- The Cork Examiner, 18 May 1898
STAVELEY -- At Aden, on the 15th inst., Lieutenant George
Hodder Stavelely, R.N.R. (Captain ss Shropshire), second son
of the late Captain Robert Staveley, Riversdale, Blackrock, Cork.
AHERN -- On 16th inst., at Ballingoul, Maurice Ahern, aged 79.
Funeral for Kilquane on this day (Wednesday), at 3 o'clock. R.I.P.
FAWCETT -- On the 16th inst., at 19 Southern road, Cork, William
Fawcett, ex-sergeant R.I.C. Remains leave by 9 a.m. train for
interment at Bantry on this day (Wednesday).
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