The Cork Examiner, 7 June 1861
KILLARNEY, THURSDAY.—The parties engaged at faction fighting at the above fair, were yesterday brought before the following magistrates at petty sessions :—Messrs. Thomas Gallwey (chairman) ; D. J. Cruise, R.M. ; Daniel C. Coltsman, and Richard Murphy. Owing to the excitement which the friends of the delinquents seemed to manifest, and the interest attached to the hearing of the cases, the courthouse was densely thronged. The names of the parties are Jeremiah Leary, Killarney ; Cornelius Crowley, do. ; Denis Desmond, do. ; Jeremiah Riordan, Darby Gueran, Thomas Russell, Pat Riordan, Daniel Callaghan, Jeremiah Rourke, John Ahern, John Quinlan, and Pat Callaghan. There were several others called, but did not appear.
   The Sub-Inspector of the Castleisland station occupied a seat on the bench during the day. From his evidence it seems that, late in the evening, several parties struck with sticks, but he did not attempt to make any arrests ; to do so would be very imprudent, as the parties engaged in the fight were much stronger than the police. Crowley, it was stated, seized the sub-inspector's horse, and threatened to strike the sub-inspector with a stick. It also appeared that the immemorial usage at faction fights was not forgotten—of calling out £5 for the head of any of the opposite party. This was called out by the Callaghans, who immediately attacked an unoffending man named Quinlan, who admitted that that was his name. The parties, whose names I give below, were sent for trial before the chairman of the county, Mr. Coppinger, at the ensuing quarter sessions :—Cornelius Crowley, Jeremiah Leary, Denis Desmond, John [sic] Riordan, Darby Gueran (not amenable), Thomas Russell, Daniel Callaghan, Pat Quinlan [sic], John Ahern, Jeremiah Rourke, John Quinlan, James [sic] Callaghan, and Jeremiah O'Sullivan [sic].
   The magistrates admitted the prisoners to bail —themselves in £40, and two sureties in £20 each.
   Michael Nagle, Eugene Barton, Michael Hogan, Timothy Collins, Jeremiah Kelleher, Robert Giles alias Dunleary, Edward Spring, Pat. Moriarty, Margaret Leary and William (alias Doctor) Hayes, were fined each £2 and costs, at the suit of Constable Couming, for having sold spirits, &c., after legal hours, at the fair of Molahiffe. John Breen, of Killarney, was also summoned for the same offence, but it having been proved that he left the fair at six o'clock in the evening, it was dismissed. In this case it was admitted by Breen, that he sold a barrel of porter to another publican (the only quantity of drink he had unsold at the fair) before he left. For doing so, his case is to be reported to the Excise by Head-Constable Burchell of this town, as the porter was sold wholesale by a dealer.

AT the Killarney Petty Sessions on Wednesday before the presiding magistrates, Cornelius Casey, a farmer, was summoned, at the suit of the Earl of Kenmare, for having, on the 31st of May, entered into and taken forcible possession of part of the lands of Killaquane, in the parish of Molahiffe, in the occupation and tenancy of the Rev. P. O'Connor, P.P., Firies. It seems that the defendant was served with an unstamped copy of the summons, as admitted by Constable Flewall, who was ordered to do so by Mr. Thomas Gallway, agent to the Earl of Kenmare. Mr. Stephen Huggard, of Tralee, who was professionally engaged by the defendant, took exception to this point and called on the magistrates to dismiss the case. Mr. Gallway, who previously occupied the chair, vacated it ; and a long discussion took place on this point, Mr. Gallway maintaining its legality. Mr. Huggard persevered on its illegality, and the case was finally dismissed without prejudice, on the grounds of the illegality of the summons, and it being the opinion of the law advisers, which Mr. Gallwey [sic] persisted in. As this case elicited a good deal of animadversion unfavourable to the course adopted towards Casey, who surrendered the occupation pro tem, on circumstances spoken of, I will refrain from giving further particulars until it comes on de novo for hearing. —Correspondent.

