The Cork Examiner, 1 July 1863
THE Brethren of the Third Lodge of Ireland assembled for banquet on Wednesday evening, the 24th inst., at the Queen's Hotel, Queenstown, to celebrate the festival of St. John. The front of the hotel was tastefully illuminated with appropriate devices in gas jets. Brother William M. Bullen, W.M., presided, assisted by Brothers Jas. Hackett and William D. Stephens as senior and junior wardens. The customary loyal and masonic toasts were all duly honoured, and the evening spent most agreeably and harmoniously, enlivened as it was by the excellent singing of some musical Brethren, under the direction of Brother Henry Baker. The Dublin band, whose services were secured for the occasion, played some beautiful opera music during the banquet.
   Visitors were received from Lodges No. 1 and 557, who dined at the same hotel ; and complimentary telegrams were despatched to the Lodges at Cork and responded to.
   The dinner, supplied by Brother Elliott, was replete with every delicacy of the season ; and the wines were of the choicest description.
   While enjoying the good things provided for them the assembly were not unmindful of the orphans of their deceased brethren. At the suggestion of a brother present a subscription was entered into for the Cork Masonic Orphan Asylum, and the amount collected handed to the Treasurer, who was a visitor to the Lodge.
   After enjoying a most delightful treat the company left for Cork at half-past 11 o'clock by a special train, provided for the occasion by Wm. Parsons, Esq., the courteous manager of the Queenstown Direct Railway.
   The America, from New York, has arrived off Southampton.
   NEW YORK, 19TH.—The reports of the invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania were much exaggerated, the Confederate forces being under 4,000 men. The excitement at New York has subsided. Lee's object is generally believed to be the capture of Washington. His main army on the 16th was at Thoroughfare Gap.
   NEW YORK, 19TH JUNE, (Afternoon).—The excitement throughout Pennsylvania has materially abated. The report of the invasion was exaggerated, the only Confederate force in Pennsylvania being 3,500 men under General Jenkins and Rhodes at Harrisburg and Greencastle, and they retreated on the afternoon of the 17th inst.—it is supposed to Hagerstown. The Confederates have respected all private property, and paid for all goods in Confederate scrip. Harrisburg and Pittsburg are being strongly fortified, as it is still believed that it may enter into General Lee's plans to attack these places, although it is now generally thought the capture of Washington is the object of Gen. Lee's campaign.
Submitted by dja
The Cork Examiner, 2 July 1863
July 1st, 1863.
   ARRIVEDIrt, Morgan, Demerara, timber ; Promesso, Massa, Ibrail, maize ; Atlas steamer, Legget, Sulina, maize ; Orazio, Gamba, Liverpool, coals, to Genoa—put in through stress of weather ; Sea, Duncan, New York, maize ; Columbus, Grunde, Havannah, sugar ; Mentor, Duwell, New York, wheat ; Alert, Slado, Runcorn, salt ; Staghound, Reward, Wave, Emma, Torence Eliza Thayer, Sarsfield, Thomas, Maria and Martha ; Neptune, Christensen, New York, maize.
   OFF PORTGreat Eastern steamer, Liverpool to New York, to embark passengers.
   SAILEDMizpah, Decent, Hamburg, oil ; Milano, Maurin, Limerick, grain ; Margaret, Turnbull, Westport, grain.
(By Magnetic Telegraph.)
   ARRIVED—(Wind S. ; fine)—Criminal, Rath, Brandt, from Odessa ; Christiansand, New York ; Von Laffert Lehsen, New York ; Scotia (s.s.), Sulina ; Venus, Liverpool for Cameroon River, coast of Africa—put in with loss of foretopmast and jibboom ; Mercado, Odessa ; Sidon (s.s.), Liverpool.
   SAILEDAtlas (s.s.), Waterford ; Pieter, Sunderland.

DEPARTURE OF THE S.S. “SIDON.”—The full-powered first-class s.s. “Sidon,” in connection with the Cunard line, called at Queenstown, from Liverpool, at five p.m. yesterday, en route for New York, and having embarked about one hundred passengers, with latest telegrams, &c., proceeded at seven p.m., all well.

CAUTION TO THE OWNERS OF DOGS.—At the Police-office, yesterday morning, Mr. W. Johnson, the presiding magistrate, complained of the number of dogs without log or muzzle now straying about the city. He said that a person could not go into one of the back streets of the city without being followed by troops of snarling curs, who were not only most annoying, but were also most dangerous, several persons having been lately bit. He then directed the Police throughout the city to summons the owners of those dogs, and promised if they were brought before him to inflict the full penalty of 10s. and costs.
Cape Clear.    
   MR EDITOR,—Though we have had often the pleasure of seeing visitors to our island, no doubt for the purpose of inhaling the freshness of its ocean breezes and of enjoying the beauty and wildness of its scenery, it is but seldom they have any lasting memorials of their advent. It was not so in the case of two distinguished gentlemen who visited Cape Clear on Sunday, the 28th—Valentine O'Connor, Esq., of Dublin, chairman of the Magnetic Telegraph Company, and Thomas H. Saugar, Esq., a member of the same company. After bestowing some favours on some of the poor, Valentine O'Connor, like a practical Catholic and good Christian, on seeing the poverty of our chapel, handed me £5 towards its ornamentation. Acts like this are worthy the descendant of Cathal Dearg O'Connor, Prince of Connaught, whose greatest pleasure seemed to be in founding religious convents and ornamenting their churches.

