The Cork Examiner, 4 October 1864
   It having come to my knowledge that there are numerous Agents, Runners, Boarding-house Keepers, who are employed by Speculators in the United States to induce strangers, under the offer of high wages and other promises to leave Canada, I wish to warn you against listening to the advice of all such persons. They are generally to be met with in places of public resort, and may not unfrequently be your fellow passengers on steamers and railroad cars. You cannot be too guarded in receiving their advice which they nearly always manage to give unsolicited. Their object is to deceive and mislead you, in the hope of securing the Bounty Money offered by the American Government for Recruits.
   Many Emigrants have suffered from want of caution in this respect. They have probably been induced to accept a friendly invitation to drink, then drugged, and recovering their sense found themselves enlisted, and at the mercy of unscrupulous men.
   You should also bear in mind, that owing to the depreciation of American currency, the United States Paper Dollar, which was formerly worth 4s. sterling, is now reduced to 1s. 8d., or about 2s. Canada funds ; and that all the necessaries of life are increased from 200 to 300 per cent., while wages have only advanced about 50 per cent.
   If you are in any doubt, or want of advice, apply at once to any of the Government Emigration Agents, stationed in the chief cities of the province, viz. :—Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa, Kingston, Toronto, and Hamilton, where every protection will be afforded you.
A. C. BUCHANAN, Chief Agent.    
   Government Emigration Office, Quebec,
      30th August, 1864,

October 3rd, 1864.
   ARRIVEDWeldford, Kay, Richibucto, deals, for Liverpool, windbound ; Rifleman, Carder, Cronstadt, hemp, for Cork ; Sol Wildes, Wade, New York, oil ; Sorparesa, Morrice, Taganrog, wheat for Youghal—not enough water to get over the bar ; Florence Nightingale, Harrison, Akyab, rice ; Hannah Anne, Spillane, Richibucto, deals, bound to Belfast, windbound ; Atlas, Rowland, Newport.
(By Magnetic Telegraph.)
October 4th, 1864.—Wind S. E., strong
   ARRIVEDNapoleon, Limerick to Cardiff, windbound ; Nelson, London to Auckland, to embark troops.
   SAILEDKangaroo (steamer), for New York.
   The Augusta of Shields, from Sulina, put into Castletown, windbound.
   ARRIVED—(Per Lloyds)—Lizzie Ann, Rutherford, from Taganrog ; Hercules, Voigt, from Sulina ; Quintus, Ellul, Sulina ; Madre Palumo, Marianople ; Dorothy, Kirtin, Taganrog.
   SAILEDIndifferenti, Romano, for Naples ; Dumfries, White, Halifax.

   On the 2nd inst., at Coolehane, the wife of Richard Ashe, solicitor, of a son.
   September 30, at 10, Great Denmark-street, Dublin, the wife of Hugh Vaughan, Esq., of a daughter.
   September 26, at Chatham, the wife of Captain W. Congreve, Brigade Major, of a son.
   September 28, at Tivoli-terrace, Kingstown, the wife of Edmund R. Cummins, Esq., of a son.

   September 28, at St. Paul's Church, Arran-quay, Dublin, by the Rev. John Moore, P.P., Clondalkin, assisted by the Rev. John Brady, C.C., Philip Smith, Esq., Bettyfort House, Clondalkin, to Mary, youngest daughter of Patrick Darcy, Esq., Mary Villa, Cabra.
   September 29, at the parish church of Ashford, co. Wicklow, by the Rev. Father Hickey, assisted by the Rev. Father O'Carroll, William Grant, Esq., Kilboy, near Red Cross, to Nannie Graham, second eldest daughter of Patrick Graham, Esq., same county.
   September 27, at St. Saviour's, Jersey, Griffiths Hedley, son of the late George Howell, Esq., of Dublin, to Alice Mary, second daughter of the late Francis Drakes, of St. Helier's, Jersey.

   September 1, at the siege of Atlanta, Albert Kennelly, son of Mr. Dominic Kennelly, of New York, formerly of this city. 
   On the 4th instant, at College road, in this city, Mrs. Eliza Fryer, aged 56 years.
   August 31, at Bermuda, of malignant yellow fever, Henry Stewart Lodge, assistant-surgeon 2nd Regiment, son of the late Rev. William Lodge, rector of Killybegs, county Donegal.
   July 16, at Sandbridge, Australia, Jane, wife of M. Prendergast, Esq., barrister, and third daughter of the late L. C. Smyth, of Snugborough, county Meath.
   The following is extracted from a letter sent to Dundee, by an Emigrant who went out from Dundee, in the Bayswater, from Liverpool, January 29th, 1964 :—
Rockhampton, Queensland, 5th June, 1864,    
   I believe there never was a ship that left Britain with passengers in which they were so well treated as we were on board the Bayswater, of the “Black Ball” Line, by the Doctor, Captain, and other officers of the ship ; and, although we had not one of the quickest passages, we had one of the best on record. We had not what you call a gale of wind all the way. I have kept a note of every day's proceedings since I left, and, in course of time, will send you a full, true, and particular account of the voyage. We weighed anchor on Friday, the 5th February, and cast anchor in Keppel Bay, on Monday, 23rd May, at 2 p.m., making the passage in 108 days. It was on Thursday, the 26th, before we landed in Rockhampton. The ship can only come to within sixty miles of Rockhampton. A steamboat brought us the rest of the way, and when we landed at the quay there were six horses and carts waiting on us and our luggage. We were all taken to the depot, and served out with tea and sugar, bread and beef, and I am still living at the depot, and at the expense of the Queensland Government.
   I am going to begin work to-morrow at the joiner trade, with a Highlandman for my master, named M'Gregor, and 12s. a day for eight hours and seven for Saturdays. I have also met in with Mackenzie from Inverness in business here as a saddler. He has a brother in Inverness a saddler ; and one in Melbourne. Mackenzie has four men working to him. I do not know how many M'Gregor has, but I got work for other two men that came out with M'Gregor. Shoemakers and tailors will do well here. Tailors 10s. a day with rations, and shoemakers from £3 to £3 15s. a week with their rations. Labourers from 18s. to £1 5s. a week with rations, and lodgings for himself and wife. Single men, shepherds to go up to the country (say from two to six hundred miles), £40, £45, and £50 a year with rations. All the young men that came out with me in the steerage, 78 in number, have gone to be shepherds. Most of them know as much about sheep as you do. I was offered £60 with our rations to go up the country 200 miles and would not take it. The single girls are getting 10s., 12s., and 15s. a week. We are only 12 days landed and the most of us have got work. But you can get a pamphlet from Mr. George Percival, 23, Bath-street, Liverpool, who is the Queensland Government Agent, which will give you a deal of valuable information about the colony.
   When I landed we had between us somewhere about eightpence, so that none of you need be afraid to come. The Government have to pay me about £6 for duties I performed on the voyage out, but as the ship has to go back to Brisbane with the rest of the passengers, I cannot get my money until then, or until they are landed. If I had been paid I would have sent you the money in this letter ; and as this is the first mail since I landed, I thought it was well to send you these few lines to let you know of our safe arrival in the meantime.
   When we landed the 4lb. loaf was 1s. 6d., it is down to 1s. 2d. since ; tea, 2s. 6d. ; sugar, 5d. to 6d. per lb. ; beef, 2d., 3d., and 4d., per lb. ; mutton, 6d. per lb. ; tobacco, 6s. per lb. ; whiskey, brandy, rum, and gin, 8s. per bottle. Ale and porter, 2s. 6d. per bottle ; lemonade, 6d. per bottle. Nothing in a public-house under 6d. Half a glass of whiskey, brandy, rum, or gin, 6d.

