Cavan Weekly News
Published in Cavan, county Cavan

July 7, 1876


MAHAFFY - June 28th, at the residence of her father, Charles Gilborne, Esq., Ballyfin, Mountrath, the wife of James B. Mahaffy, Belturbet, of a son prematurely.


FITZGERAND and EDMONDS - July 4, at the Presbyterian Church, Cavan, by the Rev. James CARSON, Mr. Thomas Fitzgerald, Roscommon, to Lizzie, daughter of the late Rev. John Edmonds, Tully, Co. Longford.


SWAN - July 2nd, at Main-street, Cavan, Mr. Oswald Swan, Saddler, aged 34 years.
TOWNLEY - June 30th, at Fortwilliam, Cootehill, Herbert Arthur, infant son of John W. J. Townley, Esq.


The following may be seen on a tombstone in a town near Dublin:-

"Here lies the body of John MOUND-
Lost at sea and never found."

The following is rather equivocal:-

"Maria BROWN, wife of Timothy Brown, aged eighty years. She lived with her husband fifty years, and died in the confidant hope of a better life."

At Durham assizes, on Tuesday, an ex-policeman, named Joseph CHRISTIAN, was sentenced to twenty years' penal servitude for the manslaughter of a quarryman named John HAMILL, near Towlaw, on the 5th of June.


The new steamers between the North-wall and Holyhead in connection with the London and North Western Railway commenced to play on Saturday morning. They are, as we have already announced, intended for a quicker passage service than has hitherto existed between London and the North-wall. The Shamrock, the first of the new steamers, arrived at the North-wall at half past six o'clock that morning, having made the passage from Holyhead in less than four hours against a head wind. She brought passengers who left London by the five o'clock train the previous evening, and accomplished the entire journey from London to Dublin in twelve hours and a half. She left again for Holyhead at half past nine, taking about a hundred passengers. Though the new steamers are capable of making the passages between Dublin and Holyhead in less than four hours, in order to avoid disappointments much more time is allowed them. The steamer leaving the North-wall at 9:30 a.m., is timed to arrive at Holyhead at 2:30 p.m., and the passengers by her will reach London at 10:40 p.m., Liverpool at 6:40 p.m., and Manchester at 7 p.m. Passengers leaving London by the 5:10 p.m. train will leave Holyhead by one of the new steamers at half past one in the morning, and arrive in Dublin at 5:35.


John BRADY, Owen SWEENY, Mark RORKE, Thos. CALLAHEN, John CONNOLLY, Philip SMITH, Ellen FITZPATRICK, Wm. M'KIERNAN, Michael MAGOVERAN, Wm. CRUMLEY, Patt CONNATY, Owen LYANS, Michael MINEY, John DEVLAN, Andrew TRAVERS, John GAFFNEY, James ROCHE, Eugene HENRY, Robert M'CONNELL, Edward BRADY, Phil MAGOVERNAN, And Terence COYLE were fined in sums varying from 2s. 6d. to 10s. for drunkenness on the 29th ult.

Francis FITZPATRICK was charged with assaulting his father by giving him a push and throwing empty orange boxes at him.
Sent to gaol for seven days.

Andrew MULLIAN, an old offender, was charged with being drunk and disorderly.
Sent to gaol for a month.

James DONOHOE summoned Michael MAGOVERN for assaulting him. Magovern had a cross case against Donohoe and others.
The charge against Magovern was dismissed; and Donohoe sent to gaol for a week.

Rose BRADY summoned her son, Nicholas BRADY for assaulting her.
From the evidence it appeared that complainant sold her interest in a farm near Stradone, for £32, to defendant who got married; complainant having regretted the parting of the land, endeavoured to re-enter when the alleged assault took place.
There was a cross case.
Mr. Thompson said she hadn't power to assign the farm.
Both cases were sent to the Quarter Sessions.


The usual meeting of this Board was held on Monday last in the Board-room of the Workhouse.

