Cork, December 24. Yesterday arrived the Sarah Gally of London, 200
Tuns from Pottomock in Virginia, with Tobacco bound home, left that Place about
six Weeks ago with a Fleet, from which she was parted a Fortnight after in bad
Weather, by which she has suffer'd much. By a ship belonging to this Town, put
into Bantry from Lisbon, the Master sent several Letters hither, which he
brought with him ; amongst which one from a Responsible Merchant in Lisbon,
dated the 11th of Decemb. 1710, N.S. to an Eminent Merchant of this Town ;
wherein he says one come from Madrid, lately tells us, K[ing]. Charles left
these Parts the 17th Ult. under a Guard of 300 German Dragoons for Barcelona,
with several Grandees Ladies to wait on the Queen. The Duke Saex, a Grandee,
with a Lieutenant-General, and several Gentlemen of Note were come over to his
Interest, the necessary councils were Establish'd at Madrid, and that his Army
was in a very good Condition in Winter Quarters, consisting of 17000 Foot, and
7500 Horse, fit to undertake any Service. They write from Cadiz of the 15th
past, That no Posts were yet Current there. |
D U B L I N |
Of the Diseases and Casualties the Quarter ending the 22d past. Aged
61, Bloody-Flux 5, Burnt by Accident 1, Consumption 44, Convulsion 19, Chincough
3, Collick 3, Childbed 2, Drowned 5, Dropsie 12, Despair 1, Died suddenly 1,
Died in the Street 1, Evil 1, Fever 128, Fits 49, Frite 1, Falling Sickness 2,
Gripes 6, Gripes and [illegible], Gout 4, Gravel 3, Hanged 4, Head=Ach 1,
Impostum 3, Impotent 1, Infants 7, Liver-grown 1, Loosness 4, Measles 8,
Overgrowth of the Lites 1, . . . Plurisie 2, Rickets 2, Shortness of Breath 1,
Shot 3, Smallpox 3, Sore Mouth 1, Teeth 6, Tempany 2, . . . Worms 2,
Yellow=Jaundice 1. |
The Sixty Nine ARTICLES
Taken from the Original, Publish'd By Her Majesty's Command, And Ordered to
be Read at the Head of every Troop and Company Once a Month : Whereunto is added
the Penalty on Officers Discharging Soldiers unknown to the Generals ; And a
Reward of Twenty Pounds, sterl. to any Man that will discover any Consideration
or Gratuity given to Procure a Discharge out of the Army. And an Account of what
Pay the Private Men are duly to receive, and when, and what Clothing Yearly, and
every Year according to the Regulations of the Army in this Kingdom. Also a
Gratuity of Five Pounds, sterl. to be given to any one that will discover a
Papist in the Army. Concluding with an Exact Amount of both Officers and
Soldiers Pay upon the Establishment of Ireland for Horse, Foot, and Dragoons ;
Their full Pay, and the several Deductions of Treasury Fees, &c. Printed on
good Paper and a fair new Chracter [sic]. Sold by the Printer hereof. |
We hear, that the Right Honourable the Lord of Ikerin, who departed this
Life on Saturday was Seven-night, is to be Interr'd this Day at his Burying
place in the County of Killkenny. |
* * * Stolen the 18th of December last, from Mr. John Stanley, off the Lands
of Killbeg near Nenagh, a dark bay Nagg, commonly called keer Colour, a mealy
Mouth, 14 Hands high, hath a racing Pace when forced from his Trot, Branded on
the near Buttock C. O. Whoever discovers the Thief, so as he may be secured,
shall have 3 l. Reward, or 20 s. for the Horse only, to be paid by Mr. Curtess
at the black Raven in Castle-street, or the said Mr. Stanley. There is a bay
Mare suspected to be Stolen with the said Horse. |
WHereas a Bill of 212 l. by Mr. Richard Perry of
Clonmell, bearing date of the 27th of November last, drawn in favour of Mr. John
Marshal of Clonmell, on Messieurs Benjamin Burton and Francis Harrison, payable
to Mr. William Marshal Attorney in Brides-street, and accepted by them the 29th
of the said Month ; the said Bill being dropt or mislaid by Mr. Hugh Young :
this is to give Notice, to prevent any Person whatsoever from being impos'd on
to Lend or Advance Mony on Credit of the said Bill, it being since answer'd by a
2d Bill. |
* * * In Ballymore Eustace about 14 Miles from Dublin, there is to be Sett a
slated House with Outhouses and Garden, and about 50 Acres of Arable Land well
inclosed, Inquire at Mr. Throps in Christ-Church Yard. |
A Large good House, with a large Dining-Room, and
another Winscotted, a Backside, Water, and other Conveniencies, stands in the
little Close, between St. Patrick's-Church and Kevan's-Street, to be Lett for
any Term of Years, under Thirty, or a Beneficial Lease for the said Term, to be
Dispos'd off. Inquire of Mr. Richard Ward, at the Sign of the Cock at the lower
End of Francis-Street near the Combe, or of the Printer hereof. |