Wednesday, May 2, 1849
CORONER'S INQUEST- An inquest was held at Ardnaree, on yesterday, before MEREDITH
THOMPSON, Esq. Coroner for county Sligo, on the body of a man named THOMAS
MUNALLY of Cloonislane. From the evidence adduced it appeared that the
deceased and his family, consisting of a wife and eight children, have been in
extreme destitution for several weeks; they had pawned their entire clothing,
and all other available articles, for the purpose of purchasing food. On last
Friday morning the deceased proceeded to join a working party under the
drainage, when, after working for a short period, he dropped, down from
exhaustion in consequence of want of food, and shortly after expired. The jury
unanimously found the following verdict-"Death from starvation." By a letter received from a highly respectable and trustworthy gentleman in Ballinrobe, we learn that affairs in that locality are wearing a frightful aspect. He says that if some prompt measures are not adopted, starvation, coupled with cholera, will cut off seven-eighths of the people. "It is not an unusual thing," observes our correspondent, "for three human beings to be huddled into one coffin together, and thrown into a hole, not more than three feet deep." He describes the town, and indeed, the neighbourhood altogether, as being in a most filthy state, heaps of loathsome stuff are to be seen in all directions. DESTITUTION IN THE WEST-APPEARANCE OF CHOLERA. It is certainly from no wish to excite
unnecessary alarm in the breasts of our readers, much less to exaggerate the
multitudinous evils that now afflict the humbler classes in the western
province, that we so often recur to the distressing subject indicated by the
heading of the present article. We cannot, however get rid of it, even if we
would. It haunts the imagination in a variety of phases, and forces itself upon
the thoughts of every man who has a heart to feel for the woes of his fellow
creatures. If this be a weakness, we only share it in common with the humane
portion of the public press throughout the United Kingdom. THE ARMY 10th Regiment of Foot. Killed-Corporal George Mason, Privates
Samuel Whitehead, John M'Hough, Andrew Walsh, Francis Kenyon, Henry C. Stagg,
George Davies. 29th Foot. Killed-Privates John Gibson, John Sullivan. 32d Foot. Killed-Private James Warburton 61st Foot Died of Wounds-Privates James Barrett, Thomas Hart. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Having received very encouraging
support since his commencement in this business, respectfully announced that he
continues to be supplied with every article connected with the Confectionery and
Italian Warehouse Department. The Confectionery is entrusted to the care of a
parson possessing first rate abilities and who has had the superintendence of
one of the principal establishments in the Metropolis for some years.
Best Gloucester Cheese, Hames, Spices, &c. M.F. respectfully informs persons travelling that he can supply them with Breakfast, Luncheons, Dinners, &c. on the shortest notice. Well-sized BEDS. All orders punctually attended to. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Every fiftieth person in the kingdom is a drunkard; one in every 280 is a prisoner; and one in every 700 inhabits a lunatic asylum. From the 26th Feb. to the 13th March there arrived in New York about 6,394 emigrants. The deaths on the passage out amounted to 75 in all. At the Cork Assizes, Baron Richards said he would stop the salaries of high constables who had not summoned jurors of the proper class. Many were obliged to attend as jurors who were not able to pay their expenses from the country. REMARKABLE LONGEVITY IN HORSES- Francis Mulcahy, Esq. of Neddins House, has now in his possession four horses whose united ages amount to over a hundred years and all of which he works and drives daily.--Tipperary Free Press. THE RATE IN AID.- The farmers who attended our markets to-day make no secret of stating that, in their opinion, the safe working of he general poor law will be hazarded by any endeavour to enforce the rate in aid-that is, should the iniquitous measure pass the Upper House. Like Corbett, on a former occasion, when the Commons "ran riot," they thank Providence that there is a House of Lords.