   QUEENSTOWN, THURSDAY EVENING.—The Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia, s.s. City of Baltimore arrived here at 11.45 a.m. and having embarked mails, passengers and latest telegrams, proceeded for New York at 3.30 p.m. all well—weather, fine.
Mr. JOHN MULLANY in the chair.
OTHER guardians present—Messrs. Thomas Stack, John Callaghan, Jeremiah Ryan, Daniel Humphries.
   STATE OF THE HOUSE.—In the house on Saturday week, 434 ; admitted last week, 23 ; discharged, 29 ; died, 2 ; remaining on Saturday last, 426 ; sick, 54.
   The Clerk read the minutes of the last day, which included a resolution gainst outdoor relief, passed unanimously at the last board, and already published in our advertising columns.
   The Chairman objected to the way in which the resolution had been passed. When a resolution of that important nature was to be passed, due notice should have been given and a special board called to consider it. Though he believed the resolution would have been passed, even though notice had been given to all the guardians, still an opportunity should have been afforded to every one who wished, to attend and express their opinions on the subject.
   Mr. Callaghan remarked that the resolution had been passed unanimously at the last board.
   Mr. B. Sheehy of Ballinacurra appeared before the board and stated that he had been decreed before the magistrates at Cloyne Petty Sessions for poor rates that he had already paid. He had got a receipt from the former collector, Mr. Dunne, which was not, however, in due form, but an opinion had been obtained from the law officers of the Crown that the payment of the rates might be proved by other evidence. Mr. Sheehy, in consequence of some misunderstanding, did not attend before the magistrates on the second day, to give the necessary proof, and a decree was given against him. He now applied to the board to have the decree revoked, as he was prepared with proof that he had paid the rates.
   The Board having been satisfied that Mr. Sheehy had paid the rates, passed a resolution recommending the Cloyne magistrates not to enforce the decree.
   The Clerk read the following letter :—
Churchtown, June 3d, 1861.    
   GENTLEMEN,—A daughter of mine, a few days after her marriage, destroyed herself, according to the decision of the Coroner's inquest, in a fit of insanity. One would think it was enough for a father to have lost his child in such afflicting circumstances, without being assailed by an atrocious calumny after her death. Doctor Folke, the Infirmary doctor in this district, attended at the inquest, as I suppose he was bound to do ; and after she was buried, stated to several persons, who can prove it on oath, if necessary, that she was seven months gone with child. Feeling for the character of my unfortunate daughter, when everybody in the neighbourhood knew her to be a strictly virtuous and modest girl, and unwilling that such a slur should be thrown on my family, I had her taken up out of her grave, and feed Dr. Buckmaster and another doctor to examine her, when they found that the assertion of Dr. Folke was an infamous calumny. For such an outrage, it appears I have no redress, but I make my complaint to you, gentlemen, many of whom are fathers of families, to determine what satisfaction I, a poor man, ought to get for the calumny attempted to be fixed on my unfortunate child, and which could not but be injurious to the character and prosperity of other members of my family. Confiding in your honour and justice, gentlemen, I am your respectful and obedient servant,
JOHN his + mark CLARKE.    
   Thomas Kirk witness
   Several of the guardians expressed opinions that the board had nothing to do with the matter, and no discussion took place on it.
   The board adjourned after the disposal of some routine business.

