Connaught Journal
Galway, Ireland
Thursday, April 3,1823
Volume 69 Price 5 Pence
March 31,- On Friday evening the Assizes terminated-The following
convictions took place.
Andrew BARRETT, for stealing a cow, recommended by the Grand Jury to be
transported for seven years.
William FLYNN, for similar offence, same sentence.
William STAUNTON, manslaughter, to be imprisoned 12 months.
Pat DURKEN, rape on the body of Bridget MULROONEY, to be hanged on the 12th
Thomas CASHELL, for stealing a mare, to be hanged on the 12th May.
John ADAIR, for robbing the Mail, to be hanged on the 12th May.
Neal M'MAHON, for having in his possession a forged Note, purporting to be
of the Bank of Ireland, for 1l 10s, to be imprisoned for 14 years.
Pat MORAN, James MORAN, and Thomas MAXWELL, for coining and counterfeiting
six shilling tokens of the Bank of Ireland, to be each transported for seven
John HOPKINS, for administering unlawful oaths, to be transported for life.
Pat LEA, for stealing two sheep, to be transported for seven years.
John GRADY for stealing a sheep, the same sentence.
Mathew KIRBY, for stealing a lamb, the same sentence.
William KNEAVIN and Pat GOODWIN, for stealing three sheep, same sentence.
Mary MAHON, for stealing wearing apparel and twenty bank tokens at 10d each,
to be imprisoned six months.
Bridget DUGAN, for stealing tobacco, to be imprisoned twelve months.
Pat FLANAGAN, for stealing twenty-four Irish Bank tokens, recommended to be
imprisoned three months.
John SULLIVAN, stealing wearing apparel, to be imprisoned twelve months.
Hugh WOODS, for steal [sic] leather, to be imprisoned one month.
The whole of Thursday, or nearly so, was occupied by the Grand Jury in an
investigation of a claim by Mr. FAIR, of the Heath and his son Mr. R. FAIR,
of Fortville, both in this County, for compensation to the amount of about
500l, for property belonging to them, stated to have been maliciously
consumed by night, in the month of January last. The Jury, however, decided
against the claim.
About 200 bills of indictment were sent up to the Grand Jury, against
persons charged with offences against the revenue, in the manufacture and
sale of illicit spirits. Mr. Leslie FOSTER, and Mr. PENTLAND, the Solicitors
of the Excise, attended on the part of the Crown. The Grand Jury, however,
ignored the whole of the bills, and thereby saved those Gentlemen the
trouble of prosecuting, saved the country the expense of such a multitude of
trials, (which might have amounted, in fees, of officers, support of
prisoners, &c. to little short of 1000l) and saved the public also the
unseemly exhibition of such trials, so little accordant with the customary
and dignified forms and practices of our Law Courts- a description of
trials, not merely valueless in the way of example or correction, but
calculated, we greatly fear, to remove those solemn impressions which the
administration of justice in all its other departments in this country is so
eminently adapted to produce.
Connaught Journal
Galway, Ireland
Monday, April 7, 1823
Volume 69 Price 5 Pence
Patrick RYAN, stealing a heifer, to be imprisoned six months.
Thomas M'MAHER, stealing a watch, like rule.
Patrick FINAGHTY, stealing a shirt, to be imprisoned one month.
Edward FLEMMING, stealing oats, do. six months.
Honor KELLY, stealing a gown, do. one week.
Catherine LAHEY, larceny, do. one fortnight.
John CURLEY, stealing a cow,do. six months.
Patrick PARKER, manslaughter, do. do.
Thomas ROGERS, do. do. three years
Roger GILLIGAN and Thernes MANNION, do. to be each imprisoned twelve months.
Patrick MANNION, do., to be imprisoned two months.
Franics CONCANNON, do. do. one month.
Honor CORGNENCE (or CORGUENCE), Patrick JOYCE, John MANNION and William
MANNION, stealing goats, to be each imprisoned three months.
Margaret M'TIGHE, receiving a stolen mare, do. six months.
Bridget KING, larceny, do. one fortnight.
William MISKILL and James NEVIN, an assault, to be each fined sixpence each.
Twenty-seven prisoners were found guilty of illicit distillation, to be each
imprisoned one month or pay a fine of forty shillings.
William Peter RAFTERY, coining to be transported for seven years.
Richard BURKE, do. to be imprisoned six months.
Bridget HANNON, attempting to poison, to find bail.
Mary TOOKES, for stealing children, to be transported for seven years.
Mary CALLANANE, do., to be imprisoned one month.
The B**** the Assembly-rooms, this Assizes, have been attended by the
respectability, fashion and beauty in the town and neighbourhood. Amongst
the Ladies present were-
Lady and the Misses BLAKE, of Menlo Castle; Mrs. and Miss JOYCE, of Merview;
Mrs. and Miss BLAKE, of Cregg; Mrs. SEYMOUR; Miss BLAKE, of Merlin-Park;
Mrs. and Miss COMYN; Mrs. BLACKER; Mrs. BLAKE, of Prospect-Hill; Miss
FRENCH, do; Miss BLAKE, of Corbally (or Gorbally); Mrs. and Miss JOYCE of
Back-street; Mrs. BLAKE, of Waterdale; Miss BLAKE, of French-Fort; Mrs.
BALDWIN; Mrs. nad Miss M'DONOGH; Miss D'ARCY, &c, &c.
We understand a most brilliant Ball is anticipated to take place on
Wednesday evening, the 23d instant, in celebration of the birth of our most
Gracious Sovereign, and have no doubt it will be most respectably patronised
and numerously attended.
Having seen an Advertisement, signed James KNIGHT, in reply to mine of the
31st of March last, falsely stating, that from my embarrassed circumstances
that said KNIGHT forgave a considerable part of the sum claimed by him; but
he, from himself, gave up all right and cliam, thereto, from a dread of my
filing a Bill against him in the Court of Chancery. But since my Caution to
the Public I have taken Counsel's advice, and find that the proofs I
intended to have brought forward the law would not permit, as it must be
tried by a higher Court, when the Public will behest judges of the
Given under my hand this 7th day of April 1823.
Robert BURKE, Merville.
>From the first day of May next, for such terms of years as may be agreed on,
The Lands of Garryboukelagh,
Situate near Ballydonelan, containing 77 Acres. It is unnecessary to say any
thing of the quality of this fine Farm, being so well known.
Proposals (post paid) will be received by Mrs. R. DEAVES, 4 Harcourt-place,
Dublin; by H.J. DOLPHIN, Esq. 39, Capel-street, or at Loughrea, and the
Tenant declared as soon as the value is offered.
April 7, 1823
Thomas MACAN and James DALY, Esqrs., Plaintiffs
Patrick BURKE and others, Defendants.
Pursuant to the Decree of his Majesty's Court of Exchequer in Ireland, made
in this Cause, bearing date the 23d day of November, 1822, I will, on
Monday, the 14th day of April next, at my Office, on the Inns-quay, Dublin,
at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon, set up and sell by public Cant,
to the highest and fairest Bidder, all that and those the Farm and Lands of
Riverstown, otherwise Ballynahevney, containing fifty Acres, be the same
more or less, situate, lying and being in the half barony of Loughrea, and
County of Galway, together with the Mills, Kilns, Houses and Out-offices,
erected and built thereon, being the mortgaged Lands and Premises in the
Pleadings of this cause mentioned, for the purposes in said Decree
Dated this 7th day of March, 1823, Maryborough.
There is a good dwelling house on the above Lands, with an extensive Flour
Mill, Country Mill, and Corn Stores all in good repair and condition and fit
for immediate use. The Mills have a constant and good supply of water; the
Lands are good for Tillage and Pasture and situate in a good corn country,
within three miles of Loughrea and sixteen of Galway.
For further particulars apply to Peter WARREN, Esq. Plaintiffs Attorney; No.
13, Henrietta-street, Dublin.
The Rev. Peter KENNY
(From the Morning Post)
In the 12th Number of "Truth's Advocate", published last December by
SHERHOOD, NEELY, and JONES, Paternoster-row, it is stated that a Roman
Catholic Priest, the Rev. Patrick KENNY waited upon the exemplary and
respectable Curate of St. Paul's in the city of Dublin, the Rev. Mr.
ADAMSON, early last October, in order to consult him on the subject of
reading his recantation from the corrupt doctrines and practices of the
Church of Rome. Before Mr. KENNY could put his laudable intention into
execution, two officials of the Irish Inquisition, two officials of the
Irish Inquisition broke into his apartment at an early part of the morning,
and having forced him into a coach, which they had in waiting, carried him
off. A question has been asked where this unfortunate man is in confinement,
and if he has not been carried off in order to prevent his making any
discoveries connected with the present diabolical conspiracy in Ireland.
Now by letters of the 23d inst., received from Dublin, it appears that Mr.
KENNY was taken to "Clongowes, Jesuit College," and that he wrote
after to the Rev. Mr. ADAMSON, stating that he was detained a prisoner
there, but well treated-that he heard "he was shortly to be removed to the
"South Friary in Cork"-but he was fully determined to conform to the
Established Church, the moment he could escape."
