Ireland Old News
Newark Daily Advocate LONDON, January 9- Mr. J.G. Shaw Lefevre,
Liberal member for Bradford, addressed a large meeting at Portumna and another
and still larger gathering at Ballinaslee taking for his subject in both cases
the conviction of Mr. Wilfred Blunt. The manner of his conviction, Mr. Lefevre
declared, was simply outrageous. The charge made against him in the county Court
was entirely different from the one made at the time of his arrest and
preliminary hearing, showing conclusively that his prosecutors did not regard
the case against Mr. Blunt as warranting conviction, but being determined to
imprison him, had falsified the records and imposed upon the court. Why, Mr.
Lefevre asked, should Mr. Blunt have been selected for conviction while others
against whom similar charges were or could have been brought were allowed to go
free? The wrongs to which tenantry of Ireland had been subjected for the last
two years, he declared, were directly traceable to Lord Clanricarde and he was
surprised in view of recent disclosures affecting Lord Clanricarde and others
connected with the not very remote administration of Government in Ireland that
the Government should have persisted in the prosecution of Mr. Blunt. No attempt
was made to prevent Mr. Lefevre from speaking and the crowds he addressed were
remarkably orderly. Michael Davitt's Advice. Musicians Arrested. |
Submitted by #I000525
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