   NEW ZEALAND FREE EMIGRATION.—The New Zealand Government Emigration Board despatched during the month of September two vessels to new Zealand, containing emigrants to whom free passages were granted. The first was the Helenslee, 793 tons, which sailed on the 10th ultimo from Glasgow with 265 statute adults ; and the second vessel was the Matoaka, 1,323 tons, which sailed from the port of London on the 17th ult., with 363½ statute adults, under the care of Mr. Jonas King, surgeon superintendent. These are the first two vessels despatched to New Zealand under the new regulations for providing emigrants with free passages to the colony.

   Ripon and Delta with Bombay and Mauritus mails left Alexandria at noon third October ; former expected at Marseilles on 9th ; latter Southampton on 10th.
Submitted by dja
The Cork Examiner, 7 October 1864
(Before Messrs. T. MAHONY and J. L. CRONIN, R.M.)
A WOMAN named Catherine Kelliher was charged with stealing a rug belonging to Mr. O'Brien, car-owner. Bartholomew Foley, driver to Mr. O'Brien, said that about eight o'clock last evening he went into a hay-store for forage leaving his horse and car on the street. He put a cover over the horse and when he returned from the store the cover was gone. He afterwards found it with the prisoner who was standing in a gateway. Margaret Ryan was next examined and stated she saw the prisoner take the rug from the horse's back. Mr. Cronin sentenced her to a month's imprisonment without hard labour.
   Patrick Moynihan, a boy about twelve years old, was charged by Constable Molony with flying kites in the streets.
   Mr. Leahy said that kite flying was a most dangerous practice, and he was gratified to find the police exerting themselves in putting it down. The other day a horse under a carriage of his ran away, a kite having flown in its face.
   A lady here stepped up to the bar and said that the prisoner was flying the kite for the amusement of her little child.
   Mr. Cronin said that as she took so great an interest in the prisoner she might perhaps pay the fine of 2s. 6d. for him.
   The lady having done so, the boy was discharged.
   The adjourned applications for publicans' certificates were then considered.
   Edward Tooker, North Main-street, was objected to on the ground that two convictions had been obtained against him, and also because there were two doors to his house. The bench granted the application, and cautioned the applicant to be careful for the future.
   Michael Brosnahan, Great George's-street, objected to, he having been fined for disobeying the order of the magistrates to close his house on the 17th of March last. Rejected.
   Mr. Cronin said that considering the number of public houses in Cork, the charges substantiated against them were few.
   The other cases before the court were unimportant.
   The marriage of Mr. George James Howard, only son of the Hon. Charles Howard, of Castle Howard, Yorkshire, with the Hon. Rosalind Frances Stanley, only daughter of Lord Stanley of Alderley, was solemnised at Alderley church on Tuesday. A large and distinguished body of visitors—many of them guests at Alderley Park—attended to witness the ceremony. The service was performed by the Dean of Westminster (Dr. Stanley), and there were also present Lord and Lady Stanley of Alderly, Lord and Lady Wensleydale, Lord Amberley, the Countess of Airlie, the Hon. Algernon Stanley, &c. The bride, who was magnificently attired in a rich white glace silk, trimmed with Brussels lace, and a superb Honiton lace veil, was led to the altar by her father, the Hon. Algernon Stanley attending as groomsman. The bride was accompanied by eight bridesmaids, dressed in white muslin, with blue trimmings, namely :—The Hon. Maude and the Hon. Kate Stanley, Lady Clementine Ogilvy, Lady Blanche Ogilvy, Miss Adeane, Miss A. Scott, Miss Fox and Miss Lowther. Full choral service was performed, and after signing the register, the bridal party returned to the mansion, where the wedding breakfast was served. In the afternoon the happy couple left in a carriage and four, amid the congratulations of the wedding guests and a large body of the tenantry, who had assembled to witness their departure for Chelford station, whence they were conveyed by special train to Crewe, en route for Cumberland, and thence to Scotland, where they will spend the honeymoon. Numerous wedding presents of the most costly description have been made to the bride. An entertainment in the evening to the tenants terminated the celebration. It is reported that, before the close of the present year, the Hon. Kate Stanley, daughter of Lord Stanley of Alderley, will be led to the altar by Lord Amberley, the eldest son of Lord Russell.

   JOHN MITCHEL.—Mr. John Martin, of Kilbroney, has published a letter denying that John Mitchel, as recently stated, has been conscripted, and made to serve in the Confederate army. Mitchel had volunteered as a private into a volunteer ambulance corps lately raised in Richmond.
Submitted by dja
The Cork Examiner, 14 October 1864
LIVERPOOL, TUESDAY.—Captain Semmes sailed from the Mersey on Sunday last on board the barque Laurel, under the command of Captain J. F. Ramsay. The destination of the Laurel is at present rather mysterious, but so far as the Customs bill of entry shows, the vessel has certainly cleared for ports where Confederate proclivities predominate, viz., Nassau, Havana, and Matamoras. Her cargo is of such a mixed nature that no belligerent State would have the slightest doubt to its usefulness. It consists of some large guns, small arms, shoes, leather in bulk, ammunition, clothes, blankets, drugs, &c. But the Laurel must not be supposed to be intended for a cruiser. She is merely a tender, and carries out to a certain latitude guns and ammunition for a new screw steamer, of which Captain Semmes is to take command. This vessel is supposed to be a new screw steamer which was lying at Madeira on the 3rd instant, and was there known under the name of the Ranger. The Ranger is large and very swift, and will no doubt, should she actually turn out to be the new cruiser, prove a tough antagonist to any Federal war vessel. Captain Semmes took with him eight officers and 100 men, most of whom served with him on board the Alabama. Mr. Adams, the American Minister, is already aware of Captain Semmes' departure.