The poor man (Mr. KENNY) has not been heard of since last October. Strong
suspicions are entertained that he has been murdered, a practice very
consistent with the Secreta Monita of the Jesuits. However, it is some
satisfaction to know that measures are taking by the Rev. Sir Harcourt LEES
and Mr. ADAMSON, under the countenance of the Archbishop of Dublin, for
elucidating this diabolical transaction. Here we have the names of the
second Dignitary of the Church in Ireland, of a Rev. Baronet, and an
exemplary Curate, for stating this fact.
The R.C. Bishop of Killala, Dr. WALDRON, has had the modesty to publish from
the altar, "that the list of Magistrates for three counties in Ireland has
been submitted for his revision, and that he took care to purge it of every
The above kind friends who seem so solitious for the safety of the Rev. Mr.
KENNY, may set their minds perfectly at rest on the subject. We have seen
some letters from the Rev. Gentleman, written in the last and preceding
months, so that it is pretty clear that he has not, as yet, been condemned
by the "Secreta Monita" of the Jesuits. The letters which we have seen
not appear to have been written in the gloom of a dungeon, or under the
terror of the Inquisition; and Gentlemen who have heard him preach lately,
and have seen him officiating, assures us, that he has not, as yet,
renounced the "corrupt doctrines" of the Romish Religion. Will not
this be
some consolation for his "kind friends?"
April 2- Between seven and eight o'clock on Monday night, a fire was
observed in the direction of Mungret, in the South Liberties of this City:-
A party of Captain DROUGHT's police were immediately dispatched from the
city, when the fire was ascertained to be at two farm-houses in the
neighbourhood of Cunnegar. On the arrival of the Police, they found that
all the furniture had been brought out by the occupiers, who stood gazing on
without the least emotion- it was conceived prudent to take them into
custody, and after every necessary exertion at the fire were attended to,
the prisoners were conveyed to town, where they underwent due examination.
Two of them have been since liberated, and three committed for further
At so early an hour as eight o'clock on Monday night, an attempt was made to
burn the premises and stock of Mr. Joseph ARTHUR, of Meelick-Villa, near
Cratloe, County of Clare, within two miles of this city. The fire was placed
in a stack of straw at the west end of the house. Mr. ARTHUR, with the
assistance of his inmates, and a plentiful supply of water, succeeded in
preventing the flames from spreading, otherwise property in the amount of
500l would have been destroyed. Mr. ARTHUR, next morning, traced the
footsteps of two fellows who were engaged in this diabolical attempt,
towards the Shannon; they brought the fire in a tin saucepan, which was left
in the haggard. We are requested to state, that the peaceable and
industrious inhabitants of that district feel themselves neglected in not
having a sufficient force placed there for the protection of their property.
The Whiteboys burned down a house of the Widow MITCHEL's at Ballincally,
County Clare, on Sunday night.
On Tuesday night, in same Barony, a house was burned and another pulled
down, at Clonekella; and at Coolmeine a mare was ripped open.- On the same
night two houses were burned on the lands of Burrane.
The farm-house at Elton, in this County, on the estate of the Rev. Thomas
GRADY, was maliciously burned on Thursday.
On Friday night, a larg out-house at Rabeanagh, within three miles of
Newcastle, in this county, was set on fire and consumed to ashes, and six
valuable cows (in calf) therein inhumanly roasted, the property of an
industrious farmer named SCANLAN, who only a few days before had taken the
farm from Major SULLIVAN.
Ennis-March 31- On Wednesday last, a detachment of the 52d Foot were moving
from Mullinahone to Cashel, one of the men having taken ill, he was left to
follow in the rear of the detachment, with another private to take care of
him. Thus situated, coming along the road, they were suddenly attacked and
knocked down by two fellows with clubs, aided by three more, who came up and
took their muskets. One of the soldiers was cut in the head, and the other
got into Cashel, and reported the case; when some of the Police, and a party
of the 32d went out and brought in the other soldier.- On the same day a
policeman had his jaw nearly broken by the blow of a stone in the streets of
The Assizes at Clonmel have terminated. Six persons have been left for
execution. Of the many charged with murder, not one has been convicted.
April 2- We have reason to believe that his Excellency, the Lord Leiutenant
will shortly honor this city with his presence, on a vist to that most
worthy Lady, the Right Hon. the Countess of Desart.-Leinster Journal.
The Lord Chief Justice, on his way from Clonmel to this city, was seized
with Indisposition, and obliged to proceed to his family manion of Kilmurry.
He passed the nights of Saturday and Sunday very unfavourably. On Monday
morning, however, we rejoice to say, his Lordship was greatly relieved, and
we have the gratification to add, this estimable character is rapidly
advancing his consequence.
Our spring fair, which was held on Friday, was remarkable for its dulness.
Strippers were very little bought and at very low prices. The Meath
graziers, who usually bought largely at this fair, did not make their
appearance; probably expecting that larger prices would be asked than they
might think it proper to give under the present uncertain prospect. Pigs
experienced a decline of some shilings per cwt. Fat cows, of which there
were not many, sold at about two guineas per cwt. sinking offal. Some
hoggets went so high as 24s. a-piece, but the general average was from 17s
to 20s.
On the night of Sunday last, nine armed men attacked the house of Michael
DAVIS, near Windgap, and plundered it of linen cloth, &c. together with two
pounds in cash.
A few nights since, a large party of men went into the house of William
HAYDEN, of Smithstown, when he was feeding his cattle in the stable, and
four or five remained guarding him,whilst the rest took from a house a
blunderbuss, a gun, and a pistol, all loaded. They afterwards proceeded to
the house of John RICE, of Bunbell, and demanded arms, but upon being
assured that he had none, they departed, after firing some shots. The party
then proceeded to the house of one CASSEN, near Templemartin, and ordered
him to surrender the gound which he held "belonging to the
HELEY's." The
same, or a similar party, went to Kyran BYRNE's house at Ballysalla, on the
same night, and deprived him of arms.
On Friday last, at four o'clock P.M., the Hon. Judge FLETCHER opened his
Majesty's Commission in the Crown Court. In addressing the Jury his Lordship
said-"The crimes which I see on the Calendar of this County are numerous
indeed, as has frequently been the case here, but none of them seems to be
of that dark character which formerly disgraced it. Illicit Distillation,
with which it abounded some time ago, seems to have subsided from the
visible decrease of its effects. I need scarcely inform you, Gentlemen, that
the Laws respecting Illicit distillation, that part of society, that mortal
pest, I may call it, are soon to be altered. That plague is to cease, which
was one of the leading causes of the outrages and perjurics which have
overspread this County, and every other part of the Country of late. The
measures to be adopted, which I suppose each of you is acquainted with, are,
to lessen the duty and to license small stills. An arrangement of this kind,
would, in my opinion, alter the face of the Country, and much solid good
would accrue from its general adoption. Agriculture would be encouraged, and
affairs would wear a happeir aspect than they do at present."
Party Work-Cause and Cross Cause
Henry MAGILL, Andrew MAGILL, and James MILLIKEN, were indicted for a Riot
and Assault at Derrymeale, on the 24th July, upon John WHARRERY, Nicholas
MAGUIRE, James HAROLD, Hugh MORGAN, William FORSYTHE, and Hugh BURNS; and
the latter parties were also indicted for a Riot and Assault at the same
time and place.
Several witnesses were examined. It was stated by one Witness, James BELL,
"there were five attacks and repulses; the battle lasted an hour and three
quarters; the battle was about Religion and Party business."
The Learned Judge charged the Jury in a luminous and impartial manner,
reprobating, in strong terms, the disgraceful fact, which was admitted on
all hands, that a large band of Orangemen should be suffered to parade at a
funeral,and with guns, and headed by fifes and drums, and all the material
of Civil War.
Burning Petitions- The following are the Petitioners who had Witnesses
sworn, and their Notices proved this day:-Robert JEFFREYS, Thomas Wade FOOT,
John Dillon CROKER, and Francis J. MOYLAN. Mr. CROKER laid his damages at
upwards of three thousand pounds; and Mr. MOYLAN stated his damages amounted
to £347.14s.7d. James HILL, of Graigue,also claimed compensation for the
burning of his haggard. It was valued at £1003.0s.10d. The disturbed state
of the Country and the regular service of the notices were proved.
Armdell HILL claimed 99l.5s.2d for the burning of his haggard.
The Rev. Christmas P. WALLIS also made a claim of 27l for injuries done him
by burning, we believe, Tithe Corn.
A claim was then set for the Right Honorable Conyngham PLUNKETT, his
Majesty's Attorney-General, by his steward, Thomas RAE, for Corn that had
been burned on an estate of his in the barony of Orrery and Kilmore. The
amount claimed was 22l.
On Monday night, the out-offices of the Rev. C.P. WALLIS, of Renny, between
Castletownroche and Ballyhooly, consisting of barn, cow house, &c were set
on fire by incendiaries and entirely consumed, together with nine cows, 22
bags of wheat, and other descriptions of property. The perpetration of such
an atrocious outrage, at the moment when King's Commission is open, and the
Grand Panel assembled, speaks volumes on the disturbed state of the County.
Sir Francis BURDETT has given notice of a motion on the subject of flogging
in the army. We are glad that the benevolent Baronet has once more turned
his attention to this mode of military punishment. We believe the infliction
of the lash is practiced in no army unless our own. It was abolished upwards
of thirty years ago in the French army as derogatory to the dignity of man.
