive no advantage from it, as the all premiums would be taken by the proprietors or larger farmers. Now I see my error, and I will not be wanting to act up in the knowledge I have gained (hear). Belturbet was of great use in goading us to improvement, which must be visible to the most casual observer (hear, hear). The smaller classes were to-day the gainers of many premiums, and I and others had reason to retract our error. For the future Cavan will not be backward. I am heartily glad to see here a society so respectable. Now is the favourable time for its operations, for now prices are most remunerative, and such as tempt farmers to produce ; I must ask who was the means of establishing this Society ? Surely Captain Phillips ; only for him we would be as we were, he spared no trouble to bring about the new state of things, employing much labour and exertions to convene meetings of this kind ; with a mind energetic and active, he shewed himself ever anxious to promote the good of the farmers of this county. They are deeply indebted to Captain Phillips for his re-establishing for them this society, and they will all be most happy to drink, in conjunction with the toast already given "The health of Captain Phillips" (loud acclamation for several minutes.)Captain Phillips -- For the warm reception given me, no thanks of mine would be an adequate return. All that is in my power I will do to unite the agricultural interests of all the county ; and I cannot but be satisfied with the support I received in coming here to-day (hear). The present meeting will cement agricultural husbandry, and leave its interests more advanced than they were heretofore (hear, hear). I will now relate the premiums. There were a great many entries (three hundred) for competition ; two hundred for cattle ; the rest for green crops ; and this surely is good for a beginning. [Here the lists of prizes were read]. It will be a satisfaction to know about the funds. About £70 will be required to pay premiums this day week ; and to meet other expenses, the rest of £100, which we have in hands, will about serve. The people of Cavan came forward cheerfully upon this occasion, and Belturbet men must be, and are, obliged to them. Henceforward we will work well together. (Here Captain Phillips sat down amid cheers).
Chairman -- I will now give you "The health of the Judges." They exhibited much discrimination to-day, and gave general satisfaction. The successful were surely pleased ; the unsuccessful seemed to be so....... we will then drink their health -- (Hip, hip, hurrah, and loud applause).
Mr. Battersby -- On behalf of the Judges I should thank you for the way in which our health was drunk. Our coming here was rather a compliment to ourselves than otherwise, and we are glad to be called on to support an agricultural society in Cavan (hear) We are agriculturists ourselves on a large scale, and we are proud to be called on to assist in anything that tends to the prosperity of agriculturists in Ireland (cheers). She endured patiently the untold hardships of five years ; and we trust that she is now in the way of indulging hope for the future. Were it not for this, we should all of us have :to quit our country for our country's good." We came here, not expecting such a show of stock, for it was well fit to exhibit to any part of Ireland. Nothing that I can say is required to induce the people of Cavan to stand forward and be active. We missed the Devon that Meath men often came to buy here ; but we are not sorry for this,, the stock you have is much better. The agriculture of this county is visibly improved.
A Voice -- You saw the worst of it.
Mr. Battersby -- The worst can produce as well as the fine county of Meath that one hears so much of. There is something hidden in the soil of Cavan. The hills are green to the very top -- fertile monsters springing up before one. From my heart I saw proceed and prosper. The small class of farmers came forward better than on any occasion I ever witnessed before ; and this is a solid element of progress (hear). We did our best in regard of the competitors ; if we failed, this was for want of knowledge, not for want of intention (loud cheers).
Chairman -- "The health of the Successful Candidates." If they wish to bend this class in future they must not relax their efforts ; hard pressing will be upon them.
Joseph Storey, Esq.., High Sheriff, returned thanks. He felt highly honoured at the call that was made upon him. Many could respond better ; and what am I to get credit for ; was not my success wholly owing to the hard working of my labourers ? In my capacity of a public officer I saw much of the country, and I was glad to see it vastly better off than I hoped. Now all is right. A few years ago and we were in a condition of despairing. Again I have to return my best thanks on the part of the successful candidates (cheers).
The Chairman -- "The health of the Unsuccessful Candidates." I myself am of the number ; but we will not be cast down ; we did our best, and who could expect more from us. Next year we will be first if we can (loud cheers).