KILLARNEY, THURSDAY.—I have been informed that the official announcement of Mr. James E. Connor, Tralee, to the Sessional Crown Solicitorship of Kerry, vacant by the promotion of Mr. A. Morphy to the division Crown Solicitorship of Munster, has been received. There were three or four candidates for the office. The appointment of the latter gentleman has given much satisfaction, and Mr. Connor is well qualified for the discharge of his duties.
Submitted by dja
The Cork Examiner, 10 June 1861
THE American war touches Ireland more nearly than any other country in the world. For every parish in Ireland, there is at the other side of the Atlantic an almost corresponding colony of people, bound by ties of affection and blood. In their sufferings our people suffer. It is not alone that the poor Irish at home miss those annual tributes which have afforded a proof such as no other country ever gave, of the strength of the home affections amongst our exiles ; but they must learn that those who were generous are themselves in want, and likely to have quite as much, if not more to endure, than those whose privations they were in the habit of alleviating. Foreseeing the existence of this state of things from the moment that the fratricidal American war commenced, we have more than once uttered warnings to our countrymen here not to quit their homes not for an uncertain future, but for a future almost certain to be unfortunate. If they have relatives in America, the probability is that they are already badly off, and their arrival will but add a new burden to the existing misery. If they have not, then their condition is likely to be wretched indeed. They enter friendless and unknown, probably moneyless too, a country where war has unhinged society, suspended trade, and rendered employment almost impossible to be acquired.
   Under these circumstances we readily give insertion to a letter upon the subject, written by an excellent clergyman whose sympathies are strong with the people of his own land, and who has at this moment the opportunity of actual observation of the condition of our people in America. We trust his admonitions may be received with the attention they deserve :—
Worcester, Massachusetts, 22nd May, 1861.    
   DEAR MR. MAGUIRE,—I learn by letters lately received from home that our poor people are, this year, emigrating in great numbers. As I well know that you are a true and sincere friend to them, I beseech you to use repeatedly and repeatedly the strongest expressions that you can select to prevail on them to stop at home until this most fatal and senseless contest in this country is at an end. Commerce is completely paralyzed, there is scarcely any employment, and for those actually employed there is no payment. I have spent the last five months in various manufacturing towns in this State ; the cotton, paper, and woolen mills have been stopped ; likewise those where steam engines, power looms, cutlery and various other iron and steel articles were wrought in great quantities have been suspended ; the storehouses are glutted with manufactured goods, but no demand for them, or, if ordered, no reasonable prospect of being paid for them. The prospect is most gloomy ; and to convince you that this is no croaking or prophesying of evil on my part, I wil state what I witnessed. This last week I have spent in two towns of this State—Gardner and Fitchburg—with a great many of my old parishioners from Killeagh, Skibbereen, and Conna. They, their wives and children were employed exclusively in the manufacturing of chairs, which were chiefly exported to the South. Those poor people in past years purchased lots, erected neat houses and furnished them well. Lately, however, the manufacturing shops have closed, nine months' wages are due to the hands, they cannot get a penny from the employers, who have an immense quantity of goods lying on their hands and have not been paid for those they have already sold. They give orders to the workmen on the provision and clothing stores ; these are refused, and the consequence is that the poor people mortgage or sell their holdings for quarter of their value. I could adduce numberless other instances of the same kind. So, in the name of GOD, recommend them to stop at home ; for, if they come out here, they never suffered such distress in their own country as they will most assuredly suffer in this one. This is the advice of their and your sincere and humble friend and well-wisher,
MAURICE POWER,             
P.P. of Killeagh, County Cork, Ireland.    
   DEAR SIR,—In a letter read at the last meeting of the Midleton Board of Guardians, relative to the death of a poor girl who destroyed herself in a fit of insanity at Churchtown, near Cloyne, and which letter was inserted in your journal of the 7th instant, with the other proceedings of the Board on that day, appeared the following sentence :—
   “Feeling for the character of my unfortunate daughter, when every body in the neighbourhood knew to be a strictly virtuous and modest girl, and unwilling that such a slur should be thrown on my family, I had her taken up out of her grave, and feed Dr. Buckmaster and another doctor to examine her, when they found that the assertion of Dr. Fowkes [sic] was an infamous calumny.
   The reading of the latter portion of this extract would imply a belief on my part in the statements attributed to Dr. Fowkes, and that I undertook the post mortem examination to prove those statements infamous calumnies.
   Such is not the fact. The father and sister of the girl waited on me, as a surgeon, to discharge a very unpleasant duty, one from which I would much prefer being exempted, and after much solicitation on their part I consented, at the same time telling them I did so not to prove any statements true or false, for I had no concern with them, but to ascertain the existence or otherwise of a particular point.
   Trusting you will insert this explanation, as otherwise I may be placed in a false position with a much-respected professional friend,
   I remain, dear sir, yours truly,
   Midleton, June 8th, 1861.

   The Times says it has been determined to send three regiments of infantry and a sufficient amount of artillery and munitions of war to reinforce the garrisons in British North America. These garrisons had been so reduced of late years as scarcely to afford sentries enough for the protection of the public buildings at most important military posts ; and as their weakness seemed to invite attack it has been thought desirable to place them in a position to command respect from any irregular body which in a moment of excitement might feel tempted to assail a place which seemed incapable of defence.

AT the Police-office on Saturday, Messrs. Dunscombe and Cagney presiding, Mary Twomey, occupier of a house on the Dyke, was summoned for having persons drinking in her house on the morning of the 6th, she not being a licensed publican. To prove the offence Patrick Stack, one of the parties found in the house, was summoned, and he stated that he purchased drink in a public house in town whence he took it to defendant's. The magistrates not considering there was any breach of the publican's acts, dismissed the case.

