Ireland Old News

Ballina, Co. Mayo
Wednesday, July 3, 1850

     RIOT AT MOUNTKENNET WORKHOUSE - The Limerick Reporter contains the following statement: - It appears that two boys, having committed some misdemeanour, the temporary master, Mr. James Morrison, deprived the delinquents of their morning meal, when the entire number of paupers in the house, with hardly one exception, rose up en masse and declared they would not submit to have any of their number treated in such a cruel manner. Mr. Morrison, finding his utmost efforts to quell the disturbance without avail, sent for the police, and twenty three of the city force under Head-constable Joynt and Constable Shannon, and accompanied by Dr. Gibson, J.P., went promptly on the spot. On their arrival the yard was filled with a tumultuous mob, yelling most vociferously, shouting and flinging stones at random at the windows, and into the adjoining streets and quay, while a large portion of them were collected around an immense breach in the outer wall, of thirty feet long and twenty feet high, which, upon learning that the police were sent for, they had made as a means of effecting their escape from street. The police having drawn up in the dining hall, Dr. Gibson ordered the yard to be cleared, but the moment the door was opened a volly of stones was directed against the constables, one of which inflicted a deep gash on the cheek of Constable Hunt. The door was instantly shut to, and for some time longer the rioters continued shouting and huzaaing at the retreat of the police, and challenged them to venture amongst them again. In the meantime the men fixed bayonets in the hall, and seizing an opportunity when the paupers' attention seemed to be divided, Head Constable Joynt rushed out, followed by the entire party, and threw the rioters into complete confusion. Stones, however, continued to be thrown by the persons most remote from the police, wounding and greatly annoying many of the men, who were prevented from seeing their assailants by the obstinacy of the rioters, who firmly withstood every effort to pass through the crowd. The assault continuing, an order was given to charge, and the police did charge with fixed bayonets. Fortunately, no serious wounds were inflicted, although the ferocity of the rioters was so great that some of them caught the bayonets by the points, and struggled with the constables. The contest continued for over an hour, and the police, in the course of it, evinced the most exemplary forbearance, suffering themselves to be wounded with stones in the head and body, and yet exhibiting no exasperation against their assailants. A guard stationed at the breach prevented any persons from leaving by that means of exit, and thus saved the citizens from being annoyed as on the occasion of the late riots. The police, however, used the butts of their muskets rather freely, in a short time the malcontents were locked up in their wards, having suffered several contusions on shoulders, legs and arms from the carbines. Sub-constable Mayburne had his nose and cheek split from a blow of a stone, and Head-constable Joynt received a severe blow on the ancle, and some less serious blows on the hands and head. Sub-constable Noble had his thumb split and others of the men experienced similar injuries. No arrests were made, as it was impossible to distinguish, where all were disorderly, who were most so.


     These Sessions commenced on Wednesday last, before the Assistant Barrister, M. O'Shaughnessy, Esq., and terminated on Monday last. There were 494 Civil Bills, 13 Replevins and 32 Electments entered for trial. The number of indictments amounted to 100.

Grehan a. O'Donnell

     This was a case of civil bill for the recovery of £5 damages alleged to be sustained by the seizure of the plaintiff's salmon rod by the defendant on the 12th of June.
     Francis Fall, examined by Mr. Peter Kelly- Knows the plaintiff Grehan also knows Pat O'Donnell; has resided in Ballina for the last 41 years; has seen persons at all times angling on the Moy; recollects 30 years; knows where Grehan's rod was taken; witness angled there, and several others also; witness never asked permission; about two years since he last angled; Grehan has got license; his (plaintiff's) rod was seized on the 12th of June; a good rod is worth about 1l.
     Cross-examined by Mr. MacAndrew- Is 30 years fishing except a few years he was absent from Ballina; was in the habit of fishing without asking leave; was never examined and convicted of fishing in the close season, nor in the open season; cannot say to whom the Fisher belongs; knows Mr. Atkinson and Mr. Little to have the management of it; they have boxes for fishing; Grehan was angling under the boxes; had a conversation with Grehan, who told him he had asked leave from Mr. Little, but he would not give it to him; never heard that there was necessity to have both leave and license.
     John Gibbons, examined - Has resided in Ballina 50 years; is inclined for angling, and has been angling on the Moy for 40 years; knows where the plaintiff's rod was taken; the place is in the tide ways; received no interruption in angling during 40 years; has known several to fish without leave.
     Cross-examined - Gave up fishing about two years ago; never ran from any water bailiff; fished with flies generally, and never asked for leave as he did not know to whom to apply.
     Mr. Edward Atkinson, examined for the defense - Moy Fishery is at present in the hands of Trustees for whom he has acted for about 15 years; has frequently prosecuted persons for angling in the open season and convicted them; it has been the practice for anglers to ask leave; Gibbons, the last witness, did not ask leave and was refused, as he was considered a poacher; it has not been the habit to angle in the Moy without leave; knows this to be the case since he was a boy, except with those who violated the law; sent waterkeepers after Gibbons who ran from them; until the Act of 1842 poachers were always prosecuted and convicted; but under that Act it was necessary to have recourse to Records in superior courts, which could be too expensive a proceeding against paupers. The Trustees of the River Moy Fishery always exercised the exclusive rights of fishing, Grehan was not summoned under the late Act, which gives magistrates power to fine, because he gave up his rod. Grehan asked leave and was refused, which he (Grehan) does not deny.
     To the Court - The fishery is held by lease under a charter which witness has seen. The only occasion on which the right of lessees was questioned was in the case of Colonel Gore, which was tried at Sligo and decided in favour of the lessees. On a former trial similar to this your worship decided against the plaintiff on the evidence of Mr. Jones, who was professionally engaged against Colonel Gore.
     The Barrister said it would have been well if the judgment in the case were produced, which he would hold at all times to be sufficient evidence of the title of the lessees of the fishery.
     Mr. MacAndrew here observed that the plaintiff asked permission to angle by which act he disclaimed his own right and acknowledged the right of the proprietors.
     The Barrister agreed with Mr. M'Andrew, and as all the difficulties of the present case were removed by the plaintiff having asked permission to angle, thereby acknowledging the right of the owners of the fishery to give or withhold leave, he, therefore, must dismiss the case.

Michael Lynch a. Pat Kilbride

     This was action of trespass against the defendant, who was a water keeper, for having asked a rod and line, the property of the plaintiff, at Coole ronane in this county.
     The plaintiff proved the taking of the rod and line.
     James Healy proved that the lands adjoining the river where the plaintiff had been fishing belonged to the Hon. E.J. Perry, an owner in fee.
     Mr. Thomas MacAndrew, on the part of the defendant, justified the taking by proving that the defendant was water keep0er, and that he had a right to seize alleged instruments used illegally. To establish that he referred to the Act of the 5th and 6th Vic., cap. 106, sec. 84, and referred also to secs. 69 and 71, of the same Act to show that even outside the limits of a Several Fishery, created by charter, patent, act of parliament, or prescription, no persons had a right to fish without permission in writing of the owner in fee of the lands adjoining the lake or river where the fishing takes place; and that in the absence of such authority, the person so fishing was fishing illegally. In the present case the Hon. Mr. Perry had been proved to be the owner in fee, and no written authority from him could be produced.
     Mr. Peter Kelly, on the part of the plaintiff, relied upon the interpretation clause and indeed, upon almost every other clause in the same. And to support the plaintiff's case.
     The Assistant Barrister agreed with Mr. MacAndrew, in the view he took of the law and dismissed the case on the merits.


Thomas Higgins, appellant, John Little, respondent.