Mr. M'Lenahan -- Mr. Humphrys desires me to return his best thanks ; he is in Dublin ; were he in the county he would surely have been here ; I am to apologise for his absence.
Chairman -- "The Patrons of the Society, Lord Farnham and Lanesborough." Surely there is no one more anxious than Lord Farnham is to promote the interests of this country and of this Society. Lord Lanesborough is the most indulgent landlord in Ireland ; and he always shewed in Belturbet his interest in the improvement of agriculture ; if in the country to-day he would hold my place.
Mr. Fox -- Is sure that all agree in what Mr. Burrowes stated, that none was more anxious to advance the interests of this country than Lord Farnham. He had to return thanks on the part of his lordship, for the kind manner in which his health was received.
Mr. Litton, on behalf of Lord Lanesborough, said it would be to that noble lord a source of the most heartfelt joy to hear of his health being so cordially drunk to. Eulogise him I shall not ; for in his ... all eulogy were superfluous. His liberality was well known, and highly prized, and with every one he had the character of a kind, affable, courteous, unaffected gentleman, a liberal and enlightened landlord, one in the sphere of public duty, ever foremost to promote measures for the good of the country (hear, hear). A great and improving system, like that of the farming society, is an object with every one who has the good of the country at heart (hear, hear, and cheers). Deeply impressed, therefore, with inclination and desire to place it on a firm basis, he believed he could not work more effectually for this than by consolidating the union between Belturbet and Cavan ; this measure was beneficial to both, every way beneficial. In spite of the extraordinary pressure of late years, and the difficulty which was consequent to the Society, though(sic) the energy, zeal, and perseverance of the Secretary it still held its ground, and with the strength imparted under the Influential management of Capt. Phillips. our Society will soon be seen to hold a proud position in the country. Some of the working farmers have yet stood aloof ; more of them joined us with alacrity ; all will be seen to come forward sooner or later, when opportunities present themselves, as they cannot be blind to the advantages which farming societies have brought to light for the improvement of husbandry. The prizes as yet are all low, but still there is much to congratulate you upon. The first appearance here is highly creditable ; many landlords and extensive graziers are amongst us, and also two estimable noblemen, whom to name is to honour. The Society promises many advantages not restricted to this class or that, and it, therefore, remains for you all to place it on a lasting basis, and it will confer wonderful benefits throughout the country. Without this combined aid, it may eke out a miserable existence, but will soon fall and be scattered into air. Relying on the good feeling and patience of the men of Cavan, I hope well for this amongst the best plans for the amelioration of the country. Agriculture is surely second to no other branch of wealth. Permit me now to propose a toast. Sir (to Mr. Burrowes) in proposing the health of the Society you spoke of your apathy, but everyone knows you and your efforts in every cause that might tend to the benefit of the country, and every one, therefore, differs with you. I always heard your name mentioned as that of one included to do good. I sat on the grand jury with you and I admired your patience, talents, and anxiety to do justice to all, and I now propose your health.
Mr. Burrowes was most grateful that his health was so cordially proposed and drunk. Already I spoke too much (no, no), therefore, to end my speech, I congratulate you on your admirable show of this day so creditable to you, as one of our admirable judges said. I congratulate you on the spirit you have exhibited of advancing in the onward march of improvement, and I hope that spirit will be diffused through the country, and it will do much to improve it. I hope that that spirit will become more ardent, and you must prosper. We are yet far behind ; our produce would be one-third, probably, one-half better, if we only attended more to agriculture. First, by draining. Secondly, by rotation of crops. Thirdly, by clearing the ground. These are ordinary topics, but, as the repetition of them has not yet effected what it proposed, they must be reiterated. We all hope to see you prosper, and, therefore, we hope to see you come forward at the yearly meetings in greater numbers, and with greater power, for thus will you improve the prosperity of the country and your own. In this endeavour my best assistance and influence will not be wanting to you.
Mr. Pallas -- A general remark made in such cases is that all funds are swallowed up by the gentry. Now it is right to state that such is not the fact ; they only get medals purchased for all with five pounds, whereas seventy go to the farmer.
Mr. Wm. Moore --- There is one essential point as yet to be mooted. It is hoped that the farmers will do everything ; no one says, that the farmer may be nerved to this. I will give him an interest in his land.
