LUNATIC ASYLUMTHIS DAY. THE monthly meeting of the governors was held this day, Mr. N. DUNSCOMBE presided. |
Present :Archdeacon Kyle, Sir Denham Norreyes, W. J. Norreyes, and Noble Johnson. |
STATE OF THE HOUSE.Number of patients on the 10th July, 235 males, 245 femalestotal, 480. Admitted since, 9 males, 6 females ; discharged, 6 males, 4 females ; died, 1 male, 1 female. Number of patients this day, 237 males, 246 femalestotal, 483. 25 patients are in hospital, and there are six patients paying annual sums of £20 and under. In the male department the patients are employed as follows :Gardening, 3 ; agricultural labour, 59 ; tailoring, 3 ; shoemaking, 5 ; carpentering, 2 ; white-washing, 3 ; cleaning house, 23 ; helpers, 18 ; breaking stones, 12 ; smith's work, 2 ; miscellaneous, 18total employed 148 ; unemployed, 80. In the female department the patients are engaged as follows : Needlework, 38 ; fancy, do., 2 ; knitting, 44 ; fancy do., 2 ; assisting in laundry, 22 ; cleaning house, 27 ; helpers, 19 ; total employed, 154 ; unemployed, 76.
Dr. Power's report stated that the musical class was already under instruction, and the instruments had arrived. He had to inform the governors of the escape of a patient named Tim Sullivan, which had occurred on the 15th ult. whilst at agricultural work on the farm. The consideration of the arrangements for the future and permanent working of the Turkish bath should be well weighed, and the advantage of employing their own staff not too easily given up. A deputation of two from the county Grand Jury had made their inspection and report and appeared quite satisfied.
The business of the board was unimportant. |
LONDONDERRY, TUESDAY.The North American, from Quebec on 3d inst., has arrived. She brings £30,890 in specie. The Fulton had arrived out. Passed steamers United Kingdom, Anglo-Saxon, and Bohemian. The Canadian s.s. Norwegian, which left Liverpool on the 18th and Derry on the 19th ult., passed Farther Point on the evening of 3d inst. On the morning of 29th ult., owing to a thick fog, she struck on a reef of rocks 36 miles S.E. of the north point of Anticosti. A large portion of the cargo was thrown overboard. She was afloat aft all of the time. On the 2nd inst., the passengers were put on board the United Kingdom. On the same night the Norwegian came off undamaged and proceeded to Quebec, but owing to light head winds had not yet arrived. The mails were put on board a schooner on the 31st. The United Kingdom was expected at Farther Point to-night. American politics unimportant. Canadian crops reported satisfactory. |
AUGUST 12.Off Gallay Head, Ireland, ship Robert Center, Capt. Flitner, twenty-three days from new York, for Liverpool. |
The Gazette publishes a table of the rate of annuities to be offered to field officers of the Indian armies, now unemployed on retirement, in addition to the pensions which they are entitled to. The amount of lieutenant-colonels of cavalry varies from £250 to £550, and the others in proportion. If the number of field officers retiring on the terms now offered fall short of 300, annuities of £120 will be offered to regimental captains to make up that number. Another notice in last night's Gazette states that officers returning to India will obtain employment. |
EXTENSIVE SALES OF TIMBER.We beg to direct the attention of purchasers of timber to the extensive sale by Mr. Edward Chaloner, of Liverpool, advertised in our columns this day, a catalogue of which, and of another large sale at Hull, may be seen at the office of this paper. |
Her Majesty intends to decorate the following officers and privates :Captain Robert Rogers, 90th Foot ; Private John M'Dougal, 44th Foot ; Lieut. Lenno, 67th Foot ; Captain Burslem, 60th Foot ; Private Thomas Lane, 67th Foot ; Lieut. Chaplin, 100th Regiment ; and Hospital Apprentice, Arthur Fitzgibbon, all for acts of bravery. |
DEATH BY DROWNING.Yesterday evening a lad about 17 years of age, was seized by cramps while swimming at the Corporation baths, and was drowned. There were one or two others present, who saw the occurrence, but they were unable to render any assistance. The body was recovered the same evening, and an inquest was held to-day, when a verdict in accordance with the circumstances was returned. |
John M'Ilwaine, a contractor for the Ordnance Department, and Hamilton Connolly, a clerk in the Ordnance Department, were brought up and charged with having forged certificates for the payment of several large sums of money, which, it was alleged, they had received from the Ordnance Department. . . . |
FOR SALE, a Combined MOWING and REAPING MACHINE, by BURGESS and KEAYES, has been purchased this Season and very little used.
Also, the choice of Two THRESHING MACHINES, one by GARRETT & SONS, the other by BARRETT, EXALL, & Co. Accommodation afforded for Payment if required.
Apply to THOMAS E. HANAN, Coburg-street, Cork.
Same place, a good OUTSIDE CAR, with a well-trained MARE and HARNESS ; and a handsome MONKEY to be disposed of. |
ON and after MONDAY, 3rd JUNE, 1861, a well- appointed FOUR-WHEELED CAR will be despatched from the COACH-OFFICE of the IMPERIAL HOTEL, PEMBROKE-STREET, CORK, Daily (Sundays excepted), at 9 o'Clock, A.M., passing by Carrigrohane Castle, Inniscarra, Dripsey, Carrigadrohid, the far-famed Lakes of Inchegeela, Gougane Barra, the celebrated Pass of Keimeneigh, Carriganass Castle, winding round the Head of Bantry Bay, and arriving at the Royal Hotel, Glengariffe, at Six o'clock every Evening.
Another Car leaves Glengariffe every morning for Killarney at 11 o'clock and arrives in Killarney at 5.30 p.m. Return Cars from Killarney to Cork by same route daily.
Through Tickets Cork to Killarney and vice versa, One Guinea each. Half an hour is allowed at Inchegeela and Kenmare going and returning.
For further particulars, please apply to Mr. COTTON, Imperial Hotel, Cork ; at the Coach Offices in Cork and Killarney ; or at the principal Hotels in Cork and Killarney. |
T. H. MARMION, Proprietor. |
THE INTEREST of the DWELLING HOUSE and OUT-OFFICES, in the TOWN OF MACROOM, occupied at present by BARTOLOMEW [sic] DONOVAN, on which £400 has been lately expended. It consist[s] of a large Shop 12 feet wide, 36 feet long, a large Kitchen, Parlour and Hall on the ground floor, with a large Drawing-room, six Bed-rooms, and a large Garrett, Coach-house, two large Slated Back Houses, a Four-horse Stable, over which there is a Corn Loft, and a Large Walled-in Garden.
Proposals in writing will be received by |
A Term of Three Lives or 31 Years concurrent can be given. |