   On the 27th June, at Aldershott, wife of Capt. W. M. Dunbar, 24th Regiment, of a son.

   On Tuesday, 30th ult., by the Rev. E. FitzGerald, (uncle to the bride), assisted by the Rev. E. Hoare, Timothy, eldest son of T. O'Callaghan, Esq., Shandon-street, Cork, to Fannie, youngest daughter of John FitzGerald, Esq., Cahirciveen.

   On the 29th ult., at Ivy Cottage, Friar's Walk, Frances Sarah, second daughter of John L. Kingston, aged two years.
   Mr. James Hans Hamilton, late M.P. for the county Dublin, and father of the present hon. member for the county, died on Monday afternoon after a long illness. Mr. Hamilton only resigned his seat a few months ago from impaired health.
   We have to announce the death of Major-General Thomas Kelly, K.C., on the 27th ultimo, at No. 7, Landsdowne-square, Rosherville, at the age of 87. He entered the army nearly 70 years ago. By his death a good service pension is rendered disposable.
Submitted by dja
The Cork Examiner, 3 July 1863
IT will be in the recollection of readers of the Examiner that a Special Petty Sessions were held in Killarney on Monday, the 15th June, to try a summons in which Captain Ellis, of the Emigration office, Liverpool, was complainant, and Joseph Ahern, of Killarney, was defendant. The summons charged the defendant with a breach of the passenger Act, 18th and 19th Vic., chap. 119, sec. 75, for having acted as emigration runner, without being licensed and for not wearing a badge. Mr. Alexander Murphy appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. Thos. R. Wilson for the defendant. Mr. Wilson denied that his client was an emigration runner, and read the 3rd section of the act (being the interpretation clause) in which the term “emigration runner” was defined to be a person who solicited intending emigrants in any seaport town or place of shipping, or within five miles of the boundary thereof ; and argued that as Killarney was not a seaport or place of shipping, nor situate within five miles of any such place, the act did not apply. The magistrates referred the case to the Law Adviser of the Crown, and the following is the opinion of that functionary on the matter:—
“Dublin Castle, 22nd June, 1863    
   “GENTLEMEN,—Referring to your letter of the 15th instant relative to a man being summoned for acting as “Emigration runner” without being duly licensed, I am directed by the Lord Lieutenant to acquaint you that the Law Adviser who has been consulted on the subject is of the opinion that the acts complained of having been committed at Killarney the act referred to viz.—the 18th and 19th Vic. chap. 119—does not apply and that the summons must be dismissed.
   I am, Gentlemen, your obedient servant,
   “The Magistrates, Petty Sessions, Killarney.”

July 2nd, 1863.
   ARRIVEDErmenia, Costa, Ibrail, maize ; Ernestine, Benson, Cardiff, coals, for Bermuda, put in leaky in bows ; Criminal, Rath, Brandt, Trietag, Odessa, maize ; Die Sonne, Ziesmar, Odessa, wheat ; Christiansund, Simonsen, New York, maize ; Venus, Fea, Liverpool, general cargo, for Cameroon, C.A. ; Von Laffert Lehsen, Schultz, New York, maize ; Scotia steamer, Harvy, Sulina, maize ; Edinburgh steamer, Liverpool to New York, and proceeded ; Mercede, Rulich, Sulina, maize.
   SAILEDGreat Eastern steamer, Paton, New York, general ; Atlas steamer, Leggett, Waterford, maize ; Sidon steamer, New York, passengers ; Imperatriz, De Silva, London, beans ; Tieter, Dahlen, Sunderland, timber ; Eleanora, Brandivaite, Sligo, grain ; Irt, Morgan. Liverpool, timber ; Iris, Kennard, Liverpool, bones ; Amici, Preve, Waterford, grain ; Michele Gatorna, Bonsignore, Cardiff, ballast ; Pellegra, Facie, Swansea, ballast ; Vivid, Corning, London, oil.
(By Magnetic Telegraph.)
   ARRIVED—(Wind N. ; light, fine)—Anneta Cosavich, Sulina ; Flora, Ibrail ; Emmanuel, Ibrail ; Messina, Taganrog ; Nuova Attaves, Sulina ; Maria Heyn, New York ; Laura, Ibrail ; Pietro, Ibrail ; Eva, Ibrail.
   SAILEDPieter, for Sunderland ; Scotia steamer.

   QUEENSTOWN, FRIDAY, 2, P.M.—The homeward bound Inman steamer Glasgow, from New York, reported off harbour.