- Newry Telegraph It has been arranged by the mortgagees of Mr. Bell Martin's Connemara estate, that the entire property shall be submitted for sale by public auction, in London, the first week in July; and whatever portions remain unsold, will be put up to competition during the successive weeks at Liverpool, Glasgow and Dublin. Mr. Errington, of Kingstown, sent Archbishop Mac Hale £500 last week for the relief of the poor of his diocese. Michael Monahan, Esq., the father of the Attorney-General for Ireland, died last week at Galway of cholera. THE CONSTABULARY- Constable Campion of the Moystown station, King's County, has been promoted to the rank of Head Constable, vice Johnston, retired on pension. The outfit of eighteen female emigrants for Australia sent out by the guardians, cost the union of Dungarvan £100. A fiat of bankruptcy was opened in the Newcastle District Court last week against Mr. Cuthbert Rippan, formerly M.P. for Gateshead,and of Stanhope Castle. He was described as a lime-burner! Mr. Martin's herd at Tullyra, county Galway, caught a woman of the name of Donohoe killing a lamb on Thursday, and he locked the offender up in a stable while he went for the police, but when they arrived the unfortunate woman had hung herself with her apron! Mr. Martin having heard of the occurrence, turned off the herd. Colonel Chatterton, K.H., Grand Inspector General was entertained at dinner, on the 24th inst., by the members of the High Masonic Order of Princes Grand Rose Croix, No. 1, Cork, at the Rooms, Tuckey-st. |
UNION- The Rev. M. Curly, R.C.C., Castlebar, having been informed a short
time since that the out-door paupers of the Ballyhane electoral division, in the
above union, were dying from the use of food distributed amongst them by the
Relieving officer, paid a visit to the relief depot, and took therefrom a sample
of the meal alleged to be issued, which he transmitted to ENEAS
MCNONNELL, a Mayo gentleman residing in London. Mr. MacDonnell submitted
the sample to the inspection of several eminent merchants and corn-factors in
London, who were unanimously of opinion that it was not only unfit for human
food, but that in fact it would not be good for swine! For the sake of humanity
were are happy to find that this statement is not altogether correct, which
appears from a sworn declaration made by one of the parties implicated,
and a portion of which we annex:- "*** Deponent saith that after the distribution of the said meal, a few pounds thereof remained on hand, consisting of the sweepings of the floors, counters, &c, which was placed upon a wooden dish upon a shelf in deponent's kitchen, and from which the sample alluded to was taken by the Rev. Michael Curley, in the absence of deponent, as he had heard and believes. Saith that the sample so taken is not a fair specimen of the meal distributed." THE CHOLERA ENNIS UNION- Every cholera
hospital in this union was closed by order of the guardians on Wednesday last.
Dr. Cullinan informed the board that the state of the Ennis fever hospital was
very unsatisfactory, the greatest disorder and confusion prevailing there. The
salary of the Roman Catholic chaplain to the workhouse, in consequence of extra
duties in attending the fever and cholera hospitals was increased £20. THE ARMY 1st Regiment of Life Guards-Cornet and
Sub-Lieutenant Arthur Walshe to be Lieutenant by purchase, vice Leslie, who
retires; Henry Wyndham, Gent to be Cornet and Sub-Lieutenant, by purchase, vice
Walsh. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TO BE LET. Application to be made to Doctor Whittaker, Ardnaree Cottage. Ballina, May 2, 1849. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FIRST ARRIVALS of SPRING GOODS Begs to return his sincere thanks to
the Inhabitants of Ballina and its Vicinity for the very liberal support which
he has received since his commencement in business. He begs most respectfully to
say he has returned from the different Markets (being the sixth time within
