On Christmas Day a man named John M. Ahern,
residing at Clonavrick, reported to the police that he had been fired at by a cousin of his, named Eugene
Ahern, while on the road near his house. He stated that he distinctly heard the bullet whizz past his ear.
On an information having been made, District Inspector Maguire and several policemen proceeded to
Clonavrick and arrested Eugene Ahern on the charge of shooting at his cousin. It is said that the prisoner's
father has a license for a revolver, and that the prisoner admits to having fired a shot out of this revolver, but
he denies that he fired at his relative. For some past the relations between the two families had not been
cordial owing to a dispute about a farm of land from which the prisoner's father had been dispossessed,
and which Andrew Ahern now holds. The prisoner, who is a young man, was brought before Mr. M. F. Barry,
J.P., on Christmas Day, and remanded to the County Gaol for eight days.
He will be brought up at the Macroom Petty Sessions on Wednesday next. |
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