Newry Commercial Telegraph
May 25, 1813
Newry, County Down
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MARRIED. On Friday last, the 21st instant, at Newholland, near Armagh (the seat of Wm. K. Holmes, Esq.) by the Rev. John Mee, Mr. Charles Trouton, of the city of Waterford, merchant, to Mary Ann, daughter of the late Mr. Edward Creck, of this town. On the 12th inst. by the Rev. James Cunningham, Mr. James Morrow, of Caledon, officer of excise, to Sarah, daughter of the late Mr. Gilbert Kirker, of Belfast. **************************** DIED. Yesterday, in this town, Miss Isabella Searight, daughter of the late Mr. Moses Searight, of Crankey, in the County of Armagh--a lady possessed of the most amiable disposition, and whose death is regretted by a numerous circle of relations and friends. **************************** BANKRUPT'S SALE. In the matter of JOHN PHILIPS, A Bankrupt. TO be Sold by Public Auction, without reserve, on Saturday the 29th day of May instant, at the hour of one o'clock, on the Concern, the said Bankrupt's late interest in the Dwelling House, wherein he lately lived, situate in the Diamond, in the town of Castleblaney, with Out-offices, Tan Yard, and Garden, behind the same. And also, a Farm, in the townland of BREE, adjoining the said town, containing about seven Acres, plantation measure; two Acres of which are sowed with oats ; held by Lease made to the said Bankrupt, provided the Lease's interest should so long continue. The whole subject to the yearly Rent of £60. There is a Furnace fixed in the Tan Yard, which will be sold either with the Concern, or separately, as the purchasers may agree on. By Order of the Commissioners. ISAAC WM. GLENNY, Assignee. ROBERT MOLLAN, Broker. Newry, May 22. **************************** HOUSES AND LANDS TO BE SOLD, The following Properties, a part of the Estate of JOHN SCOTT, Esq. No. 1 PART of the Townlands of GRINANE and CLONLEA, in the County of Down, containing One Hundred and Seventy Acres, Two Roods, and Fifteen Perches, Irish Measure, held in Fee, at the yearly Rent of £52 10, including Fees; and set for the life of his present Majesty, and thirty-one Years, from November, 1794 ; producing a profit Rent of £97 14 4, exclusive of three Acres of bog unset. N. B....This Property must rise considerably at the expiration of the present Tenants' Leases, having a sufficiency of Bog for the use of the Tenants, and lying not more than two miles distant from the town of Newry. NO. 2...Part of the Townland of DAMOLLEY, in the County of Down, containing Thirty-one Acres, Two Roods, and twenty-eight Perches; and a Plat of Ground, in the Townland of LISDRUMGULLION, County of Armagh, containing Seven Acres, and Three Perches; held by Leases for three Lives, renewable forever, at the yearly Rent of £26 6 6, and set for same term to three Tenants, producing a profit Rent of £105 5 6. Proposals, in writing, for both, or either of the above numbers, to be made to Mr. GEORGE OGLE, Attorney,who will furnish Rentals to persons inclined to purchase. Newry, April 26. **************************** 400 Hogsheads EW New-York FLAXSEED, OF SUPERIOR QUALITY, FOR SALE BY RICHARD BRYANS. Newry, 2d April, 1813. **************************** NEW YORK FLAXSEED. DENNIS CAULFIELD, IS now landing a CHOICE CARGO, consisting of 1360 Hhds. New York Flaxseed, Which will be sold CHEAP, for GOOD PAYMENTS. 