seven months) with a Stock of Goods Unparalleled in Ballina for Variety and
Cheapness, compromising All the Newest Designs Suitable to the Present Season,
and begs to say he purposes visiting the Markets Monthly, so as to select every
new style coming out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Cheapest, Largest, Newest, Best and Most Fashionable Beg to solicit the attention of the
public to this supply of Summer Goods, which is the first received for the
Season, all of which have been personally selected by one of the Firm, on the
Most Advantageous Terms,, and will be disposed of at prices which cannot fail to
command that large share of patronage which has distinguished their
Establishment during their long and respectable standing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PAINTING, GLAZING, AND PAPER HANGING ESTABLISHMENT, Has just received a well-selected
assortment of ROOM PAPER, suitable for Parlour, Drawing-room, Bed-room, and
Halls, which he offers for sale on the most moderate terms. He also begs leave
to state that he is well supplied with WINDOW GLASS, OILS, COLOURS, and PREPARED
&c. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Grateful for the unlimited patronage which he has received since his commencement in business, begs to intimate to his supporters, and the Gentry of Tyrawly generally, that any Orders with which they may favor him will be punctually attended to, and engages that all articles manufactured by him will be composed of the best materials, and for STYLE AND DURABILITY OF WORKMANSHIP, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE CHURCH The Lord Primate consecrated on yesterday (Tuesday) the Rev. Robert Knox, D.D., to the Bishopric of Down and Connor and Dromore. His grace was assisted by the Lord Bishop of Kilmore. The consecration was held in the Armagh Cathedral. The Bishop elect of Down and Connor and Dromore will be enthroned in the cathedral of Lisburn, on to-morrow, the 3rd and in the cathedral of Dromore on Saturday, the 5th of May. The Rev. John Finlay has been appointed curate of the perpetual curacy of Brackaville, vacant by the promotion of the Rev. Isaac Ashe to the rectory of Baronstown. The Rev. William Hall, recotr of Charleville, diocese of Cloyne, has been appointed to the rectory of Kilshanning, vacant by the promotion of the Rev. E.T. Brady. The rectory of Cappagh, diocese of Derry, void by the death of the Rev. Henry H. Harte, ex. F.T.C.D., is worth £1500 and is in the gift of Trinity College. Ordinations are to be held on Trinity Sunday, 3d June, by the Archbishop of York, Bishops of Lincoln, Bath, Gloucester, Exeter, Ripon, Salisbury, Peterborough, Chichester, Ely, Oxford, and Manchester. BALLINA FEVER HOSPITAL Remaining on previous Saturday.................159 ================ BIRTH- In this town, on Friday last, the lady of John H.
Thompson, Esq., Revenue Police, of a daughter. |
Wednesday, May 9, 1849
IRELAND- Ten regiments of cavalry, twenty-six of Infantry, and nine depots of
infantry regiments are now stationed in Ireland, making in round numbers a total
of about 31,000 men of ranks. As, however, the 75th foot is now in course of
embarkation at Cork for India, and the 50th is to proceed for a few weeks to
Hong Kong, the departure of these regiments will cause a reduction of about 2200
men from the above total of 31,000 of all ranks.
ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS IN IRELAND- A meeting of this body was held on Tuesday for the election of Examiners for the ensuing year. The following were elected- Anatomy and Physiology- Mr. Butler and Mr. Tuohill. Medicine and Surgery-Mr. Romley, Mr. Hutton, and Mr. Smyly. Midwifery- Mr. Nixon. Chemistry, Materia Medica, and Medical Jurisprudence-Mr. Morgan. In the year 1745 the Penal laws against Catholics were in full force in Ireland, and they were not allowed to carry arms. In that year a Mr. Taaffe turned Protestant in order to fight a duel. BIRTH. On Sunday evening last, in Ardnaree, the Lady of Wm. M'Cormack, Esq., of a son. MARRIAGES. On the 4th inst. by the Rev. F.