     The appellant had been convicted at the Petty Sessions of Foxford in a penalty of £2 for having illegally fished with crosslines to which conviction he appealed.
     Mr. MacAndrew, on the part of the respondent, objected to the recognizance which he submitted was insufficient, insasmuch as the appellant was not thereby bound as required by the Act 5 and 6 Vic. cap. 106. sec. 99, "personally to appear at said sessions to try such appeal and abide the judgment of the court, and pay such costs and expenses at the justices at said sessions might award against him."
     The Court held that for the reason submitted the recognizance was bad, and accordingly dismissed the appeal.

John Cassidy appellant, Same, respondent.

     This appeal was brought under circumstances precisely similar to the last. The same objection with the same result was raised by Mr. MacAndrew to the recognizance in this case.

The Queen v. the Rev. Edward Murray.

     This was an indictment at the suit of the Rev. Patrick Malone, Roman Catholic Administrator of this parish, against the Rev. Edward Murray, formerly Parish Priest of Kilfian, for interrupting religious worship in the chapel of Kilfian, on Sunday, the 21st of April last. Mr. Walter Bourke, crown solicitor, and Mr. Peter kelly consucted the presentation and Counsellor Buchanan and Mr. Robert Paget Bourke appeared for the rev. defendant.
     The jurors empanelled to try this case were Messrs. Thomas Hughes, John Knox, Andrew Melvin, Richard Barret, Francis Fall, Andrew Johynt, Andrew Barret, John Hopkins, Patrick Peaton, Martin M'Nulty, Charles Wilson and James Bourke. Mr. Edward Masterson and Mr. Edward Robinson were challenged by the Crown.
     The Rev. Patrick Malone, examined by Mr. Bourke- Recollects the 21st of last April. At the solicitation of Mr. Jordan and by the instructions of the Bishop went on that day to the parish chapel of Kilfian or Kiacun. Witness is a Roman Catholic clergyman, and Mr. Jordan is the parish priest of Kilfian. When mass was concluded witness ascended the altar to preach when he was interrupted by Mr. Murray, the traverser; scarcely had he one sentence concluded when Mr. Murray placed a chair opposite the altar on which he was standing; Mr. Murray stood on the chair and spoke with a loud voice interrupting him (witness); used opprobrious epithets; does not remember the whole of them, but called him (witness) a hireling; Mr. Murray's loud speaking had the effect of rendering inaudible what he (witness) was saying to the congregation; the congregation was assembled for religious worship; witness wanted to preach but from the continued interruption was obliged to desist; Mr. Murray used postures and raised his hand but could not say whether in a menacing manner; Rev. Mr. Jordan was present; he (witness) did not exchange one word with Mr. Murray; asked the police who were present in the congregation to remove Mr. Murray until he would finish his discourse; Mr. Murray used other opprobrious expressions but witness does not recollect them; the chapel in question is the Roman Catholic parish chapel; the Rev. Mr. Jordan celebrated mass that day. Traverser's conduct threw the whole congregation into confusion that day.
     Cross-examined by Mr. Buchanan - Knows Mr. Murray five or six years; Mr. Murray is a priest but is not officiating; he (Mr. Murray) had a parish in the diocese; he was parish priest of Kilfian; when he (witness) had commenced to preach he had not concluded the first sentence when he was interrupted.
     Mr. Buchanan- Now, Mr. Malone, did you directly or indirectly allude to Mr. Murray?
     Witness - I did indirectly, for my object in going to preach was to go into Mr. Murray's case. Was the first time witness alluded to Mr. Murray in that chapel; does not remember alluding to him elsewhere.
     Mr. Buchanan - Did you not in the chapel of Ardnaree allude directly to Mr. Murray?
     Witness - Will not swear that he did not directly allude to him; witness went to Kilfian to caution the people against the dangers of religion from listening to Mr. Murray. After the interruption witness told the congregation that Mr. Murray was suspended; before that he told them that he was sent by the Bishop to caution them of the dangers impending from the conduct of a priest who had been suspended, and had not proceeded further until he was interrupted; considering the reports then in circulation the people might have known to whom he alluded.
     Mr. Buchanan - Do you call the abuse of a clergyman religious worship?
     Witness- I consider it to be my duty - 
     Mr. Buchanan- Give me a direct answer.
     Witness- It will be necessary to give a definition of what you consider religious worship.
     Mr. Buchanan - Do you call the abuse of clergymen religious worship?
     Witness - I consider the end of my observations religious instruction.
     Mr. Buchanan- Was it religious worship in the strict language of your church?
     Witness hesitated.
     Mr. Buchanan- Come, this is too bad.
     Barrister - Is it according to the principles of the Roman Catholic church that preaching is religious worship, or is all religious teaching religious worship?
     Witness- All religious teaching is not religious worship.
     Mr. Buchanan - What text did you take?
     Witness - A lecture does not require a text.
     Cross-examination, continued - Saw Mr. Murray at mass at the chapel; he seemed orderly enough; it is considered a mortal sin not to attend mass on Sunday. Mr. Murray was doing what he could do by being at mass the Sunday in question; can't say what time Mr. Murray entered the chapel; he (Mr. Murray) attracted notice by his manner of reciting prayers and by his apparel, but there was no disturbance during mass. Witness got instructions to go to Kilfian; is not aware of instructions to allude to Mr. Murray in Ardnaree; has an indistinct recollection that he made some allusion to him there with others.
     Mr. Buchanan- Did you say that Mr. Murray was murdering his saviour by celebrating mass?
     Witness- I will not swear I did not!
     Mr. Buchanan- Did you in Ardnaree make one of the same expressions?
     Witness- I may possibly have done so, but I do not remember.
     To the Court- Mr. Murray was not put out by the police who said they could not do it without a riot.
     Rev. John Jordan, examined by Mr. Kelly - Recollects the 21st of April last; was at the chapel of Kincun; Mr. Malone came with him to the chapel and was in the act of commencing to preach from the altar when Mr. Murray ascended a chair opposite to he altar and said, be silent, you hypocrite, you hireling, you reprobate, your liar and other words which escaped witness's recollection; there was a great interruption and disturbance.
     Cross-examined by Mr. Buchanan- Mr. Murray did not strike Mr. Malone; but cannot say what his intention was when he held forth his hand; the Rev. Mr. M'Cawley preceded witness in the parish and Mr. Murray preceded Mr. M'Cawley; witness is more than four years in the parish; Mr. Murray is in the habit of attending the chapel; he never interrupted witness; the sacrifice of the mass is the religious worship, and the address is religious instruction. During the performance of the services Mr. Murray did not interrupt; there was no interruption until Mr. Malone commenced his address.
     Patt Hart, one of the congregation at Kilfian chapel on the 21st of April was next examined and deposed to the interruption of Mr. Malone's address by Mr. Murray.
     Mr. Buchanan, having argued that religious worship continued only during the celebration of mass, was proceeding to address the jury, when there appeared to be a disposition on both sides to have the matter arranged without sending the issue paper to the jury. The professional gentlemen having consulted a short time with their clients, it was mutually agreed to proceed no further on the promise of Mr. Murray not to cause any more interruptions in any of the chapels of the diocese. This promise was given and one of the jurors was drawn and a nolle prosequi entered.