AN eating-house proprietress in Fishamble-lane, named Maryanne Kelly, was on Saturday summoned before the magistrates, for having beer exposed for sale, and two men under the influence of drink in her house at 12½ o'clock on Saturday night. Constable Vickers proved the charge, and defendant was fined 10s.

ON Saturday night we had one heavy shower, and again yesterday, we had rain during the greater part of the day. In Bandon, the quantity of rain that fell was very trifling. Eastward, down the river rain fell heavily after mid-day, but did not continue long.
Submitted by dja
The Cork Examiner, 12 June 1861
INFORMATIONS were taken against a young lad named Patrick Goulding for stealing a pair of boots the property of Mr. Callaghan, Old George's-street, on Saturday morning. The prisoner pleaded that he was destitute of all means of support when he stole the boots, and expressed a wish to be sent to the reformatory.

MONDAY, at two o'clock, her Majesty's ship Sanspareil, left Queenstown for the Portland Roads. Previous to the departure one of the able seamen, John Cronin, a native of Queenstown, was presented by Mr. Edward Talbot, at the request of Capt. Wilmot, with a medal, as a reward for having rescued a shipmate from drowning. A great number of ladies and gentlemen accompanied the Sanspareil outside the lighthouse to mark the esteem in which they held Captain Wilmot.

YESTERDAY evening, a servant at the Lying-in Hospital, Anne Smith, was engaged in washing clothes near Hunt's baths, and whilst bending over the river to recover an article of dress which was being carried away, she lost her balance, and fell into the water. A young girl named Lynch, who was near, attempted to save her, but was unable to do so, and the unfortunate young woman perished. About an hour after the accident occurred her body was recovered.
FINN VALLEY RAILWAY.—At a special meeting of the Finn Valley Railway Company, held on Friday last, in London, Lord Lifford presiding, Messrs. Moore Brothers were declared contractors for constructing this line of railway—14 miles in extent. The line will connect the village of Finn, in the county of Donegal, with the Londonderry line at Strabane. The Messrs. Moore are also at present engaged completing the line from Navan to Clonsilla. These works, together with those already finished by this eminent firm, will be by far the largest contracts taken for any county in Ireland, for railways.

A WOMAN of ill-fame named Halloran, was charged by a Greek sailor with stealing a five pound note out of his pocket while in Mr. Conner's public house, Old George's-street. Mr. Mullan ordered informations to be taken, and directed a constable to have Mr. Conner in attendance at three o'clock in order that he may explain why he entertained such a character in his house.

THE Royal Cork Artillery mustered this day, at Elizabeth Fort, for the usual twenty-one days' training.

A project is on foot to establish a line of omnibuses between Dublin and Kingstown.
Submitted by dja
The Cork Examiner, 14 June 1861
A FEARFUL and melancholy loss of life occurred on Wednesday evening, near the Blasquet Rocks. Two whale boats belonging to Mr. Notter, of Crookhaven, which had been out on a fishing excursion, were returning after a most successful cruise, when near the Blasquet Rocks a sudden squall of wind caught them, for which they were quite unprepared, and one of the boats turned over and sank in a moment. None of her crew, which numbered five men, were saved. The other boat reached Crookhaven in safety. Two of the lost crew, who were unmarried, were the sole support of their widowed mothers. The other three have left wives and children, in a helpless, destitute condition.

ABOUT seven o'clock on Wednesday evening, a little boy named John Donovan, while playing on the slip opposite the Coal-quay, fell into the river, and the tide being very high at the time, was drowned before assistance could be rendered. His body was recovered in an hour and a-half after, near the slip from which he fell. An inquest on it was held yesterday, by Mr. Coroner Gallwey, when it was ascertained that the child was the son of a carpenter residing in Hughes's-lane, and about 8 years of age.

SUDDEN DEATH.—An unfortunate girl of the town was taken suddenly ill last night, on the South Mall. Assistance having been procured by a companion, she was taken to the South Infirmary, but she was found, on her arrival, to be dead. It is supposed she died of disease of the heart.
THE Kangaroo, belonging to the Inman line of steamers, called yesterday at Queenstown, for the purpose of taking on board mails, passengers, &c., for America. The number of emigrants who took passage in her, showed that at length our country people are coming to a sense of the folly of emigrating to America at present. Yesterday only forty-seven emigrants were taken out, whilst no longer than six weeks ago, over nine hundred left Queenstown.

