Ireland Old News

The Times
London, Middlesex, England

January 15, 1853.


The following statement appears in the police reports of this day:-

"Yesterday morning, shortly after Mr. Porter the presiding magistrate had taken his seat, Mr. Boswell again appeared, and said he had an application to make to the bench in reference to the case of the convict Kirwan and the imputations that were publicly attached to him, on a charge of his having murdered the late Mr. Richard Downes Boyer. It would (continued Mr. Boswell) be quite idle to expect that the committee of gentlemen who were devoting their attention to the unfortunate circumstances under which Kirwan was at present labouring could effect any practical result while the public were led to believe that his hands were still red with another murder. He (Mr. Boswell) had in his possession, and he pledged himself to produce the most satisfactory, the most conclusive evidence, to show that this last accusation against Kirwan was the result of a conspiracy most foully concocted against him, and he would at once place documents containing proofs the most convincing in the magistrate's hands, provided he was promised that a public investigation should be held in the case. He was prepared with proofs showing that Mr. Boyer had, in fact, died at Killeshandra, county of Cavan, in the year 1841, and that he was buried there.

"Mr. Boswell then produced a document from the Rev. Mr. Martin, Protestant rector of Killeshandra, stating that a person named 'Richard Downes Bowyer Blake' had died, and was buried there in November, 1842.

"A certificate froma medical practitioner named Donoghoe (as we understood), resident in the locality above mentioned, was also produced, and stated that the writer had attended the person in question at Killeshandra in his last illness.

"Mr. Porter said he should at once and distinctly refuse to hold any public investigation because there was no complaint whatever against Kirwan as yet pending before him. The executive branch of the police had received certain statements, and had acquired a knowledge of certain facts, which had from time to time been verified on oath before him (Mr. Porter) and other divisional justices. If Mr. Boswell placed himself in communication with the Commissioners of Police, such documents as those referred to would perhaps be received by them, and, when they should have been verified on oath, there would not, perhaps, exist any objection to give publicity to the entire of the circumstances.

"Mr. Boswell having declared his intention of waiting on Colonel Browne, retired from the board-room."

January 22, 1853


On the 28th inst., Mrs. Patterson, of Kensington-gore, Hyde-park, relict of John Dugan Patterson, Esq., late of Cavan, county of Cavan, Ireland, in the 60th year of her age.

Adams Sentinel
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Jan 31, 1853

Dreadful Disasters

     A heart-rending disaster occurred to the emigrant ship St. George, on her voyage to New York from Liverpool the particulars of which occupy considerable space in the English papers. The ship was crowded with Irish emigrants, and on the 24th of December took fire at sea, during the prevalence of a terrible storm. The flames raged with frightful effect and soon spread through the ship. Eight passengers were suffocated in the smoke before they could reach the deck. The remainder, a large portion of them women and children, assembled on the poop deck, and soon the flames burst out all around them.
     Thus frightened with death in two of its most terrible forms, the situation of the poor creatures was heart-rending in the extreme. Fortunately, at this juncture, the Orlando, from Mobile for Havre, hove in sight, and the humane commander and crew made most desperate exertions to save them. The sea ran so high that all the boats were swamped but one, which only carried but 5 persons at a time. Through the most strenuous exertions, 76 passengers and the crew were saved.
     The tempest increasing, the Orlando could do nothing more, and just got clear of the St. George when the latter sunk. Fifteen persons were drowned in going from ship to ship. Eight were suffocated between the decks, and twenty-eight persons were either burned or sunk with the ship, making the total loss of life, as far as known, fifty-one souls.
     The tempest raged so violently that the Orlando subsequently had all her sails blown away, but succeeded in reaching Havre in eleven days, very short of provisions and water.
     The St. George had on board 126 emigrant passengers, mostly Irish, and a crew of 25 men. Capt. Bramson, the commander of the unlucky vessel, did his utmost to save the passengers confided to his charge, and the conduct of Capt. White, of the Orlando, is worthy of the highest praise. The life-boat was kept in service for sixty-four hours in plying between the two vessels, by which means 101 out of the 152 souls on board were rescued.
     Much sympathy was enlisted on behalf of the survivors, and a subscription for their relief was commenced.
     There have been very heavy gales along the coast of England and Ireland, and very much damage has been sustained by the shipping.

Submitted by #I000525


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