Connaught Journal
Galway, Ireland
Thursday, April 10, 1823
In Anne's Church, Dublin, on the 1st instant, Robert MADDOCK, Esq. of
Kildare-street, to Anne, eldest daughter of Thomas HILL, Esq., late of said
James HUGHES alias M'CAN, who has been a ****** in this town for some years
past, was committed to our County Prison about a fortnight ago, on a charge
of having been concerned in the murder of a man in Lisburn, North of
Ireland, a considerable time since. He was identified in this town, and a
special constable from the Metropolis accompanied him in the Mail yesterday
to Dublin, from whence he will be transmitted to the place in which the
murder was committed, for trial at next Assizes.
>From the first day of May next-for such Term as may be agreed on,
About sixty acres of the Lands of Cross near Castleblakeney.- Proposals
(post paid) will be received by the Rev. M.r DAVORAN, Kilfarboy, Glebe
Miltown, Malbay; or by Mr. John C. EVANS, Cross, Castleblakeney.
April 10, 1823
Martin GEOGHEGAN, Plaintiff
Thomas CONROY and James CONROY, Defendants
By virtue of his Majesty's writ of fleri facias, in this cause to us
directed- We will on Monday, the 14th instant, between the hours of one nad
two o'clock in the afternoon, at our Office, Newtownsmith, set up and Sell,
by Public Cant, to the highest and fairest Bidder, all the Defendants Right,
Title and Interest, in and to All That and Those, the Dwelling House,
Work-Shop and Concerns, now in the possession of the Defendants, situate at
Meyrick's square, in the East Liberties of the Town of Galway, which
premises are held under Lease from Ottiwell PURSLEY, Esquire, for a term of
seventy years, fifty of which are as yet unexpired.-Dated this 9th day of
April, 1823.
Mathew T. SMYTH, William SMYTH, Sheriffs.
County of Galway
>From the first day of May next, for such term of years as may be agreed on,
The Lands of Garrybouhelagh,
Situate near Ballydonelan, containing 77 Acres, it is unnecessary to say any
thing of the quality of this fine Farm, being so well known.
Porposals (Post paid) will be received by Mrs. E. DEAVES, 4 Harcourt-place,
Dublin, by H.J. DOLPHIN, Esq. 39 Capel-street, or at Loughrea, and the
Tenant declared as soon as the value is offered.
April 7, 1823
In the neighbourhood of Antrim, we are well aware that certain very ignorant
individuals, properietors, too, of manufactories, have actually threatened
their workmen with dismissal, if they do not sign the Anti-Catholic
Petitions. Here are combinations among master manufacturers, which the law
would not warrant, and the people will not suffer.---Belfast Irishman.
Since the arrival of the 21st Fusileers in the West Indies, they have buried
330, of whom two were Field Officers, one Captain, five Lieutenants, and two
The Grand Jury of Kerry have presented an address to Colonel STREET, and the
39th Regiment for their excellent conduct whilst stationed in that county.
April 5- This day Thomas GANEY and Denis GUINAN, convicted at the last
Assizes for a rape, were hanged at the front of the county gaol.
At two o'clock on Wednesday morning, whilst Captain DUMAS, and a party of
Police from Hospital were patroling, they espied a fire near Elton, in this
county, which they immediatley approached,and ascertained to be an extensive
dairy of Mr. O'BRIEN, of Knocklong. Captain DUMAS detained twelve men, whom
he found out in the vicinity. Eleven having duly accounted for themselves,
were discharged; the twelfth, named Patrick M'CORMACK, is sent into the
county gaol, and will be tried under the insurrection act.
An attempt was made on Tuesday night last, by some incendiary, to set fire
to a house in Newcastle, which, fortunately, had been discovered by a party
of Rifles, before the fire made much progress. Threatening notices have been
fixed up in different places this week, signifying not to pay Tithes or
Rents, and declaring instant death to any person who may occupy another
person's farm.
Last Sunday night a party attacked a house at Clogher, in Kilnemana Barony,
county Tipperary, the property of Mr. DOHERTY, of Ballydraid.-They broke the
windows, and turned off the inmates, working people employed by Mr.DOHERTY,
and told them they had a good escape of being traced like the SHEAs, but
that they came from a good country, and might pass free for this turn.
The fair of Rathkeale was not these forty years known to exhibit such a
feature of depression and distress; it was perfectly consonant to last
Tuesday's fair of Ballingarry, where it is thought 50s was not laid out.
The intended application to place the Baronies of Clonderalaw and Islands,
county Clare, under the Insurrection Act, was adjourned at the meeting of
Magistrates on Thursday, to Monday se'nnight. The inhabitants of Ennis are
adverse to being placed within the pale of this Act, as their town and
neighbourhood is enjoying uninterrupted tranquility.
April 4--On Saturday night last, a large thatched house and barn, near
Glanworth, the property of Michael ROBERTS, Esq., of Kilmoney, were set on
fire and totally consumed. The only reason to which this can be attributed
was, that Gentleman being obliged to put the occupying tenant out of
possession on the 25th of March, after forgiving him two years' rent, amount
124l, and also a sum of 7l.10s, to get quiet possession, rather than proceed
by ejectment.
We have reasons for believing that this Gentleman has resigned the
appointment he held, under the Insurrection Act, in this county, and that
his resignation has been accepted of.
The City Grand Jury have, we understand, addressed a sensible and judicious
memorial to his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant, on the state of this part of
the South of Ireland.
It is rumoured that Martial Law is to be proclaimed immediately in the
county Tipperary.--Constitution.
Saturday night last two cabins were burned a la Rock near Tallow Bridge.
The County of Clare Grand Jury have ordered that a School-Master shall be
provided in the Gaol of Ennis.
Monday last William FITZGERALD was hanged at Ardmore East, county Waterford,
pursuant to his sentence at Assizes, for burglary and robbery in the house
of Calaghan M'CARTHY.
Morning Visiting Dress
Pelisse robe of mignionette, leaf green, of Gros de Naples, trimmed down
each side in front, and round the border with puffings of same, confined by
straps of satin; the bust ornamented by satin Brandenburgs, each terminated
by a silk tassel. Frill a la Henriette, of Urling's lace. Small equestrian
hat of fine beaver or satin, of a lavendar gray, placed very backward and
crowned with a plume of curled feathers of the same colour.--Sautoir of pale
silk. Green satin half boots, and Limerick gloves.
On Wednesday, the 2d instant, at Saint Thomas's Church, Dublin, by the Rev.
John FEA, Christopher ARCHER, Esq., only son of Dr. ARCHER, of Wexford, to
Harriett Frances, eldest daughter of George Browne HOEY, Esq., of
On the 2d instant, in Mary-le-bonne Church, London, by the Lord Bishop of
Carlisle, Robert HARKNESS, Esq., son of the late William HARKNESS, Esq., of
Dublin, to Miss Jane LAW, daughter of the Lord Bishop of Chester.
Thomas Ponsonby CAREW, Esq., of Youghal, eldest son of the Rev. Ponsonby May
CAREW, to Catherine, second daughter of B. BALL, Esq. of Rocksbro'-house,
county Cork.
In Monkstown Church, John Hill LINDE, Esq. of Eyrefield, in the County of
Kildare, to Charlotte Maria, the eldest daughter of the late Sir. H. JEBB.
Suddenly, on Wednesday last, in Dungarvan, Morgan KENNEDY, Esq.
At Clare House, Plymouth, Mrs. Mary Euphresia WELD, of the order of St.
Clair, sister of the late T. WELD, Esq. of Lulworth Castle, Dorsetshire, and
aunt to Lady STOURTON, of Allerton Park.
At Benares, in the East Indies, Lieutenant-Colonel WILFORD.
On the 1st inst. of a lingering decline, which she bore with christian
fortitude, Susanna, wife of Charles TINSDALL, Esq. of Dublin.
In Ruthland street, Limerick, on Wednesday last, Mrs. WORRELL, relict of the
late Joseph WORRELL.
In Molesworth-street, Dublin, on the 31st of March, Mrs. ANNESLEY, relict of
the late Rev. Henry ANNESLEY, of a long and painful illness, which she bore
with great fortitude and resignation.
In Limerick, Mrs. LLOYD, relict of the late Rev. T. Lloyd, of Castle-Lloyd,
in that county.
On the 31st March, at his seat, Leap-Castle, King's county, Admiral Sir
Henry DARBY, K.C.B.
On the 3d inst., Richard BOYLE, Esq., Governor of the House of Industry.
Near Gallanstown bridge, in his 100th year, Mr. T. CAULFIELD, farmer- he
enjoyed an uninterrupted state of good health until within a few months of
his death, and was always considered an honest man.
At Warrington-place, Francis HAMMILL, Esq.
At Ladiston, Cuthbert Richard DALY, Esq.
Connaught Journal
Galway, Ireland
Thursday, April 17, 1823
In Tuam, on Tuesday last, by the Rev. Dr. POTTER, James O'HARA, jun., Esq.
Reocrder of Galway, to the amiable and accomplished Anne, eldest daughter of
his Grace Power le Power TRENCH Lord Archbishop of Tuam. The happy couple
immediately set off for this town and arrived here in the evening, when the
bells of St. Nicholas rang a merry peal on the occasion.