THOMAS CHAMGERS, Esq., in the Chair. Also present - Messrs. James RYDER, Charles SMYTH, Patrick FLYNN, James M'BREEN, and Jas. FLANNIGAN.

The chairman read the following letter:-

"Provincial Bank of Ireland,

"Cootehill, 1st July, 1876.

"Dear Sir, - I enclose an envelope and memorandum, received here this morning, accompanied by a £5, and would be much obliged if you could give or suggest any information or explanation respecting the transaction.

"I hold the £5 note until I receive your reply. It looks something like a troubled conscience seeking to make restitution.

"Yours truly,

"Thomas Chambers, Esq."

The letter with the note enclosed to Mr. Leslie simply ran thus:-

"Sir, - Place to the credit of Bailieboro Union £5."

The Guardians, although not aware of the source of this mysterious donation, will, however, accept of the money with thanks.

EMMIGRATION TO SOUTH AUSTRALIA. - The Ship "Trevelyan," 1,042 tons, chartered by the Agent General for South Australia, sailed from Plymouth, on Friday, for Port Adelaide with 344 emigrants, under the charge of Dr. BAILY, Surgeon-Superintendent. Sixty-five single young women are under the charge of the Matron, Mrs. ENNIS.

FATAL ACCIDENT NEARA MULLINGAR-MULLINGAR, TUESDAY. - As Mr. William GAYNOR, of Bunbrusna, was driving on his gig to the fair of Mullingar early this morning, when near Ballynafid his horse stumbled and threw him from the gig on the road, and, as is now reported, his neck was broken by the fall, and immediate death was the result. The deceased gentleman was an extensive farmer, and very much respected by his numerous friends and acquaintances, whose regrets throughout the day had been numerous and sincere.


The remains of the late Mr. Henry BEWLEY were interred on Saturday in the family vault at Mount Jerome cemetery. The funeral was attended by most of the leading merchants and traders of Dublin, amongst whom the deceased was much respected for his high and sterling principles as a man of business. The funeral cortege left Willow Park, Booterstown, the late residence of the deceased gentleman, shortly after eight o'clock, and arrived at Mount Jerome cemetery at nine. On arriving at the cemetery the coffin which contained the remains, was borne to the mortuary chapel, and placed on the catafalque, draped in black. Mr.Thomas FISHER recited a prayer, in which nearly all present joined, after which Mr. STOKES delivered a short address. Mr. Arthur PEACE also delivered an address, and prayers were read by the Rev. Grattan GUINNESS. The remains were then removed to the family vault, and being deposited therein, Mr. Milford KENNEDY spoke in feeling and appropriate terms, after which Mr. J. DIXON sang a short hymn, in which nearly every person joined, and which was followed by a simple recited prayer by Mr. Edward PERRIN. Another hymn was sung, in which Mr. William GALBRAITH took the lead, and the whole was concluded by the Rev. Grattan Guinness reading a prayer. The chief mourners were:- Mr. Henry T. BEWLEY, only son of the deceased; Mr. Samuel BEWLEY, junior, nephew; Mr. William PIKE and Mr. Ebenezer PIKE, brother-in-law of the deceased; John E. BEWLEY, Thomas FISHER, James Arthur BEWLEY, T. B. SMITHIES.

July 14, 1876


GALLIGAN - July 12th at 43 Main-street, Cavan, the wife of Mr. James Galligan, Merhcnat, of a son.
NUGENT - On the 6th June, at Greenville, Belturbet, the wife of George Nugent, Esq., of a daughter.
PRESTON - July 11th, at Ballivor Rectory, county Meath, the wife of the Rev J. E. Preston, of a son.


COULTER and SPENCE - At the Primitive Wesleyan Church, Stephen-street, Sligo, by the Rev. John HENNING, Belfast, assisted by the Rev. John JOHNSTON, brother-in-law of the bride, the Rev. Gabriel COULTER, Dungannon, to Frances Henriette, fourth daughter of John Spence, Esq., Clonelly, Co. Fermanagh.