   SIR,—There can be no doubt about the fattening properties of sugar. It is well known that during the sugar-cane harvest in our West India Colonies everybody, human and animal, gets rapidly fat, especially the negroes and their children. The same remark applies to the ladies of the harem in Turkey, who are expected—and, in fact, compelled—to eat a great variety of sweetmeats to produce rotundity. As a juror in the exhibition of 1851, I was much struck with the variety of sugar preparations in the Turkish department, and ascertained the cause. Your correspondent “F.R.S.” is right as to the admixture of starch, but he should remember that we eat potatoes, bread puddings, &c., abounding in starch. There was no mistake about my increase or decrease of weight. Probably I am what in agriculture we call a “good doer,” like many very corpulent friends, who get fat upon a little, while certain very great feeders are as lean as rakes. I am, Sir, your obedient servant,
J. J. MECHI.    
   Tiptree-hall, near Kelvedon, Oct. 11.
   My usual weight is 15 stone, to which I mean to try to limit myself.

   SIR,—The correspondence in your issue of yesterday, which describes the Mathew procession, more than insinuates that the occasion was made one for drinking, and your own leader is partly based on the assumption that such was the case. In justice to those who took part in that demonstration, allow me to state that, notwithstanding the vast numbers who crowded the city during, and for a long time after, the procession, the calendar of drunkards at the police-office next morning was smaller than it had been for several Tuesdays immediately preceding.—I am, sir, your obedient servant,
   A LONG-LIVED FAMILY.—There is a woman named Helen M'Guire or Boyle, residing in Gorbals, Glasgow, who has reached the extraordinary age of 101 years. She is a widow, and a native of the neighborhood of Londonderry. The old woman's memory is remarkable for her years, particularly concerning events which occurred in the last century or the beginning of the present. Her mother lived to the age of 101 years, and she had an aunt who reached the extraordinary age of 116 years. Widow Boyle has been upwards of 10 years confined to bed, and she has been upwards of 20 years a recipient of parish aid.

   On the 10th instant, at the Glebe, Passage West, the wife of The Rev. T. T. Hallaran, of a daughter.
   On the 5th instant, at Ancona, the wife of Mr. Albert Tomassini, Secretary British Consulate, late of this city, of a daughter.
   October 12, the wife of Patrick Hickie, Esq., solicitor, William-street, Dublin, of a daughter.
   October 11, at 4, Berkeley-street, Dublin, the wife of John Lowry, Esq., of a daughter.

   October 11, at the Church of St. Mary, Rathmines, Charles J. M'Gowan, eldest son of Laurence M'Gowan, Esq., Drummonds, county Leitrim, to Margaret Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Peter Callan, Esq., of Dublin.
   October 11, in Longford, Arthur George Kyle, Esq., Bank of Ireland, to Sarah Mabelia, eldest daughter of John Fleming, solicitor, Longford.
   On the 11th instant, at Christ Church, Upper Hyde-park-gardens, London, the Honorable Algernon Sydney Arthur Annesley. only surviving son of the late Viscount Valentia, to Helen Sydney, younger daughter of the late Griffith Richards, Esq., Queen's Counsel.

   At Mallow, on the 18th instant, at an advanced age, Constance Anne, relict of the late John Armstead Braddell, Esq., also of Mallow.
   On the 11th instant, at Callatrim, Bandon, Jacob, the infant son of Jacob Biggs, Esq.
   On the 19th August, at Secunderabad, Madras, Henry Winterbottom, Bandmaster 18th Regiment (Royal Irish), of apoplexy, aged 37.
   October 12, at Brefni-terrace, Kingstown, the residence of Hugh O'Rorke, Esq., Mr. James Carey, aged 59 years.
   October 6, at Shanklin, Isle of Wight, Mary, wife of Frederick Solly Flood, of Slaney Lodge, county Wexford.
   October 10, at York-road, Kingstown, Elizabeth, wife of Thos. Warren White, Esq., barrister-at-law.
Submitted by dja
The Cork Examiner, 24 October 1864
October 22nd, 1864.
   ARRIVEDPrincipi Amadie (steamer), Pencito, Glasgow, coals, for Genoa, to land pilot ; Anna, Hughes, Swansea, coals.
   SAILEDHarriett, Guzzell, Hull, valonia ; Undecimus, Barbara, Hull, maize ; Zeno, Wood, Belfast, maize ; Bloomer, Rudin, Hamburg, sugar ; Anna Bell, Taylor, Greenock, sugar ; Brierly Hall, Duncan, Londonderry, grain ; Insulana, Patterson, Altona, logwood ; Vigilant, Shields, Dublin, maize ; Marsala, Chichero, Dublin, maize ; Pensiero, Massa, Kingroad, grain ; Pia, Bamo, Belfast, grain ; Kestrel, Quirk, London, hides ; Frederich, Dreves, Bristol, sugar ; Maria Fortuna, Maglio, Londonderry, grain ; H. Principo, Massa, Alloa, grain ; Caroline, Chandler, Gloucester, boneash ; Unione, Bava, Waterford, maize.
October 23, 1864
   ARRIVEDVirginia and Asia steamers, New York, and left for Liverpool ; Persia steamer, Liverpool, and left for New York.
   SAILEDCharles Rogier, Muller, London, boneash ; Napoleon, Cardiff, ballast.
(By Magnetic Telegraph.)
October 24th, 1864—Wind N.
   SAILEDPrincipi Amadi, for Genoa ; Harriett Wade, Liverpool, and left for New York.
   PUT BACK—The steam-ship Camilla, from Waterford to Liverpool—loss of rudder.

   PLYMOUTH, 23RD.—The Union Company's Cape Royal steamship Britton, Capt. Boker, arrived here this morning from Table Bay, on September 20th, St. Helena 29th, and Ascension Oct. 3rd. She brings 28 passengers and 16 soldiers, time-expired men. Her cargo consists of 34 bags and 623 bales of wool, 845 bales hides, 42 bales of sheep and goat skins, 400 sheep skins, 4 cases sheep skins, 10 cases Ostrich feathers, 8 tusks ivory, 49 cases ; also 2 bales Angroa [sic] hair, 2 cases seal skin, and a quantity of silver, lead ore from the West Coast. At the Cape the most important political question pending, so far as South Africa was concerned, was the projected annexation of British Kaffraria to the Cape, and the arrangements to be made and the liabilities to be incurred for the future defence of Colonial border. His Excellency the Governor was in British Kaffraria, and had proceeded from thence to the Orange River free state for the purpose of settling the boundary at Mosheshs county. While in King Williamstown the Governor had an interview with a deputation from a public meeting, and, in reply to the questions addressed to him, stated the Home Government would shortly decide whether Kaffraria should be incorporated with the Cape Colony. The weather had been remarkably favourable for the farmers, and a plentiful harvest was expected. The breadth of land under cultivation had never been exceeded, and the crops were very promising. Trade was good. Money plentiful, and provisions cheap.
   The Chancellor of the Exchequer and other political friends, will attend the funeral of the Duke of Newcastle, on Thursday.
   Mr. Baxley, M.P., is receiving a select circle at his new residence in Oxfordshire, purchased from the Earl of Macclesfield.