WE incorrectly stated yesterday that it was to remove portion of her cargo that the Great Eastern was detained at the mouth of the Mersey. It was to take on board more. It was also incorrect to state the number of passengers sailing from Liverpool as a thousand ; the number was about 800.
TWO unwilling voyagers proceeded in the Great Eastern to America from Queenstown on Wednesday evening. One was the pilot who brought the leviathan into port, and who had also to guide her out ; the other was a young gentleman in the employ of Messrs. N. J. Cummins, Brothers, agents of the ship and owners. They proceeded to the ship, with a large number of visitors, in the steam-tender Willing Mind ; and it was not until the latter was a considerable distance on her return from the Great Eastern, which was then steaming away on her long voyage, that their absence was discovered. The Willing Mind immediately turned around and went in pursuit of the Great Eastern, and after some time, the latter having purposely slackened speed, came up with her on the leeward. The sea, however, was so rough, it was deemed impossible to make fast alongside, and two involuntary voyagers were left to experience the pleasures, or, it may be, discomforts, of a passage in the Great Eastern.
CORPORAL PUNISHMENT IN THE NAVY.—The marine James Scott, belonging to H.M.S. Hastings, who was recently sentenced to thirty-six lashes and twelve months' imprisonment, for assaulting his corporal, underwent the first portion of his sentence on board his ship at eleven a.m. on Tuesday. He did not murmur from the beginning to the termination of the infliction. Harling, the other marine, who was sentenced to receive forty-eight lashes and be imprisoned for eighteen months, for a more aggravated offence of the same nature, has had the corporal punishment remitted, owing to the physicians having certified him incapable of enduring the infliction. He will, however have to undergo the full term of imprisonment awarded him.
MR. P. DONOVAN, J.P., family and suite, have arrived at his residence, Frogmore, the Spa, after a lengthened sojourn on the Continent. Mr. O'Donovan's tour has much improved his state of health, an announcment which will afford much gratification to his numerous friends.—Tralee Correspondent.
THE steamship Scotia, Captain Danby, commander, belonging to the Greek and Oriental steamship Company, arrived in the harbour yesterday from Selina, with a cargo of Indian corn. Her main shaft, having been broken in the Mediterranean, she was obliged to sail for the remainder of the voyage. The cargo is consigned to Samuel Coventry & Co., of this city.

AT the Petty Sessions held in Killarney on Wednesday, before Messrs. Thomas Gallwey, chairman ; Daniel C. Coltsman, D.L. ; Henry Leahy, Richard Murphy, and R. H. Orpen, Mr. Daniel Shea, emigration agent and proprietor of a spirit store, in Hen-street, was summoned by Mr. Owen Ahern, stationer and emigration agent, for that he, on the 26th and 27th day of June, and on several other days previously, hung out and displayed, or suffered to be hung out and displayed, from his licensed public house, a flag or decoration not being the known and usual and accustomed sign of the house of a retailer of spirits, after having been served with notice in writing that his acting so was contrary to law. Mr. Thomas K. Wilson, who appeared for the prosecution, relied on the 8th sec. of the 6th 7th William IV., c. 38, which, after prohibiting certain illegal assemblies in the houses of retailers of spirits, went on to say that “Retailers shall not on any occasion or pretence whatsoever hang out or display or suffer to be hung out and displayed from any of their houses or other place of sale, any known sign, flag, symbol, colour, decoration or emblem whatsoever, except the known and usual and accustomed sign of such houses or other places of sale usually fixed thereto in the way of business, under a penalty not exceeding 40s. or not less than 10s.” Mr. F. H. Downing, who represented the defendant, contended that the above act referred to illegal assemblies in such houses, and that the flag of the “stars and stripes” which flaunted over Mr. Shea's establishment in the Main-street, in which street the spirit store was not at all situated, was adopted by him as the future sign of the trade, and as the sign of an emigration agent.
   The plaintiff having been examined relative to his opinion of the defendant's claim to exhibit such a sign, and the apprehended danger of the defendant's house falling on his since the flag was put up ; and a police constable having given evidence of Shea being a licensed publican.
   Mr. Wilson forcibly contended that the above act referred to this case and called on the magistrates to impose a fine.
   After a lengthy discussion, the bench, intimated their intention of dismissing the case.
   Mr. Wilson asked them to submit the facts for the opinion of the law advisers ; but the magistrates decided the contrary, stating that by doing so they would be submitting too many cases for their opinion, and it was unneccessary to do so on this occasion. The case, which elicited a very great amount of interest through the town, and on account of which an unusual number thronged the court, was, after some lengthened discussion between the two professional gentlemen, ultimately dismissed.
YESTERDAY at the Police Office, Mr. James Joyce, Inspector of public cars, summomed the following drivers for offence against the bye-laws :—John Ahern, driver of car 16, the charge against him was for loitering off his stand, was fined 2s. 6d. with costs ; John Howard, for not being licensed, 10s and costs ; Timothy O'Brien, driver of car 305, for obstructing the roadway at Summer Hill, 2s. 6d., and costs ; Michael Russell, driver of car 161, for a like offence, 2s. 6d., with costs.