MOORE AND DOBBS - July 13th, at St. George's Church, Dublin, by the Rev. Arthur Macaulay DOBBS, A.M., vicar of Mullavilly, diocese of Armagh, brother to the bride, assisted by the Rev. Henry Grattan MOORE, A.B., curate of Enniscorthy, brother to the bridgegroom, Frederick Flood Moore, Esq., L.R.C.S.I. and L.R.C.P., Edin, second son of the Rev. William Prior Moore, A.M., Cavan, to Harriet, second daughter of Major-General Dobbs, 7 Mountjoy-square, Dublin.


JOHNSTON - July 11th, at Ballyhaise, Samuel JOHNSTON, third son of Mr. Johnston, Emyvale Mills, Monaghan, aged 34 years, deeply regretted.


Denis REILLY, who was waylaid on the 29th ult. while returning home from Belturbet, died at his residence, near Ballyconnell, on Monday last. Five persons are in custody on suspicion of being concerned in the affair.


The Grand Jury will be empanelled at one o'clock on Monday; and the Commission opened at eleven o'clock on Wednesday. The Criminal business is very light. There is a land appeal and three records for hearing in the Record Court. Under the advice of his physicians, the Lord Chief Justice WHITESIDE will not go circuit. It is rumoured that Mr. ROBINSON, Q.C., (Chairman for this County) will accompany Baron FITZGERALD as Judge of Assizes.


A number of persons were fined for drunkenness.

John REILLY was charged with assaulting Alice REILLY with a spade.
Sent to gaol for two months.

C. BELL summoned Alice BRADY for an assault.

Fine 1s. and costs.

The Sanitary Board summoned Mrs. Bridget HENRY for having the back wall of her dwelling-house in a dangerous state.


Anne FOY pleaded guilty of stealing some heads of cabbage, the property of Miss MURRAY.
Sentenced to 14 days' imprisonment.

Three persons were fined for having unlicensed dogs.

Mr. J. F. O'HANLONB summoned Bridget CONNOLLY for begging and having no visible means of support.
Sent to the Industrial School.

Same v. Sarah MAGOVERN for like.

At the conclusion of the business their worships held a private investigation, relative to the dead body of a child found in a pond at Bingfield, a few days ago. It is understood the police have got a clue to the discovery of the parties.

DEATH FROM AN OVERDOSE OF DRINK. - On Sunday a navvy (?) named Stephen HILL, was found dead in a bed in the lodging house of T. M'

CONNELL, Castle-street, Newry. Hill was so drunk the previous night that he had to be helped to bed. On Monday an inquest was held on the body before Joseph DICKSON, Esq. The jury returned a verdict of "Death from indulging too freely in intoxicating drink."


A painful and distressing case of hydrophobia terminated fatally here on Monday night. On the 31st of May, a Mrs. KEEHAN was assisting a neighbour with a washing, and when bringing in some clothes from the hedge, she observed a strange dog at the little gate in front of the cottage, which she told to go away, and was in the act of shutting the gate when it seized her by the arm. The bite was pretty severe, and bled a good deal. Dr. F. C. RITCHIE was sent for some time afterwards and dressed the wound. In the meantime the cry was raised that the dog was rabid, and had bitten another person, and it was promptly followed up and shot. The wound, although painful for some time, progressed favourably and healed, but she was subject to a good deal of nervous excitement, probably induced by injudicious people speaking about it and its consequences. On Thursday last she went to Ardrossan and met a daughter at the station who was coming from Nottingham to see her, and havi!

ng slightly overheated herself, became unwell that night, and the hydrophobic symptoms of thist and dislike of water at once set in. These were followed by oppression about the region of the heart, and ultimately extreme nervous excitement and delirium. The poor woman's sufferings were dreadful towards the final collapse, which took place on Monday night at eight o'clock. What heightens the painfulness of the case is the fact that her husband has been a sufferer from the affliction of total blindness for many years, and was the object of much anxious consideration in her last moments. Dr. F. C. Ritchie attended the case, and did what he could for the poor sufferer, but the course of the disease was so rapid that nothing availed.