   COPENHAGEN, OCT. 22.—Their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales left in the Osborne this afternoon at 4.45 p.m. They were accompanied on board by the King, the royal family, the members of the diplomatic corps, and a large number of the higher civil and military officials. Their Royal Highnesses were attended by a guard of honour, and salutes were fired from the batteries and men-of-war in the port. Large crowds of people were present at the embarkation of the illustrious guests.
   LUBECK, OCT. 23RD.—Their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales arrived at Travemunde this morning at 11.45, and proceeded on their journey at 2.30 p.m. by a special train, via Bachen and Luneberg.
   NICE, OCT. 21.—Their Majesties the Czar and Czarina of Russia arrived here to-day. A Russian frigate has arrived at Villa Franca. It is asserted she is on her way to Civita Vecchia to fetch the Czarewitch.

   MALTA, 23RD.—The Barossa left at 8 p.m. on the 21st inst., for Marseilles. The Ripon leaves at 10 a.m. to-day for Southampton.

MR. FOWLER'S Last Day at the Athenaeum, Cork, will be TO-MORROW, TUESDAY, OCT. 25, as he lectures in Waterford on the 26th.

   On the 21st instant, at Johnstown Villa, the wife of John T. Wakeham, Esq., of twin sons.
   On the 17th inst., at Cheltenham, the wife of Capt. Edward Croker of a son.
   On the 20th instant, at Loughlinstown, the wife of Henry West, Esq., of a daughter.

   On Saturday, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. J. M. M'Swiney, assisted by the Very Rev. Canon P. Murphy P.P. Ovens, C. O'Keeffe, Esq., Fortwilliam, to Mary D. eldest daughter of D. C. Murphy, Esq., The Cottage, Garryhesta, in this county.
   On the 22nd instant, at the Parish Church, Queenstown, by the Rev. Maurice Collis, D.D., Rector, assisted by the Rev. J. Lombard, A.M., Henry Scott Turner, Esq., Captain 69th (South Lincoln) Regiment, eldest son of H. Scott Turner, Esq., The Lodge Acton, Middlesex, to Margaret Forman, daughter of Capt. Kerr, R.N., Midleton Park, Queenstown.
   On the 19th instant, at Hamilton Drive, near Glasgow, the Rev. S. D. Burnside, of Carryduff, Co. Down, to Fanny Isabella, only daughter of W. C. Massy, Esq., of Littleton Castle, county Tipperary.
   On the 18th instant, at St. John's Church, Middleton, Albert Antoine Auguste Edmond, son of the late Captain Pierre Antoine Brebant, to Frances Grace, second daughter of John Peel, Esq., of Middleton Hall, Warwickshire.

   On the 23rd instant, at his residence, 95. George's-street, Mr. Michael Millerick, sincerely regretted.
   On the 21st inst., Samuel Morton Tuckey, Esq., eldest son of the late Rev. Thomas Tuckey, of Clonmel.
   On the 18th instant, at his residence, 68, Wimpole-street, London, Samuel Maclean, Esq., F.R.C.S.I., son of the late Samuel Maclean, Esq., of Dublin.
   On Friday, the 21st instant, at his residence, in Lower Gardiner-street, after a tedious and painful illness, Matthew Brett, for a very long period a highly respected solicitor of Dublin.
   On the 19th instant, at Newbold Comyn, Leamington, Vice-Admiral Lord Somerville, aged 77.
   October 20, after a short illness, Mr. George Eager, many years a compositor on the Freemans Journal, and a native of Tralee.
   October 21, at the residence of her father, Mr. John Wilson. 24, Sir John Rogerson's-quay, Anne, the beloved wife of Captain Wm. Triplett.
   October 31, of water on the brain, aged three years, Jane, only daughter of the late Mr. M. Carroll, of 24, Upper Camden-street, Dublin.
   October 21, at his residence, 16, Harcourt-road, Dublin, Mr. Francis Keegan, in his 29th year, youngest of the late James Keegan, of Golden-lane.
   October 19, at his residence, Rathmore, county Wicklow, Mr. Garrett Byrne, sen., aged 39 years. R.I.P.
   August 3, at Ipswich, Queensland, Edward Valentine Murphy, son of the late Peter Murphy, Esq., Harold's-cross Mills.
Submitted by dja
The Cork Examiner, 26 October 1864
October 25th, 1864.
   ARRIVEDMary Hounsell, Fitzgerald, Cardiff, ballast ; Nymph, Reward, Anne, Darnley (in coals) ; Angelo C., Cincincovich, Galatz, maize.
   SAILEDElpis, Martinolich, Limerick, grain.
(By Magnetic Telegraph.)
October 26th, 1864—Wind E.
   PUT BACKAnna Bella, for Greenock.

   On the 25th instant, at Drishane, the seat of his grandfather, of malignant scarlatine, J. J. Coghill, second son of Lieutenant-Colonel Somerville.
   On the 19th instant, at London, Mr. Frederick Hall, son of the late John Henry Wynne Hall, Esq., Boreen Managh, aged 26 years.
   October 23, at his residence, 11 Nelson-street, Dublin, Benjamin F. Norwood, Esq., J.P. for the city of Dublin, in the 82nd year of his age.
   August 12, at Melbourne, Australia, Susan, wife of George M'Gill, Esq., and daughter of the late George Morgan Goggin, Esq., of Limerick.

(Before Messrs. W. LYONS, N. DUNSCOMBE, and J. L. CRONIN, R.M.)
A FOREIGN seaman, named Pasquale Tedecicowitzengraff, charged a woman named Honorah M'Carthy with having robbed him of £2 12s. last night. It appeared that the woman enticed the prosecutor into a house in Furze's- alley, where his money was stolen from him, while he was asleep. Informations were taken against the prisoner, and a prosecution was directed against the proprietor of the house in which Tedecico-witzengraff was robbed.
   BELFAST, WEDNESDAY MORNING.—About 12 o'clock yesterday the boiler in the new scutch mill at Glengormly, the property of Joseph Magill, burst with a fearful explosion. The fireman was killed on the spot and four scutchers in the mill severely injured.