Mr. Burrowes -- Every landlord would be anxious to help one striving to help himself.
Mr. Moore -- Will you show this anxiety by giving him his land at a fair and honest value ? Mr. Moore was here called to order.
Mr. Pallas -- All will agree to drink the health of the excellent High Sheriff. We all saw him do his duty ; we see him now amongst us, and we will drink his health.
Mr. Storey begged to return thanks briefly. He might sat, as Mr. Dargan did, I am for work, being sheriff, not for talk (a laugh).
Mr. Vernon -- I give you the "Tenant Farmers of Cavan," who suffered most for five years.
Mr. John Rogers being loudly called upon, said -- In obedience to the call I beg to return thanks to Mr. Vernon for the manner in which he proposed the toast, and to you for the warm manner in which you received it. I am a tenant farmer, and I trust that I and my brothers have come upon a new era ; we will struggle to make it a happy one.
Mr. William Moore -- I give you now the "Agent of the Tenant Farmers" -- Mr. Vernon.
Mr. Vernon -- I cut a rod to whip myself. I thank you for the cordiality with which you drank my health. As an individual I might let it pass, but being an agent for eighteen years, I cannot but feel pleased that my endeavours to promote the good of the tenant have procured for me a reception so warm. I have been always sedulous to do justice both to landlord and tenant. If I failed in respect of either it was from want of judgment, not through any fault of mine. Again I thank you for the way in which you received my health.
Mr. Fox here proposed the health of P.M. Barron, Esq., which was drunk with all the honours.
Mr. Barron, in returning thanks, said that he was delighted to join this Belturbet and Cavan Society, and do all he could to promote its interests at all times, not alone by his presence, but by his purse -- (loud cheers).
Mr. Agriculturist (we are informed) to Mr. Humphreys, said he wished the competitors would state the means by which they attained success. This would be useful for all, and I call on the Chairman to make some competitor speak to the point.
Mr. Vernon -- Well, then, green crops being the most important in all the range of what we are concerned with, I will call on Mr. Lowcock to make some observations upon them.
Mr. Lowcock did not expect to be called on, but thought some of his brother judges would ; he could, however, say, if you did not clean your land and grow root crops, you will not attain all the advantages you desires ; there may be exceptions, but they must necessarily be few. Your land also ought to be level, not in narrow ridges ; if furrows were lessened and made less deep, the electricity would pass easily ; otherwise the water must be made to descend by draining or allowed to remain there to the great injury of the crop. It was highly gratifying to see what was doing and done in the large districts ; but, though incalculable good had been done by the instrumentality of the Society during the last three or four years, the smaller districts were still far in the distance ; indeed the persons occupying them could not well succeed in obtaining an amalgamation of all that could be desired by them for their greater advancement. In Cavan uphills, mountains, and barren districts were everywhere common ; but in one year competition caused in the same soil and situation a total and visible change, so that go where you would you could hardly fair to meet a crop of turnips. This is where agricultural implements could be had in all cases, but there could be seen only once(sic) instance where crops had to be produced by manual labour. That one was in the farm of Mr. M'Enerny, of Corgariff. He flattened his ridges and brought the whole surface to a level, and without such a course he surely would have failed. After it nothing could compete with husbandry by implements, for in other classes of farms we found different results, where there had been much labour and difficulty, and too much manure. Yes, too much manure ; for eighteen years experience has proved to me, and the last few years observation has confirmed the thing, that there may be long heads and small roots ; and the observations made by my brother judges in those same 3 1/2 days confirmed them and me, that there was always improvement where there was the use of agricultural implements from local societies or otherwise, and that there was no advance where this was neglected ; so that it might be laid down as a first principle that there should be no manual labour. With regard to potatoes we found in most cases a great deficiency ; everywhere large crops, but almost invariably, about one-half was infected ; two good crops only were seen by us, and these were in fields belonging to Mr. Storey which were drilled.
Mr. Storey proposed the health of Mr. Litton, one of the presidents of the Society, who was so well known and esteemed that it would be idle to speak more of him.