AN INCIDENT IN A LIFE. - On Sunday, July 9, there entered Christ Church, Cork, and took a seat where his family (an English family, some time resident in the city), a very long time ago worshipped, a white-headed man, who held in his had a payer book, one of those presented to the young of both sexes by the "Association" formed at the beginning of the century (and still existing) "for Promoting the Knowledge and Practice of the Christian Religion." It contained his name and an engraved tablet; for it was awarded to him as a prize at a competitive examination in that church, and bore the date 1812. Sixty-four years have passed since then - he had kept the prayer book all that time - he read from it the service, substituting the name of Queen Victoria for that of King George the Third; and gave thanks to God for blessings of a long, a successful, a happy, and a very busy life, the fruit, these blessings may have been, of seed planted by the book given to him sixty-four years ago. The white-headed man was Mr. S. C. HALL.

July 21, 1876


LOUGH - July 17, at the residence of his grandfather, John SHERA, Cootehill, William GRIBBON, only and beloved son of William and Lydia Lough, aged 1 year and 4 months. "For of such is the kingdom of Heaven."

WALLACE - July 14th at Crocknahattin, Bailieboro, Mr. William WALLACE, (upwards of 30 years Land Steward to the Right Hon. Lord Lisgar, Bailieboro Castle), aged 61 years, deservedly regretted.


Dublin, Tuesday night.

A destructive fire occurred to-night in Thomas-street, next to St. Catherine's Church, resulting in the total destruction of an extensive bacon curing establishment, the property of Messrs. WOODS & Co. The loss is considerable. The sparks from the burning premises set fire to some woodwork on the steeple of St. Catherine's Church from which a great flame burst out. It was extinguished by the exertions of the fire-brigade. The church, one of the oldest in the city, was for some time in jeopardy. The interior was somewhat injured by the water, as the brigade was obliged to drag a hose through it in order to get to the roof. A large clock in front of the steeple was much damaged.

HONESTY. - On Saturday, Mrs. DOWNEY, 26 Bride's alley, Dublin, walking, picked up a purse. On opening it she found that it contained between £150 and £200. She without a moment's hesitation hastened to the Green-street police station, and placed the purse in the hands of the police where it now lies awaiting the appearance of its owner.

IRISH NATIONAL SCHOOL TEACHERS. - A deputation from the Irish National Teachers' organisation waited on the Chancellor of the Exchequer on Saturday, with the view of requesting him to make some arrangements for granting pensions to National School Teachers in Ireland. The Chancellor of the Exchequer in reply, said he thought the salaries of the teachers should be fixed at such an amount that they should be able themselves to make provision for their old age. He promised, however, that the matter should have the fullest consideration.


At half-past one o'clock on Monday Samuel SANDERSON, Esq., High Sheriff, and John M. J. TOWNLEY, Esq., Under Sheriff, entered the Record Court, when the Grand Panel of the County was called by Edward MAGAURAN, Esq., Clerk of the Crown, and those gentlemen having figures before their names, having answered, were sworn as