   MUSEUM OF IRISH INDUSTRY.—Mr. Sydney Pontifex, student in the Practical Chemical Class, Museum of Irish Industry, has been appointed by Dr. Hoffman, F.R.S., Honorary Assistant in the College of Chemistry, London.

   GOOD LANDLORDISM.—J. C. Delmege, Esq., J.P., Castle Park, has munificently granted the liberal abatement of 20 per cent. to all tenants on his Clare estates, and has besides voluntarily given pasturage as a gratuity in consideration of the pressure of the times. Moreover, Mr. D. is expending large sums in works of improvement which afford much employment to the labouring class of the district. This is an example worthy of imitation.
A MEETING of the inhabitants of Bandon was held in the Town Hall, yesterday, in compliance with a public requisition, to adopt measures for paying a suitable compliment to the Lady Mary Bernard on her approaching marriage with Colonel Aldworth, Newmarket. Mr. Wheeler, chairman of the Town Commissioners, presided. Mr. H. Unkles having spoken at length on the excellences of the Bandon family, and the claims which they had to the esteem and respect of the inhabitants of the town, moved the following resolution—“That we beg to express our sincere congratulation to the Right Hon. the Earl of Bandon, on the approaching marriage of his amiable daughter, Lady Mary Bernard ; that a committee be appointed to carry out such a demonstration as to them may seem suitable on the occassion.” The resolution was seconded by Mr. S. R. Tresilian and adopted. Mr. Wheeler, Dr. Brown, Messrs. Berwick, Lester, Lee, Tresilian, Doherty, Hickey, and Unkles, being appointed the committee. A subscription list having been opened £54 was in a short time contributed. Mr. Pope was appointed treasurer and Mr. Wolfe secretary. The chairman stated that Mr. T. K. Sullivan had desired him to put down his name for £1.

   On the 1st inst., at Waterfall, in this county, the wife of Wm. Samuel Coe, Esq., C.E., of a son.

   On the 13th ult., at Rondebosch, Brownell Richard Murphy, Esq., Assistant-Surgeon, R.N., Royal Naval Hospital, Simon's-town, to Rosetta Margaret, second daughter of J. H. Macaulay, Esq., of H.M.'s Customs, Capetown.
   On the 1st inst., James Armstrong, of Quinsborough terrace, Bray, to Elizabeth Maria, daughter of Thomas Barnard, Esq., Gravesend, Kent.

   On the 29th ult., at Bawnmore, in this county, Mr. Jeremiah O'Connor, sincerely regretted by a large circle of friends, aged 95.—May he rest in peace. —Amen.
   On the 28th ult., at Medway, in this county, of bronchitis, Henry Charles John, only son of Capt. Harris.
   On the 27th June, at 5, Melville-street, Portobello, Thomas Miller, Esq., of Thomas Miller and Sons, stockbrokers, 72, Princes-street, Edinburgh.
   On the 30th June, at her residence, 16, Rathmines, at an advanced age, Christiana, relict of the late Robert Day, Esq., barrister-at-law. Her remains left at six o'clock this (Friday) morning for the King's- bridge Terminus, for interment in Queenstown Churchyard, county Cork.

   The Times remarks that if Lee wins the cause of the North is lost. If he loses, the cause of the South is not essentially injured. If Hooker's army is defeated, Washington occupied, and Pennsylvania overrun by a Confederate army it is difficult to see how the demands of the South for independence can be any longer refused ; but if the Confederate commander should be compelled to retrace his steps to the Rappahannock his position will be little worse than before, except in the improbable event of some crushing reverse. Still it cannot be denied that the Southerns are now throwing for a great prize.

   The Paris correspondent of the Times writing yesterday says, Private letters from Madrid inform me that proposals of recognition have been made on behalf of the Southern States of America to the Spanish Government, and that those proposals are made with the cognizance and full sanction of the Emperor of the French. The proposals are at this moment under the consideration of the Spanish Cabinet, who are aware that they are approved of by the Emperor, and also are aware that if Spain consents she will have the support of France. Everyone knows how the possession of Cuba was coveted by the United States. It appears that Spain would be now completely tranquilised on this head as the Confederates are prepared to guarantee the possession of this rich colony, either by treaty with her or by joining in a treaty with other powers in return for certain not unreasonable advantages. It is thought at Madrid that in any case the Emperor of the French will not much longer postpone recognising the confederacy, if with others, well and good, if not, alone.

