"Some men are born lucky," such is the old saying examples of the truth of which are daily coming before our notice. The latest is the accession to wealth and beauty by a Cheswick policeman named Thomas James Macfaline, who, with an Irish lady of aristocratic descent, have become the chief actors in a wedding which was solemnized the other day in a London church. The lady who has made "bobby" happy was Miss Kathleen Badham Thornhill, of Mallow, near Cork. She claims descent from the old Irish kings and possesses a graceful figure and is highly accomplished. Miss Thornhill first saw her husband when the latter was in the act of stopping a runaway steed, and so gallantly did he perform the deed that according to her own statements she fell in love with him on the spot. Notwithstanding the protest of her friends a courtship was entered into and so devoted was the lady that it was no uncommon thing for the policeman to be followed about on his beat by Miss Thornhill in a handsome [sic] cab bearing refreshments. Macfalines happiness was crowned the other day by a union with the object of his affection, and he now has gone with his bride to the latter's family seat in Ireland, where he has become an Irish landlord. |
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