     The following is a list of the convictions: - 
     Anne Crawford, larceny, three months imprisonment with hard labour.
     Michael Kearney, ass stealing, six months' imprisonment, with hard labour.
     James Daly, larceny, one months' imprisonment with hard labour.
     Anthony Hogan, larceny, three weeks' imprisonment.
     Mat Staunton, larceny, three weeks' imprisonment.
     John Farrell, larceny, twelve months' imprisonment with hard labour.
     Catherine Murphy, larceny, five weeks' imprisonment with hard labour.
    John Langan, larceny, ten weeks' imprisonment from committal.
    Honor Laughny, larceny, six weeks' imprisonment from committal.
     John Grier, larceny, second conviction, 7 years' transportation.
     Pat Gordon, larceny, six weeks' imprisonment from committal.
     Pat Gallagher, ass stealing, two months' imprisonment with hard labour.
     Michael M'Eveely, ass stealing, two months' imprisonment with hard labour.
     John O'Donnell, ass stealing, two months' imprisonment with hard labour.
     John Cuffe, larceny, six months' imprisonment with hard labour.
     Mary Grealls, felony, 7 years' transportation.
     James M'Gowan, larceny, second conviction, 7 years' transportation.
     Peter Stephens, pound breach, three weeks' imprisonment from committal.
     John Hughes, malicious assault, two months' imprisonment with hard labour.
     Mary McDonnell, killing sheep, six months' imprisonment with hard labour.
     Margaret M'Donnell, like offence, six months' imprisonment, with hard labour.
     Austin M'Donnell, like offence, twelve months' imprisonment, with hard labour.
     Thomas M'Donnell, like offence, twelve months' imprisonment with hard labour.
     John Coleman, like offence, 10 years' transportation.
     Owen Lavin, like offence, twelve months' imprisonment with hard labour.
     Anne Gallagher, larceny, twelve months' imprisonment with hard labour.   


     Two Roman Catholic Chaplains of the Limerick Auxiliary workhouses died of contagious fever within the last two months.
     The Shearwater has arrived at Galway from the islands of Arran, with J.B. Kernan, Esq., R.M., Mr. Coffee, S.I., Mr. Cross, poor-rate collector, and a large body of police, after a long poor rate campaign, wherein they have succeeded in collecting a great part of the rates from the poor islanders.
     Mr. O'Grady, clerk of the Galway Union, is allowed 36l. by the guardians, for assistants in the year 1848.
     The Glenmada Guardians have taken Mr. D'Arcy's house at Wilfort for an auxiliary, at 200l. a year.
     An investigation took place at the Kilrush Petty Sessions, into charges against some of the nurses in the workhouse hospital for having administered laudanum to children under their care, but they were not substantiated.
     At Six-mile-bridge quarter sessions, in an action under the 11th and 12th Vic., which protects from seizure the wearing apparel, bedding, tools, and actual necessaries of any debtor, not exceeding in value of 5l., the Assistant-barrister, pronounced a decree for 1l. 6s. 9d. with costs, against the defendant, who had sold plaintiff's bed.
     Elizabeth M'Kenny, nursetender, tried for robbery of £582 from the late Mr. Timothy Allen of Camden-street, on his death bed, was found guilty at the Commission on Saturday, but discharged at the request of the prosecutor, Mr. Allan's son, who had recovered the property through the police.
     Mr. Beaumont, of Bretton Hall, Northumberland, who, it was imagined, would have purchased the Connemara estates, is now in Galway, and his visit has, for its object, the purchase of a large portion of the property from the Law Life Insurance Company, to whom it is mortgaged.
     One of the largest and most respectable funerals that left this city for many years was that of the late lamented Robert Gabbett, Esq., whose remains were yesterday interred in the family vault at Cahirconlish. The deceased gentleman, whose charity was unbounded bequeathed large sums to the female Protestant school, Barrington's hospital, and the Blind asylum, Catherine-street. He bequeathed also £3000 to be paid to charities in this city, on the demise of Mrs. Gabbett.--Limerick Chronicle.
At Rathkeale quarter sessions there were 500 civil bills tried, and decrees for poor rates to the amount of 250l. granted. Myles Sheehy, a large tenant farmer, and his son, were sentenced to 7-years transportation.
     The Ecclesiastical Commissioners have appointed Joseph W. Benson, Esq., of Tuam, agent for the collection of the income of the Deanery and provostship of Tuam.
     Mr. Jellico, of Cahir, having placed a man as caretaker in a house near Regaile, some nefarious ruffians on Monday night seized a poney belonging to the caretaker, cut its tongue out from the root, and the tail completely off.
     A flag has fallen by the death of a distinguished naval officer, Admiral Sir Josiah C. Coghill, Bart.
     Two country boys from Oulagh, neither so old as 12, were found last week by the guard stretched across the rail, upon which the mail train was expected to pass before daylight. At the magistrates office they confessed their design was to seek instant death, under the train, before a lingering death by starvation! Their appearance bespoke destitution, and they were discharged with an admonition.
     The gas lighting of the streets of Waterford last summer cost the corporation only £200.
     149 drunkards were arrested in Cork on Sunday.
     Tuesday last the Roman Catholic farmers sent 40 horses and carts to Ballybunion to draw sea sand gratis for Mrs. Norman, wife of Rev. E. Norman, of Brosna, over a distance of 20 miles.
     At Galway Petty Sessions Mr. Thomas Hardy prosecuted Mr. Frederick P. Knight for having struck him with a stick and afterwards kicked him. The magistrates find the offender 2l. or a month's imprisonment. Mr. Knight paid the fine and left the court. Shortly after Mr. Hardy returned to complain that immediately after going out Mr. Knight called him a "cowardly ruffian" and spat in his face. The magistrate having ordered Mr. Knight to be again brought up fined him 5l. or two months' imprisonment.
     In the Queen's College, Galway, when it opened last October, there as but one single room fit for use, and for an entire term, which served the purpose of examination Hall, Lecture room, Council Chamber, and other purposes, yet for the last 8 months 38 Roman Catholics, 22 Protestant and 8 Presbyterian students attended lectures and not a single instance of disorderly or ungentlemanlike conduct has been found.
     Mrs. Jemima Philips, the wife of a respectable solicitor, was indicted at the Commission Court on Saturday, for conspiracy to Miss Octavia Henrietta Thompson in escaping from the Four Courts Marshalsea prison, and who put on the bonnet and cloak of Mrs. Philips, and walked out of that prison personating that lady. George Power, Esq., Sub-Sheriff, proved the warrant under which Miss Thompson had been arrested, and also the writ of execution, and admitted that the seal of the court was not affixed to the writ of execution until after the escape of Miss Thompson. The court ruled that he objection was fatal, and directed an acquittal of Mrs. Philips.

     A number of pauper female emigrants were confirmed in Dungarvan chapel on Sunday by Dr. Foran, the R.C. Bishop of Waterford, previous to their embarkation to Quebec. During the ceremony a poor woman, Judy Brien, had her pocket picked of 1s. 6d.
     Sir Thomas J. Bourke, M.P. has subscribed 25l. to the Tuam race fund.

     PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE IN DERRY - The late Mrs. Magee, of Dublin, bequeathed £20,000 for the establishment of a college in connection wit the General Assembly of Ulster, the site of which was to be selected by the executors. A negotiation has been concluded between the Irish Society and the Rev. Dr. Browne, of Aghadoey, one of Mrs. M'Gee's executors. The society are to grant ten or twelve acres of ground for the site of the college in the neighbourhood of the city of Derry; also, to found a number of bursaries in connection with the institution, the whole of its dotations being equivalent to £14,000.

     CAUTION TO POACHERS - On Saturday last at Newtown-Mount-Kennedy Sessions, John Ashenhurst, of Glassamullen, was indicted for snaring a hair on the property of Major Beresford, at Ballynastoe. The prisoner having pleaded guilty, the magistrates, at the special instance of the prosecutor, mitigated the penalty and took security by recognizance that the offence would not be committed again.

     FATAL DUEL - A duel took place on the 15th, ten miles from Turin, between Colonel Assanti and M. Soler. The cause was that the latter had written against Manin, and the former had taken up his defense in no measured terms. The duel was brought with pistols, it being understood that it would continue till the result was fatal to one of the combatants. M. Soler fired first and missed; M. Assanti, on the contrary, hit his adversary in the head and laid him dead.