   A FATAL PRIZE FIGHT AT SHEFFIELD.—Yesterday (Sunday), a shocking scene occurred in a wood on the western side of Sheffield. A number of young men of the lowest class, went to the Old Park Wood for the purpose of “bringing off,” as the slang term is, a couple of prize fights. The sacredness of the day was profaned by an assemblage of some of the most dissolute of the population ; and the scene began at six in the morning, the ring being regularly prepared, the men being provided with “seconds,” &c., and in fact there were all the usual ceremonies observed. Two prize fights were arranged, and when one had been brought to a conclusion, two young men, one of whom was named Thomas Dawes, stepped into the ring to fight for £1 a-side. They fought for 20 minutes, and at the conclusion of a round, in which Dawes had received a heavy blow on the throat, he was placed on his second's knee. On “time” being called, he rose and attempted to close with his antagonist, but suddenly reeled and fell dead. His “friends” ran away afrighted, but some of the bystanders carried the body to an adjacent public house. An inquest will, probably be held to-day ; and in the meantime the police are in active pursuit of the pugilist, whose soubriquet is “Billy Muck.” He has fought several times before.—Leeds Mercury.
Submitted by dja
The Cork Examiner, 27 October 1864
   On the 25th instant, at his residence, Arbutus Lodge, the wife of C. J. Cantillon, Esq., J.P., of a daughter.
   On the 19th instant, at Moystown House, King's County, the wife of Bolton John Waller, Esq., of a daughter.
   On the 23rd instant, the wife of Francis Codd, Esq., Stradbrook, Dublin, of a son.

   July 27, at Sydney, New South Wales, Wm. Hughes, Esq., to Bedelia Maria, eldest daughter of the late Michael O'Gorman, Esq., of Kilforby, county Clare.

   At Cahirciveen, on the 20th instant, after a months' illness, borne with Christian resignation, Daniel Mahony, Esq., aged 42 years, for many years agent to the O'Connell property in that district.
   On the 24th instant, at the house of her brother, 21, Molesworth-street, Dublin, Sarah, relict of the late Samuel Dufour, Esq., aged 78 years.
   On the 25th instant, at 25, Westland Row, Dublin, Jane, relict of the late Wm. D. Keightley, Esq.
   On the 17th instant, at Killarney, Albert L. Jenner, Esq., aged 56.
   Oct. 25, at his residence, 14, St. James's-terrace, Dublin, Hugh O'Brennan Clinch, Esq.
   October 23, at Kilglass Glebe, County Roscommon, Henry Crofton Lloyd, fifth son of the Rev. Thomas Lloyd, aged 24 years.
   October 23, at Liverpool, John Graves, infant son of Robert Newell, Esq.
   October 16, at Dinlingstown, county Kilkenny, Mr. John Dunphy, late of the Irish College, Rome, aged 35 years.
   October 24, at Edinburgh, Walter Nugent, Esq., of Chester-street, Belgravia, London, baron of the Austrian Empire, aged 64 years.
October 25th, 1864.
   ARRIVEDPennsylvania s., Liverpool to New York, and proceeded ; Stag s., Pinchion, Liverpool to Bermuda ; Smith, Thomas, Newport, coals ; White Eagle, Driscoll, Newport, coals.
(By Magnetic Telegraph.)
October 27th, 1864.—Wind N. E.
   PUT BACKWilliamson, for Belfast, windbound.

   The Persian Gulf telegraph cable has been repaired. The land line is complete from Bushire to Teheran, and messages have come through to Bombay in twelve hours. The extension from Teheran to Bagdad will be finished next month, but the disputes on the frontier prevent communication with the latter city. The above message was telegraphed from Suez on the 25th instant at 1.30 p.m., but the route by which it reached that place is unknown, there being no mail from Bombay between the 29th September and the 14th October.

   A congress of mathematicians from almost all the States of Europe met in Berlin, last week, to make arrangements for remeasuring degrees of longitude in Central Europe.
   General Mosquera is expected to arrive in New York in one of the next Isthmus steamers, on his way to England as Minister of the United States of Colombia to the Court of St. James.—New York Times.

   YARMOUTH, WEDNESDAY.—There is little hope of further salvage from the wreck of the Ontario.
   The female swindler who passed under the name of Horsfall, has been committed for trial.
Submitted by dja
The Cork Examiner, 28 October 1864
[Before Dr. POWER, Captain MARTIN, Messrs. TARRANT, J. N. BEAMISH, and J. L. CRONIN, R.M.]
JOSEPH HARRISON, articled seaman of the brig Iris, summoned Mr. Curran, master of the brig, to show cause why plaintiff should not be discharged and should not receive a sum of £15 wages due him.
   The facts of the case were simply these :—It appeared that Harbison shipped for a voyage from Belfast to any port or ports in the Mediterranean, and thence to a final port of voyage. The vessel sailed from Belfast, and put in at a French port called Cette. When at this port Harbison observed that the cargo being put on board the vessel were not goods likely to be sent to the Mediterranean, but on the contrary were fitted for a Brazilian port. Harbison questioned the captain, and the latter admitted he was going to Brazil. The ship, accordingly, did sail for Brazil, and arrived at Queenstown a few days since for orders, after being five months out.
   Mr. Allen appeared for the plaintiff and contended that the nine months named in the articles having elapsed, the men were entitled to their discharge on their arrival at the first English port. Besides, he contended that men having been taken on a voyage not contemplated in the original articles, were entitled to their discharge.
   Mr. O'Brien, who appeared for the defendants, contended that the sailors were bound to navigate the ship to the final port of discharge in England. During the course of Mr. O'Brien's address to the court,
   The Clerk stood up and stretched his hand out for a paper which was on the table near him.
   Mr. O'Brien—There, I have been interrupted again. It is really too bad that I won't be allowed to address the court. (a laugh).
   Mr. O'Brien (pointing across the court in the direction where Mr. Allen and some other gentlemen were sitting)—When the asses are done braying I will go on.
   Mr. Cronin—That is a most monstrous expression.
   Mr. Tarrant—It is a gross contempt of court.
   Mr. Cronin—It is, and as gross a contempt as ever I heard.
   Mr. O'Brien—I don't consider it so, your Worship.
   Dr. Power—I don't think Mr. O'Brien intended that the remark should apply to any member of the bench.
   Mr. O'Brien—Certainly not.
   Mr. Cronin—He should not have used such an expression in court.
   Dr. Power—Does any one take it as applying to himself in particular?
    Mr. Allen—Oh, your Worship, I don't take it to myself. The only way in which to judge of who was meant was the direction of Mr. O'Brien's hand.
   Mr. O'Brien then continued his argument after hearing which, the Bench retired to consult, and after a few minutes' absence returned into court when the Chairman announced that the majority of the bench were of the opinion that the plaintiff should be discharged, and the wages to be assessed by the Harbour Master be paid him.
   The decision in this case ruled a number of similar claims brought by other sailors of the same vessel against the defendant in the last case.
   There was no other case of importance before the bench.

