Ireland Old News
Newark Daily Advocate Cruel Mode of Revenge
Submitted by #I000525
Irish News. |
Cork—With sincere pleasure we announce that, after
a long and severe illness, Father Davis is decidedly convalescent. He is able to leave his room for a couple
of hours daily, but is not yet permitted to try the open air, much less to resume his arduous duties in
connection with the Fishing School, for which he has done so much. Before long, however, he will be
able to resume his useful labours. His attack was of a most serious character.
An important meeting was held recently at Killavullen for the purpose of starting a butter factory in the district. The meeting was held in the schoolroom, and was large and influential, all the farmers of the district being present. Rev. Richard Ahern presided. The reverend chairman explained the object of the meeting, and the great benefit it would be to the farmers if they bad a butter factory in the district. He bad seen them in other places where they were far from the railway, and they were paying very well. |
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