     PERILS OF DISSECTING IN THE PROVINCE - From 12 o'clock yesterday morning until nearly 11 at night, very considerable excitement existed amongst the inhabitants of Cashel, in consequence of the discovery of a dead body in a house in Friar-street, in which a body (that of a female) a Mr. John Phelan, a Mr. Denis Molony, and _____ Carrigan, were operating. The latter young man is a medical student from Carrick, the second named person is an apprentice to Surgeon Coffee, of Cashel. The smell emitted from the house was most offensive and bitterly complained of by the neighbours. Some time before one o'clock Police Sergeant Lyons got into the house by the rear, while more of the police and their chief, Joseph Cox, Esq. got by means of a ladder through the windows; having arrested the above named operators, the police remained in charge of them and the body (one of the arms was separated) until the return of the resident magistrate, the Hon. Mr. Ffrench, who was absent on duty in Fethard; the prisoners were brought before him about 9 o'clock; and after an investigation, they were committed to the bridewell until they should enter into bail; during the investigation, Mr. John Phelan said he was the person who purchased the body for 10s., for the purpose of dissection; that he purchased it from a man whom he did not know, and who said it was the body of a friend of his, whose relatives had not the means of procuring a coffin; meantime a herd has been lodged in bridewell, who, it is said, knows something of the disinterment of the body. During the time the accused were escorted from Friar-st. to the bridewell, an immense crowd followed, screaming and shouting, and it was supposed that the mob would have attacked the house where the accused had the corpse, but that the police had so timely arrived. It was intended to hold an inquest and for which purpose the coroner was sent for; but after his arrival, evidence of taking the body from the coffin was produced. The accused are, therefore, to be tried at the present sessions. They are not yet bailed.--Clonmel Chronicle.

     DEATH FROM DROWNING - On yesterday a most serious and melancholy accident occurred in the Douglas channel under the following distressing circumstances:- It appears that in the course of the above day, young Mr. Halburd, son of the Rev. Mr. Halburd, went to bathe in the Douglas river, accompanied by a young friend. Mr. Halburd, having undressed, leaped in into the river, when it unfortunately happened he was carried out of his depth by a strong eddy which runs in that particular part of the river. His companion seeing him unable to contend against the tide then flowing, plunged in to rescue him, but after struggling for some time, with great courage, he became exhausted, and was obliged, in self defence, to make the shore, where he procured a boat, and put out again in search of his friend, but too late to render any assistance, as the body did not again rise. We understand that Mr. Halburd was a young gentleman of the most kindly disposition and amiable manner; and respected by all who knew him. He had only returned home on the day previous from College, to spend the vacation with his family. To the young gentleman, who was well nigh becoming a sharer in the unhappy fare of his friend, great praise is due for his courageous exertions in attempting to rescue his companion from a watery grave; so exhausted was he that after failing in his exertions he fell off in a swoon, and lay in a state of insensibility in the boat, until he was perceived by some persons walking on the railway, when he was restored and conveyed home. The body of Mr. Halburd was found on last evening, about half past two o'clock.--Southern Reporter.

     THE IRISH INVASION - At a meeting of the Cardiff council on Friday, the Mayor stated that an Irish master mariner had been fined £20 for bringing over 68 poor wretches without having any accommodation for them whatever. The vessel was nearly filled with oats, and these poor creatures were obliged to be huddled about the deck or anywhere -so that if bad weather came on, some of them, at least, must have perished. At the suggestion of the dockmaster, the coal proprietors had entered into an engagement (as at Newport) not to supply coal to any vessel in which Irish paupers had been brought over.--Cardiff and Northern Guardian.


     On this day Mr. Lees retires from the Secretaryship of the Post-office, and will be replaced by Mr. Cornwall Lewis, a gentleman of whom public report speaks highly. It is to be hoped the successor of Mr. Lees will exhibit, in the administration of the Post-office, the same sterling qualities which have recommended Mr. Lees to the esteem and affection of all who had to transact business in his department. Perhaps no public officer in the discharge of laborious and often irksome duties has ever done so much to disarm hostility or to afford every possible convenience to the press and public. It is almost incidental to such an office to be engaged in constant inquiries relative to matters which are calculated to excite rather than assure - and we have had our share of such references-but n every instance,  and without a single exception, we ever found in Mr. Lees the bland and polished gentleman, the able and intelligent officer, the painstaking public servant, who knew so well how to reconcile his duties to the crown, with his anxiety for both public and private interests. He never protected abuse from the light of proper inquiry. When a complaint was made- and in such an extensive department as the postal administration of an entire kingdom, causes of complaint will occasionally arise.- Mr. Lees patiently heard and to the extent of his power afforded redress. But whether the complainant was or was not satisfied with the extent of the remedy, he was, at least, thoroughly impressed with the conviction that Mr. Lees had left nothing undone to satisfy the exigency of his complaint. It will be difficult to replace this worthy man, who carries with him into an honourable retirement the esteem and regard of every citizen in Dublin.
     For over fifty years, Mr. Lees has discharged the duties of a most arduous office without making even a passing enemy, while he has imposed obligation on ourselves- and we think the Dublin press might be included- which it would be difficult indeed to repay. His loss to the community will be deeply felt; but by none more than the press, whose interests he constantly facilitated with indefatigable promptitude and kindness. Half a century is a long period to toss the capacities and tempers of public men, in both which Mr. Lees has been during that long period without a rival. By following such a model of efficiency and urbanity, his successor will command the same amount of attachment and respect, and retire into the repose of private life with the same honourable conviction, that he had earned the applause of his fellow citizens by deserving it.--Freeman's Journal.




Ballina, Co. Mayo
Wednesday, July 10, 1850

     The living tide still flows with unabated vigour from the fresh shores. On Friday an immense number left this port for Liverpool, to take shipping for America. The emigrants appeared all of the better classes.--Waterford Mail.

     Private Sheppard, 41st, was drowned on Tuesday in the River Lee, Cork.


     Lieut. M'Donnell, 71st, was fined £5 on Saturday, at Exchange Police Court, for assault on a carpenter, named Mulholland, at Richmond Barracks.
     The Rev. Wm. Prescott hung himself in King's College Hospital on Friday.
     In the National Bank the following changes have taken place:- Mr. John L. Cochrane, Inspector, is appointed manager at Roscommon; Mr. John Egan, of Roscommon, to be manager at Ballinasloe, in room of Mr. Vise, appointed to Wexford.
     The estate of John Bateman, Esq., Oakpark, Tralee, for sale under the Encumbered property court, is said to be rich in silver and lead ore.
     The Galway union paupers wear wooden shoes at 3 1/2d. per pair.
     Notice has been served on the Relieving officers by the managers of the Martin estate in Connemara of their intention to evict a multitude of unfortunate creatures residing on the property. It is a fact that out of this estate not a farthing of poor rates has, for a long time, been collected. Mr. Beaumont, who is a large creditor on the property, was shocked at this terrible state of things which existed in Connemara.
     The first conviction under the renewed anti-procession took place at Armagh Sessions on Saturday, when Sam Robinson, Wm. Watt and John Connell, were sentenced to a months' imprisonment each, for marching to the tune of the Boyne Water and Protestant Boys.
     The town of Ballaghaderreen was the scene of universal rejoicing on Saturday evening, for the return of John Duff, Esq., accompanied by his bride, formerly Miss Caroline Jones, sister-in-law of Joseph A. Holmes, Esq., D.L., of Clogher House, county Sligo. The town was illuminated and the performance of an amateur band added to the festivities.
     Goats now form an article of export from Cork to London.
     In the Cork distillery whiskey sells to the trade so low as 5s. 6d. per gallon.
     Nothing can exceed the beauty of the large field near the Ballinasloe workhouse, sown with flax by Lord Clancarty. Its verdure is very fine, and presents a gratifying appearance to all who estimate the blessings which will result by the introduction of flax culture.
     A farmer named Gilloghty was killed by another named named Johnston on Saturday at Killafady, near Armagh, for mowing with a scythe belonging to Johnston, who has absconded.