1 Robert BURROWES, D.L.
2 Mervyn PRATT, D.L.
  Somerset H. MAXWELL, D.L.
3 Lieut. Col. H. T. CLEMENTS, D.L.
  Llewellan T. B.SAUNDERSON, J.P.
  Hon. Henry C. BUTLER, D.L.
  Sir George HODSON, D.L.
  George De la POER BERESFORD, M.P.
4 John E. VERNON, D.L.
5 Theo. H. CLEMENTS, J.P.
6 James HAMILTON, D.L.
7 William HUMPHRYS.
  Col. Samuel MOORE.
  Benjamin S. ADAMS, J.P.
  Major Robert J. CUMING, J.P.
  Nathaniel MONTGOMERY, J.P.
  John FINLAY, J.P.
  Col. NUGENT.
  Gerald R. DEASE, J.P.
8 James S. WINTER, D.L.
9 Robert STORY.
  Hon. Arthur ANNESLEY.
10 Alex W. J. SANKEY, J.P.
11 John FAY, J.P.
12 Edward SMITH, J.P.
13 William Leslie, J.P.
14 Archibald GODLEY, D.L.
15 William A. MOORE, J.P.
16 Matthew R. W. O'Connor, J.P.
  Robert ERSKINE, J.P.
17 John C. JONES.
18 John LITTON, J.P.
19 Major Michael PHILLIPS, J.P.
20 David FINLAY, J.P.
21 John B. LYNCH, J.P.
22 Edward KENNEDY, J.P.
  Henry O. SANDERS.
  Ambrose G. ADAMS
23 William JOHNSTON, J.P.
  Alfred H. WYNNE, J.P.
  John LESLIE.
  Robert S. DICKSON, J.P.
  George N. ROE, J.P.
  John NIXON, J.P.
  Albert HUTTON.
  Elliott ARMSTRONG.
  Armitage E. HUMPHRYS, J.P.
  John J. BENNISON, J.P.
  James STORY, J.P.
  James WARING
  Edward ROTHERAM, J.P.
  Andrew C. PALLAS.
  Thomas F. KNIPE, J.P.
  George WARING.
  Edward S. TENOR, J.P.

July 28, 1876


IRWIN - On the 25th inst., at Bilberry Hill House, Ardlogher, after a lingering illness, borne with great patience and resignation, Jane Elizabeth Irwin, aged 88 years.


The vacancy in the Order of St Patrick, created by the death of the Marquis of CONYNGHAM, will, it is reported, be filled up by the appointment of the Marquis of DROGHEDA; and the Lord Lieutenancy of the County of Meath, vacant by the same cause, will be conferred on the Marquis of HEADFORT.


A very curious case of disputed will is at present being tried at the Westmeath Assizes - that of "PURDON v. the Earl of Longford and others." It is an action of ejectment involving the validity of a will, and is brought by Arthur WELLINGTON PURDON, Dr. Charles Purdon, Frederick Purdon, and Henry Purdon, against the Earl of Longford, Richard COOKE, the Rev. William LYSTER, and Jno. FOX GOODMAN, a solicitor. The property in dispute is the mansion-house of Cooksborough, and land worth about five thousand pounds a year. The facts are very complicated, but, as stated by the counsel for the plaintiffs, may be thus summarised:- The original owner of the property, Adolphus Cooke, died in March last year, aged eighty-six. He was deaf, afflicted with various ailments, and of most eccentric character. He did not believe in any form of religion, but formerly believed in the transmigration of souls. He thought all animals were gentle until corrupted by man. At one time he believed himself to be an owl, at another a fox; and he had a tomb built in marble, in an elevated part of the grounds, where he intended to have himself buried sitting in a chair. Some years before his death Mr. Cooke requested Arthur Purdon to give up his profession and reside with him, promising to make him his heir; but Mr. Purdon declined. Some time afterwards Cooke induced Dr. Purdon to live with him and take the management of the estate. The testator made several wills, and in one dated April 26, 1869, he constituted Wellington Purdon owner of the estate. This is contended by the plaintiffs to be the last valid will made by the testator; but they allege that subsequently the Rev. Mr. Lyster, who was rector of Killucan, acquired such an influence over Cooke that he induced him to bequeath the whole property to Lord Longford's son, a boy twelve years old, whom the testator had never seen. Counsel alleged that Mr. Lyster was actuated partly by inimical feelings towards Purdon, and partly by a desire to ingratiate himself with the Longford family.

After having occupied the attention for nine days of Mr. Baron DOWSE, a special jury, and an eminent bar, the Cooke will case resulted, late on Saturday evening, in a verdict for the Earl of Longford. His lordship delivered a prolonged and able charge, and finally left two questions to the jury - first, was the testator of sound and disposing mind, memory, and understanding at the time of the execution of the several wills and codicils? Secondly, was the testator unduly influenced in the execution of the wills by the wilful misrepresentations of the Rev. Wm. Lyster. The jury answered the first question in the affirmative, and disagreed on the second issue. Ultimately the jury found, by the direction of the judge, for the defendants on the second issue. The public have by no means heard the last of this cause celebre, as notice of appeal was intimated at the conclusion of the trial by Mr. MACDONOGH, Q.C., on behalf of the Messrs. Purdon.

