Freeman Journal
Dublin, Ireland
Nov 1, 1763

     The following Gentlemen are returned as Members in the present Parliament. Richard Fitzgerald, Esq; for the Bo. of Boyle; George Paul Monk, Esq.; for the Bo. of Coleraine, John Hamilton, Esq.; for the Bo. of Strabane; John Gilborne, Esq.; for the Bo. of Tallow, and Annesley Stewart, Esq; for the Bo. of Charlemount.
     Thursday last the Corporation of Weavers waited on his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant with an Address, which was presented by their worthy Brother, Edward Newenham, Esq.; high Sheriff of the County of Dublin, and was most gracious received.
     Capt. Tucker, Dr. Daley, Mess. Kirkman, Saunders, Clerk, Holmes,and the Mail arrived in the Besborough packet from Holyhead; for which Place she sailed last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Donellan, Mess Reed, Saunders and Arthur.
     On Sunday last an excellent Charity Sermon was preached in the Parish of St. Nicholas without, by the Rev. Dr. Bailey, for the Support of the Charity School of that Parish, after which a Collection was made amounting to upwards of ?0 Pounds.

Freeman Journal
Dublin, Ireland
Nov 5, 1763

     The necessary Alterations in St. Michael's Church being now compleated, Divine Service will be performed next Sunday.
     His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant has ordered, that on all Persons who appear at his Majesty's Castle, do put on Mourning on Sunday the Sixth Instant November, for the late King of Poland, viz. The Ladies to wear black Silk or Velvet, fringed or plain Linen, black or white Fans and white Gloves. The Men to wear black, full trimmed, fringed or plain Linen, black Swords and Buckles.
     1t.] Mr. Patrick Knowles, an eminent Peruke-Maker, died suddenly at his House in Capel-street.
     At Night Mr. Higgins of Fishamble street, fell into the Liffey near the Old Ferry-Boat Slip, and was drowned, notwithstanding several Boats went to his Assistance; he was taken up next Morning near where he fell in.
     2d.] The Commission of Oyer and Terminer ended, at which the following Persons were convicted, and are to be executed on Saturday the 19th Instant, viz. Thomas Roberts, for the Murder of Daniel Lyons; Patrick Murray for the Murder of Christopher Crafton, and also for robbing Catherine Parker of a scarlet Rug Cardinal Cloak; Edward Lawler, (pleaded guilty) for stealing Twenty Guineas from the Right Hon. Anthony Malone, Esq.; George Kelly, otherwise Laurence Kelly, and Francis Cavenagh, for a Rape on Mary McDaniel, and robbing her of Three Shillings and Three-pence in Money.
     Thomas Lawler, (pleaded guilty) for the Murder of John Cane; is to be executed on Saturday the 2th Instant, at Ballymana, near Tallaght-Hill, where he committed the fatal Murder.
     Peter Kelly, or Peter Mathews for stealing a Coach Window Glass and other Things, the Property of the Rt. Hon. Lord Viscount Jocelyn, and Luke Healy, for stealing Hemp, are to be Transported.
     Valentine Connor, for a Riot and Assault, to be Whipped on Saturday the 5th, and the two following Saturdays.
     3d] Three Hundred and Twenty Pounds of Tea, seized by Mr. Horinth, were lodged in the Custom House Stores
     Mr. Saunders, the celebrated Equilibrist from the Theatre Royal in Covent-Garden, is engaged to exhibit his Performances at the Theatre in Smock-Ally; his first Appearance will be the latter End of next Week.
     Last Tuesday died in Cow-lane, Mrs. Bourke, Wife of Mr. Thomas Bourke, Merchant. She was an affectionate, fond Wife, a tender Mother, and a sincere Friend, which makes her Death universally lamented.


     Belfast, Nov. 1. It is with Pleasure we hear, that all the Breaches occasioned by the late Storm on the Banks of the Navigation, from Belfast to Lisburn, were of so little Consequence, that their Repairs have been finished some Days ago. That Mr. Greg had a large Raft of Timber and Deals lying on the River Lagan during the Storm, which rode it out without sustaining or doing the least Damage, and was taken up to Lisburn without any Difficulty, although it drew about four Feet Water. And on Friday last Mr. Greg, sent up a Lighter of twenty Tons burthen with Coals to Lisburn; and if Coals could have been had on any reasonable Terms, to other Lighters would have been loaded and sent to Lisburn at the same Time.
     We hear from Londonderry, that last Wednesday a Reprieve from the Government arrived by Express for MacDill, one of the Oak Boys, under Sentence of Death, whose Execution is respited to the 12th of this Month.