     In this town, on Friday last, Mrs. David Baird, of a daughter.
     In Castlebar, on the 7th inst., the lady of Frederick J. Barry, Esq., of a daughter.


     In London, suddenly on the 1st. inst., Robert Dillon Browne, Esq., for many years M.P. for the county of Mayo.
     At Wesport on Friday at an early age of 56 years, Catherine, the beloved wife of Mr. Coffey, C.E., deeply regretted by a numerous family and large circle of friends.


     Friday morning last, as the police were on patrol near Lisronagh, they discovered a man in an almost lifeless state lying on the road, he having been beaten thus brutally, by some persons at present unknown. The unfortunate man's name is Dawn. The police had him removed to his own house, which is but a short distance from the spot where this murderous attack was made, a medical man was immediately sent for, but the poor man was totally unable to utter a word, or even to make a sign which might lead to a discovery of the perpetrators of this dreadful outrage. Poor Dawn is a native of the neighborhood and always bore an excellent character. Since writing the above we have learned that Dawn has fallen a victim to the injuries inflicted on him. Our discovery of his brutal and murderous assailants. We have an active and vigilant police, and we hope that in a very short time a good amount will be given of these beastly and blood-stained miscreants.-- Clonmel Chronicle.


Ballina, Co. Mayo
Wednesday, July 17, 1850

     SERIOUS ACCIDENT TO AN EMIGRANT SHIP - On Wednesday a most disastrous and somewhat extraordinary accident occurred to the New York emigrant ship Hemisphere, by which three men lost their lives, and others were placed in a very precarious condition. The vessel, which was commanded by Captain Whittelseye, left Liverpool yesterday week, bound for New York, and on Tuesday, when off Holyhead, about half way across the Channel, encountered a gale of wind from the west-south-west. On Wednesday, the weather still continued boisterous and the men were ordered aloft to reef topsails. Whilst they were thus engaged the ship gave a tremendous lurch to leeward and the three masts were at once carried away. It is stated that there were eighteen of the crew aloft at the time and four were pitched into the sea, one of them not to rise again, while the others were thrown with great violence on the deck. Of the latter, two named William Gibbs and George Bethell, were killed on the spot, and the others sustained serious injury. Among those injured was a sailor, twenty-four years of age, named Wm. Blair, who had his right arm broken, so that it only hung by a small portion of skin. After this dreadful catastrophe the remainder of the crew got up what head-sail they could and put the ship round; and, although it was some time before they met with assistance, they ultimately fell in with the steamer Queen, by which they were towed to the Mersey on Thursday afternoon, and subsequently into the Nelson Dock. On the arrival of the Hemisphere, it was at first thought that the accident was of a much more serious nature. The passengers numbered between 400 and 500 and had experienced the greatest alarm, but they were taken in charge by the consignees and emigrant broker, who will forward them to their destination by some other vessel. The wounded were conveyed to the Northern Hospital on the following day and an inquest was held on the bodies of the two men who were killed. The facts, as above stated stated, were given in evidence, and after a searching investigation a verdict of "accidental death" was returned. We should state that the Hemisphere is quite a new ship, having only recently come from Boston to Liverpool on her first trip, and in consequence of her rigging having stretched on her passage here everything was set to right previous to her sailing. It is thought, however, that the heavy rain and the rolling of the sea caused the rigging to slacken again and to that circumstance the fatality may, doubtless, be a great measure be attributed.


     On the 9th instant, in Turlough Presbyterian Meeting-house, by the Rev. John Hamilton, Mr. C.B. Lister to Susanna, fourth and youngest daughter of Wm. Warren, Esq., Cloon lodge.
     July 10, at Barley-hill, in this county, the residence of Bernard M'Manus, Esq., John S. Sweetman, second son of J. Sweetman, Esq., and nephew of John A. Sweetman of Ratheny house, co. Dublin, to Caroline Louisa, only surviving daughter of the late Bernard M'Manus, Esq. of Barley-hill.


     In Castlebar, on the 15th inst., John, eldest son of Capt. M'Carthy, Staff Officer of Pensioners, aged 13 years.

     DANGEROUS ACCIDENT - On Sunday last a young man named Moran of Carnagloush, parish of Kilgarvin, was out shooting and when in the act of crossing a fence the gun went off and shattered his left arm and hand fearfully. Doctors Whittaker and O'Dowds attended the sufferer and were obliged to perform immediate amputation. We are happy to state that the unfortunate young man is progressing as favorably as can be expected under the circumstances. It will be in the recollection of our readers that a similar accident occurred to our townsman, Mr. George Hearne, some months since, who, we rejoice, is now perfectly recovered and at present enjoying sun-bathing at Ross.


     Yesterday evening the Revenue party stationed here proceeded on information to Ardnaree, and some shouting having been raised a young man named Cowley came in for some severe knocks on the head and body from the butt ends of two or three muskets. The nature of the provocation we could not learn, but the case calls for investigation. Were it not for the active interference of the Ardnaree party of Constabulary there would have been a serious affair between the people and the Revenue.


     The appearance of the several crops in this neighbourhood is exceedingly cheering. The late harsh winds somewhat retarded their growth, but the delightful weather we have enjoyed during the past eight or ten days has caused them to spring forth again with fresh vigor. Although the luxuriant state of fields of wheat, oats, and barley is a cause of much gratulation, yet the potatoes absorb almost the entire interest of all. Any apprehension of a failure that might have existed has nearly ceased, such is the healthy appearance of the crop and of the potatoes brought into market which are now selling at 6d. per weight of 14 lbs. Thomas Paget, Esq., of Knockglass mentioned in the Board-room of this Union on Saturday an instance connected with the potato disease which may be interesting to know.- This gentleman planted as an experiment a few potatoes which were partially affected with the blight among sound seed. The result was that when the stalks became large they exhibited all the appearance of the disease and so infected those in their immediate vicinity, but to prevent any further injury Mr. Paget had them removed. Doubtless there must be many more such instances in this country from the impossibility of being able to have avoided planting unsound seed, but these are not now causes of much alarm, thanks to an all-bountiful Providence.