In St. Nicholas's Church, this morning, by the Very Rev. Warden DALY, Harlow
DENNEYS, Esq., late of the 101st Regiment of Foot to Jane, eldest daughter
of Patrick BLOOMFIELD, Esq. Surveyor of the Port of Sligo.
At his Seat, Cregclare, on Wednesday last, the 16th instant, aged eighty
years, Walter LAMBERT, Esq.-his kind, affectionate, and truly gentlemanlike
manners, endeared him to all his acquaintance; but it was only by those who
knew him well that his merits could be justly appreciated-as a fond
parent-an indulgent landlord-a warm and attached friend, he has never been
surpassed, perhaps seldom equalled. His friends and acquaintance will long
mourn the death of a strictly upright honourable man.
Yesterday evening at the Deanry House, Gort, universally and deservedly
regretted, the Very Rev. William FORSTER, L.L.D., Dean of Kilmacduagh.-Those
who were acquainted with this respectable Divine and appreciated his merits
will feel deeply at his dissolution; and the poor in his neighbourhood will
experience the loss of a Friend, to whom their appeals were never made in
On the Quays, this morning, after a lingering illness, Mrs. M'DONOUGH,
relict of the late Mr. Hugh M'DONOUGH.-She has left a helpless family to
deplore her loss.
>From the 1st day of May next,
The Following Lands,
Part of the Estate of James KELLY, Esq.:
Newtown House & Demesne,
Containing 117 Acres Choice Meadow, Fattening and Grazing Land.
Ilk's Farm
107 Acres choice Meadow and Grazing Land, with a good Farm house, great
convenience of Turf and Water.
The Stock, on those Lands (The property of James KELLY, Esq) will be given
to the Tenant at a valuation, and immediate possession if required.
Proposals to be received by Michael DAWDALL, Esq. Tyaquin, Monivae.
April 17, 1823
>From the 1st Day of May next, for such term as may be agreed upon,
Part of Fahey containing 111A 3R 22P
Part of Duroy, called Jennings Park, 10A 2R 37P
These lands are of very good quality, are situate three miles west of Cong.
Proposals in writing to be received by the Right Hon. the Earl of
Charlemont, Charlemont-House, Dublin; the Right Hon. the Earl of Leitrim,
Great Cumberland-place, London; and Mr. James FAIR, who will show the
Fairhill, April 17, 1823
>From the First Day of May Next,
That Part of Annaghmore (Near Moylough) Called Burke's Farm
Containing Seventy Six Acres-The Quality of the Land is universally
acknowledged to be excellent, and it is in good heart. No preference is
Porposals in writing to be received by Doctor Henry BLAKE, Dominick-street,
April 14, 1823
April 13- On Tuesday night last, an out-house of Cornelius BROUDER, of
Farran, near Castlelyons, was maliciously set fire to by an armed party, and
completely consumed, together with a quantity of potatoes. Two horses, the
property of BROUDER, were taken by the party, and returned on the following
day. The cause assigned for this outrage is, that BROUDER lately took
another farm from Samuel PERROTT, Esq., on the Castlelyons estate, which was
taken up from the former tenant, Mr. PERROTT, having forgiven him a large
arrear of rent.
On Wednesday night, a good farm-house on the lands of Knockaneagh, near
Dripsey, was consumed. This farm was the property of Mr. CROSS. The farm was
set to a new tenant, which being contrary to General Rock's new code of
laws, produced the usual punishment-burning the entire premises.
DONERAILE, April 10- A party of Whiteboys went to the house of George
STAWELL, Esq.,last night, about nine o'clock, demanding five or six pounds.
Mr. STAWELL not being at home, Mrs. STAWELL said she had no money. A fellow
then presented a pistol at her if she did not comply with their demands. She
then threw them a sovereign; they asked the value; Mrs. STAWELL told them
21s 3d. They then said, if she did not tell them the real value, they would
pay her another visit. Also, a house belonging to a man of the name of
CONNORS, near the military station, at Two-pot-house, was visited. Two fires
were observed near Rock Mills. And likewise an attack was made on Mr. NASH,
at Graigue, last night.
The following notices were posted a few nights since, near Mill-street:
"Take notice of these few lines Mattice SHEA to be clear of that farm
against the first of May next 1823 or if you dont you will be burnt to ashes
for we are not allowed to have any man in another mans farm by brave Captain
Rock Charemans Orders."
"I am one of my Masters Men that will do his duty While I am in the
"Go by this Notice Charles WILLIAMS, or if you dont you will Sertainly
Suffer for Removing if you do it therefore blame your Self for it for we are
sworn not to alow any man to do it while you have a place of your own and by
this oath you will not be spared a minute if you deserved it for we have in
for you this done by brave Captain Rock."
On Thursday, the Parishioners, Prostestant and Catholics, of Kilmacow, held
a Public Meeting, at which they unanimously voted a handsome Address, to be
forwarded with an elegant present of Plate, by a very respectable
Deputation, to their late Parish Priest, the Rev. Mr. Peter MARUM, now
Parish Priest of Freshford.
April 17-Yesterday morning the dwelling-house of Riversdale, near Listowel,
with a most extensive range of out-offices, consisting of three stables,
coach-house, cow-house, Barn, potatoe-house, and cider-house, with two
farm-houses on the demesne, were discovered to be on fire, when much
valuable property was consumed, with two horses and a cow, and several
others dreadfully scorched. A large quantity of potatoes, oats; ive carts,
and many other articles of husbandry were also consumed- the dwelling-house
was, with great exertion, saved from sharing the fate of the offices.-When
such family as the RAYMONDs, respected and remarkable for their hospitality,
benevolence nad charity to the distressed, are, in their absence in England,
to be selected as the victims of outrage and destruction of property-who can
reckon for one night to escape the alarming system now so prevalent, and
until now totally unknown in that country, where hospitality and friendly
feeling were hitherto congenial to the men of Kerry?
Since writing the above we have received the following from our Newcastle
"On Thursday night, some of those daring ruffians, whose nightly
depredations reflect such disgrace upon their country, set fire to the
out-offices of Riversdale-house, the property of Mr. RAYMOND, which raged
with such rapidity, that, in a short time, the whole beautiful and extensive
concern was, with the exception of the dwelling-house, alone, consumed to
ashes, and four valuable horses, several cows, a large quantity of oats,
potatoes, turf, farming utensils, several hogsheads of cider, and many other
valuable articles totally destroyed, together with two farm-houses
continguous thereto. The same night no less than ten fires were perceptible
in the above part of the county Kerry.
"On Captain CROTTY, of the 30th regiment, stationed at Abbeyfeale, being
apprised of the fire by one of his patrol, he instantly repaired to the spot
with a strong guard, who assisted in saving some effects.,"-----Chronicle.
The dwelling-house and barn of James WALTHO, weaver, on the lands of
Rosgill, three miles from Newport, county Tipperary, were maliciously set on
fire, yesterday morning, about one o'clock.--The greater part of the
furniture and weaving machine, is destroyed; also, some oats and potatoes,
whiche were in the barn.
On Friday morning, a field at Ballymaise near Ballinascorney, containing
about an acre and a half, and which had been lately sown with wheat, was
observed to be newly dug up and the ground cleared of the seed, though it
was all right the evening before. A field at a short distance in which
potatoes were planted was dug up in the same manner.
The fields are held by two men named DIVINE and CONRAN, and were lately
taken from H. Dillon TRANT, Esq.
On Friday morning, between the hours of one and two o'clock, the three
cabins of BRADSHAW, CARTER, and LOVE, in the neighbourhood of
Ballinascorney, were attacked by a party of armed men, who after firing
several shots, killing pigs and fowl, and beating the above-mentioned
persons in a dreadful and horrible manner, levelled the cabins to the
ground, and destroyed all the furniture, and without assigning any cause for
a proceeding so lawless and outrageous.
Protestant Liberality--N.P. LEADER, Esq., has presented one hundred pounds
to the Catholic Parishioners of Droumatariffe, county of Cork towards
erecting a Catholic Chapel. The same worthy Gentleman has given the ground
on which the Chapel is erecting.
Monday, April 14
The Court sat on Saturday last, pursuant to adjournment. Aldermen TREVOR and
ARCHER on the Bench
The first case called on was that of Wm. ROE, a lad of about 18 years of
age, for stealing a bank note of 10l, the property of his master, Ransford
KNIGHT, living in Great Britain-street. Mr. FINLAY conducted the
prosecution, Mr. BETHEL the defence. The first witness was Mr. KNIGHT, who
proved that the prisoner had been his apprentice four years; that he missed
the note in the indictment three weeks before he had any suspicion of him;
after some investigation of hte business before Mr. CASEY and Mr. LONG, in
Marlboro'-street office, the prisoner was discharged; but afterwards in two
days Alderman CASH took the information. Here a confession was about to be
given in evidence, when Mr. BETHEL put the preliminary question of hope and
fear being held out,and quoted the words of the law as recognised by Judge
BAYLEY, and indeed all the enlightened and constitutional Lawyers of
England-that when the hope was, "you had better confess"-that the
confession was ruled inadmissable. It appeared that the word 'better' was
used, and the Recorder was decidedly of opinion that such evidence wound not
be received; then some letters were adduced which were in the hand-writing
of the prisoner, to which the same objection applied as being written
subsequently to the confession.