Freeman Journal
Dublin, Ireland
Nov 8, 1763


     Cork, October 31. We hear from the County of Tipperary, that on Saturday Se'nnight Edward Bacon of Feathard, Esq, on his return from a visit at Cashel, had the misfortune to have his Horse fall under him, and in endeavouring to free himself, received a blow on the Head, of which he died instantly. He was a Gentleman deservedly beloved and whose unhappy fate is now most sincerely lamented by all who knew him.
     The following accident happened last Week in a house at Macromp: A lad taking up a loaded musket, without examining if it had been charged, snap'd it at a young woman in a joking manner and shot her dead on the spot.
     The Mary Transport arrived at Cove last Sunday from Jamaica (as in our last) with Part of Gen. Rusane's Regiment, not the Welsh Volunteers, as mentioned by Mistake. The Men remain on board the Transport waiting for Orders from Galway, where another Transport is arrived with five Companies of that Regiment.
     Tuesday arrived the Jane and Elizabeth, and Four Friends of Whitby, two Transports from Jamaica, last from Kinsale, where they had been drove in, with Stores from Portsmouth.
     Same Day arrived the Exchange of Whitby, Transport, from Jamaica, with Troops.
    DEATHS. Friday Night in Mallow-lane, Mr Jeremiah M'Carthy, Apothecary. Same Night in Castle-street, Mr. King Dale, Pastry Cook. Last Night at his Lodgings on the Mall, Daniel Gibbs, of Derry, in the County of Cork, Esq; a Gentleman most deservedly lamented by all his Friends and Acquaintances.
     Limerick, October 31. Last Saturday died Mr. Edward Alexander, woollen draper, one of the people called Quakers, and a man of a very fair character.

DUBLIN, November 8.

     The Pensions on the Civil and Military Establishments of this Kingdom appears by the Printed Lists to be, some for Life, Lives, Years, and during Pleasure, (exclusive of those on the Concoraatum) 75, 323 l. 5s. 18d.
     Last Wednesday Martin Connoly died in York-street, of the Wounds he received at Swords a few Days ago from Thomas Kirby. The Coroner's Inquest sat on the Body, and brought in their Verdict wilful Murder against said Kirby.
     The Rev. Wm. Usher was installed Prebendary of St. Audeon's in St. Patrick's Cathedral.
     The Marquis of Kildare, Gen. Stanford, Mr.and Mrs. Wilson, Mess. Sweeny, Weld, Wilkinson, and the Mail arrived in the Besborough, Packet, from Holyhead.
     Yesterday Morning, Mr. Charles Delany, an eminent Woollen Draper, in Francis Street, was found dead in one of the Passages leading to Ormond Market; the Cause of his Death is not known; but it is surmised from some Marks on his Neck, that he was strangled.
     The Thefts so frequently committed in Lighters, and on the Custom-House Quay, by Gabbard Men and Porters, are so notorious to almost every Importer of Goods to this City that the prosecuting of such Offenders to Conviction must give general Satisfaction to the Public. We think it our Duty to give due Praise to Mr. William White, Merchant, and to Messrs. Grace and Copperthwaite, Revenue Officers, for their spirited Prosecution of Luke Healy, who was convicted, and received Sentence for Transportation last Week at the Commission of Oyer and Terminer, for stealing Hemp out of a Gabbard.
     Last Saturday being the Anniversary of the Gunpowder Plot in 1605, the Right Hon. the House of Lords went into Christ Church where an excellent Sermon was preached on the Occasion by the Right Rev. Doctor Oswald, Lord Bishop of Clonfert.
     Died in Mullingar, greatly lamented by a numerous Acquaintance, Mr. John Heney.

     ANDREW's BROWN STOUT, and Intire PALE BUT BEER, Are on Draft at JO. POWELL'S, opposite the Weavers-Hall, on the Comb.