120 Sacks of Clover Seed, and 128 Chests of well-assorted Teas, Are also landing by the said CAULFIELD, per the VINE, from London, Captain ROBERT WENLY...and for Sale at his Stores, on the Merchants' Quay, and in Water-street. Newry, 16th April, 1813. **************************** COUNTY OF ARMAGH. NOTICE is hereby given that an adjournment of the General QUARTER-SESSIONS, will be held at ARMAGH, on WEDNESDAY, the 9th Day of JUNE next; and at MARKETHILL, on FRIDAY the 11th, for Crown business, which will be proceeded on, at the hour of Nine o'Clock, on the morning of said days respectively. Armagh, May 24, 1813. By order, ROBERT M'KINSTRY, C. P. **************************** NEW FLAXSEED. JOHN AND HENRY QUINN Are now landing 403 Sacks of very fine English FLAX-SEED, Which they will sell cheap.....Also 52 Casks of Scale Sugar. Newry, April 27. **************************** ENGLISH FLAXSEED. CARLILES, OGLE & CO. HAVE just received a parcel of NEW ENGLISH FLAXSEED, of the First Quality; and daily expect a further Supply. Newry, March 15. **************************** WHISKEY. ANDREW AIKEN Has just received 10 PUNCHEONS of Old Cork MALT WHISKEY, And has also, on Sale, on FAIR TERMS, Port & Teneriffe Wines, & Jamaica Rum, Of Superior Quality. Newry, May 1. **************************** CARGO FROM SICILY. ANDREW AIKEN WILL be landing here, in a few days, the Cargo of the HENRY, Captain COOK, from Messina, (having arrived at Cork) consisting of 100 Tons New Barilla, all in lumps, of the finest quality 512 Bags of Shumac 20 Hogsheads Linseed Oil 10 Hogsheads Olive Oil 10 Casks Almonds 10 Barrels Raisins 13 Cases Licorice Paste 9 Pipes Red Wine 5 Tons Corkwood 200 Boxes Lemons and Oranges Which he will sell by Auction, on LIBERAL TERMS, as soon as landed. HE ALSO HAS FOR SALE, 360 Barrels New Riga FLAXSEED, Now landing from the Thomas, Captain FERRIER, from Leith. Wanted, a quantity of good clean FLAX, for exportation, and for which a fair Price will be given. **************************** THE SUBSCRIBERS Have for Sale at their Stores, on the Basin. 400 Tons of Swedish Timber, 2000 Planks of different lengths, 139 Crates of A. B. & C. Crown Glass, 20 Tons of Newcastle Coals, JOHN & HUGH BOYD. Newry, April 29. **************************** GILLESPIE, MACAN, & POOLER, HAVE FOR SALE, AT THEIR STORES, IN CANAL-STREET, Alicante Barilla Ashes Sicily ditto do. New York and Boston Pot ditto Russian Pearl ditto Preston pans Vitriol Bleaching Salts Galway Kelp Smalts in bulk and bags Cocoa Shell Kensington Mold Candles Swedish Iron Scotch Herrings Liquorice Ball English Refined Lump Sugar And they daily expect, per the COMMODORE, from London, a parcel of New English Flaxseed in Bags, Also per the GEORGE and ROBERT, from Glasgow, 500 Bottles of Vitriol And per the JOHANNA, from Stockholm, A Cargo of Swedish Iron, Plank, and Timber-- All of which will be sold on LIBERAL TERMS. Newry, April 5. **************************** New Red Clover-Seed, Tea, &c. LUKE QUIN, HAS this day landed out of the ALERT from London, 20 Sacks New Red Clover-Seed, best quality, 30 Chests Fine and Common Cougou Teas, 4 Hogsheads Powder Loaf Sugar, A quantity of Cassia, Cinnamon & Cloves, Which, with usual assortment of SPIRITS, WINES, GROCERIES, &c. &c. he will dispose of on Reasonable Terms. Newry, 8th April. **************************** SWEDISH TIMBER, &c. THE SUBSCRIBERS Are now landing 200 Tons of best Redwood TIMBER, Which, with a good assortment of Plank, Slates, Marble Chimney Pieces, AND SUNDRY ARTICLES REQUISITE FOR BUILDING, They will sell on Moderate Terms. MAY & LYLE. Newry, 3d May. **************************** WILLIAM TOSH BEGS leave to inform his Friends and the Public, that he has commenced the GROCERY BUSINESS, in the House in SUGAR-ISLAND, lately occupied by Mr. WM. HANCOCK, where he is supplied with every article in the above line, of the very best Quality, and on the most reasonable Terms. Newry, May 17, 1813. **************************** NEWRY FOUNDRY. THE PARTNERSHIP carried on under the FIRM of JAMES LANG, and Co. being dissolved, the business in future will be carried on by the Subscriber, Newry, 1st May JAMES LANG. JAMES LANG grateful for the favours conferred on the late Firm, while under his direction, begs leave to inform his Friends, and the Public, that he purposes carrying on the CASTING BUSINESS in its different Branches, on the same extensive Plan, and hopes by his attention to the Business, to merit a continuance of their Support--Castings in Metal and Brass finished on short notice, in the neatest manner. He has ready a general assortment of POTS, PANS, GRIDDLES, OVENS, GRATES, &c. &c. &c. **************************** GRASS FOR HORSES, From the 1st of June, ON excellent Meadow Lands, the Property of CHRISTOPHER GARSTIN. Esq. at £1 2 9 per Month.