   Died at Cahirciveen, on the 20th instant, after a month's illness, borne with Christian resignation, Daniel Mahony, Esq., aged 42 years. He was an indulgent agent, a kind friend, with an open hand for the poor, and a generous contributor to every work of utility or charity. Frequently during his illness he caused the holy sacrifice of the mass to be offered in his room, at which he assisted, and received the body of our Lord with the most edifying devotion. Having received the last rites of the church he departed this life at three o'clock, p.m., on Thursday, surrounded and sustained by many friends. Of him it may be truly said that he passed through life without making an enemy or losing a friend. While living we loved him, now that he is dead we mourn our loss, and from our heart, of hearts we pray peace and rest to his soul.

WE regret to have to announce the death of this very popular and highly esteemed gentleman, who died on Tuesday, the 25th inst., in the 47th year of his age, after a protracted illness, which he bore with christian fortitude and resignation. To those who remember the prominent position which Mr. O'Callaghan occupied in connection with the turf—his untiring energy in promoting the success of field sport, and his singular judgement in all matters relating thereto—it is unnecessary to remark on the incalculable loss which his death will be sure to occasion, not alone in the sporting circles of this county, but in many other parts of the country likewise.
   Twenty years ago there was no more popular name in the county than that of the dashing, handsome young horseman from Mallow. Indeed, the various successes of the late excellent sportsman and his celebrated horse “Spencer” still furnish the subject of song and story around the rural firesides of Orrery and Duhallow.
   During the last few years his increasing infirmities rendered necessary his withdrawal from the active arena of “the field,” but still the ardour of his interest in the noble amusement suffered no diminution.
   In another sphere also, that of poor-law guardian, his zealous exertions in behalf of the poor of the district won the respect and gratitude of the poor.
   The remains of the lamented gentleman were yesterday escorted by a large assemblage from his late residence, Riverview, Kanturk, and interred in the Chapel yard of the latter town, all the shops in which were closed as a mark of respect to the memory of the deceased. May God have mercy on his soul!

A VERY melancholy occurrence took place on Wednesday last in the neighbourhood of Kanturk. Two young brothers, named James Casey and William, the occupiers of some land in the parish of Doon, Kingwilliamstown, which is within a short distance of Kanturk. They had had a dispute concerning some money transactions between them, which resulted in William Casey bringing a decree against his brother John for £10. Last Wednesday William proceeded to execute the decree, when a fight took place between them. It appears both brothers fought for some time, when John took up a stone, with which he struck William on the head. The blow proved fatal, William¹ dying on the road, after walking three miles. The unfortunate man who caused his death has not up to the present been made amenable, he having absconded immediately after the occurrence. An inquest will be held to-day on the body of the deceased.
DEVOURING LIVE RATS.—A brutal exhibition visited Chesterfield on Thursday last. A man of colossal size, stated to be a Kaffir, was introduced to the audience, and after going through a variety of exercises, seized a live rat, and having bitten it until it was dead, deliberately devoured the animal. Most of his audience at once left the tent, and on the affair coming to the ears of the Market Hall Company, they gave the proprietor of the disgusting show notice to leave in two hours. —Sheffield Independence.
   SCARCITY OF LABOURERS.—The Cambria Daily Leader, states that the managers of the Cyfarthfa iron works at Merthyr, greatly need good Welsh or English workmen. They are very scarce, though Irishmen are plentiful. Other works in the district are similarly situated.
   The Hon. Judge O'Brien has arrived in Limerick, from Dublin, upon a visit to friends.
AUCTION OF CORN.—Mr. J. O'Hea, corn broker, held a sale of damaged wheat, at Anderson's Quay on yesterday—on behalf of G. M. Pistoli and Co., Warren's Place. The following prices were given :—Mr. Leahy paid 14s. 3d. per barrel for 30 barrels ; Mr. Adams bought 25 at 10s. ; Mr. Hennessy, 20 at 5s. ; Mr. Bolster, 10 at 5s. 6d. ; Mr. Adams, several at the same price ; Mr. Murphy, 225 at 13s. 6d. ; Mr. Porter, 10 at 10s. 3d. and Mr. Connor, 20 at 11s. 6d. The price Mr. Murphy paid for the large lot, as the purchaser of which his name appears, was considered high, taking into account the quality of the corn, and no one opposed him on his bidding. He, however, considered that he received value for his money, and appeared to feel that his bargain was a good one.

   By the American mail we are informed that the Convention assembled at Quebec on the 10th instant has agreed to the project of a Confederation of the whole of the provinces of British North America. The intelligence will be received with satisfaction by the English public, inasmuch as, if the proposal be fairly and soundly carried out, it affords some prospect of relief from the apprehensions as regards the future of Canada, from which attentive observers of American affairs cannot be wholly free. The consolidation of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the Canadas must give a political strength to the whole which could not belong to them in their present state. It may be almost said that up to the present time their political relations with each other were no closer than if they owed allegiance to different sovereigns. Under the system which now seems likely to be carried out we may hope that, for the purposes of defence and for the preservation of their integrity, the inhabitants of the whole of British North America will form one State, and that an attack upon any one of them will be repelled by the strength and manhood of the whole.—Globe.

   J. S. Richardson, one of the most extensive bacon merchants in Waterford, has commenced the erection of a vast bacon or curing concern at Sumerland, in Waterford. At present Mr. Richardson has over one hundred men engaged in the works, which are being carried out by day-labour, under his own immediate inspection.

   The Boston Pilot gives the following (which is only a partial) list of the Catholic Union Generals, who have served in this war :—Major-Generals—William S. Rosecrans, Quincy A. Gilmore, George S. Meade, E. O. C. Ord, Philip H. Sheridan, John G. Foster, George Stoneman, James Shields, Daniel E. Sickles, David S. Stanley, John Newton, Alfred Pleasanton, —— Richardson, Joseph B. Carr, and H. J. Hunt. Brigadier- Generals—Thomas Francis Meagher, Michael Corcoran, Thomas W. Sweeny, Patrick Edward Conner, M. K. Lawler, Thomas Ewing, jun. , Hugh Ewing, Regis de Trobriand, Thomas C. Devin, Charles P. Stone, J. W. Sherman, and Alfred N. Duffie. Acting-Brigadier- Generals— James E. Mallon, Patrick H. O'Rorke, M. T. Donahue, James A. Mulligan, Florence M. Cornyn, Stephen M'Groarty, Richard Byrnes, Patrick Helley, and Mathew Murphy.