Freeman Journal
Dublin, Ireland
Nov 12, 1763

     7th] Four hundred Pounds of Tea, and a considerable Quantity of Brandy, seized by Mr. Hornish, were lodged in his Majesty's Stores.
     The Right Hon. the Countess of Ross, ___ Lysaight, Esq; and his Family, Counsellor Molloy, Capt. Lewis and his Family, and a valuable Cargo of Merchandize, arrived in the Race Horse, Norman, from Parkgate.
     8th.] Edward Martin, Esq; Comptroller of the General Post-Office, Miss Martin, Mr. Lyndon, Capt. Beaver, Mess. Cheshire, Magan, and the Mail, arrived in the Fortecue Packet from Holyhead.
     The Right Hon. Lord Powercort, the Right Hon. Thomas Conolly, Esq; and his Lady, Col. Colcraft, the Captains Shepard, Baugh and Carney, Mess. Byrne, Beaker and English, sailed in the Besborough Packet for Holyhead.
     On Wednesday last Valentine Connor, a most audacious and wicked Offender, was whipped from Newgate to College-Green pursuant to Sentence; the High Sheriff attended to see him properly corrected; but we are concerned to find him, or any other Peace Officer, resort to military Force to carry our Laws into Execution. As the same Offender is to meet with the like Punishments on the two succeeding Wednesdays, we hope the Sheriffs will avoid that scandalous Practice of calling upon the Army to enforce their Authority, especially when they may rest assured of the Assistance of the Posse Comitatus, if Need should require.
     10th] Mr Peared, his Son and two Daughters, Mr and Mrs Spread, Mess. Ashley, Cheatley, Sweetman, Williams, Cooke, and the Mail, arrived in the Besborough Packet from Holyhead.

Freeman Journal
Dublin, Ireland
Nov 15, 1763

Dublin, November 15.
     10th. At Night Lord Charles Montague sailed in the Besborough Packet for Holyhead.
     11th. Died in Dame-Street, Mr. John Boddinton, a young Gentleman of the greatest Probity, Integrity, and Candor, in short, he was a Christian, not in the ordinary but in the true Sense of the Word.
     12th. Thomas Lawler, was conducted from Newgate to Ballymana in the County of Dublin by the Spirited High Sheriff of said County, Edward Newenham, Esq; attended only by some Gentlemen Freeholders of the County, who notwithstanding the numerous appearance of People assembled on the Occasion, without a Military Aid, had the Prisoner hanged, and afterwards fixed in Chains, pursuant to his Sentence.
     Bridget Joyce, upwards of 60 years old, died in the Inns-quay infirmary, occasioned by a hackney Coach going over her in High-street.
     The Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen, Sheriffs and Common-Council went to the Castle and presented his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant with his Freedom of this City in a Gold Box.
     Thomas Roberts who was to be executed on Saturday next for the murder of Daniel Lyons, is reprieved till further Orders.

Freeman Journal
Dublin, Ireland
Nov 19, 1763


     CORK, Nov. 1?. This Day at Noon a Fire broke out in a Malt-House belonging to Mr. Shepard, on Tuckey's-Quay, but was happily extinguished without doing much Damage.
     DEATHS. Last Friday, after two Days illness, Mr. James Swiney, Printer; a young Man whose Death is much lamented. Saturday evening near Crosses-Green, Mr. George Atkin, an eminent Brewer; he was an affectionate Husband, a tender Parent, a sincere Friend, and a Gentleman of unblemished Character, which renders his Death an universal Concern. Same Night Mr. ___ Armer, an eminent Clothier of very fair Character, fell into the River opposite the Custom-House, and was unfortunately drowned: He was taken up the next Morning near the Place he fell in.
     Belfast, Nov. 15. We hear from Londonderry, that the Government's Orders arrived there on Thursday last, to respite till further Orders the Execution of Madill, one of the Hearts of Oak.

     Wednesday last, Valentine Connor was whipped a second Time from Newgate to College-green. The High Sheriff attended to compel the Executioner to give the Delinquent the Correction due to his atrocious Crimes. And to their Honour we mention it, that regardless of the Multitude assembled on this Occasion, they supported their Authority, and preserved the Dignity of the City, without the Assistance of a single red Coat, without such till now, the civil Laws were seldom executed, nay not a Proclamation promulgated against the most notorious Offenders, or Breakers of the Peace. Hence we hope, the Spirit revived by our present City, and County High Sheriffs, will animate all other Peace Officers to follow their Example, by leaving the military Gentlemen to their immediate Department.
     DEATHS.] Eustace-street, Mr. Henry Barton, an eminent Apothecary and a man of a rair Character: We hear he died in good Circumstances, and left a good Part of his Fortune to charitable Uses. On George's-quay, Mr. George Burchess, an eminent Anchor-Smith.