JAMES WORGAN, discharged soldier, 48th regiment, was yesterday brought before Mr. Mullan, J.P., on a charge of having travelled on the Great Southern and Western Railway without a ticket. Peter Kelly, policeman, stated that on the arrival of the 7 o'clock, a.m., train at Blarney, the previous day, the prisoner had neither ticket to show nor money to pay for one. This was first discovered at Buttevant station. In reply to the bench, he further stated that when passengers come from Dublin they are often allowed by the officers on the line to arrive at their destination, and not interfered with, even though they have no ticket. The prisoner said he paid at the Dublin terminus 13s. 9d. for a third-class ticket to Cork, but having got a little drunk, he lost it on the way. The presiding magistrate, thinking it likely that such was the case, especially on account of the vigilance of the officers employed by the company, sentenced the prisoner to a fine of 5s., including the fare from Buttevant to Cork, which, if paid, was to be awarded to the company.

THE Count De Flanders and suite are sojourning at the Royal Victoria Lake Hotel, Killarney, and will proceed on Saturday next around the coast by Valentia and Glengarriff to Cork.
Submitted by dja
The Cork Examiner, 17 June 1861
ARRIVALS AT FINN'S ROYAL VICTORIA LAKE HOTEL.—Mr. and Mrs. Smelt, Miss Smelt, and Miss Coleridge, Boston, U.S. ; Mr. and Mrs. Miller and family, Brooklyn, U.S. ; Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson, Ballingarry. Limerick ; Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Braithwaith, and Mrs. Montgomery, Fermoy ; Mr. and Mrs. Benson, Ham. Surrey ; Messrs. Moreton, Baker, Drakeford, and Lees, Liverpool ; Messrs. A. Fra[?], [?] Belmont, Lyons ; Mr. and Mrs. Boyd, Belfast ; Mr. and Mrs. Graves, Rosbercon Castle, New Ross ; Mr. Carter and family, New York, U.S. ; The Misses Cochrane, do. ; Mr. and Mrs. H. Mark, and Miss Massett, London ; Mr. J. [?] Smyth, Miss Smyth, and Miss Glover, Castlewidenham, county Cork ; Dr. Grant, and Mr. W. J. Brasier Creagh, Fermoy ; Captain and Mrs. Robertson, Miss Beck and Miss Hobson, county Cork ; Sir Henry and Lady Pelly, Miss Pelly, and Miss McNeill, Warrenham Court, Sussex ; Mr. and Mrs. Dominick O'Connor, Belvue, Monkstown ; Major and Mrs. Bellair, Dublin ; Messrs. C. O. Young, [?] W. Tedwick, and W. H. Wood, London ; Mr. and Mrs. Moss, and family, Dedsbury, Manchester ; Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Lewis, Sir Cusack P. Roney, Mrs. McLaren, Miss Skerry, and the Misses Johnston, London ; Mr. Shipman, Bangor, N.W. ; Mr. Fletcher and family, Albany, U.S. ; Mr. and Mrs. Alexander, London ; Messrs. Bradshaw, Johnstone, Osborne, and Young, Liverpool.
A VERY handsome belfry and bell has been erected in the Freemount Parish Chapel, owing to the untiring zeal and energy of our worthy Curate, the Rev. Wm. Cosgrave, who is never wanting in the glorious cause of religion. The belfry, which is of beautiful cut stone, is the work of Mr. M'Donald, Architect, Kanturk, on whom it reflects the highest credit ; and the bell, from Mr. J. Murphy, founder, Dublin, needs no commendation. The whole which is just now complete, adds very much to the exterior of the chapel, which is built on an eminence, and causes the bell to sound most solemly for miles around that once low and degraded, but now flourishing and enlightened, parish of Freemount.—Correspondent.
With sentiments of the deepest possible regret, and respectful sympathy for her bereaved husband and family, we record the death, at Cahermoyle, yesterday, of Mrs. William Smith O'Brien, the beloved wife of William Smith O'Brien, Esq., and daughter of our venerable fellow-citizen, Alderman Joseph Gabbett.—Limerick Reporter.