   THE LATE DUKE OF NEWCASTLE.—Reared from his cradle in an atmosphere of bigotry, he came forward early in life as the friend of religious liberty, and when the Whigs, forgetting the services rendered to them as a party by the Catholics of the United Kingdom for more than 20 years, and basely ignoring the claims of gratitude, reverted to their old practice of proposing penal laws to crush the rights of conscience and freedom of worship, the Duke of Newcastle was one of the most energetic among that small but able band of Peelites who, under the guidance of Lord Aberdeen and Sir James Graham, resisted Lord John Russell's infamous Ecclesiastical Titles Bill.—Weekly Register.

DEATH OF A POOR SHIRTMAKER.—On Monday afternoon Dr. Lankester, the coroner for Central Middlesex, held an enquiry at the Oporto Stores, Bloomsbury, touching the death of Caroline Smith, who had resided at No. 9, Crown-street. The deceased obtained a scanty living by making the bodies of shirts, and, though represented as a steady hard-working woman, she was sometimes unable to make a shirt in the course of a long day's work, the price obtained for each shirt being 4d. Last winter she suffered severely from want of food, and fearing bad times to come she had saved something out of her poor earnings, and when searched after her death the sum of 1 s. 6d. was found on her person. Mr. Bannister, the surgeon, was called in to see her, and though he lost no time in obeying the summons she was dead before his arrival. She had suffered, he said, from bed bruises, and death was caused by the cessation of the heart's action, accelerated by want. The bed on which she had been lying was nothing but a heap of dirty rags. It was proved by her neighbours that the deceased had eaten nothing for three days. All the relief she obtained from the parish was half a quartern loaf about a week before her death. No medical aid was provided by the parish. A juror remarked that they could not throw blame on any one if the deceased had had proper medical attention, to which the coroner replied that death was undoubtedly caused in consequence of the want of proper medical attendance. The jury returned a verdict of “Natural death accelerated by want of proper attendance.”

   On the 25th instant, at his residence, Arbutus Lodge, the wife of C. J. Cantillon, Esq., J.P., of a daughter.
   On the 21st instant, at 40, Patrick-street, Limerick, the wife of Mr. James Delany (formerly of Dublin), of a daughter.
   On the 23rd instant, at Piercetown, county Kildare, the wife of Richard Mangan, Esq., of a son and heir.
   On the 22nd instant, at Cardtown, Queen's County, the wife of Lieut.-Col. Boldero, of a daughter.

   On the 26th instant, at St. Peter's Church, Dublin, Mansell Walter Bedford, Esq., only son of the late Captain Bedford, R.N., to Catherine Rountrie, youngest daughter of Henry Higginson, Esq., late Collector of her Majesty's Customs.
   August 18th at Melbourne, Australia, the Rev. Thomas Hill Goodwin, of the Church Mission Station, Yelta, Lower Murray, to Letitia Going, third surviving daughter of Richard Pennefather, Esq., county Tipperary.
   On the 18th August, at Kussowli, by the Rev. W. Simpson, Brigadier- General Brind, C.B., Royal Artillery, to Jane, eldest daughter of the late Rev. D. H. Maunsell, of Ballbriggan, county Dublin.

   On Saturday, the 18th instant, at his residence in Montreal, Lower Canada, Robert Denny Collis, son of the late Rev. Robert Fitzgerald Collis, Rector of Kilconnell, county Galway, in the 46th year of his age.
   On Sunday, the 23rd instant, at Sandymount, in the 85th year of his age, John Payne Morris, formerly of Skreen Castle, in the county of Meath, Esq.
   On the 23rd inst., at her residence, 88, Upper Leeson-street, Dublin, Louisa, youngest daughter of the late Damer Edgworth, Esq., of Longwood Lodge, county Meath.
   On the 26th inst., at his residence, Dalkey, of a tedious illness, brought on by severe wettings while at school at the Dominican Convent, Newbridge, Octavius J. Sexton, aged 17 years.
   October 24, at Sydenham Lodge, Belfast, Edward Scott, Esq.
   October 25, at his residence, Summerhill, Nenagh, in the 33rd year of his age, George Prior, Esq., Proprietor of the Nenagh Guardian newspaper.
   On the 29th August, at East Durham, Port Natal, suddenly, of congestion of the brain, John Pennefather, Esq., formerly Lieut. in the 72nd Foot and 16th Regiment, youngest son of Wm. Pennefather, Kingstown.
Submitted by dja
The Cork Examiner, 31 October 1864
October 29th, 1864.
   ARRIVEDMarietta, Berberovich, Sulina, maize ; Teresina, Glachette, Marinaople, wheat ; Bolina, Cormack, Odessa, maize ; Princessen Clotilda, Videau, Charente, brandy, for Cork ; Senator Iken, Daunemaun, Rangoon, rice ; Neda, Rhode, Kustendje, maize ; China steamer ; Etna s., New York, and proceeded to Liverpool.
   The brig Teresina, of Italy, landed here the captain and crew of the Wexford brig Industry (Captain Howlen), from which they were taken on the 22nd instant, 47 degs. 44 min. N., 7 degs. 25 min. W, the vessel then being in a sinking state. The Industry was from Sulina, cargo of maize.
(By Magnetic Telegraph.)
October 31st, 1864.—Wind E.S.E., fine.
   ARRIVEDDue Cognate, from Sulina ; Matjeka, Sulina ; Rochelle, Sulina.
   SAILEDStag steamer, for Liverpool to repair damage.

(From the Semi-weekly Journal.)
   LIEUT. JOHN J. FORD.—Among the brave and faithful soldiers who have given up their young lives in this destructive war, none have been more worthy a memorial word, and an affectionate remembrance in the hearts of the loyal and patriotic, than Lieut. John J. Ford of Co. G. Mass 24th Regiment, who fell in the front rank of the storming party in the battle of 16th of August [at Deep Run, Virginia]. He was a graduate of the Boylston School, and afterwards of the English High School. With as bright a prospect before him as ever cheered the heart of a young man, he relinquished his hopes of preferment at home, and at the call of his imperilled country joined the 24th Regiment. He went with it in the glorious campaign of North Carolina, to the bloody assault upon Fort Wagner, and served with it in Florida, and in the operations before Petersburg, and at Deep Bottom. He was among “the bravest of the brave,” and for his meritorious conduct at Fort Wagner the Gilmore medal was conferred upon him. He re-enlisted with the gallant fellows of his regiment, and served faithfully in every battle and march. The Captain of Company G. speaks of him in the highest terms, and especially of his undaunted courage in battle. Lieut. Ford was a universal favourite in the regiment ; and after the terrible charge at Fort Wagner he was earnestly recommended for promotion. The merited reward of his fidelity and bravery came ; but too late to rejoice his heart in this world. His commission as Second Lieutenant in the Heavy Artillery was forwarded to his regiment, but the brave soldier for whom it was intended had gone to receive a brighter reward in a Heavenly Land. In the language of his afflicted mother, “he was promoted in Heaven.” He will long be remembered by a large circle of earnest friends as one who led a true life and died a noble death. He was the only child of a widowed mother, who, while she mourns in the heaviness of her woe her irreparable loss, will be proud of the son she bore, and of the blameless life and heroic death he was permitted to give to his country.
   Lieut. Ford was aged 19 years, 5 months and 24 days.