Cavendish, brother to the bride, Oliver Cuffe Jackson, Esq. son of the late
Colonel Jackson to Eliner, relict of the late Walter Burke, Esq., of Killala
Castle, in this county. DIED. On Sunday, the 6th inst., at Westport,
after a protracted and painful illness, Mary, the beloved wife of Denis Walshe,
Esq., S.I., of that town. The Earl of Stradbrooke has given
directions to his agent, Abraham Coates, Esq. of Ballymacarberry, to give an
abatement of fifty per cent to his lordship's numerous tenantry, in the counties
of Tipperary and Waterford. The average weekly consumption of Indian meal for pauper in-door and out-door relief in Limerick union, is twenty-five tons! The quantity drawn out of Limerick market for the unions of this and the adjoining counties averages one thousand tons per week!--Limerick Chronicle Matthew Kilkelly, convicted at the last Ennis assizes of an attempt to murder Mr. Wallplate, suffered the extreme penalty of the law in front of the county gaol on Monday. He appeared deeply penitent. BANKRUPT Joseph Charles Hanly, of Castlebar, shopkeeper, dealer and chapman, to surrender on Friday the 12th inst., and on Tuesday the 12th June. Fever is becoming very prevalent in Limerick and there are 175 cases in St. John's hospital. |
BALLINA PETTY SESSIONS The Magistrates presiding
were-Edward Howley, Esq., Chairman, Wm. Malley, Esq., and John F. Knox, Esq.
Captain Hamilton, Poor Law Inspector, remained on the bench during the entire
proceedings. The Ballinrobe correspondent of the Constitution, under date Sunday morning last, writes:- Cholera has ceased in this unfortunate locality; but during its stay made awful ravages, few houses having escaped the contagion. It is wonderful "how few and far between" were the recoveries of persons once seized with the disease. Than God, for the last day or two there has not been a single case in town. PETER BOURKE, Esq., has resigned the office of Sub-sheriff for Mayo, and has been replaced by WM. KEARNEY, Esq. of Ballinvilla. DESECRATION OF THE SABBATH- It is disgraceful in a professedly Christian country to see men and women carrying about and exposing for sale fish, vegetables, and other articles of merchandize on the Sabbath day, as is the custom in Ballina. In the principal thoroughfares, and even while Divine Service is being celebrated, the passer-by is invited to make purchases. Are the people so distitute of the common decencies of morality as to encourage so obnoxious a practice? If the authorities have any jurisdiction in the matter, perhaps they would take this hint. COUNTERFEIT CROWN PIECES- We have been informed that counterfeit five shilling pieces are being circulated in town. The public will require to be well upon their guard as we understand the imitations are such as from their clever execution, are likely to deceive. Several have been passed upon unwary shopkeepers-children having been induced on promise of gratuity, to make small purchases for the forger, who has succeeded in escaping detection.--Belfast paper. ARREST OF A SUPPOSED MURDERER- About fourteen years ago a man named Cornelius Crowley was murdered at Union Hall and a verdict of willful murder was returned at a coroner's inquest against a person named Jeremiah Donovan. Donovan, however, escaped from the country, and his name appeared for a long time in the Hue and Cry. A few weeks ago a brother of the deceased man happening to be in London accidentally met Donovan and at once recognised him, and having given information to the authorities, had him arrested and brought before the magistrates at the Thames street police station, who committed him to jail until they could communicate with this country. It appeared that the man had been living in London since the murder was committed. Constable Cudmore of this city accordingly went over to London where the man was given into his charge and brought over to Cork by him. Donovan was brought before the magistrates at the police office this (Monday) morning, and committed to the country gaol.- Cork Examiner. FATAL AFFRAY NEAR LURGAN- Late on Sabbath night, or rather at one o'clock on Monday morning, a family named M'Veagh, from Silverwood, near Lurgan, were passing along the road towards Maralin, on their way to Belfast, where they were to embark for America when they were met by some men. Aggravating words having been used by each party, a fight ensued, in which a young man named Mercer was dangerously wounded, and has since died. The following day the M'Veaghs were brought back from Belfast and a coroner's inquest was held on the body, when a verdict of manslaughter was returned; but as there was no clear evidence to show who committed the deed, the parties were acquitted.--Banner of Ulster. |