CASE OF STABBING.—Charles E. Duprey, first mate on board the brig Acme, Captain Hall, now lying at Patrick's-quay, was on Saturday brought before Messrs. Mullan and Orme, by Sub-constable Parker, on a charge of having stabbed a fellow sailor named James Duffney. It appears that about 12 o'clock last night the prisoner, after an hour's sleep, got out of bed, and taking with him a dark lantern, went in search of Duffney, whith whom, it is said, he had a dispute the night before. Previous to doing so, he took the precaution to lock the captain's cabin, and immediately made for the sailor, who was perfectly sober at the time. Fortunately for the latter, the watch was able to interfere soon enough to prevent the infliction of more than two slight wounds, the weapon used on the occasion being a sharp-pointed knife about six inches in length. He was soon after given in custody, and on being brought before the magistrates Mr. Blake, on his behalf, said Duffney consented not to prosecute provided some compensation were made to him for the injury sustained, and that his client would not sail in the same ship again. The captain who gave a good character of the prisoner, said as far as he was concerned, he was satisfied with the agreement. The bench, however, refused to be parties to any compromise in a case of such a nature and gave Duffney time to re-consider the matter. The prisoner is an American, and Duffney a British subject being a native of Nova Scotia.
Submitted by dja
The Cork Examiner, 18 June 1861
   On the 16th instant, at Harmony Lodge, Glountane, the wife of Capt. Richard Pigott Beamish, West Cork Artillery, of a son.
   June 15, at Upper Leeson-street, the wife of Prosser Shaw, of a son.
   On the 14th instant, at Woodville Terrace, Liverpool, the residence of her mother, the wife of J. E. Chapple, Esq., Royal Navy, H.M.S. “Tartar,” of a daughter.
   On the 16th instant, at 26, Stephen's-green, North, Dublin, the wife of John D'Arcy, Esq., of a daughter.

   June 12, Charles W. Carruthers, Esq., of the Crescent, Clontarf, to Caroline Elizabeth, daughter of the late Rice Meredith, Esq., of Barevalley, in the Queen's County.
   On the 12th inst., at St. Mary's Church, Donnybrook, by the Rev. Maurice De Burgh, brother of the bride, assisted by the Rev. Frederick Fitzgerald, Captain Robert Henry French, son of the late George French, Esq., Q.C., of Mountjoy- square, and Seamount Lodge, county Dublin, to Emma, fourth daughter of the Rev. William De Burgh, D.D., Incumbent of St. John's, Sandymount.

   On Saturday, the 15th instant, at 31, Harcourt- street, Dublin, Jane, the beloved wife of Henry Flynn.
   The trial of Charles Higgins, Maria Higgins, and Henry William Devereux, for obtaining money under false pretences, which commenced on Saturday, was resumed yesterday morning.
   The jury convicted the prisoners, and they were sentenced respectively to two years' imprisonment.—Packet.

ANXIOUS FOR A FIGHT.—At the Police-office, this morning, John Desmond, a member of the light-fingered profession, was charged with having been drunk and disorderly last night. When the constable saw him he was surrounded by seven or eight of his companions, whom he was severally challenging to a fistic encounter. All declined, and the prisoner having no worthier object on which to display his valour, turned to a pair of window shutters, and began to “pitch into” them with all his might. He was then arrested and taken off to Bridewell. The Bench senetenced him to a fine of 5s. or a week's imprisonment.

   The Evening Herald says the meeting at Lord Derby's Mansion-house had reference to the question of church rates, and adds there is no foundation whatever for the reports as to the dissention in the Conservative ranks.

