several weeks, much anxiety has prevailed regarding the fate of the crew and
passengers (the latter four in number) of the Hannah, belonging to Sydney, the
wreck of which had been discovered on the coast eastward of North Cape, under
circumstances which have caused considerable suspicion.—By the last accounts
received, it appears the Hannah left Port Nicholson for Sydney, in the early
part of January last, having on board a very valuable cargo, also 600
soveriegns. She was a vessel of 200 tons burden, and her crew amounted to 15
seamen. From the period of her sailing, nothing was heard of her until the
discovery of the wreck twelve miles from North Cape. Five bodies, in a
shockingly decomposed state, were found on deck, one of which was that of a
female, with an arm and a leg broken. The stern board of the wreck had been
knocked off, evidently in order to prevent the vessel being recognised. Part of
the cargo had been saved, consisting of 80 casks of oil ; but the boxes
containing the gold were gone. The opinion of Sydney was, that a mutiny had
broken out among the crew ; and after disposing of many of the men, they ran the
vessel on shore and took the boats, taking with them the sovereigns. The
authorities at Auckland have despatched a vessel in search of the supposed
offenders. |
IN CANADA.—The left wing of the 93rd Highlanders
left for Quebec, on Saturday evening, at six o'clock, under the command of Major
The 2d battalion 60th Rifles arrived at Montreal the same day,
and will remain until relieved by the reserved 2d battalion of the Rifles.
A detachment of the 46th Regiment occupies the barracks at St.
John's, until relieved by the 77th Regiment from Halifax, N.S.
The 89th Regiment and the right wing of the 14th regiment
proceeded to Halifax, N.S. in the Bellisle troop ship, which will probably sail
from Quebec, on Tuesday or Wednesday. |
Among the advantages of steam-boat communication in the
United States, enumerated by the New York Herald, we find it stated that
“you may travel from New Orleans to St. Louis, a distance of twelve hundred
miles, for twelve dollars, meals, berths, &c. included. This price (one
cent, a-mile, with three meals a day) is, we believe, the cheapest travelling in
the world.” |
regular line of steam communication between England and the Brazilian empire is
about to be opened, by the sailing of the Antelope from Liverpool for Rio. She
sails on the 10th September.—Liverpool Times. |
are now sent free of postage to the following British colonies and foreign parts
:—British colonies—Aden, Antigua, Bahama, Barbadoes, Berbice, Bermuda,
Canada, Cape Breton, Caraicon, Demerara, Dominica, Gibralter, Grenada, Halifax,
Heligoland, Hondura, Hong Kong, India (via Southampton), Ionian Isles,
Jamaica, Malta, Montserrat and New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince
Edward's Island, Quebec, St. Kitt's, St. Lucia, St. Vincent's, Tobago, Tortola,
Trinidad. Foreign parts—Brazil, Bremen, Buenos Ayres, Cuxhaven, Denmark,
France, Grand Duchy of Oldenburgh, Greece, Hamburgh, Hayti (or St. Domingo),
Lubeck, New Grenada, Peru, Spain, Venezuela. A postage of twopence must be paid
at the time of putting in, to the United State [sic] of America, Guadaloupe,
Martinique, Surinam, St. Croix, St. Thomas's, St. Martin's. Cuba, Egypt and
Syria. |
train of four carriages, including the piston carriage, which it is to be
recollected carries passengers, and weighing about 22 or 23 tons, we reached a
velocity of seventy-five miles per hour. This speed was maintained over a
distance of a quarter of a mile. Over a similar distance in the same trip, we
got a velocity of 69.23 miles per hour ; over half a mile, a velocity of 64.20
miles per hour ; and for a mile and a quarter, exactly 60 miles per hour. The
reader will recollect that the atmospheric run upon the Croyden is not quite
five miles. —Herald. |