    John Anster, Esq. L.L.D., has been appointed Regius Professor of civil law and Jurisprudence in the University of Dublin.
     Robert Dockrall, a young man, dropped dead in College-street, Dublin, from intoxication.
     Mr. Coll Rochford, attorney, was arrested under an execution at the suit of John F. Blake, proprietor of the Galway Vindicator, for the costs of the record for a libel, in which suit Mr. Rochfort was plaintiff and Mr. Blake defendant. Mr. Rochfort availed himself as practitioner at the borough sessions, and upon which the Recorder ordered him to be discharged.
     In answer to Sir Percy Nugent on Monday, Sir W. Somerville said that Mr. John Fleming, late of Longford, had been appointed to a local magistracy in Donegal upon the death of the late Mr. Dyas, with a salary of about £400.
     Patrick Howe and Bridget Keogh, for the murder of the late Mr. Arthur O'Donnell, are to be hanged at Ennis gaol on the 27th July inst.
     In the burning wreck of the steamer Griffith, on Lake Erie, near Buffalo, last month 250 emigrants perished.
     On Friday, Thomas Nugent, Esq. of Grange, found an atrocious rockite notice on his gate, threatening his life, because they suspected him of having taken a farm at Ballyvillane.
     Mungret church yard is in a most disgraceful state-four dogs were killed last week while devouring dead bodies in the graves. The body of a pensioner who hanged himself last month was torn away.
     The Glasgow factory of Parsons & Co employ 200 Irish children well and profitably.
     Col. Arthur Lewis is the purchaser of the Jessop estate, county Longford, at 8,700l.
     The following is taken from the Fermanagh Reporter:- "The leprosy of Enniskillen society is its gross immorality and beastly sensuality, accompanied by a mental ignorance and imbecility. Too many grow up, mere fungus without end or aim. God is not in their ways. They are taken with the lusts of the flesh and (in the present blaze of gospel day) Enniskillen is worse than were Sodom and Gomorrah."
     Sergeant Cawfield and Private O'Donnell, of the 32d party Revenue Police, stationed in Boyle, have absconded. It appears that in the absence of the officer, a sum of money for the payment of the men, came into the hands of the sergeant, who would be entitled in a few months to 50l. as retiring allowance.

     DREADFUL SUICIDE - Roscrea, July 8th, 1850.- A most cool and deliberate act of self-destruction was committed in Roscrea, about nine o'clock on Sunday morning, by a young man named John Lawler, aged nineteen years, servant to Mr. Michael Doherty, baker and grocer, Market-square. He arose from his bed about six o'clock in his usual health, drove home his master's cows, fed his pigs, and went through his usual Sunday morning's work with the same steadiness as usual. After his work being over he retired to his employer's yard and offices (which are situated in Chapel lane) to paint a coffin for a countryman, who was to call for it. In a short time after painting it he locked the yard gate inside, detached a rein from the bridle of a horse, on which he made a running noose, putting it round his neck. He then, by means of an inverted bucket, on which he stood, secured the other end to a joint, then trying a handkerchief firmly round his mouth to prevent him from breathing, he let himself off. It is supposed just as the man came for the coffin, and finding the door locked inside called, and not getting an answer, he forced the lock, and was shocked at the sight that met his eyes. He immediately cut him down but the vital spark had fled, and only a short time as the body was quite warm. No cause can be assigned for his committing the fatal deed. He was young man of excellent character. An inquest was held on Monday by Mr. O'Meara, coroner, and a respectable jury, who returned a verdict that deceased hanged himself while in a state of temporary insanity.--Nenagh Guardian.

     - There is room in Tipperary workhouse for 818 paupers.

     FRACAS IN THE GRAND JURY ROOM - A serious altercation took place on Friday last in the grand jury room of the new court-house, between Captain Macnamara, foreman, and Mr. O'Brien, of Birchfield, another member of the grand jury, which might have been attended with evil consequences were it not for the interference of Mr. Augustine Butler, of Ballyline, in his magisterial capacity. It is not for us to express any opinion on the conduct of  the parties; but we regret that any such occurrence should have taken place. We are happy to state, however, that the affair has since been satisfactorily arranged.-- Clare Journal.

     At the Limerick Lying-in-hospital, Catherine Griffin, wife of a labouring man, gave birth to three female infants, all living.

     Wm. Blacker, Esq., so well known by his essays no the subject of Irish agriculture, is dangerously ill at his residence in Armagh.



     DUBLIN DISTRICT - Dublin S.- Daniel M. Fee, J.W. M'Kay and James Hutthinson. Dublin N., W.P. Applebee, L.L.D., R. Huston and J. Duncan. Kingston- B. Masaroon. Drogheda- W. Cather, John Carey. Wicklow- H.J. Giles, John Hazleton. R. Masaroon, Chairman.
     WATERFORD DISTRICT - Waterford- J. Holmes, R.G. Jones. Carlow- W. Reilly, C. M'Key. Newtownbarry- B. Bamford, E. Johnston. Wexford- E.M. Banks, G. Magee. Wm. Reilly, Chairman.
     CORK DISTRICT - Cork- John Greer, A.M. Henderson. Queenstown- J.B. Gilman. Bandon- H. Price, Frederick Stephens. Skibbereen- R. Bruce, M. Long. Thomas Waugh, Chairman.
     LIMERICK DISTRICT - Limerick- Meredith J. Donald, Roscrea- J. Williams, W. Crook, Jun. Cloughjordan- J. Murdock. T. Meredith. Chairman.
     TULLAMORE DISTRICT - Tullamore- W. Crook, John Saul. Athlone- W. Lough. Maryborough- J. Nelson, R. Maxwell. Longford- W. Mulloy, T.K. Whittaker. W. Crook, Chairman.
     SLIGO DISTRICT - Sligo- J. Tobias, G. Vance. Castlebar- J. hill. Ballina- J.H. Atkins, R. Johnston. Boyle- J. Bagley. J. Hill, Chairman.
     CLONES DISTRICT - Clones- J. Black, A. Twiss. Cootehill- R. Hamilton, S. Johnston. Killeshandra- J.C. Storey, N. Hobart. Castleblany- J.Donald, ? Gilbert. Aughnacloy- James Hughes. James Hughes, Chairman.
     ENNISKILLEN DISTRICT - Enniskillen- J. Patterson, William Browne. Brookborough- S. Cowdy, M. Gilchrist. Manorhamilton- F. Elliott, J. Johnson. Lowtherstown- Wm. G. Campbell, W. Hoey, 1st. Ballyshannon- Robert Bell, J.R. Porter. J Patterson, Chairman.
     LONDONDERRY DISTRICT - Derry- G. M'Millen, J. Dwyer. Strabane- R.H. Lindsey, W. Christie. Omagh- R.J. Meyer. R.H. Lindsey, Chairman.
     BELFAST DISTRICT - Belfast S.- T. Rallard, J. Oliver. Belfast N.- W. Lupton, B. Baley. Balclare- R. Hewitt. Donaghadee- J. Armstrong, J. Higgins. Carrickfergus- J. Nash, R. Beaucham. Coleraine- W. M'Mullen, J. Bass. Magherafelt- J. Jebb, T.W. Baker. Lisburn- R. Wallace, C.L. Grant. Downpatrick- W. M'Garvey, J. Collier. W. Lupton, Chairman.
     NEWRY DISTRICT - Newry- E. Harper, T.A. M'Kee. Dungannon- W. Hoey, 2d, R. Hazleton. Armagh- R.T. Tracy, E. Best. Lurgan- H. Moore, R. Cather, A.M. Moira- J. Liddy, R.A. Deverss. Tanderagee- J. Foster, H.M. Beale, A.B. Portadown- J.F. Mathews, James Collier. J.F. Mathews, Chairman.
     MISSION STATIONS - Lurcan- W. Burnside, J. Shaw. Kilkenny- J. Walker, G. Chambers. Tipperary- James Carey. Youghal- James Henry. Fermoy- F.P. LeMaitre. Kinsale- R. Black. Berehaven Mines - T. M'Lorinan. Kerry- John Hughes. Ballinasloe- T. Hickey. Nenagh and Killaloe- J. Sullivan, S. Ferguson. Kilrush- F. Stephens. Galway- H. Geddes. Erris- J.H. Robinson. Cavan- T. Foster, Thomas Pearson. Donegal- W.B. Lebert, R.H. Campbell, Rathmelton- F. Morrow. Newtownlimivady- J. Wilson. Ballymena.- J. Feely.