Wednesday, May 16, 1849
INQUEST- On Thursday last
an inquest was held in Killala, before Charles Atkinson, Esq., coroner for this
county, on the body of Patrick Walsh. From the evidence adduced, it appeared
that the deceased went to work in his field in the morning enjoying perfect
health and was a short time afterwards found dead. A verdict of "Death from
apoplexy" was returned. DEATH FROM STARVATION- The body of a man whose name is unknown, was found on the road side at Renesberack, on Thursday last, and was supposed to have been murdered; but upon investigation at the inquest, held the following day by Charles Atkinson, Esq., at Glencastle, it was found that the unfortunate man died from starvation. A verdict was returned accordingly. STATE OF THE BALLINA WORKHOUSE Remaining on last Saturday night................3,047 Return of Persons receiving out-door relief in the Ballina Union, for Week ended 5th May, 1849. Electoral
No. Cost. £.s.d BALLINA FEVER HOSPITAL Remaining Previous Saturday.....................137 THE CHURCH The rectory of Killiney, Kerry,
vacant by the death of the Rev. Robert Conway Hurly, Vicar-General, is in the
gift of the Bishop of Limerick, Ardfert, and Aghadoe, and valued at £300 a
year. THE ARMY Lieutenant-Colonel Louis
commanding the Royal Artillery, left this on Thursday, to inspect the forts and
batteries on the Lower Shannon. PROMOTIONS AND EXCHANGES. 1st or Grenadier Regiment of Foot
Guards-Claud Blexander, Get., to be Ensign and Lieutenant, by purchase, vice
Ellison, promoted. Office of Ordnance, May 7. Royal Regiment of Artillery-Second
Lieutenant Lambert Henry Deune, to be First Lieutenant, vice G.W. Drummond Hay,
removed from the Regiment being absent without leave.
DIED On Sunday, the 13th instant,
near Westport, after a lingering illness, Joseph D. Bourke, Esq., eldest son of
the late Tobias Bourke, Esq. of Woodville, in this county. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mr. James Fagan, M.P. for Wexford, has
subscribed £100 for the relief of the starving poor in Connaught. |
Wednesday, May 23, 1849
At a special meeting of the New Zealand Company a
series of resolutions were unanimously carried against the introduction of
convict emigration to that settlement. TIPPERARY- The following appears in the last number of the Hue and Cry:- Description of Charles Langley Surgeon, who stands charged with having, on the first of May, at Nenagh, by a series of unnatural and diabolical acts, caused the death of his wife, Eleanor Langley.- He is forty years of age, 5 feet 10 inches high, slight make, dark complexion, black hair, inclining to grey, and black eyes: whiskers shaved off, voice vulgar, very bad countenance, prominent teeth, shoulders slightly stooped, and has a slight recent cut on one shin; wore a hat, black body coat, dark trousers, dark vest, and had a gold watch and chain. Is a native of Clonmel. AN EXAMPLE FOR LANDLORDS.- An abatement of 4s. in the pound has recently been made on the Ormsby Gore estates in the counties of Sligo and Mayo. William Fetherston H., Esq., the agent of the estate, allowed the Labour-rate to the tenants of 1847, although not legally due until 1848.--Sligo Guardian. Bishop Hughes of New York and Mr. T. D'Arcy M'Ghee,
the Irish runaway confederate, have made friends, after their hot political
controversy. THE ARMY Colonel Jackson, 6th Carabineers, has