(Before Messrs. W. JOHNSON, N. DUNSCOMBE, and J. L. CRONIN, R.M.)
MR. JOHN HORGAN, lately of Macroom, attended to prosecute his wife, his eldest daughter, and his son-in- law, named Clarke, for unlawfully detaining from him a younger daughter, named Ann Horgan, who was still a child. It appeared that the complainant's daughter and son-in-law were going to America, accompanied by his wife, and that they wished to take the child with them. He was opposed to the child leaving, but his wife had possession of her and was keeping her from him. He therefore applied to the court to interfere and make an order that the girl should be given up to him.
   The Bench did not think they should interfere in the matter, but expressed an opinion that the complainant was entitled to have the custody of his children.
   A middle-aged woman, named Catherine Kelleher, was brought forward in custody, charged with having stolen two bottles of whiskey, some tea, tobacco, and a small sum of money from Mr. Edward Barry, publican, Merchant's-quay. The prisoner pleaded guilty. It was stated that she had entered Mr. Barry's house as a domestic servant on last Monday, and yesterday morning she was caught by her master coming out of the shop with the above-mentioned articles in her possession. She was sentenced to a fortnight's imprisonment.
   Constable Hosford put forward Mary O'Neil and Eugene O'Neil, mother and son, on a charge of larceny, and applied to have them remanded until to-morrow. He stated that the prisoner Eugene O'Neil had been in the employment of Messrs. Beamish and Crawford up to yesterday, when he (Constable Hosford) acting upon information given him searched the house in which Mary O'Neil lived, and found there three bags, identified as the property of the Messrs. Beamish and Crawford, 12 or 14 stones of oats, and three stones of malt. The male prisoner was charged with having stolen this property, and the woman with having received it knowing it to have been stolen ; and to-morrow he would be in a position to produce evidence to support both charges.
   The remand was granted.

Mr. C. MURPHY in the chair.
OTHER Guardians present—Messrs. James O'Connell, J.P. ; D. S. Lawlor, J.P. ; H. A. Herbert, J.P., jun. ; John Dumass, Edward Sealy, R. H. Orpen, J.P. ; and O. M'Gillycuddy.
   STATE OF THE HOUSE.—Remaining at the close of last week, 478 ; admitted since, 29 ; born, 0 ; died, 2 ; discharged, 24 ; remaining in the house on last Saturday, 480. In hospital, 143.
   AVERAGE COST OF AN INMATE.—General, 2s. 3d. ; hospital, 2s. 11 ¼d. ; hall, 1s. 11d¾.
   A letter from the Poor Law Commissioners, relative to the appointment of medical physician for Killarney Union was read. The Commissioners approved of the appointment of Dr. M'Donough at the salary of £70 per annum, commencing, as proposed, on the 16th inst. They, at the same time, requested of the committee the propriety of taking an accurate inventory of the several articles to be furnished to Dr. M'Donogh. [sic] It was desirable that it should be revised from time to time, at least once a year, adding thereto any article that may have been supplied in the meantime, and deducting such as may become worn out or useless.
   A woman named Guerin, with a child in arms applied to be admitted, stating that her husband was a labourer, and was in town, unable to procure any employment, and would rather starve outside than enter the house—Rejected.
   A young man named Desmond, belonging to the Kerry militia, next applied for admission, stating that after the embodiment of the militia he was brought over from London, where he obtained employment, join the regiment, though the period which he had to serve was only five days ; that on receiving a letter to join, he wrote to Capt. Spring, asking to be allowed to enter some other regiment, as he had only five days to serve, and that on being refused he was obliged to pawn all the clothes he had to collect the expense of the journey from London.
   After some consideration, the board decided on granting the application under the circumstances detailed to them.
   Several other applicants from the same regiment, also applied for, but were refused admission.
   The ordinary business having been transacted, the board adjourned.

In the chair WILLIAM R. MEADE.
THE guardians present were—Messrs. John Walton, William Markham, John S. Bird, Thomas Buckley, Charles G. Fryer, Achilles Daunt, Thomas W. Knolles, Thomas R. Lane.
   In the house on Saturday, the 30th inst. [sic], 171 ; admitted the following week, 12 ; born, 0 ; died, 0 ; discharged, 23 ; remaining on Saturday, the 27th ult., 160 ; of these 69 were in hospital.
   Cost of provisions, &c., received during the week, £12 8s. 8d. ; do. consumed, £14 3s. 10d. The general average cost for the week, 1s. 7¼d. ; in hospital, 2s. 0¾d. ; able-bodied, 1s. 3½d.
   Lodgements, £00 0s. 0d. ; payments, £182 18s. 4d. Balance in Bank to the credit of the union, £199 8s. 5d.
Submitted by dja
The Cork Examiner, 10 July 1863
   HEAD OFFICE, WEDNESDAY.—ROBBERY OF £600.—Mrs. Sarah Daglish was brought up on a warrant, in custody of Acting-Inspectors Rice and Doyle of the G division. It appeared that her husband, who was in the employment as clerk, of Mr. Gray, banker, College-green, absconded on the 27th June last, taking with him the sum of £600. There was £88 10s. found in Mrs. Daglish's house Sandymount, and she stated that she believed it was part of the money stolen by her husband, and that she intended to return it. Mrs. Daglish was admitted to bail on her own recognizance.