John ROE, an active Police Constable, the prisoner's father, appeared to
contradict some of the testimony by the prosecutor.
Mr. BOYD gave the boy and excellent character for integrity and attending to
his moral duties.
The Recorder delivered a most able and humane charge to the Jury, who
retired at eleven o'clock at night, which was that of Acquittal.
Counsel for prosecution-John FINLAY, Esq. Agent, Mr. MURPHY.
For prisoner-J.B. BETHEL, Esq. Agent, Mr. BOOKER.
Connaught Journal
Galway, Ireland
Monday, April 21, 1823
April 14-On Sunday night two Soldiers belonging to the 71st Regiment, and a
Policeman named CRANEWELL, who had been on duty at Mallow, were attacked on
their return to Kildorrery. One of the Soldiers died yesterday in Fermoy,
from the brutal treatment he experienced, and the Policeman had his ears and
one of his cheeks cut off!
On Friday night, the 11th inst., a stack of Hay and one of Straw, were set
fire to and consumed at Brough Cross within a mile of Doneraile. The
ruffians who set fire to his property fired several shots and most
inhumanely stabbed four cows which are since dead. The whole were the
property of Doctor WALL, of Doneraile. The Police and Military from
Doneraile proceeded instantly to the spot but too late to save any of the
Same night 31 persons under very suspicious circumstances, were taken out of
a house within a mile and a half of the above burning, by Lieut. VIVIAN, and
a party of the 23d Regiment. These fellows have been sent forward to be
tried under the Insurrection Act.
A house at Ballyduff, Barony of Fermoy, the property of Mr. BARRY, was on
the same night set on fire, and totally consumed. The villains kept the
inhabitants inside the house until the roof was just falling in, when they
made off, and the unfortunate inmates escaped being burned.
Wednesday last, W.W. BECHER, Esq., M.P. arrived here from Mallow, on his way
to attend Parliament. He reports that several fires were seen in the county
of Cork, on Tuesday night, in confirmation of which we have received the
following from a valuable Correspondent at Charleville, dated yesterday:
"I beg leave to send you a list of burnings that took place on Tuesday
near Charleville-Parish of Shandrum, near this, a farm-house and out-house,
the property of the Right Honorable W.C. PLUNKETT, Attorney-General-at
Ardglass, parish of Shandrum, a farm-house, the property of Mr. Daniel
CLANCHY-Rockhill, County of Limerick, two houses, the property of Timothy
SHEA, farmer. Same night, several houses were attacked by a well armed
party, and money ordered to be sent to a house named by them."--Chronicle
April 16- On Monday, pursuant to Proclamation of the Lord Lieutenant, the
Magistrates of this County assembled at the Court-house to appoint
Constables under the new Act.
The business was transacted in the Grand Jury Room, with closed doors. It
was resolved to appoint the maximum allowed by law (16 Constables for each
Barony) and to allow the selections of the whole to Major POWELL,
Inspector-General of Police for the Province of Leinster.
On Tuesday night, 25th ult., an armed party of miscreants, called Whiteboys,
attacked the house of an industrious farmer, named FITZPATRICK, of Newtown,
near Ballinabown. The party first attempted to break in the door.
FITZPATRICK being alarmed, jumped out of his bed, nad defended it with a
pitchfork; however, some of the party climbed on the roof, which they
stripped, and one of them presented a gun at FITZPATRICK, swearing he would
take his life if he stirred. The poor man had no alternative but to
surrender to those merciless ruffians; and on entering, they knocked him
down with the but ends of their guns, cut a piece of his ear off, asking him
if he would give up the ground he had taken? This he refused to do. Then, in
a most outrageous manner, they cut off the remainder of his ear; and only
for the interference of one man, they would have killed him. The wretches
then decamped, telling FITZPATRICK they would pay him another visit. Mr.
ALLWORTHY, Chief Constable of Police, after a diligent search, succeeded in
apprehending six of the villains, all of whom were fully identified by
April 16- On Saturday night last, a large rick of hay, at Shannon-grove
Charter School, in the Barony of Kenry, the property of Mr. CLARKE, Master
of that Establishment, was maliciously consumed. A party of the Barony
Constables, on patrole, perceiving the fire, hastened to the spot, roused up
Mr. CLARKE, and on getting into the haggard, were time enough to take a coal
of fire from an Oat-rick , and preserve it.
A threatening notice was on Sunday night posted on an Elm Tree, in the
demesne of Lord Clarina, within four miles of this City, ordering several to
give up their farms, and quit on pain of death, or find their coffins.
We received the following this morning from our Newcastle Correspondent,
dated yesterday:- "On Sunday night, a dairyman, of the name of HARTNETT,
residing on the farm of Fanen, the estate of Luke WHITE, Esq. wa most
barbously beat, cut, and maimed with a sword or scythe, by the Rockites- his
death is hourly expected. Same night a poor man, named CLOVANE, acting under
driver to Mr. WHITE's Agent, had his house nad every article therein
consumed to ashes, near these lands, supposed by the above party. Several
fires were seen on the same night, in the neighbourhood of Listowel, county
Kerry. There is a house this moment on fire near Kilmeedy. We perceive the
flames from town."
On Friday night, four in calf cows, the property of Mr. WALL, apothecary of
Doneraile, were shot, and seven tons of hay burned near that town.--Mr. WALL
was present when Surgeon CHAMBERS, of the 22d regiment amputated HICKIE, the
Insurgent's arm, which is supposed to be the cause of such an outrage on his
Ennis, April 14- An empty house was set fire to, a few nights since, in the
neighbourhood of Quin, and consumed. To prevent any other than the right
motive being attached to this circumstance, we think it right to state the
cause to which it is attributable. A female of very improper character was
in treaty for the house, and to prevent her establishment amongst them, the
neighbours put the matter beyond dispute by burning the house.
On Friday night last, two houses, the property of Mr. IVERS, were burned on
the lands of Ragh, in the parish of Phenagh. The tenants who had occupied
them, ran off in November, without paying the rent.
The amount of the presentments granted at the last Assizes of this County,
is 11,168l. 5s. 8d.
TITHES- A meeting of the resident Benificed Clergy, and Lay-Impropriators of
the Diocess of Ardfert and Aghadoe, was held on Wednesday last, at Benner's
Hotel, in Tralee, when Resolutions were entered into, and Petitions to both
Houses of Parliament, praying a Commutation of Tithes, were unanimously
We are informed, but we can hardly believe it, that a house has been taken
in Catherine-street, for the purpose of establishing an Orange Lodge in this
city.---Limerick Post.
War Office, April 12
7th Regiment of Foot- Captain Frederick PROSSOR, from half-pay of the 1st or
Grenadier Regiment of Foot Guards, to be Captain, vice William Edward PAGE,
who exchanges, receiving the difference.
57th Ditto- Lieutenant patrick LOGAN, to be Capt. by purchase, vice
M'LACHLAN, who retires; Ensign Thomas BAINBRIGGE to be Lieutenant, by
purchase, vice LOGAN; John MICHELL, Gentleman, to be Ensign by purchase,
58th Ditto- Lieutenant William HARDING, from the 66th Foot, to be Captain by
purchase, vice EAST, who retires.
61st Ditto- Captain Henry BURNSIDE, from half pay of the 50th Foot, to be
Captain, vice Norbury FURNACE, who exchanges, receiving the difference.
66th Ditto- Ensign Francis Augustus GOULD to be Lieutenant by purchase, vice
HARDING, promoted in the 58th Foot; Gentleman Cadet James Hamilton
ANSTRUTHER, from the Royal Military College, to be Ensign by purchase, vice
81st Ditto- Captain Thomas CRADOCK, from the 93d Foot, to be Captain, vice
COLEMAN, who exchanges.
93d Ditto- Captain Thomas COLEMAN, from the 81st Foot, to be Captain, vice
CRADOCK, who exchanges.
1st Ceylon Regiment- Captain George BOLTON, from the half-pay of the 14th
Foot, to be Captain without purchase.
Corps of Royal Engineers
Second Lieutenant Eljas DURNFORD, from half-pay, to be Second Lieutenant.
BIRTHS- This day at Renmore-Lodge, near this Town, the Lady of P.M. LYNCH,
Esq., of a Daughter.
The new Meat Market in Bridge-street is nearly finished, and is, really, a
very great desideratuni. It is erected in a wholesome and airy part of Town,
immediately on the River, from which there is a communication to the
Slaughter-House, a spacious building, and perfectly adapted to the purpose.
The stalls will be neatly furnished, and rules formed for the preservation
of order and cleanliness. The present Meat Market is in the summer season, a
sink of filth, and in warm weather, is perfectly effensive to the senses.
The Slaughter-House a narrow and confined cabin, is a receptacle for garbage
of every description, which is suffered to remain in it for months together,
to the annoyance of the public, and endangering the health of the people. It
is, therefore, a great convenience to have a Market erected in the Town,
which can compare with any other in the Kingdom for neatness, cleanliness,
and situation; and the Proprietor, Mr. MURPHY, deserves praise for the
spirit which he entered on the work, and the liberality with which it is
executing- no expence being spared to render it in every respect commodious
to the public, and ornamental in the town.
