Ireland Old News

Palo Alto Reporter; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa; Friday, May 29, 1896

     Saturday morning, at 9:25 o'clock Mr. Patrick Joyce passed to his eternal home. For weeks he has hovered on the border land of eternity and when the call came he quietly passed to the other shore. We presume that the real cause of his sickness dates back to the time when he erected the brick block which bears his name. During the erection of the building  he overexerted himself and since that time his health gradually declined. Last June he quit active business and in the early fall he went to Excelsior Springs, Mo., for his health, but received little or no benefit from the trip. After his return home his decline was gradual but sure.
     Mr. Joyce was born at Louisbourg, in the county of Mayo, Ireland, Nov. 16, 1839, and had he lived until his next birthday he would have been 57 years of age. At the age of eighteen years he determined to leave his native land and seek his fortune in America. Accordingly he proceeded to Liverpool and set sail, reaching New York City July 13, 1857, after a voyage of two months. A short time after landing he went to Kentucky, where he resided four years, but returned to New York in 1862 and remained another year. In 1863 he moved to Lansing, Ia., where for several years he was engaged in business. In 1871 he came to Palo Alto county and entered upon a business career at the old town. In the fall of 1874 he moved his business over to the new town and by close attention to business soon built up a large and lucrative trade. In 1890 he erected the large three story brick on the site of his old store, and continued doing business in it until last June, when he retired from active business.
     Mr. Joyce was married to Miss Ellen O'Meara at Lansing, June 21, 1868, and to them has been born four children-two sons, William and Joseph who survive him and two daughters who preceded him to the better land.
     Mr. Joyce was a man who always took an active interest in everything that tended to advance the welfare of Emmetsburg and her citizens, and was always willing to lend a helping hand in every good cause. He served a number of years on the city council and was chosen mayor in 1884. He was strictly honorable in all his dealings with his fellow men, and sought the same integrity in others that he himself possessed. In his death Emmetsburg loses a respected and honored citizen, the community, a kind, neighbor; and the church, an earnest, prayerful citizen.
     The home life of Mr. Joyce was certainly an ideal one, and it was always open to his many friends. His hospitality knew no bounds, and on many an occasion his home was open to the young people, and they always found a hearty welcome from him. His death is a hard blow to his faithful and loving wife and to his two sons who are called upon to mourn the loss of a fond parent.
     The funeral took place Monday morning and was the largest one ever held in the county, there being over 200 teams in the procession. It left the residence at 10 o'clock and was headed by carriages containing 24 of the prominent citizens, who acted as honorary pall bearers. These were followed by the city council and then the A.O.H. in a body, who acted as a guard of honor. The sad procession solemnly wended its way to Assumption church where the services were held. Here in the presence of the large assembly solemn requiem high mass was celebrated, Rev. J.J. Smith as celebrant, assisted by Fathers McInery, Kelly and Costello. The sermon was delivered by Father Carroll, of Ruthven, in a very impressive manner. After the church services the people sadly followed the remains to the cemetery where all that was mortal of Patrick Joyce was laid to rest.

Palo Alto Reporter
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Friday, May 15, 1896


    Mrs. Ellen Tobin, wife of Thos. Tobin, died at their home in this city, Monday evening, at 10 o'clock. The cause of her death was heart failure. For years she had been ailing, and for eight or ten years she and Mr. Tobin have spent the winters in California for the benefit of her health. They spent last winter there as usual in various places in California and returned to this city, Monday, April 11. The first day after getting home Mrs. Tobin was out of doors, but the next day she did not feel well and gradually grew worse until death summoned her hence, Monday evening.
   Mrs. Tobin's maiden name was Ellen Laughlin and she was born in the county Kilkenny, Ireland, in the year 1841, consequently was 54 years old at the time of her demise. In 1847 she came to this country with her father and the balance of the family and settled for short time in Massachusetts, but subsequently moved to Illinois, where they resided for about four years. In 1856 the family moved to Palo Alto, being among the very first settlers of the county, and of course shared with others the privations and hardships incident to pioneer life. In 1860 she was married to Mr. Tobin, the ceremony taking place in Ft. Dodge. The young couple started life together on the farm in Nevada township, but in 1893 Mr. Tobin entered the mercantile business in the old town of Emmetsburg, and when the present town was started moved his business over to its present location, thus making them residents of this city since its beginning.
   Mrs. Tobin was an exemplary woman in many respects. She was quiet and ladylike in her demeanor, always striving to live a conscientious christian life, being a devout member of the Catholic church. She was loved and respected by all who knew her, and her deeds of charity and kindness were proverbial to all but were hampered by failing health. Her death is a severe blow to Mr. Tobin as it deprives him of the companionship of one so dear to him and leaves him to travel down life's pathway along. She also leaves two brothers, Messrs. Lot and John Laughlin, to mourn her loss. The funeral took place Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock from the Catholic church, where solemn requiem high mass was celebrated, Rev. J.J. Smith celebrant assisted by Fathers Costello, Kelly and Carroll. In his remarks Father Smith took occasion to commend Mrs. Tobin for her deeds of love and charity, and said that the beautiful altar in the church dedicated to the blessed Virgin Mary, was the gift of her hand, and that while she had lived she requested him to refrain from making it known to the congregation. At the close of the solemn service the body was laid in its final resting place in St. John's cemetery.


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