Mr. Litton felt deeply obliged for the way in which his health was received, and for the kindness which Mr. Storey had exhibited in proposing it as he did, a kindness to which he might indeed attribute the warmth of the reception, though doubtless this was owing in some degree to the relation in which he himself stood to Lord Lanesboro'. As Mr. Vernon said that as an agent he looked upon the interests of landlord and tenant as identical, so say I now. For eleven years I have acted in this capacity, and, up to this, no bad feelings have existed between me and the tenants but in a solitary instance, and still I have ever made it my business to do my duty and not to please any one.
Mr. M'Lenaghan, in reply to a call made upon him by Mr. William Moore, said that he felt infinitely obliged for the honour that was done him. I have one observation to make ; here we know not politics nor sectarianism, we have banished these seed of evils from amongst us, for the present at least. The question which so greatly occupies Mr. Moore is a mighty one, and requires much to be settled, and I am happy to think that tenant-right is in the way of being well adjusted now. It is as much for the interest of the landlord as the tenant that it should be well arranged, and this is the sure pledge of its final and speedy determination. But let us pass away from the subject to another no less interesting. The potato rot was a great benefit to Ireland, because it puts upon the people a kind of necessity to grow turnips -- a crop for which we saw so many premiums granted to-day. If they be well cared and kept at proper distances from each other they must prove a very profitable crop to the farmer. Let each one, too, rear(?) his own seed and sow it. Here are three turnips (producing as many) from the seed I saved myself. You can see their quality, and seeing it you cannot but come to the conclusion that economy, and the size and quality of your crop, are powerful in inducing you to save your own seed and apply it to your own use.
Mr. Burrowes quite agreed with Mr. M'Lanahan, in his opinion as to the advantage of each saving and using his own seed. He had experience in the matter himself, and indeed the thing was now generally admitted.
After several other remarks rather than speeches had been made, Mr. Burrowes vacated the chair, which he was thanked for filling so well, and the party separated.
State of the Workhouse for the Week ending 24th of September, 1853.
STATE OF THE FUNDS. Collected and Lodged during this week £166 7 3 Paid during the week, 70 5 5 Balance, in favour of the union 194 5 5 STATE OF THE HOUSE. Balance, in favour of the union 452 Admitted since, 17 Born, 0 Total 469 Discharged, 32 Died, 3 Total 35 Total Remaining, 434 Cost of Provisions consumed, £33 6 6 Ditto, In Infirmary, 4 4 Ditto, In Fever Hospital, 2 3½ Cost of a healthy pauper, 8 0½ Medical Report of the Cavan Union Infirmary and Workhouse for week ending Saturday, Sept. 24, 1853, Remaining last report 84 Admitted since 14 Discharged cured 10 Died 1 Total Remaining 87 Medical Report of the Cavan Union Fever Hospital for the week ending Saturday, Sept. 24, 1853. Remaining last report 47 Admitted since 6 Total 53 Discharged cured 2 Died 1 Total Remaining 50 An infant died of small pox -- bread good. CHARLES HALPIN. M.D., Medical Officer
QUEEN'S COLLEGE, GALWAY.The First Matriculation Examination for the Session of 1853-54 , will commence on Tuesday, 18th October, 1853. The Examinations for Junior Scholarships will commence on the same day.
The College is empowered to award the best answerers among sufficiently qualified Candidates in the Faculties of Arts, Medicine, and Law, and in the departments of Engineering and Agriculture, Scholarships to the amount of Fourteen Hundred Pounds.
Besides the emoluments annexed to their respective Scholarships, junior scholars are also exempted from a moiety of the Class Fees in their several departments.
In addition to these Scholarships, the College is also empowered to award to sufficiently qualified candidates, whose answering shall be be next in merit to that of the successful candidates for Scholarships, Prizes to the amount of Two Hundred Pounds.
The College is also empowered to award Prizes to the amount of One Hundred Pounds to the most distinguished Students in the several Faculties and Schools.
A Prospectus in detail of the allocation of the Scholarships and Prizes, the Subjects of the several Examinations, the Courses of Study, and the amount of Fees, &c., may be obtained, postage free, on application to the Registrar.
By order of the President,
Registrar, Queen's College, Galway.
July 6, 1852
County Cavan Newspaper Transcription Project
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