arrived in London from Dublin. CORONER'S INQUESTS. On Yesterday evening, Sub-Inspector Fox observed a corpse being conveyed through this town on a cart, with a piece of sack-cloth thrown over it, and having sent for Charles Atkinson, Esq., coroner for this county, had an inquest held on the body. From the evidence of the wife of the deceased, Murtagh Loftus, and his three daughters, it appeared that this unfortunate family consisted of five members, who were in a wretched state of destitution. The husband, wife, and youngest daughter were in the receipt of outdoor relief, which was twelve pounds of meal weekly, and by selling heath brooms they earned about one shilling a week, for which was bought about seven pounds of meal. In October last they left the workhouse, after remaining in it fourteen days, preferring the outdoor relief. The eldest daughters were considered as adults, and one of them, on application, was admitted to the workhouse about a fortnight since. On Monday last the husband and wife left home early in the day, each with a load of brooms, and separated outside this town, the wife going to Killala and the husband to Bartra, the residence of Captain Kirkwood-these places being about ten or eleven miles from where they lived, the electoral division of Kilgarvin. On yesterday morning, some women who were gathering cockles on the strand between Bartra and the mainland observed the deceased fall down, and when they came up he was quite dead. His youngest daughter was the first to hear of the unfortunate circumstance, and found him still lying on the strand, and having gone to Killala for her mother, both of them contrived to carry him within about two miles of this town, where a cart was procured to carry the body to its late miserable home. The second daughter stated in her evidence that her father's feet were much swollen on the morning she last saw him alive, and that he had for some time previous to his death been complaining of dysentery. Doctor Whittaker, who made a post mortem examination, deposed that there was not a particle of food in the stomach; and the jury found a verdict of "death caused by insufficiency of food, and exposure to wet and cold." A WOMAN BURNED TO DEATH- An Inquest was
held in this town, on yesterday, by Charles Atkinson, Esq., coroner, on the body
of a woman named Catherine Keane. from the evidence adduced, it appeared that on
the previous night, when the deceased was in the act of going to bed (she being
at the time alone in her apartment) her clothes caught fire from the flame of a
candle.- She must at the time have been in a state of stupor, as there were
several persons in the house that would have heard her cries, if any were
uttered. The first intimation they had of the occurrence was perceiving a strong
smell of burning issuing from her apartment, and on entering it they found the
deceased burned to death in a most appalling manner. STATE OF BALLINROBE. Whether it is that the poor of our
neighbourhood are more patient under their sufferings than the children of
privation and want in other localities, or that they are not so deeply plunged
in bitterness as in other places-for instance, the union of Ballinrobe-we
confess we are at a loss to conjecture. We have been for the last three years
impressed with the conviction that nothing could surpass the dire destitution
which the lower, and indeed, many of those who at one time might be ranked in
the middle classes in an around town were forced to endure; but when we read the
accounts which thrust themselves before us from other quarters, we are, quoad
hoc, no worse than our neighbours. HEALTH OF THE TOWN It is gratifying to be able to state
that the town of Ballina never wore a more healthy aspect than it does at
present. We cannot be sufficiently thankful to Divine Providence for this
decided mark of His goodness, notwithstanding the many allurements held out by
some of our fellow townsmen to welcome cholera or fever. In a recent issue we
endeavoured to impress upon the public the absolute necessity of having the
yards attached to their dwelling purified, prevention being in all cases easier
than cure. In some instances-but, indeed they are the fewest in number-our
suggestion has been attended to, while the residue appear to be alike
indifferent to their own fate or that of their neighbours. STATE OF THE BALLINA WORKHOUSE Remaining on last Saturday night................3,218 BALLINA FEVER HOSPITAL Remaining on previous Saturday....................147
Hollowell, Carew, from the 36th foot, to be Cornet and Sub.-Lieut., vice Gwyn,
who exchanges.