   On the 9th inst., at 111, Stephen's-green West, Mrs. M'Swiney, of a daughter.
   At 13, Upper Mallow-street, Limerick, the wife of Thomas Stannard MacAdam, Esq., of a son.
   On the 4th inst., at Furness, county Kildare, the wife of the Rev. Maurice T. Burgh, of twin sons, one of whom died shortly after his birth.
   On the 7th inst., at No. 3, College-green, the wife of Mr. Wm. Henry M'Intire, of a son.

   On the 10th inst., at Kilcully-house, Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the late James Crofts, Esq.
   On the 6th inst., at 4, Harcourt-terrace, Joseph Cooper, Esq., eldest son of the late George Cooper, of Barn Hall, in the county Kildare.
   On the 7th inst., 193 Great Brunswick-street, of apoplexy, Ellen, wife of R. M. Levey, Esq.
   At Sightcliffe, Yorkshire, Annie, eldest daughter of the late John Kent Johnston, Esq., of Eden-quay, Dublin.
   On the 8th inst., at at his residence, Allenton, Tallaght, Nicholas Reed, Esq.

==>PARTIES who desire the insertion of births, deaths and marriages, should forward their names in confidence, in order to prove their authenticity. An announcement of a death received from Dungarvan this morning is excluded, as the writer did not attach his name.

July 9, 1863.
   ARRIVEDGiovanni, Haglish, Sulina, maize ; City of London (s.s.), Liverpool, for New York ; Helen Scott, Jenkins, New York, coals.
   SAILEDAracan, Howson, Calcutta, salt ; Mail (s.), Gilpin, Nassau, ballast Mary and Ann, Eastaway, Quebec, ballast ; Ceasare Augusta, Nossardi, Yarmouth, grain ; Mentor, Dewell, Galway, grain.
(By Magnetic Telegraph.)
   ARRIVED—(Wind S. ; slight fog)—Asia (s.), from Sulina ; Cella (s.s.), Liverpool for New York ; Lidskjalf, New York.
   OFF PORTEdward, from Harbour Grace, and proceeded to Liverpool.
   A large steamer (double funnelled and brigantine-rigged) passed harbour yesterday at six p.m., bound west.
   SAILEDMary and Ann, for Quebec.

   NEW YORK, JUNE 26.—The news that will go to Europe and the rest of this world by this steamer is of the highest importance. It is no less than that General Lee, with a veteran army of 100,000 to 125,000 men, is in the free states, and marching North, with a determination to capture Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Trenton, and New York City. The first city will be reached to-night, and there probably will be no defence made. It is the capital of Pennsylvania. It will probably take Lee a week to reach Philadelphia. It will take him at least a week more before he can hang all the Abolitionists in that city, there being an immense number of broad-brimmed Quakers there. Trenton, the capital of New Jersey, is only forty miles from New York, and on the direct road. He will capture and pass through Trenton about the 4th of July. It is only 60 miles from new York, and we may look for the rebel army opposite our city about the 8th of July. I do not see any reason to prevent such a result. There are no troops to oppose his great march among our northern cities like a donkey dancing among feeble chickens.

   An important action is about to be tried at Guildhall with respect to a claim for £10,000 under a policy of insurance effected with the Commercial Union Company upon the vessel, Indian Empire, burnt while lying in the river Thames, the vessel at the time of the fire being supposed to be without the limits of the locality literally defined by the policy. A considerable point of interest is involved as to the practice of Insurance offices, and the desirableness of effecting policies for large amounts in one office, a heavy portion of such policies being in many cases reinsured by other companies.

ON to-morrow, Saturday, 11th inst., solemn office of high mass will take place in the Church of the Most Holy Trinity, Charlotte-quay, at 10 o'clock, for the repose of the soul of the Rev. John L. O'Flynn, who departed this life on this morning, the 10th inst., at the hour of 3 a.m.

The 84th Regt. will arrive at Dublin on the 20th inst.
(Before Messrs. F. MULLAN and C. J. CANTILLON.)
WM. FOLEY appeared to answer a complaint made on behalf of the Gas Consumers' Company for having broken the glass of two gas-lamps in Great Britain-street on Saturday night last.
   Mr. Blake appeard for the Gas Company ; and Mr. Denny Lane, the secretary of the company, was also present in court.
   Mr. Blake said that, on the night in question, the glass of two gas-lamps in Great Britain-street was broken by stones, and he believed that he could prove to the satisfaction of the bench that it was the prisoner who had broken the lamps. If he did so he would ask the bench to inflict a penalty that would prevent anything of the kind from again occurring. Young men out for a spree thought that gas-lamps were for practical joking, they being the property of a public company ; but the fact was that a poor tradesman in this city contracted to mend the glass in the gaslamps, and it was this poor tradesman, and not the Gas Company, that this thoughtless young man had injured.
   A man named Pat Thornton was sworn, and said that he knew nothing about the matter except seeing the glass broken in the lamps.
   A woman named Morrison was also called, but she refused to be sworn.
   Mr. Mullan said that if she did not consent to be sworn he would send her to jail for a week.
   The woman persisted in her refusal to be sworn.
   Mr. Blake said that if the case was adjourned until to-morrow, the woman might against then consent to be sworn.
   This course was adopted.
   In the case of Mr. William Cross, a commercial traveller, charged with obtaining money under false pretenses from Mr. Torpey, Crosse's-green, Mr. Julian, for the prosecution, applied for an adjournment, in order that witnesses might be brought from Manchester to support the case.
   After some discussion between Mr. Julian and Mr. Blake, who appeared for the defence, the application for adjournment was granted.