DEATH BY DROWNING. - On Tuesday, a tailor named Vincent EGAN (said to be from Wexford), went to bathe in Swellan lake while in a state of intoxication. He crossed the lake opposite the Railway tank, and while returning sank and was drowned. His body was not found until next day. Mr. BERRY, Coroner, held an inquest, when a verdict of "accidentally drowned while bathing in Swellan lake," was returned.

MURDER OF MR. HOUSE, THE AMERICAN DIVORCE LAWYER. - The death of Mr. House, the famous "divorce lawyer," is announced by the American papers. Mr. House who had amassed a considerable fortune by professional activity, was shot dead by his wife, Irene, a "dashing blonde," on the evening of the 30th ult., at their home near Lawrence Station, on the Pennsylvania Railroad. He had been twice married. His first wife died, it is stated, chiefly owning to "worriment:" at his vexatious behaviour, and his second marriage does not appear to have been altogether a happy one; for so many differences arose between him and the lady who killed him the other day that, for some time past, each had found it convenient to carry a pistol. The conduct of Mrs. House in putting an end to her husband is condemned.

MURDER CASE AT MEATH. - At the Meath Assizes three persons, William SHIELS, Mary SHIELS his wife, and James CARPENTER, were charged with the murder of Thomas DEVLIN on June 13, 1865. The prisoners were discharged on a former trial. Last month all the parties were arrested on the information of a man named BOYLAN, who deposed that in the night on question he, through a window of Shiels' house, saw them murder Devlin, while Carpenter looked on. As a reason for coming forward after so long an interval, he states that Shiels had refused to give him money, and that his clergyman at a recent mission ordered him to reveal his guilty secret. The trial has, however, been postponed to the next assizes, two material witnesses for the Crown being absent.


Dundalk, Saturday.

A shocking report reached here this morning that a bank manager had been attacked on the road between Dundalk and Castlebellingham, pulled from his trap, and murdered. Later in the day it was ascertained that the reported attack had no foundation, but that a bank manager had been killed was only too true. It would appear that the unfortunate gentleman in question - Mr. John CORRY, manager of the Ulster Bank, Ardee, left that town on Friday evening, in company with two local merchants - Messrs. Michael and Peter HALPENNY - for the purpose of visiting his mother and two of his little children, who are at present staying at the bathing village of Blackrock, four miles from Dundalk. The party occupied rather a high dogcart or trip - Mr. Michael Halpenny driving, with Mr. Corry sitting beside him, Mr. P. Halpenny occupying the back seat. When near Lurgangreen, a village midway between Dundalk and Castlebellingham, one of the wheels sunk in a rut in the road, which caused the trap to lurch, and one of the shafts snapped. The horse then bolted. Mr. M. Halpenny was thrown out of the trap, while Mr. P. Halpenny slipped off behind. Mr. Corry attempted to jump from the vehicle, but one of his feet caught some way, the result being that he fell heavily on the broadway, his head being the first part of his person to touch the ground. He was removed to a neighbouring farmer's house and medical aid was promptly in attendance, but his injuries were beyond the power of medical skill, and he died in less than four hours after the melancholy occurrence. Mr. Corry was a native of Belfast, and had held a subordinate post in the Ardee bank for some years, from whence he was promoted to Ballina, and subsequently re-transferred to Ardee, as manager of the Ulster Company's branch there. His melancholy death has excited intense regret, as he was extremely popular owing to his courteous and gentlemanly manners.

THE LIMERICK RIOT - LIMERICK, MONDAY. - To-day, before Judge Lawson, at the Limerick assizes, John DALY, Edward DALY, Edward HARTNEY, and John FREEMAN were put on trial for taking part in the riot on the occasion of the Home-rule demonstration in Limerick on Easter Monday. The prisoners were acquitted and discharged. The result was received with loud cheers.