Freeman Journal
Dublin, Ireland
Nov 23, 1763


     Cork, Nov. 17. We hear from Bandon, that on Monday last Mr. Roger Swiney of that Town, on his return from Cloughnakilty was unhappily thrown from his Horse, by which his Skull was fractured and he expired in great Agony the next Morning.

     Letters from Galway of the 14th Inst. say that the House of one Patrick Walsh, an honest industrious farmer, on the lands of Togher, in the neighbourhood of Tuam in this county, was forceably entered by a number of persons disguised; who in order to extort a confession of money, with a spade-iron, which they reddened in the fire, burned and branded said Welsh and his Wife, in several parts of their Bodies, in so cruel and inhuman a manner, that their lives are despaired of; and disappointed of their expectations, the villains rifled the house, and carried off every thing that was valuable, even their wearing apparel and bed-cloaths.
    His Grace, the Lord Archbishop of Dublin, has been pleased to grant the office of principal register of the diocese of Dublin, to Thomas Cobbe, Esq; Doctor of Laws, and George Lyndon, Bachelor of Laws, and the longer liver of them during their lives.
     The Hon. Thomas Fitzmaurice is elected a Knight of the Shire for the county of Kerry.
     Promoted by the Right Rev. Richard Lord Bishop of Ossory, the Rev. John Hewetson, clerk M.A. to the rectory of Coolcraheen, void by the death of the Rev. Thomas Collier, clerk.
     Sterne Tighe, Esq; an eminent merchant and agent, died at his House on Usher's quay.
     19th Patrick Murray, for the murder of Christopher Crafton (or Craston), one of the watchmen of the parish of St. Nicholas Within, and also for robbing Catherine Parker of a scarlet rug cardinal, Thomas Robberts for the murder of Daniel Lyons, and George Kelly and Francis Kavanagh, for a rape on Mary Mc Daniel, and robbing her of 3s. 3d. and Edward Lawler, for stealing 20 guineas from the Right Hon. Anthony Malone Esq; who were to be executed this day, are reprieved until farther orders.
     Last Saturday Night was married in Drogheda, William Rotheram of Crosdrum Esq; to Miss Margaret Gartside of said Place, a most agreeable Lady, with a handsome Fortune.


SAILED Hampden Packet to Holyhead, the Mail.
Prince of Orange of Dublin, Turnice, Bourdeaux, Beef, &c.
ARRIVED Night Tide 18, and Morning Tide 19.
Clayton of Salicoats, Wright, Greeneck, Sugar
Susannah of Whitehaven, Wilson, Glascow, Tobacco.
Three Coasters, Barley.
SAILED John and Henry of Cork, Driscoll, Lisbon, Butter.
Dublin and Dublin, Walsh, Rochfort, Beef.
Thomas of Dublin, Clancy, Rochfort, Potatoes.
Fortune of Dublin, Matthewson, Rochell, Beef.
Four Colliers, home, Ballast.
ARRIVED Evening Tide 19, and Morning Tide 20.
Barbara of Glascow, Stafford, Sugar.
Three Coasters, Barley, &c.
SAILED Three Colliers, home, Ballast.

Freeman Journal
Dublin, Ireland
Nov 26, 1763

    DUBLIN, November 25.

     The Right Hon. Lord Chief Justice Ashton, hath been pleased to appoint Mr. Isaac Bomford, attorney, to be clerk and keeper of the rules in the court of Common Pleas.
     23d.] Valentine Conner, was whipped from Newgate to College-green, and back again, a third time, pursuant to his sentence, attended by the High Sheriffs, and guarded by St. Ann's watch, and the watchmen of Essex-bridge; 'tis hoped his punishment will strike a terror into rioters, it being we hear determined for the future, to apply the same severity on every person convicted of riotous practices.
     Capt. Bourke, Capt. Ball, Mr. Bishop and family, and Mr. Eustace, sailed in the Race Horse, Norman, for Pargate.
     On Thursday last Samuel Sprigg, and John Lymbury, of the City of Waterford, Gentleman; Thomas Collis and James Monsell, of the City of Limerick, Gentlemen; George Purdon Drew, William Smith and James M'Carrell of this City, Gentlemen, were admitted and sworn Attornies of his Majesty's Court of Exchequer; said Samuel Sprigg, Thomas Collis, James Monsell and George Purdon Drew were admitted and sworn Attornies of his Majesty's Court of King's-Bench also.
     Same day __ Cofhy, Esq and Capt. Kent and his family, sailed for Pargate in the Dorset Yacht, Williamson.
     Yesterday was tried by ertiorari at the Court of King's Bench, an Indictment on Behalf of the Crown, against Mr. Benjamin Houghton an eminent Citizen, and Silk and Woollen Manufacturer; Instituted on the Examinations of certain Persons (who did not support them in Evidence to the Satisfaction of the Jury) for his having encouraged a Mob in August last, to destroy the Manufactures of Messrs. Cottingham and King. When after a Trial of nine Hours, the Jury acquitted him with Honour.