   QUITE THE LADY.—A young man, who gave the name of George Paddon, with regular features, fair complexion, dark auburn hair, neatly arranged, and whose general exterior denoted respectability of position, was charged before Mr. Cooke with having been about the public streets in female attire, and for a supposed unlawful purpose. Police-constable Carney, 386 K, said—Last night, at as near twelve o'clock as possible, I was on duty in the Hackney-road, and saw this person (prisoner) walking with a gentleman ; he was dressed as a lady. I followed them and they called at a public house. Defendant got into conversation with some loose women there, and after staying some time came out with his friend, who then left him. Defendant then spoke to and clung to several gentlemen passing along. I mentioned the circumstances to a brother constable, and then took the gentleman into custody.—Mr. Safford (clerk)—What induced you to notice the defendant? —Constable—Well, sir, it was the astonishing large crinoline that he wore ; this is it, and the other things. (Witness here produced a cane crinoline of very extensive dimensions, a slik dress, and a lady's white French hat of the newest mode, trimmed with black lace), and he added “She really looked very nice indeed, quite the lady” (considerable laughter). —Mr. Safford—What did defendant say ; for I suppose you mentioned the suspicions you entertained?—Complainant —She, I beg your pardon, he, said that he had left his father's residence with them on and wore them for a joke. I took her to the station-house and stripped her—him I mean —but there was only one halfpenny in his pocket, although I believe that his friends are very respectable. His trousers were tucked up above his knees, so as to show his white stockings, and indeed she did look all a lady. I should never have taken her for a man, but for the crinoline (uncontrollable laughter).—Mr. Safford—What became of her companion? —Constable—As I was taking this one (defendant) to the station the other came up with a woman, who claimed the dress and tried to take it off. Neither of these persons is present—Farmer, 534, having corroborated the evidence, Mr. Cooke observed that although the disguise might possibly have been assumed from motives apart from felonious purposes, yet the latter supposition by the police was thoroughly warrantable, and indeed it was requisite to ascertain as far as possible the accurate facts ; for that purpose he should remand the defendant, who of course could not but blame himself for the unpleasant position in which he was placed. Bail would be accepted in two sureties for £25 each for his re-appearance upon the charge. Two sureties were not forthcoming, and consequently Mr. Paddon was removed to durance vile in the police van.

Meriden, Conn., May 29.    
   MESSRS. BURR,—Gentlemen, will you have the kindness to give insertion in the Times to the amount of my collection in Meriden and Wallingford, on behalf of the poor of Ireland?
   MERIDEN.—St. Rose's Church, 257 dollars ; Rev. T. Walsh 20 dolls. ; Chas. Parker, 20 dolls. ; J. & E. Parker, 20 dolls. ; A. C. Markham 10 dolls. ; W. Parker, 5 dolls. ; James A. Frazy, 5 dolls. ; James Wylie, 5 dolls. ; D. C. Wilcox, 5 dolls. ; H. C. Wilcox, 5 dolls. ; Joel H. Guy, 5 dolls. ; Albert Foster, 3 dolls. ; in smaller sums, 12 dolls. Per A. Hughes— A Friend, 10 dolls. ; Isaac C. Lewis, 5 dolls. ; in smaller sums, 48 dolls. Per Michael Hegarty—Alden Clark, 5 dolls. ; in small sums, 8 dolls. Total 451 dollars.
   WALLINGFORD.—Collection in Holy Trinity Church, 55 dollars ; Moses Y. Beach, 50 dolls. ; I. P. Whittlesey, 50 dolls. ; R. Curtis, 30 dolls. ; Samuel Simpson, 10 dolls. ; Mary Carrington, 5 dolls. ; in smaller sums, 8 dolls. ; John Roach and P. Cassin, Collectors, per John O'Connell, 42 dolls. Total from Wallingford—250 dollars ; Meriden, 451 dollars—Total, 701 dollars.
   To the people of Meriden and Wallingford, I return my most sincere thanks, for their generosity and liberality to my appeal on behalf of the poor of Ireland.—Your's, sincerely,
THOMAS WALSH, Catholic Pastor.    
Submitted by dja
The Cork Examiner, 16 July 1863
(Before the RECORDER).
   James Smith, alias Arthur Willoughby Wade, 35, was indicted for feloniously detaining against her will Mary Marshall, with a felonious intent. The prisoner was likewise charged with detaining by means of false pretenses Bridget Corrigan with the same intent. There were also three other charges against him for indecently assaulting Louisa Nagle, Hannah Bird and Maria Whalen.
   Mr. Orridge, Mr. Clerk, and Mr. Besley, prosecuted ; Mr. Sergeant Ballantine, (specially retained for the defence), assisted by Mr. F. H. Lewis, appeared on behalf of the prisoner.
   On being asked whether he was guilty or not guilty, the prisoner replied, “I plead guilty to the indecent assaults, but to the charge of detaining Bridget Corrigan against her will, Not guilty.”
   Mr. Orridge said this was a prosecution instituted by the Treasury, by direction of the Home Office, and one of a nature which, from the disgusting character of its details, was of a most painful character to all parties concerned. It had been the intention of prosecuting counsel, at first, to go fully into all the details of each case separately, but as the prisoner had pleaded guilty to nearly the whole of the charges, that course would not be pursued, and to save the public from being again shocked by any disgusting disclosures, it was his (the learned counsel's) intention to offer no evidence in the case of Bridget Corrigan, as he, and those by whom he was instructed, thought the justice of the case would be met by the infliction of due punishment in those cases to which the prisoner had pleaded guilty.
   The jury then, under the direction of his lordship, returned an acquittal in the case of Bridget Corrigan.
   Mr. Sergeant Ballantine, on behalf of the prisoner, said the matter was now in the hands of his lordship for sentence, and no doubt in so doing he would think that no great injury had been inflicted upon any of the parties. He might say that the prisoner was utterly ruined, both in character and fortune by this case, which had been so prominently before the public. He was sorry to say he had a wife and children, who suffered as much from the conduct of the prisoner as he did himself.
   His lordship said he would take time to consider his sentence.
   The prisoner was then removed.
[Elsewhere in the same edition, it was reported that “Sentence has been passed on Wade, late adjutant of a rifle corps, for a number of assaults on women. He is to be imprisoned for eighteen months with hard labour.”]