Lancer, will rover this Season at Persse-Lodge. On Guinea each Mare- Two
Shillings and Sixpence to the Groom.- Lancer is a beautiful dark brown- very
high bred, and able to carry 16 stone with the finest hounds.
April 21, 1823
Co. of the Town of Galway, to wit.}
That an Applotment of the Public Cess, or Town Taxes, presented at Spring
Assizes, 1823, for the County of the Town of Galway, will be held at the
House of Mathew T. SMYTH, Esq., Newtownsmith, on Tuesday, the 29th day of
April, inst. of which all Persons concerned may attend.
April 21st, 1823
>From the First of May next,
The New and Extensive Mill,
As held by the late Mr. Michael REGAN, situated at the Nunn's Island.
The Construction and Machinery, of which are as good, if not superior to any
Mill in Ireland. Not a farthing need be expended in making Repairs, as the
Concern is in perfect order. This Mill has at all periods of the year the
advantages being well supplied with Water.- Any person wishing to take it
may reside in the premises.
Applications to be made (if by Letter, post paid) to Mrs. REGAN, at Nunn's
Galway, April 21, 1823
All Persons desirous of obtaining an share of the Assistance which has been
offered, by the Linen Board of Ireland, for the establishing of New Scutch
Mills in the present year, are required to take Notice, taht hte Board will
soon enter into an examination of the different Applications they have
received on this subject, and those therefore, who have not yet applied,
should lose no time in making their Applications.-Ten Bounties, of £100
each, have been offered to encourage the establishment of ten new Mills in
each of the four Provinces of Ireland- that is, a sum of £4,000 for ten new
Mills. The Conditions upon which a Claimant can hope to receive one of these
Bounties, (the time for claiming which is not yet closed) are explained in
the Premium-Sheets that are now in circulation, which can be had from any o
the County Inspectors in theservice of the Board. Applications from the
Province of Ulster are to be made to Mr. William POLLOCK- those from Munster
to Mr. Peter BESNARD- those from Connaught to Mr. James GREER- and those
from Leinster to Messrs. BERNARD and GREER.- Each Application to be
addressed to these Officers, "Linen Office, Dublin."
April 16, 1823
>From the 7th April instant, for such term as may be agreed upon, (Subject to
Six Month's Redemption)
The Lands of Cloonshee,
Convenient to the Post Town of Ahascragh, and Castlegar, late in the
possession of the Representatives of the late Charles BLAKENEY, Esq. and Mr.
Mathew ROWE, containing (rough and smooth) 198A. 3R. 22P.- There is Eight
Acres of Wheat, or thereabouts, in ground; and about Eight Acres of Oat Soil
to be Set.
Proposals to be received by Colonel J.S. ROCHFORT Clogrenane, Carlow, and
John EGAN of Tuam.
Said Lands were set to the late C. BLAKENEY, in the year 1767, being 55
years ago, at £110 a year.
Patt FLANNERY, the Herd, will show the Lands.
Tuam, April 14, 1823
County Galway
In the Matter of Stephen COSTELLO, an Insolvent}
To be Let, from the first day of May next, for such time as may be agreed
upon, the Lands of Cavera, situate about five miles from Eyrecourt, and four
miles from Laurence-town, containing 180 acres of Arable and Pasture, and in
good hart, all ????? save the Shepherd's Garden.- It is admirably adapted
for Grazing being contiguous to Ballinasloe- there is a large tract of Waste
and Bog not chargeable.
N.B.- It is thought the line of Canal from Shannon Harbour to Ballinasloe
will run thro' this farm.
Also, to be Let, in the town of Banagher, from the first of May next, the
Dwelling-house in which John DUFFEY now resides- the situation of this house
needs no comment.
Proposals (post paid) to Stephen DALTON, No. 27, Coomhe, Dublin. Assignee of
Stephen COSTELLO or Thomas DEEHAN, Banagher; or Wm. Kelly, Stamp-Office,
Loughrea, who are authorized to treat with the most solvent and best
April 14, 1823
On the night of Sunday last, at a quarter past nine o'clock, the house of
H. LOUHGNAN, of Prospect, Esq., within two miles of Dublin, was entered by a
banditti, who plundered it for fire-arms and other property. Mr. LOUGHNAN,
alarmed by the bustle and confusion in the hall, was hurrying from the
parlour to his bed-room, in which the fire-arms lay, when he was met and
stopped on the stairs by the party, who demanded a loan of his arms. Mr.
LOUGHNAN was obliged to comply, and the ruffians took a double-barrelled
gun, a blunderbuss, two cases of pistols, (one pair of considerable value)
and a single-barrelled fowling-piece. They next called for money, and
obtained the sum of 5l, 3s, 4d in half-sovereigns.- After a deliberate
search, the plunderers possessed themselves of two gold watches, gold chain,
&c. From a great variety of valuable jewellery, belonging to Mrs. LOUGHNAN,
they only selected a garnet ring, of trifling value, leaving behind several
costly pearl and other ornaments. No plate articles, or, other property,
besides that already mentioned, was taken, nor did the banditti break open
the trunk in which the former were kept. The fire-arms, with the exception
of the pistols, were found in an adjoining field on the next morning but it
does not appear that they had been used for any lawless purpose on that
night, as the loan which they demanded would seem to have implied. It is
satisfactory to add, that the party used no violence towards any of Mr.
LOUGHNAN's family. One of the ruffians only armed, who held a pistol while
he kept Mr. LOUGHNAN prisoner on the stairs. Mr. L. wore a valuable gold
watch with a very handsome gold chain and appendages, which, when taken, one
of the assailants prevailed on his associates to restore. On retiring, one
of the party was heard to say, that "he would not for a thousand pounds
gone there."
(Further Particulars)
On the arrival of a Messenger at Drogheda, the Mayor immediately forwarded a
Dragoon with a dispatch to Mr. ELLIS, who commands the upper and lower
baronies of Duleek, and he, without delay, dispatched four mounted police to
Navan, Slane, Kells, and Rotoath, with letters to the different Chiefs of
Police, informing them of the attack and robbery of the Derry Mail.
Mr. ELLIS and his party arrived at the place where the Coach was attacked
little after daybreak, and commenced an immeciate search from Bellewstown to
Naul, first dividing his party into small divisions. After returning from
Gormanstown, through Stamollion, Mr. ELLIS came up with a mill on fire, but
too late to render any assistance, and where he met R.O.F. CADDELL, Esq. of
Harbourstown, and Strong HUSSEY, Esq. from Naul, from whom he received every
assistance and the most polite attention. Such was the judicousness of the
arrangement, that in a few hours one hundred and thirty men, mounted and
dismounted, with their respective Chief Officers of the Police, arrived at
different points in the extensive barony of Upper Deleek, and commenced a
close search.- The different parties arrived at the village of Naul, in the
county of Dublin. Mr. ELLIS's party succeeded in taking up four
blunderbusses, seven muskets with bayonets, ten fozees, fourteen pistols,
and one pike, newly made, measuring 16 inches, including the socket. On the
following morning, Thursday, at four o'clock, this body of the Meath Police
march from Duleek in five divisions, taking several directions, under their
respective Chiefs, and returned to the same town, late in the evening, after
an arduous search through Ardeath, Garretstowns, Greenanstown, Bellewstown,
Hill, Saddlestown, Glen, Tullogue, Stamollion, &c.
At the expence of the General Post-Office, the remains of Alexander MACKEY,
who was killed on the recent attack upon the Londonderry Mail Coach, were
publicly interred on Saturday last.
The procession passed through Sackvill-street about two o'clock. The hearse
with black feathers, was drawn by six horses; upon the coffin were placed a
blunderbuss, and the laced hat of the deceased-the Derry Mail Coach, which
had been plundered and broken open, followed, in which were the weeping
family of the deceased; on the outside sat his fellow-guard-such of the
Guards of the Establishment as were in town, with eighty-five
Letter-carriers, closed the procession, which excited much interest in its
Connaught Journal
Galway, Ireland
Thursday, April 24, 1823
The King at the Prosecution of Patt M'DONAUGH against Thomas COSTELLOE.
This case came on on Friday last. It was an indictment for battery and
assault, committed on the person of the traverser, at the toll-gap. The
prosecutor had been conveying corn from Oughterard, west of this town, to
Tyrone, the seat of his master, Arthur French ST. GEORGE, Esq; and on
arriving at the toll-gap, toll was demanded of him by the traverser. The
prosecutor said, that he had no right to pay toll as the corn was not taken
into town for a market. The traverser insisted on what he considered his
right, and a scuffle ensued in which the prosecutor was severely beaten.
When the traverser was called for trial, he was not forthcoming, and it was
then discovered that no bail had been offered or taken for his appearance!
Thus the case rests- the prosecutor, a poor man, has been in town for some
days at expense, which he was not well able to bear, and the traverser has
escaped, for the present, from the inflictions of the law.
We are extremely rejoiced to find that our worthy Mayor is taking active
steps for the removal of all strange beggars from the town. Let no
Charitable feelings interfere now in this particular. The poor people have
plenty of provisions at home-they can have no excuse; and those who would
encourage them to come amongst us, have not their interest at heart. People
should be cautious of whom they relieve, and should extend their charity to
such alone as are natives of the town.