Ballina, Co. Mayo
Wednesday, July 24, 1850


     On Thursday last at 12 o'clock, C.G. Mahon, Esq. High Sheriff, entered the Crown Court, and having taken his seat on the bench, handed the Grand Panel to J.W. Browne, Esq., Clerk of the Crown, by whom the names were called. Those gentlemen, to whose names figures are prefixed, having answered, were sworn on the Grand Jury:
1. C.L. Kirwan, Esq., Dalgan Park-Foreman-Kilmain.
2. Sir R.L. Blosse, Bart., Athavillie-Carra.
3. Col. C.N. Knox, Castle Lacken-Tyrawly
4. Sir Wm. O'Malley, Kilboyne-Murrisk
5. Sir Richard A. O'Donnell, Bart, Newport House-Burrishoole
6. A.C. Lynch, Esq., Clogher-Clanmorris
7. Robert Rutledge, Esq. Bloomfield-Gallen
Denis Bingham, Esq. Bingham Castle-Erris
J.M. M'Donnell, Esq, Deo Castle, Costello
G.B. Moore, Esq., M.P. Moorehall
[?] John Browne, Westport House
Hon. Geoffrey Browne, Castlemacgarrett
Hon. Theobald Dillon, Loughglynn
Hon. B.C. Yelverton, Hazle Rock
Sir Roger Palmer, Bart., Palmerstown
Sir Compton Domville, Bart, Prison
T.S. [???]lsey, Esq., Hollymount House
8. Col. [?] Gore, Beleek Manor
Annesley Knox, Esq, Rappa Castle
9. James Howe Browne, Esq, Claremount
10. James A. Browne, Esq., Brownshall
11. Valentine O'C Blake, Esq., Towerhill
John Knox, Esq., Castlerea
12. Col. James M'Alpine, Windsor
13. Mark Blake, Esq., Ballinafad
Mervyn Pratt, Esq., Enniscoe
James Knox Gildea, Esq., Clo[...?]
14. Oliver V. Jackson, Carramore
St. George Cuffe, Esq., Deel Castle
15. H.W. Knox, Esq., Nettly
J.D. Browne, Esq., Mount Browne
16. Bernard M'Manus, Esq., Barley [?]
17. James Cuffe, Esq., Creagh
18. Capt. F. Higgins, Westport
19. Thomas Jones, Esq., Castletown
Parsons Persse, Esq., Newbrook
20. George J. O'Mally, Esq., Newcastle
21. J.C. Garvey, Esq., Murrisk Abbey
E.H. Taafe, Esq., Woodfield
22. General Sir R. Arthuthnot, Farmhill.
23. George Ormsby, Esq., Rocklands
Capt. W.K. Orme, Glenmore
Charles Blake, Esq., Merlin Park
John Lindsey Bucknell, Esq., Turin Castle
Alexander Clendining, Esq., Westport
Robert Fair, Esq., Bushfield
Dominick Browne, Esq., Breaffy
Francis B. Knox, Esq., Springhill
H.J.H. Browne, Esq., Rahins
Thomas Carter, Esq., Shean Lodge.
H. Sharpe Brabazon, Esq., Brabazon Park
John Walsh, Esq., Castlehill
E.G. Bell, Esq., Streamstown
Isidore Burke, Esq., Curraleagh
C. Strickland, Esq., Loughglynn House
William Symes, Esq., Ballina
John Lynch, Esq., Partry
Major John Gardiner, Farmhill
W.M. Fitzmaurice, Esq., Lagaturn
D.W. Rutledge, Esq., Annefield
Myles J. M'Donnell, Esq., Carnacon
Geoffrey Martin, Esq., Carramore
William Orme, Esq., Owenmore
John Knox, Esq., Greenwood Park
Austin F. Crean, Esq., Ballinavilla
Charles O'Donnell, Esq., Ross
William Kearney, Esq., Ballinavilla
Thomas Paget, Esq., Knockglass
George Rutledge, Esq., Togher
John F. Knox, Esq., Mount Falcon
Thomas Phillips, Esq., Clonmore
Anthony Ormsby, Esq., Ballinamore
Thomas Ormsby, Esq., Knockmore
Charles Lynch, Esq., Ballycurran Castle
Edward Howley, Esq., Beleek
Courtney Kenny, Esq., Ballinrobe
W.H. Orme, Esq., Abbeytown
Benjamin Jennings, Esq., Mount Jennings
F.R. O'Grady, Esq., Tavrane
William Malley, Esq., Ballina
Martin D'Arcy, Esq., Houndswood
Thomas Palmer, Esq., Summerhill
Edward Orme, Esq., Ballycorroon
William Atkinson, Esq., Rahins
Roger Palmer, Esq., Carramore
Thomas Elwood, Esq., Strandhill
Thomas Palmer, Esq., Palmerstown
Charles Coyne, Esq., Massbrook
James Garvey, Esq. Tully House
Robert Kirkwood, Esq., Greenpark Lodge
Peter Tuohy, Esq., Oxford
E.J. Nolan, Esq., Logboy
John Bollingbroke, Esq., Oldcastle
Henry Martin Blake, Esq., The Heath.
     Henry Brewster, Esq., County Surveyor, then read his half-yearly report and the Grand Jury proceeded to the discharging of the Fiscal-business, none of which was of any importance.



     Frederick Holder, late Lieutenant 14th Dragoons, who sold his commission for £1,190 in January, 1848, has petitioned the Insolvent Court.
     Mr. John Sidney Smith has resigned the managership of the Tipperary joint stock bank, Roscrea, upon his appointment to an extensive land agency in Mayo.
     Mr. W. Cronin, Supervisor of Inland revenue, Tuam, has been removed to Carlow.
     Mr. Edward England, of Cork, was fined 50l. on Monday for adulteration of snuff; Daniel Manly tobaconist, like penalty.
     The failure of potatoes between Dingle and Tralee is considerable.
     Two families, late tenants of the Marquis of Conyngham, in the North Liberty barony, sailed from Limerick on Saturday in the Bon Accord, for Quebec, one possessed of 430l., the other of 320l. to re-commence farming in the New World.
     Several young gentlemen from the neighbourhood of Limerick intend to emigrate to Australia.
     Mr. James Comerford, solicitor, was arrested on Friday at Killarney, a hostile message having passed between him and Mr. A.M'Carthy after a personal conflict in the hall of Killarney Club.

     Mr. Dease, Q.C. had a critical escape from being killed on Saturday, while proceeding from the terminus at the railway, Cork. The car upset which inflicted some wounds, fortunately, not very serious.

     ROSCOMMON GRAND JURY - Fitzstephen French, Esq., M.P., foreman; Oliver D.J. Grace, Esq., M.P.J. Irwin, Esq., Leibeg; Thomas George Wills Sandford, Esq., Castlereagh; Sir Gilbert King, Bart, Charlestown; E.H. Naghten, Esq., Thomastown; T.J. Barton, Esq., Glendalough; Col. J. Caulfield, Nicholas Balfe, Esq., Southpark; A.J. French, Esq., Roderick O'Connor, Esq., Milton; Denis O'Connor, Esq, Mount Druid; Cristopher French, Esq., Cloonyquin; Charles French, Esq., Richard Irwin, Esq., Rathmine; Henry M. Smyth, Esq., New Park; J.D.F. Greene, Esq., Mantua; Alexander Creighton, Esq., John Flanagan, Esq, Drimdoe; Arthur O'Connor, Esq., Elphin; Joseph Kinkaid, Esq., John D'Arcy, Esq., Cargins; George Digby, Esq., Drumdall.

     LEITRIM GRAND JURY - Lord Viscount Clements, Foreman; Nicholas L. Tottenham, Francis La Touche, John Dickson, Guy Lloyd, Hugh L. Montgomery, Pierce Simpson, Wm. A. Lawder, J.H. Payton, Josias Rowley, Arthur J.V. Johnston, Henry M. Palmer, Hugh G. Byrne, George H.C. Payton, John Lawder, Richard Mayne, William Lawder, Francis M. Olpherts, Lewis Algeo, and Geroge Lestrange, Esqrs.