RECLAIMED LAND IN IRELAND- A return, moved for by Sir R. Ferguson, M.P., informs the public that the total number of acres of land in the county of Donegal, reclaimed from the date of the ordinance survey to the date of its revision, amounts to 32, 434; the number of acres still unreclaimed to 732,615; and the number of acres at present under cultivation to 437,749. The number of acres of land reclaimed in the county of Londonderry amounts to 4,203; the number of acres unreclaimed to 24, 506; and the number of acres of land at present under cultivation to 68, 405. It is in contemplation to make retirement compulsory on all civil servants above sixty years of age. Quinlin (Cnd.), late of the 84th Regt., who was sentenced to be hanged at Clonmel for murder, is to be transported for life. Owen Moran crept into his mother's house and died, the same day his brother Larry was found dead in a field; same day his sister, Mrs. Whelan, with her mother and child, found dead in a deserted forge. The two brothers, the sister, the brother-in-law, and child all dead the same day, of starvation, at Kilimore, county Galway. The furniture of Bantry Union workhouse is to be sold under an execution. The Tipperary union owes to Messrs. Shaw and Duffield £11,000 for Indian meal. The Presentation Convent in Miltown is offered to the Killarney Board for an auxiliary workhouse. In the Fermoy workhouse 113 deaths occurred during the past week. Four hundred and ninety paupers have died according to the Workhouse returns on the week ending Saturday the 5th inst. On Saturday night, the house of the widow Allen, of Gurtfadda, near Ballingarry, was attacked by an armed party; the door broken and a quantity of wearing apparel taken away, together with money which they found. The average weekly cost of each pauper inmate of the Cahirciveen workhouse is only 9d; and it was only 7d. until out-door relief was recently adopted. Messrs. Rush, and Palmer of Galway, are declared contractors for supply of meal to Tuam Workhouse, the consumption from 45 to 50 tons per week. BALLINA PETTY SESSIONS- Tuesday The magistrates presiding were - Daniel
J. Cruse, Esq., R.M., William Mally, Esq., and Edward Howley, Esq. The "Mozambique" arrived at New York, with emigrants from Sligo, after a passage of 25 days. The Mayo Constitution of yesterday, speaking of the destitution of the poor, says, "We have known of the flesh of asses-horses-dogs-carrion-of seaweed and the foulest substances being resorted to for human food." THE CHURCH The Bishops of Down and Cork were
entertained by the Fellows of Trinity College at dinner, on Wednesday. BIRTH. On the 15th inst., at Bingham Castle, the Lady of W.T. Campbell, Esq. of a daughter. DIED. In this town, yesterday, after a
lingering illness, which he bore with christian resignation and fortitude, Mr.
Frederick Arbuckle, an old and respected inhabitant. PORT OF BALLINA. "Betsey", at the Quay, from
Constantinople, Indian corn, Loyd, Master. Accounts have reached us from Crossmolina, Swinford, Killala and Ballaghaderreen, assuring us that not a case of cholera has appeared in any of those towns up to yesterday. It may be worthy of remark, that in 1832, when this epidemic thinned the inhabitants of nearly every city and town in Ireland, Crossmolina remained unscathed, from which it was since styled, "The Holy Land." SLIGO UNION- The board of guardians of this union have struck a new rate, amounting to three shillings in the pound, notwithstanding an arrear of £6,775 of the old rate is still uncollected. The number of paupers in the workhouse is 3,308 and the number receiving out-door relief 7,242. The Limerick board of guardians at their last sitting, struck a rate for a year and a half to the 21st December, 1851. The union comprises 19 electoral divisions, in some of which the rate will amount to ten shillings in the pound! STAMP OFFICE- We regret very much as, indeed, all who ever had any intercourse with the gentleman, either in business or otherwise must, that Mr. James Higgins has been obliged, in consequences of ill-health to resign the situation of sub-distributor of stamps for this district, an office which he held for many years with integrity, and discharged its duties with the courtesy and willingness to oblige by which he has made many friends. The business has been removed to the office of Mr. John M'Culloch. PROVINCIAL BANK OF IRELAND- The Directors have been pleased to appoint Mr. John H. Harding, eldest son of R. Harding, Esq., lat Chief-officer of Coast-guard at Ballycastle, to an office in the Ennis branch. LIMERICK ELECTION- A writ has been issued for a new member for this county, in room of Wm. Smith O'Brien, who, as will be seen from our parliamentary report, has lost his seat, having been adjudged guilty of high treason. GOVERNORSHIP OF TRINIDAD- We have been informed, upon the best authority, that the Marquis of Sligo has accepted the Governorship of Trinidad, a post which his noble father occupied for many years.