This day in Dominick-street, in the 98th year of his age, Stephen MARTYN, of
Spiddle, Esq.- a gentleman whose affable and conciliating manners acquired
for him, during a long life, the esteem and veneration of the public. His
remains are to be deposited in the family vault at Spiddle.
In this town, this morning, Mrs. ORMSBY, wife of Mr. Oliver ORMSBY, Officer
of Excise- a young lady of amiable manners and agreeable disposition.
We regret, and have to apologize for not on Monday last, having given an
account of hte sporting amusements of last week at Loughrea; but accident
prevented our Correspondent from sending us particulars till too late for
Monday's race was well contested between Mr. M. DILLON's Wild Irish Girl,
and Mr. G.S. LYNCH's Troubadour; the mare beating the horse, both heats, by
half a length. Mr. LAMBERT's Warner, Mr. R. BURKE's Dunkellin, Mr. PERSSE's
Mad-cap, and Mr. KELLY's Crazy Jane, also started for the same plate.
On Tuesday, according to the article, Mr. LYNCH's Troubadour challenged Mr.
DILLON's Wild Irish Girl one two mile heat, which was a beautiful race, and
won by Troubadour. And, on the same day, five horses, handicapped, by the
Stewards, started for the leap race, which was won in sporting style, by Mr.
R. J. FRENCH's grey horse, Christophe.
On Wednesday, an additional article was entered into, for all hunters of the
County of Galway, to run three mil heats, carrying 12 stone, for which three
horses were entered, namely- Mr. Robert BURKE's Dunkellin, Mr. LYNCH's
Troubadour, and Mr. Dudley PERSSE's Mad-cap. Mr. PERSSE drew his horse; and
we never witnessed a prettier, nor better race, then between Dunkellin and
Troubadour-won by Troubadour, though having run severely contested races on
Monday and Tuesday.
Thus ended the April Meeting of Loughrea- Fortunately, the weather proved
very favourable; and we may say the three day's racing were as good and well
contested as were ever run over the Loughrea course.
>From the first of May next for such a Term as may be agreed upon
Part of the Demesne of Kilskeagh
Containing about One Hundred and Thirty Acres in three divisions; also,
about Forty Acres of the Lands of
Adjoining same; the quality of said Lands is excellent.
Proposals to be received by Robert BROWNE, Esq., 16, Kildare-street, Dublin;
or Theobald BURKE, Esq., Prospect, Athenry.
April 24, 1823
>From the first day of May next, on such Terms, and for such Time, as may be
agreed on,
About 400 Acres of the Lands of
The Estate of James O'HARA, Esq., well known as good Winterage and Tillage
Proposals will be received by John O'HARA, Esq., Raheen, Gort; or Mr. John
BELL, Gort.
April 24, 1823
I hereby Caution the Public, not to purchase the Houses in William-street,
in the City of Dublin, Nos. 28, 29, &30, together with Three Houses; in
Drury-lane, at the rear thereof, also the Houses in Usher's-street, Nos. 5
and 6; held by Christopher BOWEN, Esq. of Milford; also, the House held by
Camel FAIRE, of Roundfort, County of Mayo situated in Kennedy's-lane. Nos. 1
and 2, as I am determined to dispute his Title .--Given under my hand this
24th day of April, 1823.
James CARSHORE, Hollymount.
>From the 1st day of May next, and immediate possession given, for such a
Term as may be agreed on,
The House, Offices and Demesne of Graigg Abbey, (near Athenry)
The Lands are chiefly in Grass and in good heart, with excellent Garden
enclosed with a ten foot wall; the House and Offices are all slated; and
Turbary quite convenient.
Proposals in writing will be received (from a solvent Tenant only) by Mr.
Patt GANNON, Mountpelier, Athenry.
David NEWELL, the Steward, will show the Lands- the Tenant will be declared
as soon as the value is offered.
April 24, 1823
>From the 1st of May next, for such Term as may be agreed upon;
About thirty Acres of the Lands of Attymon;
Choice Meadow Ground; situate between Athenry and Kilconnell, on which there
is a comfortable House, with good Offices; a well-enclosed Garden and about
Eight Acres of Tillage, which the Tenant can have.
Proposals to be received by Mr. B. CUNIFFE, Attymon, Athenry, if by letter,
post paid.
April 24, 1823
Connaught Journal
Galway, Ireland
Monday, April 28, 1883
The following is an authentic copy of the letter addressed by HICKEY to his
brother. The letter was a spontaneous production of the unhappy man:-
"MY DEAR BROTHER,--I send you this, in the hope that you will compose
yourself with me. For if I lived, I never would have made a better
preparation for death than I hope I made at present. I am as happy a man as
ever came of my name, as God ????? ?????ed to give one time for repentance.
I ??? and entreat you will compose yourself and my ????? and brother, and
beg of your neighbours to give up this system. They have an example in me.
But I am satisfied as I have time to repent for my sins. I forgive all the
world-and even those who brought me to this- and I hope that God will
forgive me. I earnestly entreat of ye that you will do the same. If I had
gone to England, perhaps ye never would see me, and I should pay the debt
sooner or later. I would not now exchange my hopes for all I ever saw;
therefore, I shall be very happy. Let no one persuade ye that the present
system will prevail in teh country. My dear brother, I am sorry that I did
not think four months ago as I do now; I was innocently led into this
dangerous business. I hope that my example will preserve many men from the
destruction which is lighting on their heads, and if not prevented in time,
will bring ruin on their country; and if ever there is one person in the
country upon whom they may depend, there are twenty of another description.
I hope this will have a good effect on every person in the country that will
hear it, and I thank God I am as easy in my mind as ever I was in my life. I
hope for pardon of my sins through the merits of Jesus Christ, and therefore
I am happy, and I hope you will be happy also.
"May God bless and protect my sister, brother, friends, benefactors, and
enemies. I hope to meet a merciful Reedemer that will have compassion on me,
and rub out all my iniquities, for he has promised pardon to the sins of
those that are heartily sorry for them. God give me that pardon, God grant
me that sorrow through Jesus Christ, that I may be of the number of the
saved. Time ends and eternity begins with me on Thursday.
" April 17, 1823.
"Farewell my dear sister and brother, till we shall meet hereafter.
To the Editor of the Cork Mercantile Chronicle.
Cork, April 18, 1823
SIR,- The anxiety manifested very generally throughout this city to learn
every particular of the conduct of HICKEY, who was hanged yesterday, leads
me to send you the following narrative of what took place during his
confinement in the barrack of Buttevant, previous to his conviction. The
details you may rely on as correct, as I have them from an individual of
high respectability.
HICKEY was, unquestionably, the Leader of the Whiteboys, that for some time
infested the neighbourhood of Doneraile. He knew, more than any other man,
of the numerical strength of his deluded associates; of the evils they had
perpetrated; and of the purposes for the attainment of which they still
continue in arms against the laws. he was, in fact, the mainspring of that
infernal machine that has, within the last twelve months, committed such
devastation in the hitherto most peaceable and humanised part of the County
of Cork.
Much useful information was therefore expected from this doughty Captain. He
must have been aware, from the moment he was arrested, that his life was
justly forfeited. He was caught almost in the actual commission of felonious
outrage-there remained no doubt of his guilt. He was not, however, destitute
of hope- he expected much from the clemency of a humane Government. He would
give information; but he would give no names; he would prosecute none of his
deluded associates. Early and repeated applications were made to him. He
asked, if he may expect mercy in the event of his giving useful information?
He was told that the keys to the doors of mercy were in the custody of the
King's Representative, the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland- that no Magistrate or
Commanding Officer here could hold out any certain grounds of hope to
him-but that they would pledge themselves to make a fair report to
Government of the good he may achieve, by whatever information he may give.
He consented to give up his own for his relative's arms. For this purpose he
sent for one of his brothers, who was in confinement at the guard-house at
Doneraile. He ordered the brother to go with the military and point out to
them where the arms were deposited. The lad denied all knowledge of the
arms, and refused to accompany the military. "How can I," said the
[HICKEY] to him, "expect from strangers that they will interpose their good
offices for me, if my own brother will refuse to do an act of justice for
hte preservation of my life!" Young HICKEY now burst into tears, and
consented to deliver on the arms.
In a few days after this occurrence the deceased HICKEY was again asked, if
he could not make some further disclosures, the he might be the means of
atoning for his past irregularities, and of arresting the progress of crime?
He declined prosecuting any man, and would not give the name of any of his
associates to any Magistrate or Officer. On thing, however, he would do- he
would endeavour to get in all the arms in the parish, with out compromising
his integrity. He would inform the Rev. Doctor O'BRIEN, his Parish Priest,
where or in whose possession arms were, that the Parish Priest, by his
influence with his Parishioners, may prevail on them to surrender their arms
to their Pastors- and, by so doing, be the means of saving his (HICKEY's)
life. The unfortunate man always expected that, if the arms of his populous
District were surrendered through his information, the Government, in view
of that desirable event, would commute his sentence from death to
This proposal was made by HICKEY to the Right Hon. Lord Viscount DODERAILE
and and Major CARTER. Those personages called on the Rev. Dr. O'BRIEN, at
his house at Doneraile, on Friday, the 21st of March, to inform him of this
proposal, and to solicit attendance at Buttevant.