Freeman Journal
Dublin, Ireland
Nov 29, 1763


     Cork Nov. 24] On the 9th inst. the Hon. Thomas Fitzmaurice, Brother to the Earl of Shelburne, was unanimously elected Knight of the Shire for the County of Kerry, in the place of John Blennerhasset, Esq; deceased.
     Last Tuesday, was committed to the County Goal, Florance Leary, on suspicion of setting fire to a Barn belonging to Mr. Charles M'Carthy, on the lands of Sunderreen, in the County of Cork. Wednesday, Philip Sulivan of Bantry in the County of Cork, charged with breaking into the house of Matthias Sulivan of said place, and stealing thereout sundry articles, to the value of twenty pounds. Yesterday, Denis M'Carthy, charged with advising and prompting Margaret M'Carthy, his wife, to assault Catherine, the wife of Denis Murley, whose son, a child of 9 years old, was killed by said Margaret M'Carthy with a blow of a stick made at his Mother.--To the City Goal, last Thursday, Timothy Callaghan, on suspicion of stealing out of the house of Mr. Richard Robertson of Mallow-lane, a tea chest, a large silver spoon, and three tea spoons. Last Tuesday, Mortough Heas, and Philip Croneen, Sedan Chairmen, charged with violently assaulting and rudely using the wife of Mr. Thomas M'Donnell, on the night of the 7th inst. in Corner's-lane, and robbing her of a black sattin Cardinal cloak.
     Yesterday died lamented by her acquaintance, Mrs. Lloyd, wife of Doctor Francis Lloyd.
     This day was married at St. Mary's Church, Dr. John Ward, of Col. Gray's Regiment, to Miss Mabella D'Esterre of the county of Clare, an agreeable young lady with a handsome fortune.
     DEATHS. Last week, at Cahir-Trant in the County of Kerry, Mr. Dominic Trant; a gentleman of many excellent qualities.-- Tuesday morning, at his house in Watergate-lane, greatly lamented, Mr. Robert Simmons, an eminent Brewer.
     Limerick, Nov. 21. On Wednesday night last died of a mortification, John Harrison, Gent. of Aughniss, in the county of Clare, justly esteemed by his friends whilst living, and now greatly regretted by them since dead.

     Thomas St. George, Esq; is appointed a commissioner of the board of works, in the room of Henry Sandford, Esq; appointed register of the forfeitures.
     26th] Miss Judith Whelan renounced the Errors of the church of Rome, in the parish church of St. Bridget.
     27th] A charity sermon was preached in the parish church of St. Ann by the Rev. Dr. Edward Bayly, after which a collection was made amounting to 16?l. 14s. 9d. Also a charity sermon was preached at St. Michan's church by the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Raphoe, after which the collection amounted to 69l. 11s. 03d. And a charity sermon was also preached in Eustace-street meeting house, after which 80l. 0s. 1d. was collected.
    Married.] A few days ago John Bland, of Blandford in the Queen's county, Esq; to Miss Sally Birch, sister to Mr. Robert Birch.- The Hon. Capt. Cole, member of parliament for the borough of Enniskillen, to Miss Lowry, daughter of Galbraith Lowry, Esq; of Ahenis in the county of Tyrone.--26th, At night, Mr. Josiah Sheppard, bookbinder, of Sycamore alley, to Miss Mary Simple of Moor-street.
     Died.] Last week Mr. Henry Morgan, an eminent staymaker.- The wife of Mr. Lewis, grocer, at Nicholas-gate, sincerely lamented by all her acquaintance.- At Harold's Cross near Dublin, of a Decay, Mrs. Phelan, wife of Mr. Phelan, of Christ Church-lane, Seed Merchant.

     STOLEN last Saturday Morning, out of the Kitchen of Alex. M'Cullon, Printer and Bookseller in Henry-Street, a new Table Spoon, without any Mark. Whoever gives Information, so that said Spoon may be had again, shall have a Crown Reward. If offered to Sale, it is requested it may be stopped.

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