New Zealand Tablet, 12 December 1890
Mr. William Ahern, who died at his residence, Dunedin, on Monday last, was a native of the county Cork, Ireland, where he was born in the vicinity of the city bearing the name, in the year 1832. He left Ireland in the year 1855 for Victoria, where he married in 1861, coming a year later to New Zealand, and settling in Dunedin. Mr. Ahern followed the calling of a contractor, and was well-known as such, both in this city and in Auckland. He was held in high esteem by a large circle of friends and acquaintances, among whom his death has been the cause of sincere regret. He leaves a widow and a family of four sons and Mr. William Ahern, who died at his residence, Dunedin, on Monday last, was a native of the county Cork, Ireland, where he was born in the vicinity of the city bearing the name, in the year 1832. He left Ireland in the year 1855 for Victoria, where he married in 1861, coming a year later to New Zealand, and settling in Dunedin. Mr. Ahern followed the calling of a contractor, and was well-known as such, both in this city and in Auckland. He was held in high esteem by a large circle of friends and acquaintances, among whom his death has been the cause of sincere regret. He leaves a widow and a family of four sons and one daughter.—R.l.P.
Submitted by dja

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