   At a recent meeting of the College Dr. Thomas Beatty was unanimously elected President. A few years since Dr. Beatty filled the same office in the College of Surgeons. He is, we believe, the only person upon whom so distinguished a double honour has been conferred by these learned bodies.—Mail.

   The following gentlemen will be called to the bar at the opening of the ensuing Michelmas term :—
   Robert Bell Gordon, A.B., T.C.D., son of the Rev. John Bagwell Gordon, Rector of Clonbeg, in the county of Tipperary.
   Abraham St. John Harrison, A.B., LL.B., T.C.D., only son of Lieut.-Colonel Harrison, of Longford-terrace, Monkstown, in the county of Dublin.
   John Edge, Esq., A.B., LL.B., T.C.D., only son of Benjamin Booker Edge, of Clonbroch House, in the Queen's county, Esq., J.P.
   Robert Vere O'Brien, Esq., T.C.D., second son of the Hon. R. O'Brien, of Old Church, of the county of Limerick. 
   John Montgomery Casement Mills, Esq., A.B., T.C.D., eldest son of Henry Mills, of Upper Temple-street, in the city of Dublin, solicitor.
   Robert Donnell, Esq., M.A., Queen's University, second son of William Donnell, of Ballinamakard, in the county of Tyrone, Esq.
   Isaac Weir, Esq., A.B., Queen's University, youngest son of William Weir, of Newry, merchant, deceased.
Queenstown, 30th Oct., 1864    
   DEAR SIR,—Will you be good enough to inform your Catholic readers who may be disposed to assist at this concert, or to take part in it, if it is to be opened and closed, and so sanctified, by prayer and hymns, and if it is to be under the control of the Rev. Mr. Collis. —Yours faithfully,

   His Royal Highness the Field Marshal Command- ing-in-Chief has been pleased to approve of the following officers being appointed aides-de-camp to his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, in addition to those mentioned :—Lieutenant the Hon. T. C. Scott, Rifle Brigade ; Lieutenant A. Thornton Wodehouse, Royal Artillery ; Lieutenant L. C. A. A. de Cetto, Royal Artillery ; Cornet C. F. A. Howard, 11th Hussars. And the Hon. Ralph Harbord has been appointed Gentleman-at-Large.

   October 26, at Halston-street, Dublin, the wife of Wm. Henry Richardson, Esq., of a daughter.
   At Elmsville, Clonmel, the wife of John Burke, Esq., of a son.
   On the 27th inst., at Lark-hill, Coolock, the wife of Benjamin D. Darley, Esq., of a son.
   On the 26th inst., the wife of Maurice Spottswood, Esq., M.D., Avoca Cottage, Cahirciveen, of a daughter.

   On Tuesday, in the Parish Church of Cahirciveen, by the Rev. Richard Moore, Sarah, the eldest daughter of Mr. Joseph Wharton, of Kippaghs, Cahirciveen, to Mr. Joseph Wharton [sic], of Cloon, Killorglin.
   On the 25th inst., at St. George's, Hanover-square, by the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Oxford, Sir Malcolm MacGregor, of MacGregor, Bart., Captain Royal Navy, to the Lady Helen Laura McDonnell, only child of the late Hugh Seymour, Earl of Antrim.
   On the 26th inst., at All Soul's Church, Langham- place, Robert Fowler-Butler, Esq., Royal Fusiliers, second son of the late Richard Fowler-Butler, Esq., of Pendeford Hall and Barton Hall, Staffordshire, to Agnes de Courcy, only daughter of the late Rev. John de Courcy O'Grady, of Knockany Vicarage, county Limerick.
   October 26, in Paris, at the Chapel of the British Embassy, and afterwards at the Church of Saint Roch, Ambrose Lambert, of Dysertmore, in the county of Kilkenny, Esq., J.P., to Mary, third daughter of Francis Coppinger, of Monkstown Castle, in the county of Dublin, Esq., J.P.
   September 28, at Mount Clemens, Michigan, U.S., Mr. Thomas Casey, station master on the Grand Trunk Railway, to Miss Jane Burke, late of Albert- place, Denzille-street, Dublin.
   July 21, at Nelson, New Zealand, Henry Charles Holland Hastings, Esq., late Lieutenant 109th Regiment, to Louisa, eldest daughter, of the late Henry Elliott, Esq., of Ennis, county Clare.

   October 25, in Cavan Miss Charlotte Bournes, proprietess of the Cavan Observer.
   October 28, at Gloucester-place, Dublin, Mr. Thomas Keeffe, compositor.
   October 28, at Laurel Hill, Blackrock, Dublin, aged 62 years, Christina, wife of Nicholas Butler, Esq.
   October 22, at Thurles, Ellen, relict of Luke Bray, Esq.—May she rest in peace.
   October 28, at 37, Wexford-street, Dublin, Gerald A. Hunt, Esq., deeply and sincerely regretted.
   October 23, at Sandymount, John Payne Morris, formerly of Skreen Castle, county of Meath, Esq.
   On the 27th inst., at Hynam Lodge, Bray, county Wicklow, Hans Blackwood Hamilton, Esq., aged 55.
   On the morning of the 28th instant, of bronchitis, Mr. Samuel Macartney Caldwell, at his residence, 137, Stephen's-green.
   On the 27th inst., at his residence, 100, Great George's-street, Belfast, Captain Michael Cotter, aged 79 years.
   October 12, at his residence, near the Chain-bridge, Washington, D.C., Michael Joyce, Esq., formerly of Fermoy, county Cork, Ireland, father of the late Captain Joyce, of the 88th Regiment, N.Y.V., Irish Brigade.
Submitted by dja
1— In The Cork Examiner of 1 November 1864 it was reported that John was the one who died and the location was Knocknagree, county Cork.

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