--Two Years Old, 18 Shillings. Brugganstown, May 19. **************************** MONEY. TO BE LENT ON REAL SECURITY, THE SUMS OF 3,800 l. & 1,300 l. Apply to JOSEPH GLENNY, Attorney, Newry ; Or North-Cumberland-street, DUBLIN. April 23 **************************** |
WANTS. WANTED, A PERSON qualified to finish PAPER of every Description; he must be capable of writing a good hand. A married man will meet with encouragement, by applying to ROBERT TEDFORD, of Finard, Upper Vale Mills. 18th May. **************************** WANTED IMMEDIATELY, BY ROBERT COCHRAN, Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, a Smart Active Man, that understands the conducting the Boot and Shoe-Making, in its various branches, in an Extensive Shop, to whom good Wages will be given, and constant Employment. Armagh, May 14. **************************** WANTED TO BORROW, THE Sum of TWO HUNDRED POUNDS, to be secured by Mortgage, on a Freehold Property, in NEWRY, producing a clear Profit Rent of £59 10s. per Year.----Application to be made to Mr. ROBERT MOLLAN, TELEGRAPH OFFICE, Newry. May 15th. **************************** PAPER MILL. WANTED, a PARTNER in the Paper-Mills of JONESBOROUGH, between DUNDALK and NEWRY. The Mills, Drying-Houses, and Machinery, are in thorough repair, and free of all incumbrances, and are capable of making, and finishing in the best manner, all kinds of Writing, Pressing, Printing, Drawing, Lapping, and other Papers, having a constant supply of Water at all seasons. There is also an excellent Still, with all utensils belonging thereto, for making Bleaching Liquor.--A person inclined to undertake in this business, will be encouraged, by supplying to the Proprietor, CHARLES WALSH, of Jonesborough, aforesaid, near Flurry-bridge, who will shew the Concerns at any time, as they can be continually seen at work. May 15th. **************************** TO BE SOLD, THE Lease, for lives renewable for ever, of the late Mr. ALEXANDER WALLACE'S House in HILL-STREET.----The premises are subject to £ 45 12s. 1d. yearly rent. The purchaser may have immediate possession. Apply to ROBERT WALLACE. Newry, 15th Feb. **************************** TO BE LET. THE LODGINGS lately occupied by Mr. G. HANNA, furnished or unfurnished.--Apply to JAMES HALYDAY, Canal-street. Newry, 3d May. **************************** NEWRY SUNDAY SCHOOL. A SERMON will be preached in the METHODIST CHAPEL, on Sunday the 30th of May, by Mr. ROBERT CROZIER, for the Benefit of this Institution, in which upwards of Three Hundred Children are supplied with Books, and taught Spelling, Reading, and Writing, without any expense to their parents.--Service to begin at two o'clock in the afternoon. An Ode to be sung by the Children. May 22. **************************** NEW CIRCULATING LIBRARY, SUGAR-ISLAND. EDWARD CLARK HAS just opened his CIRCULATING LIBRARY, (almost intirely of modern Publications) consisting of Novels, Romances, Tales, History, Travels, Poetry, &c. He will likewise be supplied with the best periodical Publications, viz. Magazines, Reviews, &c.--And will be particularly careful to make continued additions to his Library, of the best selected, new, and popular Works, as published in London, or Dublin. CLARK having spared no expense in the selection he has made, hopes, from his strict attention, to merit public support. Newry, May 22. Yellow Aberdeen, Swedish, and other Turnip- Seeds, with Cabbage-Seeds of all kinds, proper for the ensuing season. **************************** LATE SHERIFF HARTY. A magnificent covered cup, forming a part of the plate presented to this virtuous Magistrate by his admiring fellow citizens, was made by Mr. Mullen, Goldsmith, Dane-street. It is said to be the largest and most superb ever got up in Ireland.