The Rev. Doctor, though at the time confined to his room by indisposition,
consented to visit HICKEY on the plain understanding and expressed
conditions- 1st, that he should be allowed to have no communication with the
prisoner HICKEY, but in presence of a third person.
2dly, That whatever communications may be made by HICKEY should be
considered private and confidential-and that ?????? nor his companions
should be called on, by any Magistrate, Offier, or President of a Court of
Law, or of Justice, to give any information relating to what may be the
subject to discussion on inquiry on that occasion.
These two conditions being acceded to by his Lordship and Major CARTER, the
Rev. Dr. O'BRIEN, in company with his Curate, the Rev. Mr. MURRAY, proceeded
to Buttevant barrack on Saturday, the 22d of last month. HICKEY gave the
Clergy man a list of all those in the parish of Doneraile, and of a few from
the neighbourhood parishes, who had arms in their possession. He begged of
them to do everything in their power to get in the arms- He was certain that
if the arms were surrendered his life would be saved. He desired that the
people should on the following day (Palm Sunday,) be invited to bring in
their arms; and that the Clergyman should send for those whose names were
returned by him, as having arms, or send some confidential person to them to
prevail on them to surrender the arms.
The praiseworthy exertions of the Roman Catholic Clergy were, on this
occasion, most unwearied. They wished to save the life of a fellow man;
by getting in the arms, they hoped the progress of wickedness might be
On the publication now made in the Chapels, that it was known to the Clergy
in whose hands the arms were, and that it was expected by them they would be
delivered up within twenty-four hours, the people, in general, appeared well
inclined to comply. Orders were issued by the Commanding Officers taht no
patrol, or military body, or persons in military clothes should appear on
any road leading to Doneraile until ten o'clock at night, that the people
should have had an opportunity of bringing in the arms without fear or
interruption. In the course of Sunday, the 24th ult., many applications were
made to Dr. O'BRIEN and to his Curates, to discover from them where the arms
were to be left, at what hour to be brought in, &c, &c.
Every thing now promised happy issue to the too long protracted evils of
this unfortunate County. But in a few hours the scene was changed. Some
incendiaries amongst the crowd resolved not to give up their arms, and
threatened the lives of those who may be induced by the Clergy to surrender
them. Thus had all hope of saving the life of HICKEY, or of restoring peace
to the distracted neighbourhood of Doneraile, been blasted by the
interference of bad men, who on this occasion bartered the life of their
Leader and the peace of their Country, for the precarious possession of the
arms which they had plundered.
It is too much to expect that the exertions of the Clergymen will, not
withstanding this temporary disappointment, be successful in rescuing their
neighbourhood, and by that means the county at large, from the evils and
terror which have deluded and rablle peasantry have brought on this country?
Yours, &c.
We know not on what authority or by whom committed, but Mr. John PHILLIPS,
aged near 90 years, lies at this moment in the town gaol. The wonderful
crime for which he has been imprisoned, does not, we believe, come within
the jursidiction of the penal code; for it is no more or no less than
knocking down (we know not whether by accident or by intention) a huxter's
standing, and breaking a few little articles thereon, to the amount, if we
are rightly informed, of ten pence. We are not aware that the huxter
indicted poor PHILLIPS, but it is all equal to him, for he now finds
himself, in the evening of his days- of a life spent in honest, but
unprofitable industry, confined to the criminal side of the common gaol of
Galway. Where was that feeling which raises a reverence even in the heart of
wanton and unexperienced youth? Where was that feeling- that sense of duty-
that respect for which is struck in to the mind at the sight of venerable
grey hairs?- Is it because he is not blessed with this worlds' goods that he
must be deprived of his liberty?- Is it because he is poor that his feelings
must be outraged as if he possessed none; or, is it imagined that sensations
of poignancy and a love of liberty vanish and are extinguished at the
approach of age? If the poor man even committed a fault should not the
little errors of a "second childhood" be pardoned or overlooked; or is
consistent with justice or the spirit of the British Law to visit its
inflictions for a trivial offence on-
"A head so old and white as this is."
No, we are convinced it is not; and we are equally certain that those who
have done these things will not be borne out in this magnanimous act by
three men in Galway. They may set their minds at rest by reflecting that
they have carried justic even beyond her extreme; but this world and this
worlds' things are alike uncertain and variable, and those who now enjoy its
benefits and luxuries, may, in their older days, decline into a condition so
poor, but, perhaps not as respectable as that of Mr. PHILLIPS's We
understand that Mr. PHILLIPS has been liberated.
In Park-street, Dublin, on Thursday morning, 17th instant, by his Grace the
most Rev. Doctor MURRAY, Mr. Pack SANDFORD, of Summerhill, to the amiable
and accomplished Miss Margaret Sophia LENNON, second daughter of the late
James LENNON, of Lawrencetown, County of Galway, Esq., and niece to John
LENNON of Calcutta.
On the 15th instant at Great Malvern, Worcestshire, Mrs. BATHERAL, Lady of
Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Norwich.
In The Entire or in Separate Divisions
The Lands of Carra
(Near Loughrea)
The Quality of which is so well known that they deserve the notice of
respective Farmers who intend finishing their Stock for Ballinasloe.
Proposals to M.G. PRENDERGAST, Esq. Millers Hotel, Jermyn-street, London, or
to William KELLY, Stamp Office, Loughrea, to his Land Agent, who is
authorised to close with a Tenant or Tenants when the value is offered.
April 28, 1823
The Large Concern at Newtownsmith, formerly occupied by Tim CONNELLY, as a
Distillery. This Concern is situated in the most rising situation in the
Town. It is particularly well adapted for a Distillery, Brewery; or
Corn-Store, or any business requiring extensive room.
Application to be made to Mr. Mat. KEARNEY, Wood-quay, or Mr. Pat KEARNEY,
April 28, 1823
To the Editor of the Cork Mercantile Chronicle
Mallow, April 20, 1823
SIR, - The very interesting account of hte execution of HICKEY, on Thursday
last, given in your Paper of Friday, has been well received in this part of
the Country, by your numerous readers.- Business requiring my presence in
Doneraile tis day, I attended prayers at the Roman Catholic Chapel of that
Town, and was delighted by teh eloquent appeal made by the Rev. Dr. O'BRIEN,
Parish Priest of Doneraile, to the largest congregation I ever saw assembled
in a country parish. The Gentleman's language was correct and chosen; his
manner impressive, and his reasoning just.
He commenced his powerful appeal by reminding his flock of the arduous
duties of a true Pastor; of the necessity of his watching over those
committed to his care, by the great Pastor of our Souls, of placing himself,
if requisite, between them and the enemy; and of laying down his life for
their preservation. He dwelt much on the responsiblity of his sacred office;
and of the awful account he should one day give of his stewardship.
He asked the assembled multitude, how should he, their Pastor, appear, on
the last day, if any portion of his flock, being placed by their misdeeds on
the left hand of the Judge, should justly attribute their misfortune to the
culpable neglect of him, whose duty it was to instruct them.
He then showed not only the iniquity, but the extreme folly of their wicked
proceedings. Those whom they considered their enemies and oppressors,
suffered nothing by the crimes of the infatuated people. In many cases, it
is believed, they are not losers, having received from the County in
pro?????? as they suffered from outrage. It is the unoffencing, industrious
farmer, that will be visited by the consequences of their crimes. It is that
labouring farmer who never did them an injure, and whom they could not have
wished to injure, that will ultimately suffer by their atrocious crimes.
Then the eloquent Preacher dwelt for a considerable time on the necessity of
restitution, in all cases, in which an injury is one to the neighbour: and
concluded this part of his discourse by an earnest recommendation to his
Flock to desist from their evil ways; to deliver up their arms; return to
the allegiance they owe to God, to their Sovereign, and to the Laws of their
The Rev. Doctor then adverted, with powerful effect, to the execution of
HICKEY. He was pleased with his penitential deportment in his last moments.
He read for the Congregation HICKEY's letter to his brother, written the day
before his execution; and most ably commented on every line of it, as he
read it. During this part of the worthy Preacher's discourse, there was
scarcely a dry eye to be seen in the Chapel. When he came to the part of the
letter in which it said, "This system cannot succeed"- the Doctor
"No, my friends- it cannot succeed- it is bottomed on iniquity- it has
injustice as its object- and its reward will be death everlasting. God can
give no such system a blessing. He will dissipate it like dust before the
I should apologize, Mr. Editor, for the liberty I have taken, in attempting
to give to the public, through the medium of your excellent paper, so
imperfect a sketch of Dr. O'BRIEN's invaluable discourse. It would require
much more talent than I possess to do it justice. And are those the
Gentlemen who are accused by the Orange Press of this unfortunate country,
and the Orange tongues of some of our ungrateful contrymen, of being not
only remiss in suppressing Whiteboyism, but secret promoters of outrage and
crime. Shame on bigotry! Shame on injustice!
I was asked this morning if HICKEY did not acknowledge that he was urged to
burn Mr. NORCOTT's house by some person or persons in Dublin. I inquired of
Doctor O'BRIEN if HICKEY made any such declaration,and be assured he did
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