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The New York Papers contain the following :—On the 1st
of May the Swedish sloop of war Charles Krona, Captain E. G., of Klint, sailed
from Havannah for Sweden, with a crew, consisting of 132 men, and when off
Matanzas, having been two days and three nights out, was caught in a squall,
which turned the vessel bottom upwards, consigning to a watery grave one hundred
and fifteen souls! The vessel immediately sunk. Seventeen of the crew, who saved
themselves by clinging to spars of the vessel, were picked up by a New Orleans
vessel, and brought into New York. |
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FOR some time past the state of the weather has been
most favourable to vegetation. The potato and corn crops give the most cheering
promise of an abundant harvest. The former, in particular, about which such
apprehensions existed, show as favourably as on any former year. The stalks
everywhere look strong and healthy. The warmth of the weather, in the absence of
rain, is beautifully tempered by heavy night dews. We have seen ears of wheat
gathered in the neighbourhood of this city, fully formed. The reports from all
parts of the country are favourable. |
PURCELL.—The remains of this distinguished and
estimable Irishman were conveyed to their last resting place, in Marlborough
street Chapel, this morning under circumstances as well calculated to soothe the
feelings of his family as could be desired by their warmest friends. The hearse
was followed by a train of gentlemen on foot ; extending from the late residence
of Mr. Purcell in Rutland-square to the entrance of the chapel, and the
procession was closed by a long line of carriages. Among those who paid this
last tribute of respect to the deceased were men of the highest position in our
city ; and the funeral service, which was performed by Archbishop Murray, was
attended to its close by many who perhaps never, upon any former occasion, found
themselves within the walls of a place of Roman Catholic worship. We understand
that no leading member of the Repeal Association attended the funeral.—Evening
Mail of Monday. |
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Langan's Inn, opposite the Clarence dock gates, Liverpool,
is advertised to be sold by his executors. |
John Sweeny, a young man, fell dead at ball playing on
Sunday last at Birr. |
An extensive issue of silver threepenny pieces is about to
take place. |
T H E B L I N D A S Y L U M .
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THE Ladies' Committee of this asylum have determined
on holding a “Fancy Sale” during the approaching Assizes, for the purpose of
aiding its almost exhausted funds. We hope the public will bear in mind the
noble and sacred character of the duties which these truly christian ladies
undertake to discharge, and contribute, by their purchases, to the relief of the
helpless beings so touchingly commended to our guardianship. These blind
creatures, of both sexes, are taught to become proficients in various modes of
handicraft, and the numberless products of their ingenuity and industry will be
the staple articles of the sale. When the day for this draws near, we shall take
care to put our humane and sympathising fellow-citizens again in mind of it.
We may mention, as a proof of the extreme urgency of the
appeal of the Committee, that two of the inmates, in consequence of the lowness
of funds of this Asylum, were obliged to seek admission into the workhouse on
Monday. |
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M'COULL.—An accident took place on board the steamer
Finn M'Coull, at two o'clock in the afternoon of Wednesday last, when leaving
Garlieston Quay, at which place she had called, on her voyage from Wigtown to
this port. The boiler gave way in the starboard coal bunker, and from the water
and steam thus escaping, William Esplin, first engineer, James Hughes, and James
Braidie, firemen, were so severely scalded as to occasion their death ; James
Grimes and Christopher Collie, also firemen, are in a dangerous state. None of
the passengers or sailors have received any injury. The accident is supposed to
have originated by an over pressure of steam having been kept up, and, probably,
want of attention to the valves. The steamer (with the exception of the boiler)
has not sustained damage. |
ESQ., for very many years Register of the Court of
Chancery—a most efficient public servant, and a warm hearted private friend—
departed this life last evening, covered with age and honour. He was very
popular amongst his contemporaries and associates, and was greatly beloved by
his family and connexions. The salary of the office is about £1,500 a-year. Mr.
Yelverton O'Keeffe, who at present discharges the duty of Registrar in the Rolls
Court, succeeds by seniority to the Chancery ; and the vacancy occasioned by his
promotion, with a salary of £1,000 a-year, is in the gift of the Chancellor.—Evening
Mail. |