At the age of 72, at Willow Park, Booterstown, Dublin, there departed this life, on June 28, 1876, Mr. Henry BEWLEY, widely known in the Christian Church for his earnest spirit of evangelical enterprise and open handed benevolence.

The total sum that he gave away during his lifetime to charitable undertakings and works of benevolence can scarcely have been less than one hundred thousand pounds altogether. One among the numerous gifts dispensed by him was a cheque of five thousand pounds given in 1866 to the London Evangelization Society, founded by Lord RADSTOCK and Mr. Robert BAXTER; and his purse was constantly open for aiding various societies and individuals engaged in Christian undertakings.

The principal work with which his name is associated is the Dublin Tract Depository, in D'Olier-street, which has done a great work of usefulness during the past twenty-five years, and has scattered over the world English, French, Spanish, Italian, and German religious tracts and little books amounting to the astonishing number of upwards of five hundred million copies.

There is every reason to believe thousands upon thousands of souls have been converted during the past quarter of a century by the instrumentality of these religious publications, which were remarkable for the pure and pointed evangelical truth they contained; in fact, the very marrow of the Gospel. It is said that, during thee years in which is depository sold for one shilling numberless packets of tracts that cost four shillings, his gratuitous expenditure for this item alone was several thousand pounds a year.

The death of his eldest and only son at the age of 17 or 18, about twenty years ago (he subsequently had another, who now survives him), was a marked epoch in his life of generosity. He afterwards stated that he had been amassing a fortune for that son; but he looked upon his death as an indication that he should no longer thus accumulate money, but spend it in the cause of Christ, and he adhered to this determination to the close of his life.

He always possessed, however, a large amount of capital invested in his business as a wholesale chemist (Bewley & Draper, Mary-street, Dublin), and in gatta-percha and other manufactories. This business brought him into connexion with the Transatlantic cable, in which he held a large share; and the recovery of the lost cable, some ten years ago, was a gain of many thousand pounds to him. He also, at one time, received large profits from his coal-mines in Germany. He possessed marked business ability, and administrative capacity and shrewdness.

At the time of the laying of the cable at Valentia, in Ireland, he gave a banquet to some 300 people connected with that undertaking; and after the repast, hymns were sung, prayers offered up, and addresses delivered by the Rev. H. DISNEY and the moderator of the Presbyterian Church and others. This was an intrepid act for Christ, as many were present who were papists or infidels.

In connexion with the great religious revival in Ireland in 1859, 1860, and 1861, Mr. Bewley built Merrion Hall, in Dublin, at a cost of about £25,000; and Mr. Denham SMITH, the eminent evangelists, ministered for a lengthened period to the congregations that met there.

About that period he also began Conferences once or twice every year at Dublin, and he generally sent a five-pound note a-piece to about fifty ministers and laymen, with the invitation to attend; and they were hospitably entertained during their stay. On the third day of the Conference the meetings were usually held in Mr. Bewley's conservatory, situated at his beautiful residence at Willow Park.

It is to be hoped his biography may yet be written; and doubtless Mr. Denham Smith, Mr. T. B. Smithies, and others, with whom he was intimately associated, might give many interesting details of his life.

The great motto of his life was, "in things essential unity; in things non-essential, liberty; in all things, charity." He loved and longed to be a peace-maker between contending sects of Christians; and none who knew him can doubt that the peculiar blessing of the peacemakers will be his.

His funeral, which took place in Mount Jerome Cemetery, in the neighbourhood of Dublin, was very largely attended by ministers and members of all evangelical denominations, thus testifying their sincere respect and sorrow for the loss of this servant of the Lord. The day was lovely; the sun shone brightly on the scene. The birds and breezes made music in the cemetery trees, and words full of comfort and hope fell from the lips of those who took part in the simple service around the grave. - Christian Herald.

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