The Cork Examiner, 6 September 1841

A great meeting for promoting the Carlow Indemnity Fund and the nomination of Repeal Wardens for the Town and Parish of Mallow, was held Yesterday (Sunday), in the Chapel Yard—an immense multitude assembled on the occasion. The Rev. Dr. Collins, was unanimously called to the chair, and Mr. William Williams, was appointed Secretary, and the following Resolutions were unanimously adopted:—

Proposed by the Rev. Justin M'Carthy—Seconded by Robert J. O'Connell, Esq.—Resolved—That impressed with the necessity of affording protection for the free and unrestricted right of the Elective Franchise; and finding that the honest Electors of Carlow have subjected themselves to persecution, by their efforts to rescue the country from Tory domination, we feel ourselves called upon forthwith to collect subscriptions to preserve them from the tyranny of their heartless exterminators.

Proposed by Dr. Curtin—Seconded by Mr. Robert Corbet—Resolved— That having observed the melancholy effects which have been produced by the Clearance System, adopted by many of the Landed Proprietors, we feel the necessity of a Legal Enactment, which, without interfering with the Rights of Property, would secure to the tenant the enjoyment of the advantages arising from his improvements, and to the Landlord, a punctual payment of his rent.

Proposed by Mr. Wm. B. Williams—Seconded by Mr. James Canty— Resolved—That experience having proved that the exercise of the power of Legislation by a Foriegn Parliament, has disgraced our Country, subverted its Liberties, and reduced it to the condition of a Tributary Province, we feel it our bounden duty to Petition the Imperial Parliament, for the restoration of that Legislature, of which we were unjustly deprived.

Proposed by Mr. Timothy Collins—Seconded by Mr. John Fitzgerald —Resolved—That in accordance with the instructions of our illustrious countryman, Daniel O'Connell, we recommend the following Gentlemen to act as Repeal Wardens for the Town and Parish of Mallow, and that they be empowered to prepare a petition for a Repeal of the Act of Union: Rev. D. Collins, P.P., Rev. J. M'Carthy, Dr. Curtin, Mr. John Canty, Mr. Wm. B. Williams, Mr. Jas. Roche, Mr. Robert O'Connell, John Moriarty.

Proposed by Anthony O'Connor, Esq.—Seconded by Jas. Jones, Esq. —Resolved—That this Meeting cannot separate without recording their sense of gratitude and unbounded confidence in Daniel O'Connell, the victorious Leader of the Irish Liberal Party.

Moved by John Ahern, Esq., Seconded by Geo. O'Callaghan, Esq. —Resolved—That the thanks of this Meeting are hereby given to Thomas Reynolds, Esq., not only for his efficient aid in the furtherance of the Repeal question, but his steady devotion to the advancement of the interests of Ireland.

The Rev. Mr. Collins was then moved from the Chair, and Dr. Curtin was called thereto, when the thanks of the Meeting was given to the former Rev. Chairman, amidst great cheering. Several Subscriptions were handed in towards the Repeal Rent and Indemnity Fund.

Submitted by dja


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