—It holds ten standard quarts, and is profusely embellished with excellent chasing. The handles represent cornu copins, and are excessively rich. On each side are antique shields surrounded with emblematical devices, embossed in good style, representing virtue and patriotism, as designating the public conduct of Mr. Harty. His family arms are engraved on one compartment, and the following inscription on the other: “To Robert Harty, Esq., High Sheriff of the City of Dublin, in the years 1811-1812. His fellow citizens present this piece of plate in grateful remembrance of the zeal and impartiality which marked his official career, and in testimony of the bright example he has left to his successors for imitation.” The thanks of the Committee appointed upon this occasion were unanimously voted to Mr. Mullen, for his indefatigable and spirited efforts in producing a piece of workmanship, which, for excellence of design and finish, rivals the best exertions of any other country whatever. **************************** WILLIAM M'SPADEN, Plaintiff; WILLIAM KIRK, Defendant. PURSUANT to the Decree of his Majesty's Court of Exchequer in Ireland, made in this Cause, bearing date the 19th day of February last, I will, on Monday the 21st day of June next, at one o'clock in the afternoon, at my Office, on the Inn's Quay, Dublin, set up, and sell by public Cant, to the highest bidder, all the said Defendant's Title and interest of, in, and to all that and those that part of the Town and Land of LISNAVAGHERALL, in the county of Down, containing Ten Acres, Irish Plantation Measure ; together with the Dwelling House thereon, with the Appurtenances, or a competent part thereof, for the purposes in said Decree mentioned. WELLESLEY. Dublin, May 22, 1813. Information respecting the Title will be had, by applying to GEORGE & WILLIAM CROZIER, Plaintiff's Solicitors, 3, Dominick-street. **************************** MASONRY. THE next Meeting of the Right Worshipful the GRAND LODGE of ULSTER, will be held at the Donegall Arms, Belfast, at one o’clock, P. M. on Monday the 3d (?) of June next, for the election of Grand Officers for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other business as may then be brought forward. The most noble the Marquis of Donegall having given a grant of a Lot of Ground, for the erection thereon of the MASONIC ORPHAN ASYLUM, the Subscribers who have not yet paid, will please pay the amount of their Subscriptions to Masters of Lodges, and to such other Collectors as have been formerly appointed, that the Building may be carried on with that alacrity, which is suitable to the importance of the occasion. Estimates will be received at the next Meeting, of the Expense of the Building ; and Architects who may wish to make Proposals, may, in the mean time, see the Plan in the hands of the Right Worshipful the Deputy Grand Master, JOHN SHAW, of Belfast, Esq.—Proposals to be sealed and not opened, but in the presence of those who make them, or some persons of their appointment. Security will be required for the due performance of the Contract. Belfast, May 25, 1813. **************************** BALLYEASTON---MAY 17. On Saturday last, about the hour of eleven o’clock, the house of Mr. James Service, of Dunamoy, near Ballyeaston, was visited with one of those phenomena of nature—a thunder storm. It appears that the lightning had first taken the western chimney of the house, which it demolished, casting some of the stones to a great distance. It had descended from the funnel, until it came in contact with the crane, or horizontal iron bar, which pots, &c. are