   Lord Palmerston has placed Walmer Castle at the disposal of the Prince and Princess of Wales, who are expected to visit this delightful marine resort in the course of the present season.

   There is a report in fashionable circles that a marriage is likely to take place between Lady Mancaster, the widowed daughter of the Marquis of Westminster, and Hon. Captain Lindsay, a brother of the Earl of Balcarras.¹
   The military journal, the Moniteur de l' Armée, announces the appointment of General O'Malley, to the command of the subdivision of Constantine, vice General Saurin. General O'Malley is the son of an Irishman, who emigrated to France some short time after 1798, and who entered the French military service under the Consulate. The present General was educated at La Fléche and St. Cyr. He went at an early age with his regiment to Africa, and served for years in that country. On the breaking out of war in the Crimea he sought and obtained permission to serve there. When peace was made with Russia, he returned to France, and was fortunate enough to be employed during the war in Italy, where he greatly distinguished himself, and obtained his promotion as Colonel. When the expedition to China was resolved upon, O'Malley asked to be sent out under General Montauban, whom he had long known in Africa. There, too, he served with much distinction, and was promoted to the rank of General of Brigade ; and when Pekin fell and General Montauban returned home he was left in command of the troops. He returned to France last year.—Times' Paris Correspondent.

   THE HISTORY OF A NOTE.—In April last Mr. Martin Sinnott, jun., of Courtclough, Castle Ellis, a respectable farmer, of upright and unimpeachable character, lost a half note of the National Bank, of the value of £1, out of his pocket, coming from the fair of Enniscorthy. He presented the remaining half at the Bank here a few days afterwards, when he was directed to make a declaration before a magistrate as to the loss of the missing half, and to call back in three months, when he would receive payment if the missing half did not turn up. He accordingly made the necessary declaration before Mr. Greene, J.P. (Mayor), and on Saturday last he again called at the Bank as he was desired, in order to receive his money. Just as he entered the Bank he was followed by Sam Wade, a process-server, and a person named William Hamilton. Sam Wade pulled a half £1 note, partly burned, out of his pocket, and demanded cash for it in a tone of confidence and carelessness that betokened an honesty of purpose. “Where did you get this half note?” inquired one of the officers of the Bank—“Be dad,” says Sam, “I got it in my pocket”—and what became of the other half? —“Shure it was burnt,” says Sam, “and its well that this wasn't burnt, too.” “You must swear all this before a magistrate,” adds the bank official. “I'd swear it on a pack of Bibles, for right is right,” rejoins the officer of justice. The denouement was, that Sam's partly burned half-note was the half-note that Mr. Sinnott lost ; and what adds to the mystery is, that Hamilton, who accompanied simple Sam, was present when Mr. Sinnott stated in another place that he had lost the half-note, which Sam ingeniously endeavoured in three months afterwards to convert into a whole one, after putting it through the purifying ordeal of fire. When the matter was explained, the process-server and his confrere Hamilton abandoned their claim without a murmur, and Mr. Sinnott got value for his note. —Wexford Independent.
Submitted by dja
1— Said to be Lady Muncaster (not Mancaster), widow of 4th Baron who married Hugh Barlow Lindsay, nephew (not brother) of the 3rd Earl of Crawford (and Balcarras) on 3 October 1863.

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