San Francisco Daily Evening Bulletin, 15 October 1868
Terrible Homicide at Virginia City
About half-past 4 o'clock on the morning of October 13th a terrible homicide was enacted at Virginia City, Nevada, the victim in the case being John Ahern, formerly an engineer at the Gould and Curry mill. He was between 29 and 30 years of age, and a native of County Kerry, Ireland. He came to California in 1862, and soon afterward went to Nevada. He left Virginia City on a visit to the East and Europe about a year and a half ago, and had just returned, having reached Virginia city on the night of the 13th inst., bringing with him a younger brother named Dennis Ahern.

The elder brother, says the Gold Hill News, having many friends and acquaintances in Virginia, introduced the younger, and they went about the city together from one place to another, and drinking pretty freely both became noisy, troublesome and disorderly, especially the younger, Dennis, who although a mere stripling, proclaimed himself a "chief," that he was a "New York fighting man," and all that sort of thing — assertions of extremely doubtful policy in a Washoe community. In fact, both are said to have been drunkenly abusive to many persons wherever they went.

Immediately previous to the homicide, John Ahern was in Doyle & Rainey's saloon on C street, where, it appears that he used some abusive language toward George Swearinger — commonly known as "Black George" — who was present, but with whom he seemed to have no particular cause of difficulty. Walter Winn, the barkeeper, seeing prospects of a row, at once took Ahern out, or put him out, while other parties were holding George. As soon, however, as George could free himself he started out, saying that "no man should call him a son of a bitch and get away with it." He met Ahern just outside the door, on the sidewalk, and a scuffle ensued between them. Dennis Ahern was in the street, a short distance from them, and seeing his brother in a fight, at once ran to his assistance, and struck George a blow with his fist which knocked him down. George immediately sprang to his feet, drew a knife and stabbed John Ahern in the neck, inflicting mortal wounds, and then turned towards the younger brother Dennis, cutting him on the arms in two or three places, inflicting slight wounds. Dennis ran, and by superior fleetness of foot escaped. George, too, now realizing what the consequences of his bloody deed might be, also took to his heels and ran along C street towards the Divide.

On receiving his fatal wound, John Ahern staggered about the sidewalk, bleeding profusely, his jugular vein or its branches being covered, and assisted, he walked into the saloon, where he soon sank dying upon the floor. His brother Dennis, who had returned, took possession of his personal effects in his pockets, consisting of a certificate of deposit on the Bank of California for $1,000, a gold watch and $180 in gold coin. He lived nearly 20 minutes after being stabbed. The only words he was heard to utter were to his brother when he returned to him as he stood bleeding on the sidewalk. He repulsed him with his hand, saying, "Go away."

Officer McCourt started in pursuit of the murderer, and tricked him to Gold Hill, where all further trace was lost. A Coroner's inquest was held October 14th, and the evidence elicited was in accordance with the main points of this sad affair above stated.

Submitted by dja
Aberystwyth Observer, 31 October 1868
A telegram from Cork says that on Saturday severe shocks of earthquake, followed by a loud rumbling noise, were felt at two places near Mallow, in Cork county. It is stated that houses were much shaken, furniture was broken, and the occupants of the houses were greatly terrified. At the time the shocks were felt it was blowing a hurricane. A despatch dated Sunday states that, although the effects of the extraordinary phenomenon were not felt in the immediate vicinity of Cork, the alarm created by the intelligence which reached that city on Saturday afternoon has been intense. The first shock was felt at a place called Newtown, within a few miles of Mallow. Some gentlemen who were hunting near the place at the time have confirmed the report. They state that the shock was followed by a loud rumbling noise and an oscillation of the earth. In other places between Mallow and Kanturk, a distinct shock of earthquake was also felt. Houses were shaken from their foundations, and in some instances the furniture was thrown down and broken. The shock passed from north to south. Reports from other quarters confirm the above particulars.
Submitted by dja

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