     At the Rectory house, Ballinasloe, the Lady of the Rev. J.C. Walker, of a son.


     At Galway, the Rev. J.A. Galbraith, F.T.C.D. to Hannah Maria, daughter of the late Rev. John Bredin, Cavan; also Charles Cheyne, son of the late John Cheyne, M.D., Physician-General to the Forces in Ireland, to Eugenia Ellen, daughter of the late Rev. John Bredin.


     At Castlebar, Jane, daughter of Lieut. A.W. Dickson, 17th Regt.
     On Wednesday the 17th inst., at Union Lodge, County Sligo, Mrs. Forey, aged 74 years.
     Catherine, widow of the late French M'Dermott Roe, Esq., of Alderford, County Roscommon.
     Of water on the brain, at St. Croix, Canton de Vaud, Switzerland, aged 11 years, the beloved and only daughter of Edward Knox, Esq., M.D. of Sligo.


     ASSAULT - On last Saturday a boy named Thomas Neary from Coolearney was attacked near the hill of Ardnaree by Mark and Antony Kilmartin, who jumped on the poor fellow's body, and kicked him on the head, from the effects of which he now lies dangerously ill. The Kilmartin's were immediately arrested by the Ardnaree police and committed to bridewell. The cause of this assault is supposed to be that the boy Neary informed the revenue-police of illicit whiskey being in the possession of these men, who live in the same neighbourhood.

     Terence Mulheran and Catherine Mulheran, who were indicted for the wilful murder of Edward Jennings on the 18th of May last, near Killala, have been tried at the present Mayo Assizes and acquitted.


     WE, the undersigned, hereby request a Meeting of the Contractors and Creditors of the Ballina Union, at 


     At Twelve o'Clock on Friday next,
to consider the best means of getting a speedy settlement of our claims, and in reference to such claims to consult upon matters of importance to be then and there submitted for their consideration.
     Ballina, July 23, 1850.
W. Mally, jun.; W. Whittaker, M.D., Hearne & Joynt; R. Atkinson, Surgeon; John McAndrew & Co; Robert G. Baxter; George S. Malley; Wm. West; Robertson & Dunlop.


A CENTENARIAN - At the petty sessions of Monaghan, on Tuesday, a man aged 116 years, named Cormac Duffy, was examined as a witness. He walked into town from his residence, a distance of nearly four miles, and gave his testimony with great distinctness. He walked with the "Hearts of Oak" some time about the middle of the last century, and lived as a labourer and caretaker with one employer for 67 years.

EMIGRATION - Upwards of 400 persons left yesterday by the Liverpool steamers for America. Among the emigrants, we understand, there are 200 paupers from the Dungarvan Union Workhouse. Next week 40 female paupers will be sent off from the Waterford station.

Ballina, Co. Mayo
Wednesday, July 31, 1850

     MUTINY IN THE WORKHOUSE - Another emeute took place on Tuesday in the Parent Workhouse, North Strand, when a large posse of the well fed inmates assailed the master and wardens with stones and other missiles. The riot was not effectually put down until the appearance of the police, with Messrs. Barron, Devitt and Boyne, who selected from the mob of idol ruffians eight of the ringleaders, who are lodged in the county jail.-- Limerick Chronicle.

     ASSAULT ON A PROTESTANT CLERGYMAN - At the petty sessions of Clifden, two ruffians named Lee and M'Dermott, were fined 30s and costs, or a month's imprisonment each, for a brutal and unprovoked assault on the person of the Rev. Wm. Kilbride, curate of Clifden. It appears that the Rev. Gentleman- accompanied by the schoolmaster- was escorting 400 or 500 children from one of his schools, when a ferocious mob, headed by Monks, fell upon and assaulted them in the most savage manner.

     AN M.P. IN TROUBLE - Mr. Pat Somers, the Repeal member for the borough of Sligo, was violently assaulted last week by Mr. Charles Bentley, of the Westminster cricket club, who blackened the hon. member's eye and cut his face severely.



     It will be a piece of good news for the creditors of this Union to learn that special meetings of the Guardians will be held on Friday, at Two o'clock p.m. and on Saturday, at Nine o'clock, a.m. for the purpose of discharging the liabilities of the Union to the 29th of September last, out of the funds (£21,300) placed at their disposal for that purpose by the Poor Law Commissioners. This arrangement was entered into at a meeting of the Board on Monday last, when Colonel Knox Gore was in the chair, and Mr. Commissioner Bourke present. The debts incurred and due between that date and the 17th of May last, it is probable, will also be paid at some future period out of the government advances to distressed unions, provided there be a sufficient surplus after paying off the debts to the 29th of September.
     A letter from Mr. Joynt, the valuator, was laid before the Board on Monday, from which it appeared that he was ready to proceed with the copying of the valuation books for all the divisions except Crossmolina North and South, Fortland and Mt. Falcon. He will, however, be ready for these divisions on the 10th of August. The Clerk has received directions to write for the rate and collector's books and to request Mr. Joynt to have as many as possible of the valuation books ready for the next ordinary meeting of the Board. The ratepayers need not be frightened at an immediate prospect of a rate being struck, some of whom we fancy will be not a little alarmed at the estimated rate on some of the Electoral Divisions. Let all recollect that the fewer paupers the less rate.
     The sum of £1200 of the present rate appears to be on orders and decrees, which the collectors have directions to put into force immediately and report progress at next meeting.
     At the ordinary meeting on Saturday Captain Atkinson in the chair, the following letter relative to the Ballina Fever Hospital was read:

     Central Board of Health, 26th July 1850,
     SIR - I am directed by the Commissioners of the Board of Health to inform the Guardians of the Ballina Union that instructions have been given for the withdrawal of the requisition of the support of the Ballina Temporary Fever hospital, from and after the 27th instant. Meantime arrangements should be made for the removal and due care of such patients in the Temporary Fever Hospital as may not be fit for discharge at the date indicated for the withdrawal of the requisition. I remain, Sir, your obedient servant. (Signed) W.H. HOPPER, Secretary. 
   To the Clerk of the Ballina Union.

    On Monday it was agreed that forty of the patients should remain in the Hospital pending arrangements necessary to re-establish this useful institution in its old form- supported by grants and subscriptions from the county. In the meantime the Guardians will provide for the patients and pay the nurses, the committee of the Hospital agreeing to supply all medical appliances and the medical officers to give their attendance gratuitously. 


     The Armagh Guardian states that Henratty, acquitted of the murder of Mr. Maulaverer, since his discharge, boats of the wicked deed.
     The son of Major Hart, 24th Regt., at Templemore, was drowned on Saturday night.
     The gentry and inhabitants of Ballinasloe have presented to John Harnett Vize, Esq., manager of the National Bank, on his removal to the management of Wexford branch, a farewell address with an elegant silver tea service.
     A private of the 41st Regt, John Mangan, stationed in Cork, shot himself on Friday, after he was sentenced to two days pack drill.
     John Devereux and James M'Carthy, for the manslaughter of a private of the 43d in Tipperary, are sentenced at Clonmel for two years' imprisonment.
     Colonel Vandeleur, chairman of Kilrush union, objects to the appointment of Mr. Richard O'Donnell, as master of the workhouse, for which he was entirely unfit, as Colonel Vandeleur said he repeatedly saw him drunk on the streets of Kilrush. Mr. R. Fitzpatrick, one of the guardians, thought they were all in the habit of taking a drink, and they ought not to be severe on O'Donnell for his failing!

Submitted by cml


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