   Lieut.-Col. Beamish, £1 for Families of Drowned Fishermen at Crookhaven, per G. N. Harvey.
Submitted by dja
The Cork Examiner, 19 June 1861
Crookhaven, June 15th, 1861.    
   SIR,—On Monday evening last two whaleboats shot lines about five miles off the Mizen, and then returned home. Though Tuesday morning was not very heavy, everything foretold a coming gale ; but those hardy and experienced seamen persevered in going to where their lines were. About 7, a.m., a heavy gale came on from S.W., which raised a surf that broke against our rock-bound coast, like peals of thunder. One of those boats bore up without finding her lines, and, after a great struggle with the fury of the wind and waves, succeeded in reaching the harbour in safety. But, most melancholy to relate, the other boat and crew, consisting of five men, were lost, though they had a splendid boat and were the ablest crew on this coast. It is supposed those poor fellows were trying to recover their lines ; for, though they were not their own, still if they were lost they knew they would lose their season's fish, and, consequently, the support of their poor families for the year.
   Their names are as follows :—Richard Sepple, aged 24, whose father was lost in a whaleboat twenty-one years ago. He has left an aged infirm mother and a sister to deplore his loss. James Lamb, about 25, left a mother, a brother and two sisters. Bat. Barnane, aged 23, left a young wife, being only two months married. Jerry Driscoll, 42, left an infirm wife, an infirm daughter, aged 13, and a son a cripple aged 10 years, and Charles Meade, aged 50, left a wife and two daughters by a previous marriage, one aged 11 and the other 9 years.
   These poor families being in the utmost state of indigence, the greater part of them must become inmates of the hated Poor-house unless they get immediate relief ; therefore, Mr. Editor, as you are always the advocate of the poor, I hope you will be so kind as to open a subscription at your office for them if it not be opposed to your system of obtaining relief in such cases, and if so to appeal to the sympathy of the public through your columns, especially as Meade and Driscoll's children are fit subjects to be grabbed by the proselytizers of this district.¹
I am, Mr. Editor, yours obediently,             
[WE cannot add anything to render more touching the facts of this awful narrative. We can only say that we shall be glad to be the medium of conveying any bounty which the charity of our readers may prompt. Private information has been communicated to us that no effort is likely to be spared to detach one of the families from the Catholic church as its present destitution renders it peculiarly open to temptation.—ED.]

ACCIDENT.—James Corkery, a carpenter, while working at Mr. Duffe's in Sunday's Well, yesterday morning, fell from a scaffolding about thirty feet high, on which he was standing. He received some severe contusions. He was taken to the North Infirmary.
(Before Messrs. T. H. TARRANT and FRANKLIN.)
MESSRS. DUNCAN and Stewart, master and mate of the Brigand, lying at Queenstown, were arrested by the Revenue officers at that port for having concealed on board some manufactured tobacco and six bottles of eau de cologne.
   The parties pleaded guilty ; but the magistrates went into the case, so as to give the accused the benefit of extenuating circumstances.
   Mr. Appleby having proved the case on the part of the Revenue, the master was convicted in the mitigated penalty of £13 14s. 6d., and the mate in the sum of £1 10s. 6d. The quantity of tobacco seized was under 10lbs.
   The fines were paid.

   MR. AND MRS. CHARLES DICKENS.—A London correspondent of the Banff Journal writes as follows :—Mr. and Mrs. Dickens have been reconciled, and are again living together. Let us trust that we shall hear no more of incompatibility.

   Corns, Bunions, Callosities, and Ingrowing Toe-nails, removed by Mr. MANGEON. His address will be found in our advertising columns.

LARCENY.—Edward Conner was charged at the Police Office yesterday morning with having stolen a bottle of wine and a bottle of brandy, the property of Mr. Henry B. Allen, Academy-street, in whose establishment he was employed as a porter. It appeared that on Saturday evening the prisoner was putting up some bottles of wine, and thinking that nobody was looking at him, he was about slipping one of them into his pocket, when Mr. Allen's clerk saw him, and desired him to put it away. The prisoner obeyed, but when the men were leaving the store, the prisoner was observed to remain behind the others, and on the clerk asking him why he did not go, he stooped behind a cask and picked up something. The clerk insisted on seeing what he had, and he then backed into the dark part of the store, where he threw away a bottle of brandy, which was broken to pieces by the fall. Informations were ordered against him.

SHOP-LIFTING.—Yesterday morning a notorious young robber, named Joseph Baldwin, entered the shop of Mr. Terence O'Connor, South Main-street, and having seized a waistcoat he was just walking away with it, when he was seen by the clerk, who pursued him up Hanover-street, overtook him, and gave him into custody. He was taken before the magistrates, who committed him for trial before the Recorder. The prisoner is one of a family of robbers. His brother is at present undergoing penal servitude at Spike Island, and he himself is very well known to the Recorder.
Submitted by dja
1— An allusion to the alleged practice of Catholic orphans being granted relief or support in exchange for converting to the faith of their Protestant benefactors.

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