HOW TO ESCAPE THE TORTURE.Several soldiers of Montgomery's Highland Regiment were taken prisoners by the American Indians. Allan Macpherson, one of them, witnessing the miserable fate of his fellows, who had been tortured to death by the Indians, and seeing them preparing to commence the same operations upon himself, made signs that he had something to communicate. An interpreter was brought. Macpherson told them, that provided his life was spared for a few minutes, he would communicate the secret of an extraordinary medicine, which, if applied to the skin, would cause it to resist the strongest blow of a tomahawk or sword, and that if they would allow the experiment might be tried on his own neck by the strongest and most expert warrior amongst them. This story easily gained upon the superstitious credulity of the Indians, and the request of the Highlander complied with.Being sent into the woods, he soon returned with such plants as he chose to pick up. Having boiled these herbs, he rubbed his neck with their juice, and laying his head on a log of wood, desired the strongest man among them to strike at his neck with his tomahawk, when he would find that he could not make the smallest impression! An Indian, levelling a blow with all his might, cut with such force that the head flew off to a distance of several yards. The Indians were fixed in amazement at their own credulity, and the address with which the prisoner had escaped the lingering death prepared for him ; but instead of being enraged at the escape of their victim, they were so pleased with his ingenuity, that they refrained from inflicting further cruelties on the remainder of the prisoners.Colonel Stewart's Sketches. |
This vessel arrived at the Custom-house early Monday morning, after an expeditious and pleasant passage from Bristol, which place she left late on Saturday. Among the passengers wereMessrs. Kellett, Allen, Beamish, Kingston, Matthews, Byrne, Kenslake, Hayes, Trench, Leonard, Mr. Ashe, the celebrated performer on the Flute, and several ladies. She sailed again yesterday, and took overSir John de Burgos and suite, Captain Kent, Mr. Hare, &c. &c. |
We have to congratulate the Amateurs of Music on the arrival of Mr. Mrs. and Miss ASHE in this City, where we understand they are to remain for a few weeksduring which time we may hope to be gratified by a display of their unrivalled musical talents. |
A poor man named GOGGIN, near Doneraile, who had recommended Golden Rod (solidago) as a remedy for some complaint in the kidneys, got in mistake, some of the roots of Monkshood, (aconitus napellus) of which the poor man, after his work on Saturday, took a dose of nearly half a pint. He almost immediately exclaimed that he was a dead man, and died in about a quarter of an hour, in great agony.There was an Inquest held in Doneraile on the 12th inst. when the following Magistrates presided :LORD DONERAILE, WM. STAWELL, and CLUTTERBUCK CRONE, Esqrs.A respectable jury brought in a verdict, that the deceased came by his death, in consequence of taking an infusion of the roots of Monkshood, (by mistake,) instead of Golden Rod. |
BUDINGEN JULY 29.On the 25th in the evening, after much lightning, we had a most dreadful storm, which has ravaged a vast extent of country. The crops are wholly destroyed, the roofs and widows dashed to pieces, and for the space of ten minutes, pieces of ice fell, weighing from 8 oz. to 1¼lb each, killing not only hares and birds, but even sheep. The distress caused by this visitation is boundless. |
Extract of a Letter from Leghorn, dated 16th July, 1822.
You may have heard of
Shelley, ¹
the Author of 'Prometheus Chained', who called himself atheist ; he married or lived with the daughter of Godwin by Mary Wolstonecroft [sic] ; great friend of Byron's. He went out sailing in a little schooner or yacht last Monday night with Captain Williams, an English officer ; they have not been heard of, but are supposed to have perished in a storm the same night. The boat has since been found capsized ; their wives are both here raving distracted. |
HIS MAJESTY.It appears to be his Majesty's intention positively to depart on his Scottish Expedition to-morrow. The Royal yacht²
has been in readiness off Greenwich, and has attracted many people to that place. The roads from town will, in all probability, be more crowded than on any former occasion. |
Tralee, County Kerry CONVICTIONS Since the commencement of our Assizes |
Michael Foley, Mathew Sullivan, Timothy Healy, and Arthur O'Leary, for murder of Mr. Brereton, to be hanged were executed this day.
Owen Sullivan, Lawrence Sullivan, and Cornelius Casey, administering unlawful oaths, to be transported for life.
John Currane, sheep stealing, to be transported for life.
Mary Taugney, Larceny, no sentence.
Michael M'Mahon, tried for the murder of Edmond Fitzgerald at Listowell, guilty of manslaughter, to be transported for life.
Patrick Sullivan, and Denis Sullivan, administering unlawful oaths, to be transported for life.
William Coffee, sheep stealing, like sentence.
Thomas Rourke, burglary, to be hanged, day not mentioned.
William Shea, Goat stealing, no sentence.
James Mahony, Cow stealing, to be transported.
James Casey, Michael Hennessy, William Moore, and Honora Moore, the prisoners were put on their trial for the murder of Elizabeth Kelly, and the Prisoner Casey applied to have the trial postponed until the next Assizes, on account of the absence of material witnesses, grounded on an affidavit sworn yesterday. Mr. Lloyd, Counsel for the Crown opposing the application stated that the names of the witnesses having been communicated to the Crown Solicitor last night, he sent a carriage to the residence of the witnesses and they were brought to town this morning, and were then in attendance.
The prisoners said they had no money to fee Counsel or Attorney, and the Court asked if there would be any inconvenience in postponing the trial till the next Assizes, the Counsel for the Crown, replied that there would probably be a failure of justice, but that to avoid all objection the Crown Solicitor would supply the prisoners with money to have professional assistance, and this being answered the trial was fixed for Monday next. William Moore who is deaf and dumb was then put to plead, and a witness having been examined to prove that he did not stand mute from obstinacy, but by the conviction of GOD, and that he understood signs, the nature of the charge was communicated to him, and the Clerk of the Crown was directed by the Court to record a plea of not guilty for him. |