Wednesday, May 30, 1849
CORONER'S INQUEST An inquest was held at a place called Bealderra, in the barony of Erris, on Friday last, by Charles Atkinson, Esq., coroner for this county, on the body of a man named Mark O'Malley, who was found dead in a field very near the house in which he was lodged on the previous night. From the evidence adduced it appeared that the deceased was on the relief list; but it was sworn to that he would eat as much as any three men. He was a remarkably large man. Dr. Bourns made a post mortem examination, and found the stomach was perfectly sound, but without the slightest particle of food. A verdict was returned accordingly. DEATH FROM STARVATION- On Sunday, a man
was brought into the Workhouse of this town in a dying state. It appeared at the
inquest held before Mr. Atkinson, that he was not in the receipt of out-door
relief, in consequence of his holding a small patch of land which he was
unwilling to give up, and had a little sowing made. He was so perfectly
exhausted that he was unable to take any food and died the following day. Doctor
Devlin, who examined the body, found the stomach entirely void of any food. A respectable farmer, Edmond Kenny, of Annefield, near Ennistymon, in comfortable circumstances, decamped last week for America, owing 12 months rent on three farms which he held, beside several private debts. He left nothing on the land to satisfy his creditors, except four miserable cows, sent to the parish priest of Kilshanny, to whom he owed £50, and a mangy horse, seized under a Seneschal's decree, which was sold by auction on Saturday in Ennistymon, for 25s. He left his wife and children behind, with directions not to give up possession of the lands unless they were paid for so doing! At Corofin petty sessions, a ludicrous case came before the bench. A tailor named Cunoole owed £2 10s poor rates, for which a distraint on his furniture sought to be effected. The rate collector, Mr. Kerin, armed with pistols, and accompanied by two bailiffs, entered the house. Snip was at work with a large scissors, and having inflicted some ugly cuts on the bailiffs and collector, drove them out of his house and fastened the door. Mr. Kerin then placed keepers on the outside, but the tailor did not surrender for three days.- He killed a goat which was in the house, and lived on it while the siege lasted, and he would have held out longer only that his provisions were consumed. He then surrendered at discretion, and was committed for trial. |
From our Crossmolina Correspondent. CROSSMOLINA, 28TH MAY- I regret that my first communication for your columns should savor of bloodshed. You are aware that Adragoole is in the vicinity of the "Holy Land." Well, the inhabitants of that locality are as peaceable as inhabitants generally are, when allowed to conduct their own affairs, without the interference of strangers. However, a Mr. William Corkoran, a poor rate collector, took it into his head to go amongst them on Thursday last, accompanied by a party of Police, under the command of Inspector Fox, for the purpose of levying poor rates. Now, the people of Ardragoole seem to have had some antipathy to Mr. Corkeran, and they raised the cry, "murder Corkeran!" I need not tell you the "word of command" was strictly responded to. Poor Corkoran was assailed with sticks and stones; the consequence is that he is now lying dangerously ill, with a wound on the head three inches in length, with some slight injury to the skull, under the care of Dr. M'Nair. I have seen the Doctor to-day and he says Corkoran is progressing favourably. THE FRACAS AT COURT-HILL.- It appears that a Mr. Goodwin had a barrister's decree against Mr. John Gardiner, J.P., Court-hill. From what I have learned, Mr. Gardiner is son-in-law to Dr. Wylie, an eminent surgeon of the R.N., who, when he found Mr. Gardiner's affairs embarrassed, purchased Court-hill, and the stock on it. Mr. Gardiner sends a bailiff, accompanied by his sister's relations and friends, for the purpose of seizing on the property of Dr. Wylie. Now, there is no doubt that Mr. Gardiner is gone to America, and that the seizure was illegal. No matter, the "limbs" use their authority-it is resisted- and the consequence is that the bailiffs come off second best. There can be no doubt but the distraint was illegal, and that it was met with in a similar spirit. The sequel to this catastrophe is, that a couple of fellows have been wounded. There is a great deal of talk about the matter in Crossmolina. MISCELLANEOUS The accomplished Miss Maria Edgeworth
died at Edgeworthstown-house, Longford, on Monday.
Submitted by #I000525
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