suspended from, the point of which bar had directed into the jamb of the chimney-piece, where it entered, and forced heavy stones to a great distance, one of which stones went through a door at six yards distance, and the glass of a window in the kitchen was shivered into atoms; and barrels, tubs, and many other articles, were scattered upon the floor. Fortunately no person was in the kitchen at the time. In another apartment of the house, a woman and child were knocked senseless on the floor ; the woman says she felt something like a heavy pressure upon her head, which brought her to the ground; and when she recovered, her child, which was standing beside her, was lying prostrate at some distance, & a considerable hole made in the floor near her. There is marshy soft ground to the eastward of the house, and a pool of standing water nearly touching the house in the S. E. direction. The day was very cold, and very heavy rains.—The thunder did not continue long.—Belfast N. L. **************************** JOHN CAMPBELL & CO. Have for Sale, at their Stores, NEW-STREET, 10 Hhds. Prime Leaf Tobacco 20 Tons English Bar Iron, different Scantling 10 Do. do. Nail Rod do. 2000 Nine-feet Deals 500 Six-feet ditto 5000 Barred Staves 200 Tons real Wagan Coals 150 Ditto, Chester, 10 Boxes English Tin 1 Tons double Gloucester Cheese All of which they will dispose of on liberal terms, for GOOD PAYMENTS. They want a Quantity of good clean FLAX, for which a fair Price will be given Newry, May 24, 1813. **************************** Sales by Auction. THE SUBSCRIBERS will sell by Auction, without Reserve, at their Stores, on the Merchant's Quay, on FRIDAY, the 28th instant, 23 BALES OF ASHES, The above are well worth the attention of Soap Boilers JEFFERSON & GODFREY. Newry, May 23, 1813. **************************** DUNDALK. Butter, Corn, Deal & Iron Stores, THE COMMITTEE will Let, by Auction, the Butter, and Corn Stores, for one year, on Tuesday 1st June next, at 11 o’Clock. At the same time, they will Let, in Lots, the enclosed ground, at the East side of the Butter Crane, for the purpose of storing and selling Deals and Iron. Dundalk Butter Crane, May 24th, 1813. ROBERT GETTY, SEC.. **************************** Sale this Day. FURNITURE AUCTION. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, on TUESDAY the 25th instant, and the succeeding days, till all be sold, at the House of Mr. WILLIAM CARTER, in MONAGHAN-STREET, the entire Household Furniture of said House, consisting of Mahogany Tables, Chairs and Bedsteads; Feather Beds and Bedding; Looking-glasses, Carpets, Sideboards, Fire-irons and Fenders ; a good Eight-day Clock; Kitchen Furniture of every description, &c. Also an excellent MILCH COW, and about 100 Volumes of well-known Books. The Sale to commence each day at 11 o'Clock. R. MOLLAN, Broker. Newry, 18th May. **************************** ROSSTREVOR INN. WILLIAM KEOWN, GRATEFUL for the encouragement he has experienced in business, begs leave to inform his Friends and the Public, that he has opened the Inn in ROSSTREVOR, where he hopes, from his attention, to merit public support. The above Inn is fitted up in the most comfortable manner. He has laid in Wines, Spirits, Ale and Cider, of the best description. His Larder shall be constantly supplied with every thing the senses can afford; and the public may depend on getting good well aired Beds. POST CHAISES and HORSES, with careful Drivers, will be kept in waiting Rosstrevor, May 22d. **************************** ROSSTREVOR. TO BE LET, from the first of June next, for six months, MOYGANNON HOUSE, OFFICES, and GARDEN, with Two Acres of choice Land. The House will afford accommodation for a large Family, and is completely furnished. For particulars, apply to Mr. SEARIGHT, Market-street. Newry, April 19. **************************** |
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